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3920 Publications

Showing 3461-3470 of 3920 results
Truman LabRiddiford Lab
07/01/09 | The ecdysone receptor controls the post-critical weight switch to nutrition-independent differentiation in Drosophila wing imaginal discs.
Mirth CK, Truman JW, Riddiford LM
Development. 2009 Jul;136:2345-53. doi: 10.1242/dev.032672

In holometabolous insects, a species-specific size, known as critical weight, needs to be reached for metamorphosis to be initiated in the absence of further nutritional input. Previously, we found that reaching critical weight depends on the insulin-dependent growth of the prothoracic glands (PGs) in Drosophila larvae. Because the PGs produce the molting hormone ecdysone, we hypothesized that ecdysone signaling switches the larva to a nutrition-independent mode of development post-critical weight. Wing discs from pre-critical weight larvae [5 hours after third instar ecdysis (AL3E)] fed on sucrose alone showed suppressed Wingless (WG), Cut (CT) and Senseless (SENS) expression. Post-critical weight, a sucrose-only diet no longer suppressed the expression of these proteins. Feeding larvae that exhibit enhanced insulin signaling in their PGs at 5 hours AL3E on sucrose alone produced wing discs with precocious WG, CT and SENS expression. In addition, knocking down the Ecdysone receptor (EcR) selectively in the discs also promoted premature WG, CUT and SENS expression in the wing discs of sucrose-fed pre-critical weight larvae. EcR is involved in gene activation when ecdysone is present, and gene repression in its absence. Thus, knocking down EcR derepresses genes that are normally repressed by unliganded EcR, thereby allowing wing patterning to progress. In addition, knocking down EcR in the wing discs caused precocious expression of the ecdysone-responsive gene broad. These results suggest that post-critical weight, EcR signaling switches wing discs to a nutrition-independent mode of development via derepression.

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08/01/83 | The effect of chromosomal position on the expression of the Drosophila xanthine dehydrogenase gene.
Spradling AC, Rubin GM
Cell. 1983 Aug;34(1):47-57. doi: 10.1186/gb-2007-8-7-r145

Thirty-six isogenic D. melanogaster strains that differed only in the chromosomal location of a 7.2 or an 8.1 kb DNA segment containing the (autosomal) rosy gene were constructed by P-element-mediated gene transfer. Since the flies were homozygous for a rosy- allele, rosy gene function in these indicated the influence of flanking sequences on gene expression. The tissue distribution of XDH activity in all the strains was normal. Each line exhibited a characteristic level of adult XDH-specific activity. The majority of these values were close to wild-type levels; however, the total variation in specific activity among the lines was nearly fivefold. Thus position effects influence expression of the rosy gene quantitatively but do not detectably alter tissue specificity. X-linked rosy insertions were expressed on average 1.6 times more activity in males than in females. Hence the gene acquires at least partial dosage compensation upon insertion into the X chromosome.

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01/01/98 | The effect of cross-linking on thermal inactivation of cellulases. In stability of stabilization of biocatalyst.
Bilen J, Bakir U, Ballesteros A, Plou F, Iborra J, Hallings P
Progress in Biotechnology:
12/01/12 | The effort to make mosaic analysis a household tool.
Xu T, Rubin GM
Development. 2012 Dec;139(24):4501-3. doi: 10.1242/dev.085183

The analysis of genetic mosaics, in which an animal carries populations of cells with differing genotypes, is a powerful tool for understanding developmental and cell biology. In 1990, we set out to improve the methods used to make genetic mosaics in Drosophila by taking advantage of recently developed approaches for genome engineering. These efforts led to the work described in our 1993 Development paper.

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Cardona Lab
03/01/05 | The embryonic development of the triclad Schmidtea polychroa.
Cardona A, Hartenstein V, Romero R
Development Genes & Evolution. 2005 Mar;215(3):109-31. doi: 10.1007/s00427-004-0455-8

Triclad flatworms are well studied for their regenerative properties, yet little is known about their embryonic development. We here describe the embryonic development of the triclaty 120d Schmidtea polychroa, using histological and immunocytochemical analysis of whole-mount preparations and sections. During early cleavage (stage 1), yolk cells fuse and enclose the zygote into a syncytium. The zygote divides into blastomeres that dissociate and migrate into the syncytium. During stage 2, a subset of blastomeres differentiate into a transient embryonic epidermis that surrounds the yolk syncytium, and an embryonic pharynx. Other blastomeres divide as a scattered population of cells in the syncytium. During stage 3, the embryonic pharynx imbibes external yolk cells and a gastric cavity is formed in the center of the syncytium. The syncytial yolk and the blastomeres contained within it are compressed into a thin peripheral rind. From a location close to the embryonic pharynx, which defines the posterior pole, bilaterally symmetric ventral nerve cord pioneers extend forward. Stage 4 is characterized by massive proliferation of embryonic cells. Large yolk-filled cells lining the syncytium form the gastrodermis. During stage 5 the external syncytial yolk mantle is resorbed and the embryonic cells contained within differentiate into an irregular scaffold of muscle and nerve cells. Epidermal cells differentiate and replace the transient embryonic epidermis. Through stages 6-8, the embryo adopts its worm-like shape, and loosely scattered populations of differentiating cells consolidate into structurally defined organs. Our analysis reveals a picture of S. polychroa embryogenesis that resembles the morphogenetic events underlying regeneration.

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Rubin LabReiser LabFly Functional Connectome
04/05/17 | The emergence of directional selectivity in the visual motion pathway of Drosophila.
Strother JA, Wu S, Wong AM, Nern A, Rogers EM, Le JQ, Rubin GM, Reiser MB
Neuron. 2017 Apr 05;94(1):168-182.e10. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.03.010

The perception of visual motion is critical for animal navigation, and flies are a prominent model system for exploring this neural computation. In Drosophila, the T4 cells of the medulla are directionally selective and necessary for ON motion behavioral responses. To examine the emergence of directional selectivity, we developed genetic driver lines for the neuron types with the most synapses onto T4 cells. Using calcium imaging, we found that these neuron types are not directionally selective and that selectivity arises in the T4 dendrites. By silencing each input neuron type, we identified which neurons are necessary for T4 directional selectivity and ON motion behavioral responses. We then determined the sign of the connections between these neurons and T4 cells using neuronal photoactivation. Our results indicate a computational architecture for motion detection that is a hybrid of classic theoretical models.

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04/08/13 | The ENCODE project: missteps overshadowing a success.
Eddy SR
Current Biology. 2013 Apr 8;23(7):R259-61. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2013.03.023

Two clichés of science journalism have now played out around the ENCODE project. ENCODE’s publicity first presented a misleading "all the textbooks are wrong" narrative about noncoding human DNA. Now several critiques of ENCODE’s narrative have been published, and one was so vitriolic that it fueled "undignified academic squabble" stories that focused on tone more than substance. Neither story line does justice to our actual understanding of genomes, to ENCODE’s results, or to the role of big science in biology.

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07/24/18 | The ESCRT-III protein CHMP1A mediates secretion of sonic hedgehog on a distinctive subtype of extracellular vesicles.
Coulter ME, Dorobantu CM, Lodewijk GA, Delalande F, Cianferani S, Ganesh VS, Smith RS, Lim ET, Xu CS, Pang S, Wong ET, Lidov HG, Calicchio ML, Yang E, Gonzalez DM, Schlaeger TM, Mochida GH, Hess H, Lee WA, Lehtinen MK, Kirchhausen T, Haussler D, Jacobs FM, Gaudin R, Walsh CA
Cell Reports. 2018 Jul 24;24(4):973-986.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.06.100

Endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) complex proteins regulate biogenesis and release of extracellular vesicles (EVs), which enable cell-to-cell communication in the nervous system essential for development and adult function. We recently showed human loss-of-function (LOF) mutations in ESCRT-III member CHMP1A cause autosomal recessive microcephaly with pontocerebellar hypoplasia, but its mechanism was unclear. Here, we show Chmp1a is required for progenitor proliferation in mouse cortex and cerebellum and progenitor maintenance in human cerebral organoids. In Chmp1a null mice, this defect is associated with impaired sonic hedgehog (Shh) secretion and intraluminal vesicle (ILV) formation in multivesicular bodies (MVBs). Furthermore, we show CHMP1A is important for release of an EV subtype that contains AXL, RAB18, and TMED10 (ART) and SHH. Our findings show CHMP1A loss impairs secretion of SHH on ART-EVs, providing molecular mechanistic insights into the role of ESCRT proteins and EVs in the brain.

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06/01/09 | The ethomics era?
Reiser M
Nature Methods. 2009 Jun;6:413-4. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.06.072

Applying modern machine-vision techniques to the study of animal behavior, two groups developed systems that quantify many aspects of the complex social behaviors of Drosophila melanogaster. These software tools will enable high-throughput screens that seek to uncover the cellular and molecular underpinnings of behavior.

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12/01/20 | The evolution of a cell biologist.
Lippincott-Schwartz J
Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2020 Dec 01;31(25):2763-2767. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E20-09-0603

I am honored and humbled to receive the E. B. Wilson Medal and happy to share some reflections on my journey as a cell biologist. It took me a while to realize that my interest in biology would center on how cells are spatially and dynamically organized. From an initial fascination with cellular structures I came to appreciate that cells exhibit dynamism across all scales-from their molecules, to molecular complexes, to organelles. Uncovering the principles of this dynamism, including new ways to observe and quantify it, has been the guiding star of my work.

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