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3924 Publications

Showing 3541-3550 of 3924 results
02/13/20 | The Neuropixels probe: A CMOS based integrated microsystems platform for neuroscience and brain-computer interfaces.
Dutta B, Trautmann EM, Welkenhuysen M, Shenoy KV, Andrei A, Harris TD, Lopez CM, O'Callahan J, Putzeys J, Raducanu BC, Severi S, Stavisky SD
2019 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM). 2020 Feb 13:. doi: 10.1109/IEDM19573.201910.1109/IEDM19573.2019.8993611

We review recent progress in neural probes for brain recording, with a focus on the Neuropixels platform. Historically the number of neurons’ recorded simultaneously, follows a Moore’s law like behavior, with numbers doubling every 6.7 years. Using traditional techniques of probe fabrication, continuing to scale up electrode densities is very challenging. We describe a custom CMOS process technology that enables electrode counts well beyond 1000 electrodes; with the aim to characterize large neural populations with single neuron spatial precision and millisecond timing resolution. This required integrating analog and digital circuitry with the electrode array, making it a standalone integrated electrophysiology recording system. Input referred noise and power per channel is 7.5µV and <50µW respectively to ensure tissue heating <1°C. This approach enables doubling the number of measured neurons every 12 months.

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05/08/13 | The novel gene tank, a tumor suppressor homolog, regulates ethanol sensitivity in Drosophila.
Devineni AV, Eddison M, Heberlein U
The Journal of Neuroscience. 2013 May 8;33(19):8134-43. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3695-12.2013

In both mammalian and insect models of ethanol intoxication, high doses of ethanol induce motor impairment and eventually sedation. Sensitivity to the sedative effects of ethanol is inversely correlated with risk for alcoholism. However, the genes regulating ethanol sensitivity are largely unknown. Based on a previous genetic screen in Drosophila for ethanol sedation mutants, we identified a novel gene, tank (CG15626), the homolog of the mammalian tumor suppressor EI24/PIG8, which has a strong role in regulating ethanol sedation sensitivity. Genetic and behavioral analyses revealed that tank acts in the adult nervous system to promote ethanol sensitivity. We localized the function of tank in regulating ethanol sensitivity to neurons within the pars intercerebralis that have not been implicated previously in ethanol responses. We show that acutely manipulating the activity of all tank-expressing neurons, or of pars intercerebralis neurons in particular, alters ethanol sensitivity in a sexually dimorphic manner, since neuronal activation enhanced ethanol sedation in males, but not females. Finally, we provide anatomical evidence that tank-expressing neurons form likely synaptic connections with neurons expressing the neural sex determination factor fruitless (fru), which have been implicated recently in the regulation of ethanol sensitivity. We suggest that a functional interaction with fru neurons, many of which are sexually dimorphic, may account for the sex-specific effect induced by activating tank neurons. Overall, we have characterized a novel gene and corresponding set of neurons that regulate ethanol sensitivity in Drosophila.

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Riddiford Lab
10/01/09 | The nuclear receptor E75A has a novel pair-rule-like function in patterning the milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus.
Erezyilmaz DF, Kelstrup HC, Riddiford LM
Developmental Biology. 2009 Oct 1;334(1):300-10. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2009.06.038

Genetic studies of the fruit fly Drosophila have revealed a hierarchy of segmentation genes (maternal, gap, pair-rule and HOX) that subdivide the syncytial blastoderm into sequentially finer-scale coordinates. Within this hierarchy, the pair-rule genes translate gradients of information into periodic stripes of expression. How pair-rule genes function during the progressive mode of segmentation seen in short and intermediate-germ insects is an ongoing question. Here we report that the nuclear receptor Of’E75A is expressed with double segment periodicity in the head and thorax. In the abdomen, Of’E75A is expressed in a unique pattern during posterior elongation, and briefly resembles a sequence that is typical of pair-rule genes. Depletion of Of’E75A mRNA caused loss of a subset of odd-numbered parasegments, as well as parasegment 6. Because these parasegments straddle segment boundaries, we observe fusions between adjacent segments. Finally, expression of Of’E75A in the blastoderm requires even-skipped, which is a gap gene in Oncopeltus. These data show that the function of Of’E75A during embryogenesis shares many properties with canonical pair-rule genes in other insects. They further suggest that parasegment specification may occur through irregular and episodic pair-rule-like activity.

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Tjian LabWu Lab
04/15/08 | The nucleosome remodeling factor (NURF) regulates genes involved in Drosophila innate immunity.
Kwon SY, Xiao H, Glover BP, Tjian R, Wu C, Badenhorst P
Developmental Biology. 2008 Apr 15;316(2):538-47. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1100640108

The Drosophila nucleosome remodeling factor (NURF) is an ISWI-containing chromatin remodeling complex that catalyzes ATP-dependent nucleosome sliding. By sliding nucleosomes, NURF has the ability to alter chromatin structure and regulate transcription. Previous studies have shown that mutation of Drosophila NURF induces melanotic tumors, implicating NURF in innate immune function. Here, we show that NURF mutants exhibit identical innate immune responses to gain-of-function mutants in the Drosophila JAK/STAT pathway. Using microarrays, we identify a common set of target genes that are activated in both mutants. In silico analysis of promoter sequences of these defines a consensus regulatory element comprising a STAT-binding sequence overlapped by a binding-site for the transcriptional repressor Ken. NURF interacts physically and genetically with Ken. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) localizes NURF to Ken-binding sites in hemocytes, suggesting that Ken recruits NURF to repress STAT responders. Loss of NURF leads to precocious activation of STAT target genes.

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06/10/73 | The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 5.8 S ribosomal ribonucleic acid.
Rubin GM
The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1973 Jun 10;248:3860-75. doi: 10.1186/gb-2007-8-7-r145
05/28/15 | The nutrient-responsive hormone CCHamide-2 controls growth by regulating insulin-like peptides in the brain of Drosophila melanogaster.
Sano H, Nakamura A, Texada MJ, Truman JW, Ishimoto H, Kamikouchi A, Nibu Y, Kume K, Ida T, Kojima M
PLoS Genetics. 2015 May;11(5):e1005209. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005209

The coordination of growth with nutritional status is essential for proper development and physiology. Nutritional information is mostly perceived by peripheral organs before being relayed to the brain, which modulates physiological responses. Hormonal signaling ensures this organ-to-organ communication, and the failure of endocrine regulation in humans can cause diseases including obesity and diabetes. In Drosophila melanogaster, the fat body (adipose tissue) has been suggested to play an important role in coupling growth with nutritional status. Here, we show that the peripheral tissue-derived peptide hormone CCHamide-2 (CCHa2) acts as a nutrient-dependent regulator of Drosophila insulin-like peptides (Dilps). A BAC-based transgenic reporter revealed strong expression of CCHa2 receptor (CCHa2-R) in insulin-producing cells (IPCs) in the brain. Calcium imaging of brain explants and IPC-specific CCHa2-R knockdown demonstrated that peripheral-tissue derived CCHa2 directly activates IPCs. Interestingly, genetic disruption of either CCHa2 or CCHa2-R caused almost identical defects in larval growth and developmental timing. Consistent with these phenotypes, the expression of dilp5, and the release of both Dilp2 and Dilp5, were severely reduced. Furthermore, transcription of CCHa2 is altered in response to nutritional levels, particularly of glucose. These findings demonstrate that CCHa2 and CCHa2-R form a direct link between peripheral tissues and the brain, and that this pathway is essential for the coordination of systemic growth with nutritional availability. A mammalian homologue of CCHa2-R, Bombesin receptor subtype-3 (Brs3), is an orphan receptor that is expressed in the islet β-cells; however, the role of Brs3 in insulin regulation remains elusive. Our genetic approach in Drosophila melanogaster provides the first evidence, to our knowledge, that bombesin receptor signaling with its endogenous ligand promotes insulin production.

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Truman LabZlatic Lab
07/01/17 | The Ol1mpiad: concordance of behavioural faculties of stage 1 and stage 3 Drosophila larvae.
Almeida-Carvalho MJ, Berh D, Braun A, Chen Y, Eichler K, Eschbach C, Fritsch PM, Gerber B, Hoyer N, Jiang X, Kleber J, Klämbt C, König C, Louis M, Michels B, Miroschnikow A, Mirth C, Miura D, Niewalda T, Otto N, Paisios E, Pankratz MJ, Petersen M, Ramsperger N, Randel N, Risse B, Saumweber T, Schlegel P, Schleyer M, Soba P, Sprecher SG, Tanimura T, Thum AS, Toshima N, Truman JW, Yarali A, Zlatic M
The Journal of Experimental Biology. 2017 Jul 01;220(Pt 13):2452-2475. doi: 10.1242/jeb.156646

Mapping brain function to brain structure is a fundamental task for neuroscience. For such an endeavour, the Drosophila larva is simple enough to be tractable, yet complex enough to be interesting. It features about 10,000 neurons and is capable of various taxes, kineses and Pavlovian conditioning. All its neurons are currently being mapped into a light-microscopical atlas, and Gal4 strains are being generated to experimentally access neurons one at a time. In addition, an electron microscopic reconstruction of its nervous system seems within reach. Notably, this electron microscope-based connectome is being drafted for a stage 1 larva - because stage 1 larvae are much smaller than stage 3 larvae. However, most behaviour analyses have been performed for stage 3 larvae because their larger size makes them easier to handle and observe. It is therefore warranted to either redo the electron microscopic reconstruction for a stage 3 larva or to survey the behavioural faculties of stage 1 larvae. We provide the latter. In a community-based approach we called the Ol1mpiad, we probed stage 1 Drosophila larvae for free locomotion, feeding, responsiveness to substrate vibration, gentle and nociceptive touch, burrowing, olfactory preference and thermotaxis, light avoidance, gustatory choice of various tastants plus odour-taste associative learning, as well as light/dark-electric shock associative learning. Quantitatively, stage 1 larvae show lower scores in most tasks, arguably because of their smaller size and lower speed. Qualitatively, however, stage 1 larvae perform strikingly similar to stage 3 larvae in almost all cases. These results bolster confidence in mapping brain structure and behaviour across developmental stages.

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Bock Lab
06/18/13 | The Open Connectome Project Data Cluster: Scalable analysis and vision for high-throughput neuroscience.
Burns R, Roncal WG, Kleissas D, Lillaney K, Manavalan P, Perlman E, Berger DR, Bock DD, Chung K, Grosenick L, Kasthuri N, Weiler NC, Deisseroth K, Kazhdan M, Lichtman J, Reid RC, Smith SJ, Szalay AS, Vogelstein JT, Vogelstein RJ
Scientific and Statistical Database Management: International Conference, SSDBM ... : Proceedings. International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management. 2013 Jun 18:. doi: 10.1145/2484838.2484870

We describe a scalable database cluster for the spatial analysis and annotation of high-throughput brain imaging data, initially for 3-d electron microscopy image stacks, but for time-series and multi-channel data as well. The system was designed primarily for workloads that build connectomes- neural connectivity maps of the brain-using the parallel execution of computer vision algorithms on high-performance compute clusters. These services and open-science data sets are publicly available at The system design inherits much from NoSQL scale-out and data-intensive computing architectures. We distribute data to cluster nodes by partitioning a spatial index. We direct I/O to different systems-reads to parallel disk arrays and writes to solid-state storage-to avoid I/O interference and maximize throughput. All programming interfaces are RESTful Web services, which are simple and stateless, improving scalability and usability. We include a performance evaluation of the production system, highlighting the effec-tiveness of spatial data organization.

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01/01/10 | The open reading frame 3a protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus promotes membrane rearrangement and cell death.
Freundt EC, Yu L, Goldsmith CS, Welsh S, Cheng A, Yount B, Liu W, Frieman MB, Buchholz UJ, Screaton GR, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Zaki SR, Xu X, Baric RS, Subbarao K, Lenardo MJ
Journal of virology. 2010 Jan;84(2):1097-109. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01662-09

The genome of the severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) contains eight open reading frames (ORFs) that encode novel proteins. These accessory proteins are dispensable for in vitro and in vivo replication and thus may be important for other aspects of virus-host interactions. We investigated the functions of the largest of the accessory proteins, the ORF 3a protein, using a 3a-deficient strain of SARS-CoV. Cell death of Vero cells after infection with SARS-CoV was reduced upon deletion of ORF 3a. Electron microscopy of infected cells revealed a role for ORF 3a in SARS-CoV induced vesicle formation, a prominent feature of cells from SARS patients. In addition, we report that ORF 3a is both necessary and sufficient for SARS-CoV-induced Golgi fragmentation and that the 3a protein accumulates and localizes to vesicles containing markers for late endosomes. Finally, overexpression of ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (Arf1), a small GTPase essential for the maintenance of the Golgi apparatus, restored Golgi morphology during infection. These results establish an important role for ORF 3a in SARS-CoV-induced cell death, Golgi fragmentation, and the accumulation of intracellular vesicles.

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07/01/91 | The optic lobe projection pattern of polarization-sensitive photoreceptor cells in Drosophila melanogaster.
Fortini ME, Rubin GM
Cell and Tissue Research. 1991 Jul;265(1):185-91. doi: 10.1186/gb-2007-8-7-r145

Histological staining of wild-type and sevenless transgenic Drosophila melanogaster bearing Rh3-lacZ fusion genes permits the selective visualization of polarization-sensitive R7 and R8 photoreceptor cells located along the dorsal anterior eye margin. Diffusion of beta-galactosidase throughout these cells reveals that they project long axons to the two most peripheral synaptic target rows of the dorsal posterior medulla, defining a specialized marginal zone of this optic lobe. Comparison of the staining patterns of marginal and nonmarginal Rh3-lacZ-expressing photoreceptor cells in the same histological preparations suggest that the marginal cells possess morphologically specialized axons and synaptic terminals. These findings are discussed with reference to the neuroanatomy of the corresponding dorsal marginal eye and optic lobe regions of the larger dipterans Musca and Calliphora, and in relation to the ability of Drosophila to orient to polarized light.

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