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Mass Spectrometry

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Support Teams / Mass Spectrometry
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What We Do

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The mass spectrometry department at Janelia provides on campus laboratories with a wide range of analytical capabilities to support their research programs. We are equipped with state-of-the-art LC-MS/MS systems which enables the development and the applications of highly sensitive and advanced mass spectrometry-based methods to further the understanding of neuronal function, synaptic plasticity, and neurological disorders.

We will professionally help to 1) design the project; 2) prepare the samples; 3) adapt, develop and optimize mass spectrometry-based methods; 4) acquire LC-MS/MS data; 5) perform data and statistical analysis.

Services we provide

  • Analyte extraction and protein proteolysis
  • Label free quantitative proteomics
  • Multiplexed quantitative proteomics (TMT, SILAC)
  • Intact protein / antibody characterization
  • PTM & chemical modification characterization
  • Small molecule HRMS analysis
  • Global metabolomics Analysis
  • Global lipidomiccs Analysis
  • Targeted metabolomics/lipidomics analysis


  • Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid mass spectrometry equipped with EASY-nLC and Vanquish Flex UHPLC.
  • Orbitrap Ascend Tribrid mass spectrometry equipped with Vanquish Neo UHPLC.