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3924 Publications

Showing 3801-3810 of 3924 results
10/25/16 | V-1 regulates capping protein activity in vivo.
Jung G, Alexander CJ, Wu XS, Piszczek G, Chen B, Betzig E, Hammer JA
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2016 Oct 25;113(43):E6610-9. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1605350113

Capping Protein (CP) plays a central role in the creation of the Arp2/3-generated branched actin networks comprising lamellipodia and pseudopodia by virtue of its ability to cap the actin filament barbed end, which promotes Arp2/3-dependent filament nucleation and optimal branching. The highly conserved protein V-1/Myotrophin binds CP tightly in vitro to render it incapable of binding the barbed end. Here we addressed the physiological significance of this CP antagonist in Dictyostelium, which expresses a V-1 homolog that we show is very similar biochemically to mouse V-1. Consistent with previous studies of CP knockdown, overexpression of V-1 in Dictyostelium reduced the size of pseudopodia and the cortical content of Arp2/3 and induced the formation of filopodia. Importantly, these effects scaled positively with the degree of V-1 overexpression and were not seen with a V-1 mutant that cannot bind CP. V-1 is present in molar excess over CP, suggesting that it suppresses CP activity in the cytoplasm at steady state. Consistently, cells devoid of V-1, like cells overexpressing CP described previously, exhibited a significant decrease in cellular F-actin content. Moreover, V-1-null cells exhibited pronounced defects in macropinocytosis and chemotactic aggregation that were rescued by V-1, but not by the V-1 mutant. Together, these observations demonstrate that V-1 exerts significant influence in vivo on major actin-based processes via its ability to sequester CP. Finally, we present evidence that V-1's ability to sequester CP is regulated by phosphorylation, suggesting that cells may manipulate the level of active CP to tune their "actin phenotype."

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09/15/08 | V2a and V2b neurons are generated by the final divisions of pair-producing progenitors in the zebrafish spinal cord
Kimura Y, Satou C, Higashijima S
Development. 09/2008;135:3001-3005. doi: 10.1242/dev.024802

The p2 progenitor domain in the ventral spinal cord gives rise to two interneuron subtypes: V2a and V2b. Delta-Notch-mediated cell-cell interactions between postmitotic immature neurons have been implicated in the segregation of neuron subtypes. However, lineage relationships between V2a and V2b neurons have not been reported. We address this issue using Tg[vsx1:GFP]zebrafish, a model system in which high GFP expression is initiated near the final stage of p2 progenitors. Cell fates were followed in progeny using time-lapse microscopy. Results indicate that the vast majority, if not all, of GFP-labeled p2 progenitors divide once to produce V2a/V2b neuron pairs,indicating that V2a and V2b neurons are generated by the asymmetric division of pair-producing progenitor cells. Together with evidence that Notch signaling is involved in the cell fate specification process, our results strongly suggest that Delta-Notch interactions between sister cells play a crucial role in the final outcome of these asymmetric divisions. This mechanism for determining cell fate is similar to asymmetric divisions that occur during Drosophila neurogenesis, where ganglion mother cells divide once to produce distinct neurons. However, unlike in Drosophila, the divisional axes of p2 progenitors in zebrafish were not fixed. We report that the terminal division of pair-producing progenitor cells in vertebrate neurogenesis can reproducibly produce two distinct neurons through a mechanism that may not depend on the orientation of the division axis.

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Simpson Lab
04/01/10 | VAA3D enables real-time 3D visualization and quantitative analysis of large-scale biological image data sets.
Peng H, Ruan Z, Long F, Simpson JH, Myers EW
Nature Biotechnology. 2010 Apr;28:348-53. doi: 10.1038/nbt.1612

The V3D system provides three-dimensional (3D) visualization of gigabyte-sized microscopy image stacks in real time on current laptops and desktops. V3D streamlines the online analysis, measurement and proofreading of complicated image patterns by combining ergonomic functions for selecting a location in an image directly in 3D space and for displaying biological measurements, such as from fluorescent probes, using the overlaid surface objects. V3D runs on all major computer platforms and can be enhanced by software plug-ins to address specific biological problems. To demonstrate this extensibility, we built a V3D-based application, V3D-Neuron, to reconstruct complex 3D neuronal structures from high-resolution brain images. V3D-Neuron can precisely digitize the morphology of a single neuron in a fruitfly brain in minutes, with about a 17-fold improvement in reliability and tenfold savings in time compared with other neuron reconstruction tools. Using V3D-Neuron, we demonstrate the feasibility of building a 3D digital atlas of neurite tracts in the fruitfly brain.

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11/01/23 | Vagal sensory neurons mediate the Bezold-Jarisch reflex and induce syncope.
Lovelace JW, Ma J, Yadav S, Chhabria K, Shen H, Pang Z, Qi T, Sehgal R, Zhang Y, Bali T, Vaissiere T, Tan S, Liu Y, Rumbaugh G, Ye L, Kleinfeld D, Stringer C, Augustine V
Nature. 2023 Nov 01;623(7986):387-396. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06680-7

Visceral sensory pathways mediate homeostatic reflexes, the dysfunction of which leads to many neurological disorders. The Bezold-Jarisch reflex (BJR), first described in 1867, is a cardioinhibitory reflex that is speculated to be mediated by vagal sensory neurons (VSNs) that also triggers syncope. However, the molecular identity, anatomical organization, physiological characteristics and behavioural influence of cardiac VSNs remain mostly unknown. Here we leveraged single-cell RNA-sequencing data and HYBRiD tissue clearing to show that VSNs that express neuropeptide Y receptor Y2 (NPY2R) predominately connect the heart ventricular wall to the area postrema. Optogenetic activation of NPY2R VSNs elicits the classic triad of BJR responses-hypotension, bradycardia and suppressed respiration-and causes an animal to faint. Photostimulation during high-resolution echocardiography and laser Doppler flowmetry with behavioural observation revealed a range of phenotypes reflected in clinical syncope, including reduced cardiac output, cerebral hypoperfusion, pupil dilation and eye-roll. Large-scale Neuropixels brain recordings and machine-learning-based modelling showed that this manipulation causes the suppression of activity across a large distributed neuronal population that is not explained by changes in spontaneous behavioural movements. Additionally, bidirectional manipulation of the periventricular zone had a push-pull effect, with inhibition leading to longer syncope periods and activation inducing arousal. Finally, ablating NPY2R VSNs specifically abolished the BJR. Combined, these results demonstrate a genetically defined cardiac reflex that recapitulates characteristics of human syncope at physiological, behavioural and neural network levels.

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03/01/09 | VANO: a volume-object image annotation system.
Peng H, Long F, Myers EW
Bioinformatics. 2009 Mar 1;25:695-7. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp046

Volume-object annotation system (VANO) is a cross-platform image annotation system that enables one to conveniently visualize and annotate 3D volume objects including nuclei and cells. An application of VANO typically starts with an initial collection of objects produced by a segmentation computation. The objects can then be labeled, categorized, deleted, added, split, merged and redefined. VANO has been used to build high-resolution digital atlases of the nuclei of Caenorhabditis elegans at the L1 stage and the nuclei of Drosophila melanogaster’s ventral nerve cord at the late embryonic stage. AVAILABILITY: Platform independent executables of VANO, a sample dataset, and a detailed description of both its design and usage are available at VANO is open-source for co-development.

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Magee Lab
12/18/13 | Variable dendritic integration in hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons.
Makara JK, Magee JC
Neuron. 2013 Dec 18;80(6):1438-50. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2013.10.033

The hippocampal CA3 region is essential for pattern completion and generation of sharp-wave ripples. During these operations, coordinated activation of ensembles of CA3 pyramidal neurons produces spatiotemporally structured input patterns arriving onto dendrites of recurrently connected CA3 neurons. To understand how such input patterns are translated into specific output patterns, we characterized dendritic integration in CA3 pyramidal cells using two-photon imaging and glutamate uncaging. We found that thin dendrites of CA3 pyramidal neurons integrate synchronous synaptic input in a highly supralinear fashion. The amplification was primarily mediated by NMDA receptor activation and was present over a relatively broad range of spatiotemporal input patterns. The decay of voltage responses, temporal summation, and action potential output was regulated in a compartmentalized fashion mainly by a G-protein-activated inwardly rectifying K(+) current. Our results suggest that plastic dendritic integrative mechanisms may support ensemble behavior in pyramidal neurons of the hippocampal circuitry.

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03/15/09 | Variable phase retarder made of a dielectric elastomer actuator.
Beck M, Fiolka R, Stemmer A
Optics Letters. 2009 Mar 15;34(6):803-5

We present a polymeric optical phase retarder that is electrically tunable by a dielectric elastomer actuator. The soft material device affords a large tuning range (14pi at lambda=488 nm) combined with high accuracy in optical path length and low drift rate (8.3 nm/min). Furthermore, the phase retarder is not sensitive to polarization, introduces a wavefront distortion141 kW/cm2). We show the dynamics for periodic phase modulation and demonstrate a simple drive technique for fast phase stepping. The polymer-based device is inexpensive, easy to fabricate, and its design can be adapted to specific applications.

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10/19/15 | Variable primary coordination environments of Cd(II) binding to three helix bundles provide a pathway for rapid metal exchange.
Tebo AG, Hemmingsen L, Pecoraro VL
Metallomics. 10/2015;7:1555 – 1561. doi: 10.1039/c5mt00228a

Members of the ArsR/SmtB family of transcriptional repressors, such as CadC, regulate the intracellular levels of heavy metals like Cd(II), Hg(II), and Pb(II). These metal sensing proteins bind their target metals with high specificity and affinity, however, a lack of structural information about these proteins makes defining the coordination sphere of the target metal difficult. Lingering questions as to the identity of Cd(II) coordination in CadC are addressed via protein design techniques. Two designed peptides with tetrathiolate metal binding sites were prepared and characterized, revealing fast exchange between CdS3O and CdS4 coordination spheres. Correlation of (111m)Cd PAC spectroscopy and (113)Cd NMR spectroscopy suggests that Cd(II) coordinated to CadC is in fast exchange between CdS3O and CdS4 forms, which may provide a mechanism for rapid sensing of heavy metal contaminants by this regulatory protein.

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11/14/14 | Variance predicts salience in central sensory processing.
Hermundstad AM, Briguglio JJ, Conte MM, Victor JD, Balasubramanian V, Tkačik G
eLife. 2014;3:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.03722

Information processing in the sensory periphery is shaped by natural stimulus statistics. In the periphery, a transmission bottleneck constrains performance; thus efficient coding implies that natural signal components with a predictably wider range should be compressed. In a different regime--when sampling limitations constrain performance--efficient coding implies that more resources should be allocated to informative features that are more variable. We propose that this regime is relevant for sensory cortex when it extracts complex features from limited numbers of sensory samples. To test this prediction, we use central visual processing as a model: we show that visual sensitivity for local multi-point spatial correlations, described by dozens of independently-measured parameters, can be quantitatively predicted from the structure of natural images. This suggests that efficient coding applies centrally, where it extends to higher-order sensory features and operates in a regime in which sensitivity increases with feature variability.

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07/01/07 | Variation in fiber number of a male-specific muscle between Drosophila species: a genetic and developmental analysis.
Orgogozo V, Muro NM, Stern DL
Evol Dev. 2007 Jul-Aug;9(4):368-77. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-142X.2007.00174.x

We characterize a newly discovered morphological difference between species of the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup. The muscle of Lawrence (MOL) contains about four to five fibers in D. melanogaster and Drosophila simulans and six to seven fibers in Drosophila mauritiana and Drosophila sechellia. The same number of nuclei per fiber is present in these species but their total number of MOL nuclei differs. This suggests that the number of muscle precursor cells has changed during evolution. Our comparison of MOL development indicates that the species difference appears during metamorphosis. We mapped the quantitative trait loci responsible for the change in muscle fiber number between D. sechellia and D. simulans to two genomic regions on chromosome 2. Our data eliminate the possibility of evolving mutations in the fruitless gene and suggest that a change in the twist might be partly responsible for this evolutionary change.

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