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3920 Publications

Showing 541-550 of 3920 results
04/11/19 | Automated reconstruction of a serial-section EM drosophila brain with flood-filling networks and local realignment.
Peter H. Li , Larry F. Lindsey , Michał Januszewski , Zhihao Zheng , Alexander Shakeel Bates , István Taisz , Mike Tyka , Matthew Nichols , Feng Li , Eric Perlman , Jeremy Maitin-Shepard , Tim Blakely , Laramie Leavitt , Gregory S.X.E. Jefferis , Davi Bock , Viren Jain
bioRxiv. 2019 Apr 11:. doi: 10.1101/605634

Reconstruction of neural circuitry at single-synapse resolution is an attractive target for improving understanding of the nervous system in health and disease. Serial section transmission electron microscopy (ssTEM) is among the most prolific imaging methods employed in pursuit of such reconstructions. We demonstrate how Flood-Filling Networks (FFNs) can be used to computationally segment a forty-teravoxel whole-brain Drosophila ssTEM volume. To compensate for data irregularities and imperfect global alignment, FFNs were combined with procedures that locally re-align serial sections and dynamically adjust image content. The proposed approach produced a largely merger-free segmentation of the entire ssTEM Drosophila brain, which we make freely available. As compared to manual tracing using an efficient skeletonization strategy, the segmentation enabled circuit reconstruction and analysis workflows that were an order of magnitude faster.

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05/06/11 | Automated reconstruction of neuronal morphology based on local geometrical and global structural models.
Zhao T, Xie J, Amat F, Clack N, Ahammad P, Peng H, Long F, Myers E
Neuroinformatics. 2011 May 6;9(2-3):247-61. doi: 10.1007/s12021-011-9120-3

Digital reconstruction of neurons from microscope images is an important and challenging problem in neuroscience. In this paper, we propose a model-based method to tackle this problem. We first formulate a model structure, then develop an algorithm for computing it by carefully taking into account morphological characteristics of neurons, as well as the image properties under typical imaging protocols. The method has been tested on the data sets used in the DIADEM competition and produced promising results for four out of the five data sets.

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01/01/23 | Automated reconstruction of whole-embryo cell lineages by learning from sparse annotations.
Malin-Mayor C, Hirsch P, Guignard L, McDole K, Wan Y, Lemon WC, Kainmueller D, Keller PJ, Preibisch S, Funke J
Nature Biotechnology. 2023 Jan 01;41(1):44-49. doi: 10.1038/s41587-022-01427-7

We present a method to automatically identify and track nuclei in time-lapse microscopy recordings of entire developing embryos. The method combines deep learning and global optimization. On a mouse dataset, it reconstructs 75.8% of cell lineages spanning 1 h, as compared to 31.8% for the competing method. Our approach improves understanding of where and when cell fate decisions are made in developing embryos, tissues, and organs.

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09/05/22 | Automated reconstruction of whole-embryo cell lineages by learning from sparse annotations.
Malin-Mayor C, Hirsch P, Guignard L, McDole K, Wan Y, Lemon WC, Kainmueller D, Keller PJ, Preibisch S, Funke J
Nature Biotechnology. 2022 Sep 05:. doi: 10.1038/s41587-022-01427-7

We present a method to automatically identify and track nuclei in time-lapse microscopy recordings of entire developing embryos. The method combines deep learning and global optimization. On a mouse dataset, it reconstructs 75.8% of cell lineages spanning 1 h, as compared to 31.8% for the competing method. Our approach improves understanding of where and when cell fate decisions are made in developing embryos, tissues, and organs.

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06/15/10 | Automated tracking and analysis of centrosomes in early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos.
Jaensch S, Decker M, Hyman AA, Myers EW
Bioinformatics. 2010 Jun 15;26(12):i13-20. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btq190

The centrosome is a dynamic structure in animal cells that serves as a microtubule organizing center during mitosis and also regulates cell-cycle progression and sets polarity cues. Automated and reliable tracking of centrosomes is essential for genetic screens that study the process of centrosome assembly and maturation in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.

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Svoboda Lab
07/01/12 | Automated tracking of whiskers in videos of head fixed rodents.
Clack NG, O’Connor DH, Huber D, Petreanu L, Hires A, Peron S, Svoboda K, Myers EW
PLoS Computational Biology. 2012 Jul;8:e1002591. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002591

We have developed software for fully automated tracking of vibrissae (whiskers) in high-speed videos (>500 Hz) of head-fixed, behaving rodents trimmed to a single row of whiskers. Performance was assessed against a manually curated dataset consisting of 1.32 million video frames comprising 4.5 million whisker traces. The current implementation detects whiskers with a recall of 99.998% and identifies individual whiskers with 99.997% accuracy. The average processing rate for these images was 8 Mpx/s/cpu (2.6 GHz Intel Core2, 2 GB RAM). This translates to 35 processed frames per second for a 640 px×352 px video of 4 whiskers. The speed and accuracy achieved enables quantitative behavioral studies where the analysis of millions of video frames is required. We used the software to analyze the evolving whisking strategies as mice learned a whisker-based detection task over the course of 6 days (8148 trials, 25 million frames) and measure the forces at the sensory follicle that most underlie haptic perception.

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01/01/11 | Automatic 3D neuron tracing using all-paths pruning.
Long F, Peng H, Myers E
Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology. 2011:

Motivation: Digital reconstruction, or tracing, of 3D neuron structures is critical toward reverse engineering the wiring and functions of a brain. However, despite a number of existing studies, this task is still challenging, especially when a 3D microscopic image has low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and fragmented neuron segments. Published work can handle these hard situations only by introducing global prior information, such as where a neurite segment starts and terminates. However, manual incorporation of such global information can be very time consuming. Thus, a completely automatic approach for these hard situations is highly desirable.

Results: We have developed an automatic graph algorithm, called the all-path pruning (APP), to trace the 3D structure of a neuron. To avoid potential mis-tracing of some parts of a neuron, an APP first produces an initial over-reconstruction, by tracing the optimal geodesic shortest path from the seed location to every possible destination voxel/pixel location in the image. Since the initial reconstruction contains all the possible paths and thus could contain redundant structural components (SC), we simplify the entire reconstruction without compromising its connectedness by pruning the redundant structural elements, using a new maximal-covering minimal-redundant (MCMR) subgraph algorithm. We show that MCMR has a linear computational complexity and will converge. We examined the performance of our method using challenging 3D neuronal image datasets of model organisms (e.g. fruit fly).

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Chklovskii LabFlyEM
08/06/15 | Automatic adaptation to fast input changes in a time-invariant neural circuit.
Bharioke A, Chklovskii DB
PLoS Computational Biology. 2015 Aug 6;11(8):e1004315. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004315
Kainmueller Lab
10/01/12 | Automatic detection and classification of teeth in CT data.
Duy NT, Lamecker H, Kainmueller D, Zachow S
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. 2012;15(Pt 1):609-16

We propose a fully automatic method for tooth detection and classification in CT or cone-beam CT image data. First we compute an accurate segmentation of the maxilla bone. Based on this segmentation, our method computes a complete and optimal separation of the row of teeth into 16 subregions and classifies the resulting regions as existing or missing teeth. This serves as a prerequisite for further individual tooth segmentation. We show the robustness of our approach by providing extensive validation on 43 clinical head CT scans.

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07/01/21 | Automatic Detection of Synaptic Partners in a Whole-Brain Drosophila EM Dataset
Buhmann J, Sheridan A, Gerhard S, Krause R, Nguyen T, Heinrich L, Schlegel P, Lee WA, Wilson R, Saalfeld S, Jefferis G, Bock D, Turaga S, Cook M, Funke J
Nature Methods. 2021 Jul 1;18(7):771-4. doi: 10.1038/s41592-021-01183-7

The study of neural circuits requires the reconstruction of neurons and the identification of synaptic connections between them. To scale the reconstruction to the size of whole-brain datasets, semi-automatic methods are needed to solve those tasks. Here, we present an automatic method for synaptic partner identification in insect brains, which uses convolutional neural networks to identify post-synaptic sites and their pre-synaptic partners. The networks can be trained from human generated point annotations alone and requires only simple post-processing to obtain final predictions. We used our method to extract 244 million putative synaptic partners in the fifty-teravoxel full adult fly brain (FAFB) electron microscopy (EM) dataset and evaluated its accuracy on 146,643 synapses from 702 neurons with a total cable length of 312 mm in four different brain regions. The predicted synaptic connections can be used together with a neuron segmentation to infer a connectivity graph with high accuracy: 96% of edges between connected neurons are correctly classified as weakly connected (less than five synapses) and strongly connected (at least five synapses). Our synaptic partner predictions for the FAFB dataset are publicly available, together with a query library allowing automatic retrieval of up- and downstream neurons.

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