JARS regularly organizes seminars, retreats, and social events that are designed to fulfill needs of early career scientists at Janelia.
JARS Seminars
In addition to other scientific and intellectual events on campus, JARS organizes several seminars specifically for the benefit of early career scientists:
Professional Development
JARS hosts a variety of panels, seminars, and workshops. Past and upcoming JARS seminars include:
- What Scientists Can Learn from Designers
- The Faculty Experience at Liberal Arts Colleges
- Successful Networking Strategies
- Training on communication tools like Illustrator and BioRender
- Grant Writing Workshop
- Scientific Writing Workshop
- Performing with Presence
Past and upcoming JARS career information sessions include:
- Careers in Scientific Publishing
- Maximizing the Impact of your Research
- Transitioning from Postdoc to PI
- Bridging the Gap: From Bench to Bedside
Young Scientist Mini Talks
- Practice effectively communicating a single result in a compact format
- Prepare for job talks by getting feedback from the community
Social Events
JARS organizes social events that bring together folks from all parts of Janelia. Social events include a monthly happy hour and an annual retreat. During the legendary monthly happy hour "Jars with JARS", we connect people from different parts at Janelia, communicate updates and gather feedback from the community. The offsite retreat provides students and postdocs the opportunity to present their research in talks and posters, exposes young scientists to the breadth and depth of research at Janelia, and also helps to establish relationships and foster scientific collaborations between scientists that may not occur otherwise. Past retreats were held at Chincoteauge Island, Philadelphia, and Wintergreen Resort, Canaan Valley, and Virden Retreat Center.
Contact JARS
Life on Campus
Janelia offers state-of-the-art athletic facilities, great places to eat and socialize, and a busy calendar of on-campus events.