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3920 Publications

Showing 741-750 of 3920 results
10/24/16 | Central brain circuitry for color-vision-modulated behaviors.
Longden KD
Current Biology : CB. 2016 Oct 24;26(20):R981-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.07.071

Color is famous for not existing in the external world: our brains create the perception of color from the spatial and temporal patterns of the wavelength and intensity of light. For an intangible quality, we have detailed knowledge of its origins and consequences. Much is known about the organization and evolution of the first phases of color processing, the filtering of light in the eye and processing in the retina, and about the final phases, the roles of color in behavior and natural selection. To understand how color processing in the central brain has evolved, we need well-defined pathways or circuitry where we can gauge how color contributes to the computations involved in specific behaviors. Examples of such pathways or circuitry that are dedicated to processing color cues are rare, despite the separation of color and luminance pathways early in the visual system of many species, and despite the traditional definition of color as being independent of luminance. This minireview presents examples in which color vision contributes to behaviors dominated by other visual modalities, examples that are not part of the canon of color vision circuitry. The pathways and circuitry process a range of chromatic properties of objects and their illumination, and are taken from a variety of species. By considering how color processing complements luminance processing, rather than being independent of it, we gain an additional way to account for the diversity of color coding in the central brain, its consequences for specific behaviors and ultimately the evolution of color vision.

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Baker Lab
07/02/14 | Central brain neurons expressing doublesex regulate female receptivity in Drosophila.
Zhou C, Pan Y, Robinett CC, Meissner GW, Baker BS
Neuron. 2014 Jul 2;83(1):149-63. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2014.05.038

Drosophila melanogaster females respond to male courtship by either rejecting the male or allowing copulation. The neural mechanisms underlying these female behaviors likely involve the integration of sensory information in the brain. Because doublesex (dsx) controls other aspects of female differentiation, we asked whether dsx-expressing neurons mediate virgin female receptivity to courting males. Using intersectional techniques to manipulate the activities of defined subsets of dsx-expressing neurons, we found that activation of neurons in either the pCd or pC1 clusters promotes receptivity, while silencing these neurons makes females unreceptive. Furthermore, pCd and pC1 neurons physiologically respond to the male-specific pheromone cis-vaccenyl acetate (cVA), while pC1 neurons also respond to male courtship song. The pCd and pC1 neurons expressing dsx in females do not express transcripts from the fruitless (fru) P1 promoter. Thus, virgin female receptivity is controlled at least in part by neurons that are distinct from those governing male courtship.

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Jayaraman LabBaker Lab
09/21/15 | Central neural circuitry mediating courtship song perception in male Drosophila.
Zhou C, Franconville R, Vaughan AG, Robinett CC, Jayaraman V, Baker BS
eLife. 2015 Sep 21;4:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.08477

Animals use acoustic signals across a variety of social behaviors, particularly courtship. In Drosophila, song is detected by antennal mechanosensory neurons and further processed by second-order aPN1/aLN(al) neurons. However, little is known about the central pathways mediating courtship hearing. In this study, we identified a male-specific pathway for courtship hearing via third-order ventrolateral protocerebrum Projection Neuron 1 (vPN1) neurons and fourth-order pC1 neurons. Genetic inactivation of vPN1 or pC1 disrupts song-induced male-chaining behavior. Calcium imaging reveals that vPN1 responds preferentially to pulse song with long inter-pulse intervals (IPIs), while pC1 responses to pulse song closely match the behavioral chaining responses at different IPIs. Moreover, genetic activation of either vPN1 or pC1 induced courtship chaining, mimicking the behavioral response to song. These results outline the aPN1-vPN1-pC1 pathway as a labeled line for the processing and transformation of courtship song in males.

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12/02/20 | Central processing of leg proprioception in Drosophila.
Agrawal S, Dickinson ES, Sustar A, Gurung P, Shepherd D, Truman JW, Tuthill JC
eLife. 2020 Dec 02;9:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.60299

Proprioception, the sense of self-movement and position, is mediated by mechanosensory neurons that detect diverse features of body kinematics. Although proprioceptive feedback is crucial for accurate motor control, little is known about how downstream circuits transform limb sensory information to guide motor output. Here, we investigate neural circuits in that process proprioceptive information from the fly leg. We identify three cell-types from distinct developmental lineages that are positioned to receive input from proprioceptor subtypes encoding tibia position, movement, and vibration. 13Bα neurons encode femur-tibia joint angle and mediate postural changes in tibia position. 9Aα neurons also drive changes in leg posture, but encode a combination of directional movement, high frequency vibration, and joint angle. Activating 10Bα neurons, which encode tibia vibration at specific joint angles, elicits pausing in walking flies. Altogether, our results reveal that central circuits integrate information across proprioceptor subtypes to construct complex sensorimotor representations that mediate diverse behaviors, including reflexive control of limb posture and detection of leg vibration.

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04/14/17 | Centrioles initiate cilia assembly but are dispensable for maturation and maintenance in C. elegans
Serwas D, Su TY, Roessler M, Wang S, Dammermann A
Journal of Cell Biology. 04/2017;216:1659-1671. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201610070

Cilia are cellular projections that assemble on centriole-derived basal bodies. While cilia assembly is absolutely dependent on centrioles, it is not known to what extent they contribute to downstream events. The nematode C. elegans provides a unique opportunity to address this question, as centrioles do not persist at the base of mature cilia. Using fluorescence microscopy and electron tomography, we find that centrioles degenerate early during ciliogenesis. The transition zone and axoneme are not completely formed at this time, indicating that cilia maturation does not depend on intact centrioles. The hydrolethalus syndrome protein HYLS-1 is the only centriolar protein known to remain at the base of mature cilia and is required for intraflagellar transport trafficking. Surprisingly, targeted degradation of HYLS-1 after initiation of ciliogenesis does not affect ciliary structures. Taken together, our results indicate that while centrioles are essential to initiate cilia formation, they are dispensable for cilia maturation and maintenance.

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08/13/18 | Cerebellar involvement in an evidence-accumulation decision-making task
Deverett B, Koay SA, Oostland M, Wang SS
eLife. 08/2018;7:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.36781

To make successful evidence-based decisions, the brain must rapidly and accurately transform sensory inputs into specific goal-directed behaviors. Most experimental work on this subject has focused on forebrain mechanisms. Using a novel evidence-accumulation task for mice, we performed recording and perturbation studies of crus I of the lateral posterior cerebellum, which communicates bidirectionally with numerous forebrain regions. Cerebellar inactivation led to a reduction in the fraction of correct trials. Using two-photon fluorescence imaging of calcium, we found that Purkinje cell somatic activity contained choice/evidence-related information. Decision errors were represented by dendritic calcium spikes, which in other contexts are known to drive cerebellar plasticity. We propose that cerebellar circuitry may contribute to computations that support accurate performance in this perceptual decision-making task.

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07/01/13 | Challenges in homology search: HMMER3 and convergent evolution of coiled-coil regions.
Mistry J, Finn RD, Eddy SR, Bateman A, Punta M
Nucleic Acids Research. 2013 Jul;41(12):e121. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt263

Detection of protein homology via sequence similarity has important applications in biology, from protein structure and function prediction to reconstruction of phylogenies. Although current methods for aligning protein sequences are powerful, challenges remain, including problems with homologous overextension of alignments and with regions under convergent evolution. Here, we test the ability of the profile hidden Markov model method HMMER3 to correctly assign homologous sequences to >13,000 manually curated families from the Pfam database. We identify problem families using protein regions that match two or more Pfam families not currently annotated as related in Pfam. We find that HMMER3 E-value estimates seem to be less accurate for families that feature periodic patterns of compositional bias, such as the ones typically observed in coiled-coils. These results support the continued use of manually curated inclusion thresholds in the Pfam database, especially on the subset of families that have been identified as problematic in experiments such as these. They also highlight the need for developing new methods that can correct for this particular type of compositional bias.

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Magee Lab
09/01/04 | Changes in AMPA receptor currents following LTP induction on rat CA1 pyramidal neurones.
Andrasfalvy BK, Magee JC
The Journal of Physiology. 2004 Sep 1;559(Pt 2):543-54. doi: 10.1002/cbic.201000254

In the CA1 region of the hippocampus, LTP is thought to be initiated by a transient activation of NMDA receptors and is expressed as a persistent increase in synaptic transmission through AMPA receptors. To investigate the postsynaptic modifications of AMPA receptors involved in this enhanced synaptic transmission, the channel density and single-channel properties of extrasynaptic AMPA receptors located in synaptically active dendritic regions were examined following the induction of LTP. Following tetanic stimulation an outside-out patch was excised from the apical dendrite near the point of stimulation and saturating concentrations of glutamate were rapidly applied to the patch. AMPA current amplitude and duration were increased significantly in patches pulled from dendrites that expressed LTP. Non-stationary fluctuation analysis of AMPA currents indicated that AMPA channel number was nearly twofold larger than in controls, while single channel conductance and maximum open-probability were unchanged. Furthermore, while subtle changes in AMPA channel kinetics could also be observed, we did not find any evidence that receptor affinity or rectification properties were altered by LTP induction. Very similar results were found when CaMK-II activity was increased through the intracellular application of Ca/CaM. Together, we interpret our data to indicate that the stimuli used here produce an increased delivery of AMPA receptors to synaptically active regions of the apical dendrite without inducing any significant changes in their basic biophysical properties and that such delivery is a key element in this form of synaptic plasticity.

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07/08/19 | Changes throughout a genetic network mask the contribution of Hox gene evolution.
Liu Y, Ramos-Womack M, Han C, Reilly P, Brackett KL, Rogers W, Williams TM, Andolfatto P, Stern DL, Rebeiz M
Current Biology. 2019 Jul 08;29(13):2157-66. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.05.074

Hox genes pattern the anterior-posterior axis of animals and are posited to drive animal body plan evolution, yet their precise role in evolution has been difficult to determine. Here, we identified evolutionary modifications in the Hox gene Abd-Bthat dramatically altered its expression along the body plan of Drosophila santomeaAbd-B is required for pigmentation in Drosophila yakuba, the sister species of D. santomea, and changes to Abd-B expression would be predicted to make large contributions to the loss of body pigmentation in D. santomea. However, manipulating Abd-B expression in current-day D. santomea does not affect pigmentation. We attribute this epistatic interaction to four other genes within the D. santomea pigmentation network, three of which have evolved expression patterns that do not respond to Abd-B. Our results demonstrate how body plans may evolve through small evolutionary steps distributed throughout Hox-regulated networks. Polygenicity and epistasis may hinder efforts to identify genes and mechanisms underlying macroevolutionary traits.

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11/15/22 | Channel-independent function of UNC-9/Innexin in spatial arrangement of GABAergic synapses in .
Hendi A, Niu L, Snow AW, Ikegami R, Wang Z, Mizumoto K
eLife. 2022 Nov 15;11:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.80555

Precise synaptic connection of neurons with their targets is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. A plethora of signaling pathways act in concert to mediate the precise spatial arrangement of synaptic connections. Here we show a novel role for a gap junction protein in controlling tiled synaptic arrangement in the GABAergic motor neurons in , in which their axons and synapses overlap minimally with their neighboring neurons within the same class. We found that while EGL-20/Wnt controls axonal tiling, their presynaptic tiling is mediated by a gap junction protein UNC-9/Innexin, that is localized at the presynaptic tiling border between neighboring dorsal D-type GABAergic motor neurons. Strikingly, the gap junction channel activity of UNC-9 is dispensable for its function in controlling tiled presynaptic patterning. While gap junctions are crucial for the proper functioning of the nervous system as channels, our finding uncovered the novel channel-independent role of UNC-9 in synapse patterning.

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