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3920 Publications

Showing 591-600 of 3920 results
02/06/23 | Behavioral state-dependent modulation of insulin-producing cells in Drosophila.
Liessem S, Held M, Bisen RS, Haberkern H, Lacin H, Bockemühl T, Ache JM
Current Biology. 2023 Feb 06;33(3):449. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.12.005

Insulin signaling plays a pivotal role in metabolic control and aging, and insulin accordingly is a key factor in several human diseases. Despite this importance, the in vivo activity dynamics of insulin-producing cells (IPCs) are poorly understood. Here, we characterized the effects of locomotion on the activity of IPCs in Drosophila. Using in vivo electrophysiology and calcium imaging, we found that IPCs were strongly inhibited during walking and flight and that their activity rebounded and overshot after cessation of locomotion. Moreover, IPC activity changed rapidly during behavioral transitions, revealing that IPCs are modulated on fast timescales in behaving animals. Optogenetic activation of locomotor networks ex vivo, in the absence of actual locomotion or changes in hemolymph sugar levels, was sufficient to inhibit IPCs. This demonstrates that the behavioral state-dependent inhibition of IPCs is actively controlled by neuronal pathways and is independent of changes in glucose concentration. By contrast, the overshoot in IPC activity after locomotion was absent ex vivo and after starvation, indicating that it was not purely driven by feedforward signals but additionally required feedback derived from changes in hemolymph sugar concentration. We hypothesize that IPC inhibition during locomotion supports mobilization of fuel stores during metabolically demanding behaviors, while the rebound in IPC activity after locomotion contributes to replenishing muscle glycogen stores. In addition, the rapid dynamics of IPC modulation support a potential role of insulin in the state-dependent modulation of sensorimotor processing.

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Romani LabMagee Lab
09/08/17 | Behavioral time scale synaptic plasticity underlies CA1 place fields.
Bittner KC, Milstein AD, Grienberger C, Romani S, Magee JC
Science (New York, N.Y.). 2017 Sep 08;357(6355):1033-1036. doi: 10.1126/science.aan3846

Learning is primarily mediated by activity-dependent modifications of synaptic strength within neuronal circuits. We discovered that place fields in hippocampal area CA1 are produced by a synaptic potentiation notably different from Hebbian plasticity. Place fields could be produced in vivo in a single trial by potentiation of input that arrived seconds before and after complex spiking. The potentiated synaptic input was not initially coincident with action potentials or depolarization. This rule, named behavioral time scale synaptic plasticity, abruptly modifies inputs that were neither causal nor close in time to postsynaptic activation. In slices, five pairings of subthreshold presynaptic activity and calcium (Ca(2+)) plateau potentials produced a large potentiation with an asymmetric seconds-long time course. This plasticity efficiently stores entire behavioral sequences within synaptic weights to produce predictive place cell activity.

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09/25/14 | Behavioral variability through stochastic choice and its gating by anterior cingulate cortex.
Tervo DG, Proskurin M, Manakov M, Kabra M, Vollmer A, Branson K, Karpova AY
Cell. 2014 Sep 25;159(1):21-32. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.08.037

Behavioral choices that ignore prior experience promote exploration and unpredictability but are seemingly at odds with the brain's tendency to use experience to optimize behavioral choice. Indeed, when faced with virtual competitors, primates resort to strategic counterprediction rather than to stochastic choice. Here, we show that rats also use history- and model-based strategies when faced with similar competitors but can switch to a "stochastic" mode when challenged with a competitor that they cannot defeat by counterprediction. In this mode, outcomes associated with an animal's actions are ignored, and normal engagement of anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is suppressed. Using circuit perturbations in transgenic rats, we demonstrate that switching between strategic and stochastic behavioral modes is controlled by locus coeruleus input into ACC. Our findings suggest that, under conditions of uncertainty about environmental rules, changes in noradrenergic input alter ACC output and prevent erroneous beliefs from guiding decisions, thus enabling behavioral variation.

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09/08/16 | Behavioural integration of auditory and antennal stimulation during phonotaxis in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (DeGeer).
Haberkern H, Hedwig B
The Journal of Experimental Biology. 2016 Sep 8;219(Pt 22):3575-86. doi: 10.1242/jeb.141606

Animals need to flexibly respond to stimuli from their environment without compromising behavioural consistency. For example, female crickets orienting toward a conspecific male's calling song in search of a mating partner need to stay responsive to other signals that provide information about obstacles and predators. Here, we investigate how spontaneously walking crickets and crickets engaging in acoustically guided goal-directed navigation, i.e. phonotaxis, respond to mechanosensory stimuli detected by their long antennae. We monitored walking behaviour of female crickets on a trackball during lateral antennal stimulation, which was achieved by moving a wire mesh transiently into reach of one antenna. During antennal stimulation alone, females reduced their walking speed, oriented toward the object and actively explored it with antennal movements. Additionally, some crickets initially turned away from the approaching object. Females responded in a similar way when the antennal stimulus was presented during ongoing phonotaxis: forward velocity was reduced and phonotactic steering was suppressed while the females turned toward and explored the object. Further, rapid steering bouts to individual chirps, typical for female phonotaxis, no longer occurred.Our data reveals that in this experimental situation antennal stimulation overrides phonotaxis for extended time periods. Phonotaxis in natural environments, which require the integration of multiple sensory cues, may therefore be more variable than phonotaxis measured under ideal laboratory conditions. Combining this new behavioural paradigm with neurophysiological methods will show where the sensory-motor integration of antennal and acoustic stimulation occurs and how this is achieved on a mechanistic level.

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01/10/24 | Believing is seeing - the deceptive influence of bias in quantitative microscopy.
Lee RM, Eisenman LR, Khuon S, Aaron JS, Chew T
Journal of Cell Science. 2024 Jan 10;137(1):. doi: 10.1242/jcs.261567

The visual allure of microscopy makes it an intuitively powerful research tool. Intuition, however, can easily obscure or distort the reality of the information contained in an image. Common cognitive biases, combined with institutional pressures that reward positive research results, can quickly skew a microscopy project towards upholding, rather than rigorously challenging, a hypothesis. The impact of these biases on a variety of research topics is well known. What might be less appreciated are the many forms in which bias can permeate a microscopy experiment. Even well-intentioned researchers are susceptible to bias, which must therefore be actively recognized to be mitigated. Importantly, although image quantification has increasingly become an expectation, ostensibly to confront subtle biases, it is not a guarantee against bias and cannot alone shield an experiment from cognitive distortions. Here, we provide illustrative examples of the insidiously pervasive nature of bias in microscopy experiments - from initial experimental design to image acquisition, analysis and data interpretation. We then provide suggestions that can serve as guard rails against bias.

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Fitzgerald Lab
03/19/08 | Benchmarking implicit solvent folding simulations of the amyloid beta(10-35) fragment.
Kent A, Jha AK, Fitzgerald JE, Freed KF
The journal of physical chemistry. B. 2008 May 15;112(19):6175-86. doi: 10.1021/jp077099h

A pathogenetic feature of Alzhemier disease is the aggregation of monomeric beta-amyloid proteins (Abeta) to form oligomers. Usually these oligomers of long peptides aggregate on time scales of microseconds or longer, making computational studies using atomistic molecular dynamics models prohibitively expensive and making it essential to develop computational models that are cheaper and at the same time faithful to physical features of the process. We benchmark the ability of our implicit solvent model to describe equilibrium and dynamic properties of monomeric Abeta(10-35) using all-atom Langevin dynamics (LD) simulations, since Alphabeta(10-35) is the only fragment whose monomeric properties have been measured. The accuracy of the implicit solvent model is tested by comparing its predictions with experiment and with those from a new explicit water MD simulation, (performed using CHARMM and the TIP3P water model) which is approximately 200 times slower than the implicit water simulations. The dependence on force field is investigated by running multiple trajectories for Alphabeta(10-35) using the CHARMM, OPLS-aal, and GS-AMBER94 force fields, whereas the convergence to equilibrium is tested for each force field by beginning separate trajectories from the native NMR structure, a completely stretched structure, and from unfolded initial structures. The NMR order parameter, S2, is computed for each trajectory and is compared with experimental data to assess the best choice for treating aggregates of Alphabeta. The computed order parameters vary significantly with force field. Explicit and implicit solvent simulations using the CHARMM force fields display excellent agreement with each other and once again support the accuracy of the implicit solvent model. Alphabeta(10-35) exhibits great flexibility, consistent with experiment data for the monomer in solution, while maintaining a general strand-loop-strand motif with a solvent-exposed hydrophobic patch that is believed to be important for aggregation. Finally, equilibration of the peptide structure requires an implicit solvent LD simulation as long as 30 ns.

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09/20/16 | Bessel beam plane illumination microscope.
Betzig E
USPTO. 2016 Sep 20;B2:

A microscope has a light source for generating a light beam having a wavelength, λ, and beam-forming optics configured for receiving the light beam and generating a Bessel-like beam that is directed into a sample. The beam-forming optics include an excitation objective having an axis oriented in a first direction. Imaging optics are configured for receiving light from a position within the sample that is illuminated by the Bessel-like beam and for imaging the received light on a detector. The imaging optics include a detection objective having an axis oriented in a second direction that is non-parallel to the first direction. A detector is configured for detecting signal light received by the imaging optics, and an aperture mask is positioned.

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08/04/17 | Best practices for managing large CryoEM facilities.
Alewijnse B, Ashton AW, Chambers MG, Chen S, Cheng A, Ebrahim M, Eng ET, Hagen WJ, Koster AJ, Lopez CS, Lukoyanova N, Ortega J, Renault L, Reyntjens S, Rice WJ, Scapin G, Schrijver R, Siebert A, Stagg SM, et al
Journal of Structural Biology. 2017-08-04;199(3):225-36. doi: 10.1016/j.jsb.2017.07.011

This paper provides an overview of the discussion and presentations from the Workshop on the Management of Large CryoEM Facilities held at the New York Structural Biology Center, New York, NY on February 6–7, 2017. A major objective of the workshop was to discuss best practices for managing cryoEM facilities. The discussions were largely focused on supporting single-particle methods for cryoEM and topics included: user access, assessing projects, workflow, sample handling, microscopy, data management and processing, and user training.

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Chklovskii Lab
06/01/12 | Betamax: towards optimal sampling strategies for high-throughput screens.
Grover D, Nunez-Iglesias J
Journal of Computational Biology: A Journal of Computational Molecular Cell Biology. 2012 Jun;19(6):776-84. doi: 10.1089/cmb.2012.0036

Sample size is a critical component in the design of any high-throughput genetic screening approach. Sample size determination from assumptions or limited data at the planning stages, though standard practice, may at times be unreliable because of the difficulty of a priori modeling of effect sizes and variance. Methods to update the sample size estimate during the course of the study could improve statistical power. In this article, we introduce an approach to estimate the power and update it continuously during the screen. We use this estimate to decide where to sample next to achieve maximum overall statistical power. Finally, in simulations, we demonstrate significant gains in study recall over the naive strategy of equal sample sizes while maintaining the same total number of samples.

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02/09/15 | Bidirectional NMDA receptor plasticity controls CA3 output and heterosynaptic metaplasticity.
Hunt DL, Puente N, Grandes P, Castillo PE
Nature Neuroscience. 2013 Aug;16(8):1049-59. doi: 10.1038/nn.3461

NMDA receptors (NMDARs) are classically known as coincidence detectors for the induction of long-term synaptic plasticity and have been implicated in hippocampal CA3 cell-dependent spatial memory functions that likely rely on dynamic cellular ensemble encoding of space. The unique functional properties of both NMDARs and mossy fiber projections to CA3 pyramidal cells place mossy fiber NMDARs in a prime position to influence CA3 ensemble dynamics. By mimicking presynaptic and postsynaptic activity patterns observed in vivo, we found a burst timing-dependent pattern of activity that triggered bidirectional long-term NMDAR plasticity at mossy fiber-CA3 synapses in rat hippocampal slices. This form of plasticity imparts bimodal control of mossy fiber-driven CA3 burst firing and spike temporal fidelity. Moreover, we found that mossy fiber NMDARs mediate heterosynaptic metaplasticity between mossy fiber and associational-commissural synapses. Thus, bidirectional NMDAR plasticity at mossy fiber-CA3 synapses could substantially contribute to the formation, storage and recall of CA3 cell assembly patterns.

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