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Janelia Undergraduate Scholars Summer Poster Session

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Janelia Undergraduate Scholars Summer Poster Session
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Janelia Undergraduate Scholars Summer Poster Session
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Each summer, our Janelia Undergraduate Scholars have the opportunity to present their work to the Janelia community at a poster session. For many of the scholars, this is their first experience formally presenting their research, and a good chance to practice explaining their work to scientists and non-scientists alike.

When planning and creating their posters, scholars receive help from their mentors, their lab coordinators, and Erik Snapp, Janelia’s director of student and postdoctoral programs. Organizing the event and helping the students prepare is something Erik looks forward to every year. “It’s one of the most exciting events of the summer. I’m always surprised at the amount and quality of work our scholars are able to accomplish in just ten weeks,” he said. "To prepare, we get the scholars thinking about poster organization a few weeks in advance. I do a presentation on poster design and Jeanne Fielding, our manager of Library Services, walks the scholars through the capabilities and specifications of our poster printer."

The day of the poster session, the scholars grab coffee and push-pins and get ready to share their science. All kinds of Janelians, from summer high school interns to group leaders, stop by to learn about the science our scholars tackled in their brief but productive time on campus.

Check out some photos of the event below.