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Aaron JS, Chew T-L.  2018.  Analysis of image similarity and relationship.. Basic Confocal Microscopy. :309-33.
Aaron J, Wait E, DeSantis M, Chew T-L.  2019.  Practical considerations in particle and object tracking and analysis.. Current Protocols in Cell Biology. 83(1):e88.
Aaron J, Chew T-L.  2021.  A guide to accurate reporting in digital image processing - can anyone reproduce your quantitative analysis? Journal of Cell Science. 134(6)
Aaron JS, Taylor AB, Chew T-L.  2019.  The Pearson's correlation coefficient is not a universally superior colocalization metric. Response to 'Quantifying colocalization: the MOC is a hybrid coefficient - an uninformative mix of co-occurrence and correlation'.. Journal of Cell Science. 132(1)
Aaron JS, Taylor AB, Chew T-L.  2018.  Image co-localization - co-occurrence versus correlation.. Journal of Cell Science. 131(3)
Abbott LF, Bock DD, Callaway EM, Denk W, Dulac C, Fairhall AL, Fiete I, Harris KM, Helmstaedter M, Jain V et al..  2020.  The mind of a mouse.. Cell. 182(6):1372-1376.
Abdelfattah AS, Kawashima T, Singh A, Novak O, Liu H, Shuai Y, Huang Y-C, Campagnola L, Seeman SC, Yu J et al..  2019.  Bright and photostable chemigenetic indicators for extended in vivo voltage imaging.. Science. 365(6454):699-704.
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