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3924 Publications

Showing 3441-3450 of 3924 results
04/22/17 | The comprehensive connectome of a neural substrate for 'ON' motion detection in Drosophila.
Takemura S, Nern A, Chklovskii DB, Scheffer LK, Rubin GM, Meinertzhagen IA
eLife. 2017 Apr 22;6:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.24394

Analysing computations in neural circuits often uses simplified models because the actual neuronal implementation is not known. For example, a problem in vision, how the eye detects image motion, has long been analysed using Hassenstein-Reichardt (HR) detector or Barlow-Levick (BL) models. These both simulate motion detection well, but the exact neuronal circuits undertaking these tasks remain elusive. We reconstructed a comprehensive connectome of the circuits of Drosophila's motion-sensing T4 cells using a novel EM technique. We uncover complex T4 inputs and reveal that putative excitatory inputs cluster at T4's dendrite shafts, while inhibitory inputs localize to the bases. Consistent with our previous study, we reveal that Mi1 and Tm3 cells provide most synaptic contacts onto T4. We are, however, unable to reproduce the spatial offset between these cells reported previously. Our comprehensive connectome reveals complex circuits that include candidate anatomical substrates for both HR and BL types of motion detectors.

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12/11/19 | The computation of directional selectivity in the OFF motion pathway.
Gruntman E, Romani S, Reiser MB
eLife. 2019 Dec 11;8:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.50706

In flies, the direction of moving ON and OFF features is computed separately. T4 (ON) and T5 (OFF) are the first neurons in their respective pathways to extract a directionally selective response from their non-selective inputs. Our recent study of T4 found that the integration of offset depolarizing and hyperpolarizing inputs is critical for the generation of directional selectivity. However, T5s lack small-field inhibitory inputs, suggesting they may use a different mechanism. Here we used whole-cell recordings of T5 neurons and found a similar receptive field structure: fast depolarization and persistent, spatially offset hyperpolarization. By assaying pairwise interactions of local stimulation across the receptive field, we found no amplifying responses, only suppressive responses to the non-preferred motion direction. We then evaluated passive, biophysical models and found that a model using direct inhibition, but not the removal of excitation, can accurately predict T5 responses to a range of moving stimuli.

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04/19/01 | The concepts of ’sameness’ and ’difference’ in an insect.
Giurfa M, Zhang S, Jenett A, Menzel R, Srinivasan MV
Nature. 2001 Apr 19;410(6831):930-3. doi: 10.1038/35073582

Insects process and learn information flexibly to adapt to their environment. The honeybee Apis mellifera constitutes a traditional model for studying learning and memory at behavioural, cellular and molecular levels. Earlier studies focused on elementary associative and non-associative forms of learning determined by either olfactory conditioning of the proboscis extension reflex or the learning of visual stimuli in an operant context. However, research has indicated that bees are capable of cognitive performances that were thought to occur only in some vertebrate species. For example, honeybees can interpolate visual information, exhibit associative recall, categorize visual information and learn contextual information. Here we show that honeybees can form ’sameness’ and ’difference’ concepts. They learn to solve ’delayed matching-to-sample’ tasks, in which they are required to respond to a matching stimulus, and ’delayed non-matching-to-sample’ tasks, in which they are required to respond to a different stimulus; they can also transfer the learned rules to new stimuli of the same or a different sensory modality. Thus, not only can bees learn specific objects and their physical parameters, but they can also master abstract inter-relationships, such as sameness and difference.

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11/28/22 | The connectome of an insect brain
Michael Winding , Benjamin D. Pedigo , Christopher L. Barnes , Heather G. Patsolic , Youngser Park , Tom Kazimiers , Akira Fushiki , Ingrid V. Andrade , Avinash Khandelwal , Javier Valdes-Aleman , Feng Li , Nadine Randel , Elizabeth Barsotti , Ana Correia , Richard D. Fetter , Volker Hartenstein , Carey E. Priebe , Joshua T. Vogelstein , Albert Cardona , Marta Zlatic
bioRxiv. 2022 Nov 28:. doi: 10.1101/2022.11.28.516756

Brains contain networks of interconnected neurons, so knowing the network architecture is essential for understanding brain function. We therefore mapped the synaptic-resolution connectome of an insect brain (Drosophila larva) with rich behavior, including learning, value-computation, and action-selection, comprising 3,013 neurons and 544,000 synapses. We characterized neuron-types, hubs, feedforward and feedback pathways, and cross-hemisphere and brain-nerve cord interactions. We found pervasive multisensory and interhemispheric integration, highly recurrent architecture, abundant feedback from descending neurons, and multiple novel circuit motifs. The brain’s most recurrent circuits comprised the input and output neurons of the learning center. Some structural features, including multilayer shortcuts and nested recurrent loops, resembled powerful machine learning architectures. The identified brain architecture provides a basis for future experimental and theoretical studies of neural circuits.

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12/14/20 | The connectome of the adult mushroom body provides insights into function.
Li F, Lindsey JW, Marin EC, Otto N, Dreher M, Dempsey G, Stark I, Bates AS, Pleijzier MW, Schlegel P, Nern A, Takemura S, Eckstein N, Yang T, Francis A, Braun A, Parekh R, Costa M, Scheffer LK, Aso Y, Jefferis GS, Abbott LF, Litwin-Kumar A, Waddell S, Rubin GM
eLife. 2020 Dec 14;9:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.62576

Making inferences about the computations performed by neuronal circuits from synapse-level connectivity maps is an emerging opportunity in neuroscience. The mushroom body (MB) is well positioned for developing and testing such an approach due to its conserved neuronal architecture, recently completed dense connectome, and extensive prior experimental studies of its roles in learning, memory and activity regulation. Here we identify new components of the MB circuit in , including extensive visual input and MB output neurons (MBONs) with direct connections to descending neurons. We find unexpected structure in sensory inputs, in the transfer of information about different sensory modalities to MBONs, and in the modulation of that transfer by dopaminergic neurons (DANs). We provide insights into the circuitry used to integrate MB outputs, connectivity between the MB and the central complex and inputs to DANs, including feedback from MBONs. Our results provide a foundation for further theoretical and experimental work.

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03/03/22 | The Consistency of Gastropod Identified Neurons Distinguishes Intra-Individual Plasticity From Inter-Individual Variability in Neural Circuits.
Tamvacakis AN, Lillvis JL, Sakurai A, Katz PS
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2022 Mar 03;16:855235. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2022.855235

Gastropod mollusks are known for their large, individually identifiable neurons, which are amenable to long-term intracellular recordings that can be repeated from animal to animal. The constancy of individual neurons can help distinguish state-dependent or temporal variation within an individual from actual variability between individual animals. Investigations into the circuitry underlying rhythmic swimming movements of the gastropod species, and have uncovered intra- and inter-individual variability in synaptic connectivity and serotonergic neuromodulation. has a reliably evoked escape swim behavior that is produced by a central pattern generator (CPG) composed of a small number of identifiable neurons. There is apparent individual variability in some of the connections between neurons that is inconsequential for the production of the swim behavior under normal conditions, but determines whether that individual can swim following a neural lesion. Serotonergic neuromodulation of synaptic strength intrinsic to the CPG creates neural circuit plasticity within an individual and contributes to reorganization of the network during recovery from injury and during learning. In , variability over time in the modulatory actions of serotonin and in expression of serotonin receptor genes in an identified neuron directly reflects variation in swimming behavior. Tracking behavior and electrophysiology over hours to days was necessary to identify the functional consequences of these intra-individual, time-dependent variations. This work demonstrates the importance of unambiguous neuron identification, properly assessing the animal and network states, and tracking behavior and physiology over time to distinguish plasticity within the same animal at different times from variability across individual animals.

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06/20/23 | The contribution of inflammatory astrocytes to BBB impairments in a brain-chip model of Parkinson's disease.
de Rus Jacquet A, Alpaugh M, Denis HL, Tancredi JL, Boutin M, Decaestecker J, Beauparlant C, Herrmann L, Saint-Pierre M, Parent M, Droit A, Breton S, Cicchetti F
Nature Communications. 2023 Jun 20;14(1):3651. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-39038-8

Astrocyte dysfunction has previously been linked to multiple neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's disease (PD). Among their many roles, astrocytes are mediators of the brain immune response, and astrocyte reactivity is a pathological feature of PD. They are also involved in the formation and maintenance of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), but barrier integrity is compromised in people with PD. This study focuses on an unexplored area of PD pathogenesis by characterizing the interplay between astrocytes, inflammation and BBB integrity, and by combining patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells with microfluidic technologies to generate a 3D human BBB chip. Here we report that astrocytes derived from female donors harboring the PD-related LRRK2 G2019S mutation are pro-inflammatory and fail to support the formation of a functional capillary in vitro. We show that inhibition of MEK1/2 signaling attenuates the inflammatory profile of mutant astrocytes and rescues BBB formation, providing insights into mechanisms regulating barrier integrity in PD. Lastly, we confirm that vascular changes are also observed in the human postmortem substantia nigra of both males and females with PD.

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Egnor Lab
01/11/16 | The contribution of ultrasonic vocalizations to mouse courtship.
Egnor SR, Seagraves KM
Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2016 Jan 11;38:1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2015.12.009

Vocalizations transmit information to social partners, and mice use these signals to exchange information during courtship. Ultrasonic vocalizations from adult males are tightly associated with their interactions with females, and vary as a function of male quality. Work in the last decade has established that the spectrotemporal features of male vocalizations are not learned, but that female attention toward specific vocal features is modified by social experience. Additionally, progress has been made on elucidating how mouse vocalizations are encoded in the auditory system, and on the olfactory circuits that trigger their production. Together these findings provide us with important insights into how vocal communication can contribute to social interactions.

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Riddiford Lab
09/30/07 | The coordination of the sequential appearance of MHR4 and dopa decarboxylase during the decline of the ecdysteroid titer at the end of the molt.
Hiruma K, Riddiford LM
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2007 Sep 30;276(1-2):71-9. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2007.07.002

During the last larval molt in Manduca sexta, in response to an increasing, then decreasing ecdysteroid titer, a number of transcription factors such as E75B, MHR3, MHR4, and betaFTZ-F1 appear and disappear in the abdominal epidermis leading to dopa decarboxylase (DDC) expression. Messenger RNAs for both the 20E-induced transcription factors, MHR3 and E75B, are maximal near the peak of the ecdysteroid titer with MHR4 mRNA appearing as the titer declines followed by betaFTZ-F1 and DDC mRNAs. E75B and MHR4 mRNA were not expressed in Manduca GV1 cells, either during exposure to 20E or after its removal. When either MHR3 dsRNA was transfected or E75B was constitutively expressed in these cells, MHR4 mRNA appeared in response to 20E by 6h. E75B was found to form a heterodimer with MHR3 using the BacterioMatch II two-hybrid assay. We conclude that MHR3 apparently suppresses MHR4 expression in the presence of 20E; the appearance of E75B then removes MHR3 by dimerization, allowing MHR4 to be expressed. Because of significant basal activity of the ddc promoter in the GV1 cells, we could perform rescue experiments by adding various factors. Constitutive expression of either E75B or MHR4 in the cells suppressed the significant basal activity of the 3.2kb ddc promoter in the GV1 cells, but 20E had no effect on this activity. Thus, E75B and MHR4 are 20E-induced inhibitory factors that suppress ddc expression and therefore act as ecdysteroid-regulated timers to coordinate the onset of ddc expression at the end of the molt.

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Cardona Lab
06/08/20 | The corazonin-PTTH neuronal axis controls systemic body growth by regulating basal ecdysteroid biosynthesis in Drosophila melanogaster.
Imura E, Shimada-Niwa Y, Nishimura T, Hückesfeld S, Schlegel P, Ohhara Y, Kondo S, Tanimoto H, Cardona A, Pankratz MJ, Niwa R
Current Biology. 2020 Jun 8;30(11):2156-65. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.03.050

Steroid hormones play key roles in development, growth, and reproduction in various animal phyla [1]. The insect steroid hormone, ecdysteroid, coordinates growth and maturation, represented by molting and metamorphosis [2]. In Drosophila melanogaster, the prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH)-producing neurons stimulate peak levels of ecdysteroid biosynthesis for maturation [3]. Additionally, recent studies on PTTH signaling indicated that basal levels of ecdysteroid negatively affect systemic growth prior to maturation [4-8]. However, it remains unclear how PTTH signaling is regulated for basal ecdysteroid biosynthesis. Here, we report that Corazonin (Crz)-producing neurons regulate basal ecdysteroid biosynthesis by affecting PTTH neurons. Crz belongs to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) superfamily, implying an analogous role in growth and maturation [9]. Inhibition of Crz neuronal activity increased pupal size, whereas it hardly affected pupariation timing. This phenotype resulted from enhanced growth rate and a delay in ecdysteroid elevation during the mid-third instar larval (L3) stage. Interestingly, Crz receptor (CrzR) expression in PTTH neurons was higher during the mid- than the late-L3 stage. Silencing of CrzR in PTTH neurons increased pupal size, phenocopying the inhibition of Crz neuronal activity. When Crz neurons were optogenetically activated, a strong calcium response was observed in PTTH neurons during the mid-L3, but not the late-L3, stage. Furthermore, we found that octopamine neurons contact Crz neurons in the subesophageal zone (SEZ), transmitting signals for systemic growth. Together, our results suggest that the Crz-PTTH neuronal axis modulates ecdysteroid biosynthesis in response to octopamine, uncovering a regulatory neuroendocrine system in the developmental transition from growth to maturation.

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