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Lippincott-Schwartz Lab

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On a small scale, we are interested in the interplay between membrane-bound organelles, membrane-less organelles, cytoskeletal structures and metabolism as it relates to the organization and function of organ-specific cell types and their interactions. On a larger scale, we are trying to decipher how complex cellular behaviors characteristic of different cell types arise, including cell crawling, surface polarization, cell-cell fusion, cytokinesis, viral budding and intercellular transfer.

The lab comprises an interdisciplinary, international team with expertise in cell biology, physics, chemistry, mathematical modeling, engineering and computer science. Our research relies heavily on microscopy, including cutting edge fluorescence-based technologies to study questions at different spatial scales. We closely collaborate with other labs and project teams at Janelia.

Interested in joining the lab?

We have opportunities for postdoctoral researchers, PhD students (through the Johns Hopkins / Janelia graduate program, or graduate research fellowship program), and undergraduate students (through the Janelia summer undergraduate program).

For inquiries email: