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3920 Publications

Showing 291-300 of 3920 results
Magee Lab
03/01/06 | A systematic model to predict transcriptional regulatory mechanisms based on overrepresentation of transcription factor binding profiles.
Chang L, Nagarajan R, Magee JA, Milbrandt J, Stormo GD
Genome Research. 2006 Mar;16(3):405-13. doi: 10.1002/cbic.201000254

An important aspect of understanding a biological pathway is to delineate the transcriptional regulatory mechanisms of the genes involved. Two important tasks are often encountered when studying transcription regulation, i.e., (1) the identification of common transcriptional regulators of a set of coexpressed genes; (2) the identification of genes that are regulated by one or several transcription factors. In this study, a systematic and statistical approach was taken to accomplish these tasks by establishing an integrated model considering all of the promoters and characterized transcription factors (TFs) in the genome. A promoter analysis pipeline (PAP) was developed to implement this approach. PAP was tested using coregulated gene clusters collected from the literature. In most test cases, PAP identified the transcription regulators of the input genes accurately. When compared with chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment data, PAP’s predictions are consistent with the experimental observations. When PAP was used to analyze one published expression-profiling data set and two novel coregulated gene sets, PAP was able to generate biologically meaningful hypotheses. Therefore, by taking a systematic approach of considering all promoters and characterized TFs in our model, we were able to make more reliable predictions about the regulation of gene expression in mammalian organisms.

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09/09/20 | A systematic nomenclature for the Drosophila ventral nerve cord.
Court R, Namiki S, Armstrong JD, Borner J, Card G, Costa M, Dickinson M, Duch C, Korff W, Mann R, Merritt D, Murphey RK, Seeds AM, Shirangi T, Simpson JH, Truman JW, Tuthill JC, Williams DW, Shepherd D
Neuron. 2020 Sep 14;107(6):1071-79. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.08.005

Drosophila melanogaster is an established model for neuroscience research with relevance in biology and medicine. Until recently, research on the Drosophila brain was hindered by the lack of a complete and uniform nomenclature. Recognizing this, Ito et al. (2014) produced an authoritative nomenclature for the adult insect brain, using Drosophila as the reference. Here, we extend this nomenclature to the adult thoracic and abdominal neuromeres, the ventral nerve cord (VNC), to provide an anatomical description of this major component of the Drosophila nervous system. The VNC is the locus for the reception and integration of sensory information and involved in generating most of the locomotor actions that underlie fly behaviors. The aim is to create a nomenclature, definitions, and spatial boundaries for the Drosophila VNC that are consistent with other insects. The work establishes an anatomical framework that provides a powerful tool for analyzing the functional organization of the VNC.

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04/26/17 | A systematic nomenclature for the Drosophila ventral nervous system.
Court RC, Armstrong JD, Borner J, Card GM, Costa M, Dickinson MH, Duch C, Korff W, Mann RS, Merritt D, Murphey RK, Namiki S, Seeds AM, Shepherd D, Shirangi TR, Simpson JH, Truman JW, Tuthill JC, Williams DW
bioRxiv. 2017 Apr 26:. doi: 10.1101/122952

Insect nervous systems are proven and powerful model systems for neuroscience research with wide relevance in biology and medicine. However, descriptions of insect brains have suffered from a lack of a complete and uniform nomenclature. Recognising this problem the Insect Brain Name Working Group produced the first agreed hierarchical nomenclature system for the adult insect brain, using Drosophila melanogaster as the reference framework, with other insect taxa considered to ensure greater consistency and expandability (Ito et al., 2014). Ito et al. (2014) purposely focused on the gnathal regions that account for approximately 50% of the adult CNS. We extend this nomenclature system to the sub-gnathal regions of the adult Drosophila nervous system to provide a nomenclature of the so-called ventral nervous system (VNS), which includes the thoracic and abdominal neuromeres that was not included in the original work and contains the neurons that play critical roles underpinning most fly behaviours.

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Simpson LabRubin Lab
02/19/14 | A systematic nomenclature for the insect brain.
Ito K, Shinomiya K, Ito M, Armstrong JD, Boyan G, Hartenstein V, Harzsch S, Heisenberg M, Homberg U, Jenett A, Keshishian H, Restifo LL, Rössler W, Simpson JH, Strausfeld NJ, Strauss R, Vosshall LB
Neuron. 2014 Feb 19;81:755-65. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2013.12.017

Despite the importance of the insect nervous system for functional and developmental neuroscience, descriptions of insect brains have suffered from a lack of uniform nomenclature. Ambiguous definitions of brain regions and fiber bundles have contributed to the variation of names used to describe the same structure. The lack of clearly determined neuropil boundaries has made it difficult to document precise locations of neuronal projections for connectomics study. To address such issues, a consortium of neurobiologists studying arthropod brains, the Insect Brain Name Working Group, has established the present hierarchical nomenclature system, using the brain of Drosophila melanogaster as the reference framework, while taking the brains of other taxa into careful consideration for maximum consistency and expandability. The following summarizes the consortium’s nomenclature system and highlights examples of existing ambiguities and remedies for them. This nomenclature is intended to serve as a standard of reference for the study of the brain of Drosophila and other insects.

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10/15/03 | A test bed for insect-inspired robotic control.
Reiser MB, Dickinson MH
Philosophical Transactions. Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences. 2003 Oct 15;361(1811):2267-85. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.06.072

Flying insects are remarkable examples of sophisticated sensory-motor control systems. Insects have solved the fundamental challenge facing the field of mobile robots: robust sensory-motor mapping. Control models based on insects can contribute much to the design of robotic control systems. We present our work on a preliminary robotic control system inspired by current behavioural and physiological models of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. We designed a five-degrees-of-freedom robotic system that serves as a novel simulation/mobile robot hybrid. This design has allowed us to implement a fly-inspired control system that uses visual and mechanosensory feedback. Our results suggest that a simple control scheme can yield surprisingly robust fly-like robotic behaviour.

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12/01/94 | A test of geometric hypotheses for soldier investment patterns in the gall producing tropical aphidCerataphis fransseni (Homoptera, Hormaphididae)
D. L. Stern , S. Aoki , U. Kurosu
Insectes sociaux;41(4):457-460. doi: 10.1007/BF01240648

The gall-forming aphidCerataphis fransseni produces soldiers that defend against predators. Soldiers are produced soon after colony foundation and the number of soldiers increases nonlinearly during colony growth. The number of soldiers scales to the square-root of the number of non-soldiers and linearly to the surface area of the gall. This suggests that soldiers are produced to defend an area, for example the perimeter of the colony or the surface of the gall, rather than individual aphids.

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Singer Lab
08/21/15 | A three-camera imaging microscope for high-speed single-molecule tracking and super-resolution imaging in living cells.
English BP, Singer RH
Proceedings of SPIE. 2015 Aug 21;9550:955008 . doi: 10.1117/12.2190246

Our aim is to develop quantitative single-molecule assays to study when and where molecules are interacting inside living cells and where enzymes are active. To this end we present a three-camera imaging microscope for fast tracking of multiple interacting molecules simultaneously, with high spatiotemporal resolution. The system was designed around an ASI RAMM frame using three separate tube lenses and custom multi-band dichroics to allow for enhanced detection efficiency. The frame times of the three Andor iXon Ultra EMCCD cameras are hardware synchronized to the laser excitation pulses of the three excitation lasers, such that the fluorophores are effectively immobilized during frame acquisitions and do not yield detections that are motion-blurred. Stroboscopic illumination allows robust detection from even rapidly moving molecules while minimizing bleaching, and since snapshots can be spaced out with varying time intervals, stroboscopic illumination enables a direct comparison to be made between fast and slow molecules under identical light dosage. We have developed algorithms that accurately track and co-localize multiple interacting biomolecules. The three-color microscope combined with our co-movement algorithms have made it possible for instance to simultaneously image and track how the chromosome environment affects diffusion kinetics or determine how mRNAs diffuse during translation. Such multiplexed single-molecule measurements at a high spatiotemporal resolution inside living cells will provide a major tool for testing models relating molecular architecture and biological dynamics.

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Looger Lab
12/01/16 | A timecourse analysis of systemic and gonadal effects of temperature on sexual development of the red-eared slider turtle Trachemys scripta elegans.
Czerwinski M, Natarajan A, Barske L, Looger LL, Capel B
Developmental Biology. 2016 Dec 1 ;420(1):166-77. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2016.09.018

Temperature dependent sex determination (TSD) is the process by which the environmental temperature experienced during embryogenesis influences the sex of an organism, as in the red-eared slider turtle Trachemys scripta elegans. In accord with current paradigms of vertebrate sex determination, temperature is believed to exert its effects on sexual development in T. scripta entirely within the middle third of development, when the gonad is forming. However, whether temperature regulates the transcriptome in T. scripta early embryos in a manner that could influence secondary sex characteristics or establish a pro-male or pro-female environment has not been investigated. In addition, apart from a handful of candidate genes, very little is known about potential similarities between the expression cascade during TSD and the genetic cascade that drives mammalian sex determination. Here, we conducted an unbiased transcriptome-wide analysis of the effects of male- and female-promoting temperatures on the turtle embryo prior to gonad formation, and on the gonad during the temperature sensitive period. We found sexually dimorphic expression reflecting differences in steroidogenic enzymes and brain development prior to gonad formation. Within the gonad, we mapped a cascade of differential expression similar to the genetic cascade established in mammals. Using a Hidden Markov Model based clustering approach, we identified groups of genes that show heterochronic shifts between M. musculus and T. scripta. We propose a model in which multiple factors influenced by temperature accumulate during early gonadogenesis, and converge on the antagonistic regulation of aromatase to canalize sex determination near the end of the temperature sensitive window of development.

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Eddy/Rivas Lab
07/01/09 | A tool for identification of genes expressed in patterns of interest using the Allen Brain Atlas.
Davis FP, Eddy SR
Bioinformatics. 2009 Jul 1;25(13):1647-54. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp288

Gene expression patterns can be useful in understanding the structural organization of the brain and the regulatory logic that governs its myriad cell types. A particularly rich source of spatial expression data is the Allen Brain Atlas (ABA), a comprehensive genome-wide in situ hybridization study of the adult mouse brain. Here, we present an open-source program, ALLENMINER, that searches the ABA for genes that are expressed, enriched, patterned or graded in a user-specified region of interest.

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10/03/18 | A toolbox for multiplexed super-resolution imaging of the E. coli nucleoid and membrane using novel PAINT labels.
Spahn CK, Glaesmann M, Grimm JB, Ayala AX, Lavis LD, Heilemann M
Scientific Reports. 2018 Oct 03;8(1):14768. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-33052-3

Maintenance of the bacterial homeostasis initially emanates from interactions between proteins and the bacterial nucleoid. Investigating their spatial correlation requires high spatial resolution, especially in tiny, highly confined and crowded bacterial cells. Here, we present super-resolution microscopy using a palette of fluorescent labels that bind transiently to either the membrane or the nucleoid of fixed E. coli cells. The presented labels are easily applicable, versatile and allow long-term single-molecule super-resolution imaging independent of photobleaching. The different spectral properties allow for multiplexed imaging in combination with other localisation-based super-resolution imaging techniques. As examples for applications, we demonstrate correlated super-resolution imaging of the bacterial nucleoid with the position of genetic loci, of nascent DNA in correlation to the entire nucleoid, and of the nucleoid of metabolically arrested cells. We furthermore show that DNA- and membrane-targeting labels can be combined with photoactivatable fluorescent proteins and visualise the nano-scale distribution of RNA polymerase relative to the nucleoid in drug-treated E. coli cells.

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