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Melis JM, Siwanowicz I, Dickinson MH.  2024.  Machine learning reveals the control mechanics of an insect wing hinge. Nature. 628(8009):795-803.
Rich P.D, Thiberge S.Y, Scott B.B, Guo C., Tervo D.G, Brody C.D, Karpova A.Y, Daw N.D, Tank D.W.  2024.  Magnetic voluntary head-fixation in transgenic rats enables lifetime imaging of hippocampal neurons. Nat. Commun..
Sanfilippo P, Kim AJ, Bhukel A, Yoo J, Mirshahidi PS, Pandey V, Bevir H, Yuen A, Mirshahidi PS, Guo P et al..  2024.  Mapping of multiple neurotransmitter receptor subtypes and distinct protein complexes to the connectome.. Neuron.
Costa AC, Ahamed T, Jordan D, Stephens GJ.  2024.  A Markovian dynamics for Caenorhabditis elegans behavior across scales. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121:e2318805121.
Mertens TFabian, Liebheit ATabea, Ehl J, Köhler R, Rakhymzhan A, Woehler A, Katthän L, Ebel G, Liublin W, Kasapi A et al..  2024.  MarShie: a clearing protocol for 3D analysis of single cells throughout the bone marrow at subcellular resolution.. Nature Communincations. 15(1):1764.
Skokan TD, Hobmayer B, McKinley KL, Vale RD.  2024.  Mechanical stretch regulates macropinocytosis in Hydra vulgaris.. Molecular Biology of the Cell. :mbcE22020065.
Yarger AM, Maeda M, Siwanowicz I, Kajiyama H, Walker SM, Bomphrey RJ, Lin H-T.  2024.  Mechanosensory representation of wing deformations. bioRxiv.
Wang Z, Wang B, Niu D, Yin C, Bi Y, Cattoglio C, Loh KM, Lavis LD, Ge H, Deng W.  2024.  Mesoscale chromatin confinement facilitates target search of pioneer transcription factors in live cells. bioRxiv.
Coscia SM, Moore AS, Wong YC, Holzbaur ELF.  2024.  Mitochondrially-associated actin waves maintain organelle homeostasis and equitable inheritance.. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 88:102364.
Farrants H, Shuai Y, Lemon WC, Hernandez CMonroy, Zhang D, Yang S, Patel R, Qiao G, Frei MS, Plutkis SE et al..  2024.  A modular chemigenetic calcium indicator for multiplexed in vivo functional imaging.. Nat Methods.
Xu C, Li Z, Lyu C, Hu Y, McLaughlin CN, Wong KKin Lam, Xie Q, Luginbuhl DJ, Li H, Udeshi ND et al..  2024.  Molecular and cellular mechanisms of teneurin signaling in synaptic partner matching.. Cell.
Krasley A, Chakraborty S, Vuković L, Beyene A.  2024.  Molecular Determinants of Optical Modulation in ssDNA-Carbon Nanotube Biosensors: Insights from Experimental and Computational Approaches. ChemRxiv.
Gladkova C, Paez-Segala MG, Grant WP, Myers SA, Wang Y, Vale RD.  2024.  A molecular switch for stress-induced activation of retrograde mitochondrial transport. bioRxiv.
Rahmoon MA, Hobson CM, Aaron JS, Balasubramanian H, Chew T-L.  2024.  More than just 'added value': The perils of not establishing shared core facilities in resource-constrained communities.. Journal of Microscopy.
Rahmoon MA, Hobson CM, Aaron JS, Balasubramanian H, Chew T-L.  2024.  More than just 'added value': The perils of not establishing shared core facilities in resource-constrained communities.. J Microsc.
Obara CJ, Nixon-Abell J, Moore AS, Riccio F, Hoffman DP, Shtengel G, C Xu S, Schaefer K, H Pasolli A, Masson J-B et al..  2024.  Motion of VAPB molecules reveals ER-mitochondria contact site subdomains.. Nature. 626(7997):169-176.
Gorko B, Siwanowicz I, Close K, Christoforou C, Hibbard KL, Kabra M, Lee A, Park J-Y, Li SYing, Chen AB et al..  2024.  Motor neurons generate pose-targeted movements via proprioceptive sculpting.. Nature.
Yuan AXiaoran, Colonell J, Lebedeva A, Charles A, Harris T.  2024.  Multi-day neuron tracking in high-density electrophysiology recordings using earth mover’s distance. eLife.
Wang W, Ruan X, Liu G, Milkie DE, Li W, Betzig E, Upadhyayula S, Gao R.  2024.  Nanoscale volumetric fluorescence imaging via photochemical sectioning. bioRxiv.
Mun J, Navarro N, Jeong S, Ouassil N, Leem E, Beyene AG, Landry MP.  2024.  Near-infrared nanosensors enable optical imaging of oxytocin with selectivity over vasopressin in acute mouse brain slices.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 121(26):e2314795121.
Deister CA, Moore AI, Voigts J, Bechek S, Lichtin R, Brown TC, Moore CI.  2024.  Neocortical inhibitory imbalance predicts successful sensory detection.. Cell Rep. 43(7):114233.
Lillvis JL, Wang K, Shiozaki HM, Xu M, Stern DL, Dickson BJ.  2024.  Nested neural circuits generate distinct acoustic signals during Drosophila courtship. Current Biology. 34(4):808-24.
Smoulder AL, Marino PJ, Oby ER, Snyder SE, Miyata H, Pavlovsky NP, Bishop WE, Yu BM, Chase SM, Batista AP.  2024.  A neural basis of choking under pressure. Neuron.
Dan C, Hulse BK, Kappagantula R, Jayaraman V, Hermundstad AM.  2024.  A neural circuit architecture for rapid learning in goal-directed navigation. Neruron.
Chen C, Niehaus JK, Dinc F, Huang KL, Barnette AL, Tassou A, S Shuster A, Wang L, Lemire A, Menon V et al..  2024.  Neural circuit basis of placebo pain relief.. Nature.