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52 Publications

Showing 51-52 of 52 results
11/22/24 | Whole-body simulation of realistic fruit fly locomotion with deep reinforcement learning
Vaxenburg R, Siwanowicz I, Merel J, Robie AA, Morrow C, Novati G, Stefanidi Z, Both G, Card GM, Reiser MB, Botvinick MM, Branson KM, Tassa Y, Turaga SC
bioRxiv. 2024 Nov 22:. doi: 10.1101/2024.03.11.584515

The body of an animal influences how the nervous system produces behavior. Therefore, detailed modeling of the neural control of sensorimotor behavior requires a detailed model of the body. Here we contribute an anatomically-detailed biomechanical whole-body model of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster in the MuJoCo physics engine. Our model is general-purpose, enabling the simulation of diverse fly behaviors, both on land and in the air. We demonstrate the generality of our model by simulating realistic locomotion, both flight and walking. To support these behaviors, we have extended MuJoCo with phenomenological models of fluid forces and adhesion forces. Through data-driven end-to-end reinforcement learning, we demonstrate that these advances enable the training of neural network controllers capable of realistic locomotion along complex trajectories based on high-level steering control signals. We demonstrate the use of visual sensors and the re-use of a pre-trained general-purpose flight controller by training the model to perform visually guided flight tasks. Our project is an open-source platform for modeling neural control of sensorimotor behavior in an embodied context.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.

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08/11/15 | Whole-central nervous system functional imaging in larval Drosophila.
Lemon WC, Pulver SR, Höckendorf B, McDole K, Branson KM, Freeman J, Keller PJ
Nature Communications. 2015 Aug 11;6:7924. doi: 10.1038/ncomms8924

Understanding how the brain works in tight concert with the rest of the central nervous system (CNS) hinges upon knowledge of coordinated activity patterns across the whole CNS. We present a method for measuring activity in an entire, non-transparent CNS with high spatiotemporal resolution. We combine a light-sheet microscope capable of simultaneous multi-view imaging at volumetric speeds 25-fold faster than the state-of-the-art, a whole-CNS imaging assay for the isolated Drosophila larval CNS and a computational framework for analysing multi-view, whole-CNS calcium imaging data. We image both brain and ventral nerve cord, covering the entire CNS at 2 or 5 Hz with two- or one-photon excitation, respectively. By mapping network activity during fictive behaviours and quantitatively comparing high-resolution whole-CNS activity maps across individuals, we predict functional connections between CNS regions and reveal neurons in the brain that identify type and temporal state of motor programs executed in the ventral nerve cord.

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