Representative Publications with data obtained at the facility.
The CryoEM Facility is an HHMI institute wide shared facility with state-of-the-art instrumentation offering services to cover the entire cryoEM workflow.
The facility is one of the first shared cryoEM facilities in the world to serve a large and diverse user base scattered at different geographic locations. It hosts multiple cryo electron microscopes, sample preparation equipment and provides services to the entire Howard Hughes Medical Institute community. For users with cryoEM experiences, we offer high-throughput, high-quality data collection services on user-provided ready-to-image cryo grids. When needed, we also collaborate with labs to cover other aspects of the cryoEM workflow including sample preparation and/or image processing.
"Cryo-EM is having a moment in the spotlight, offering new insights into how crucial biological structures function and potential applications related to viruses, bacterial infection, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes. It’s still early in the game, but the journal Nature called it the “research method of the year” in 2015, and structural biologists are saying it’s kicked off a new era in the field." -- from Tate Williams in The Funders Behind Advanced Microscopes Leading a 'Revolution’ in Biology Research, Inside Philanthropy
This short movie highlights the basic concepts and typical work flow for cryoEM.