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3920 Publications

Showing 751-760 of 3920 results
Svoboda Lab
05/01/07 | Channelrhodopsin-2-assisted circuit mapping of long-range callosal projections.
Petreanu L, Huber D, Sobczyk A, Svoboda K
Nature Neuroscience. 2007 May;10:663-8. doi: 10.1038/nn1891

The functions of cortical areas depend on their inputs and outputs, but the detailed circuits made by long-range projections are unknown. We show that the light-gated channel channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) is delivered to axons in pyramidal neurons in vivo. In brain slices from ChR2-expressing mice, photostimulation of ChR2-positive axons can be transduced reliably into single action potentials. Combining photostimulation with whole-cell recordings of synaptic currents makes it possible to map circuits between presynaptic neurons, defined by ChR2 expression, and postsynaptic neurons, defined by targeted patching. We applied this technique, ChR2-assisted circuit mapping (CRACM), to map long-range callosal projections from layer (L) 2/3 of the somatosensory cortex. L2/3 axons connect with neurons in L5, L2/3 and L6, but not L4, in both ipsilateral and contralateral cortex. In both hemispheres the L2/3-to-L5 projection is stronger than the L2/3-to-L2/3 projection. Our results suggest that laminar specificity may be identical for local and long-range cortical projections.

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Ji LabBetzig LabSvoboda Lab
01/03/12 | Characterization and adaptive optical correction of aberrations during in vivo imaging in the mouse cortex.
Ji N, Sato TR, Betzig E
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012 Jan 3;109:22-7. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1109202108

The signal and resolution during in vivo imaging of the mouse brain is limited by sample-induced optical aberrations. We find that, although the optical aberrations can vary across the sample and increase in magnitude with depth, they remain stable for hours. As a result, two-photon adaptive optics can recover diffraction-limited performance to depths of 450 μm and improve imaging quality over fields of view of hundreds of microns. Adaptive optical correction yielded fivefold signal enhancement for small neuronal structures and a threefold increase in axial resolution. The corrections allowed us to detect smaller neuronal structures at greater contrast and also improve the signal-to-noise ratio during functional Ca(2+) imaging in single neurons.

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Ji Lab

Inherent aberrations of gradient index (GRIN) lenses used in fluorescence endomicroscopes deteriorate imaging performance. Using adaptive optics, we characterized and corrected the on-axis and off-axis aberrations of a GRIN lens with NA 0.8 at multiple focal planes. We demonstrated a rotational-transformation-based correction procedure, which enlarged the imaging area with diffraction-limited resolution with only two aberration measurements. 204.8 × 204.8 µm2 images of fluorescent beads and brain slices before and after AO corrections were obtained, with evident improvements in both image sharpness and brightness after AO correction. These results show great promises of applying adaptive optical two-photon fluorescence endomicroscope to three-dimensional (3D) imaging.

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Svoboda Lab
03/19/08 | Characterization and subcellular targeting of GCaMP-type genetically-encoded calcium indicators.
Mao T, O’Connor DH, Scheuss V, Nakai J, Svoboda K
PLoS One. 2008 Mar 19;3(3):e1796. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0001796

Genetically-encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) hold the promise of monitoring [Ca(2+)] in selected populations of neurons and in specific cellular compartments. Relating GECI fluorescence to neuronal activity requires quantitative characterization. We have characterized a promising new genetically-encoded calcium indicator-GCaMP2-in mammalian pyramidal neurons. Fluorescence changes in response to single action potentials (17+/-10% DeltaF/F [mean+/-SD]) could be detected in some, but not all, neurons. Trains of high-frequency action potentials yielded robust responses (302+/-50% for trains of 40 action potentials at 83 Hz). Responses were similar in acute brain slices from in utero electroporated mice, indicating that long-term expression did not interfere with GCaMP2 function. Membrane-targeted versions of GCaMP2 did not yield larger signals than their non-targeted counterparts. We further targeted GCaMP2 to dendritic spines to monitor Ca(2+) accumulations evoked by activation of synaptic NMDA receptors. We observed robust DeltaF/F responses (range: 37%-264%) to single spine uncaging stimuli that were correlated with NMDA receptor currents measured through a somatic patch pipette. One major drawback of GCaMP2 was its low baseline fluorescence. Our results show that GCaMP2 is improved from the previous versions of GCaMP and may be suited to detect bursts of high-frequency action potentials and synaptic currents in vivo.

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01/07/21 | Characterization of a common progenitor pool of the epicardium and myocardium.
Tyser RC, Ibarra-Soria X, McDole K, A Jayaram S, Godwin J, van den Brand TA, Miranda AM, Scialdone A, Keller PJ, Marioni JC, Srinivas S
Science. 2021 Jan 07:. doi: 10.1126/science.abb2986

The mammalian heart is derived from multiple cell lineages; however, our understanding of when and how the diverse cardiac cell types arise is limited. We mapped the origin of the embryonic mouse heart at single-cell resolution using a combination of transcriptomic, imaging, and genetic lineage labeling approaches. This provided a transcriptional and anatomic definition of cardiac progenitor types. Furthermore, it revealed a cardiac progenitor pool that is anatomically and transcriptionally distinct from currently known cardiac progenitors. Besides contributing to cardiomyocytes, these cells also represent the earliest progenitor of the epicardium, a source of trophic factors and cells during cardiac development and injury. This study provides detailed insights into the formation of early cardiac cell types, with particular relevance to the development of cell-based cardiac regenerative therapies.

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01/15/19 | Characterization of neurite dystrophy after trauma by high speed structured illumination microscopy and lattice light sheet microscopy.
Phillips JK, Sherman SA, Cotton KY, Heddleston JM, Taylor AB, Finan JD
Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2019 Jan 15;312:154-61. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2018.12.005

BACKGROUND: Unbiased screening studies have repeatedly identified actin-related proteins as one of the families of proteins most influenced by neurotrauma. Nevertheless, the status quo model of cytoskeletal reorganization after neurotrauma excludes actin and incorporates only changes in microtubules and intermediate filaments. Actin is excluded in part because it is difficult to image with conventional techniques. However, recent innovations in fluorescent microscopy provide an opportunity to image the actin cytoskeleton at super-resolution resolution in living cells. This study applied these innovations to an in vitro model of neurotrauma.

NEW METHOD: New methods are introduced for traumatizing neurons before imaging them with high speed structured illumination microscopy or lattice light sheet microscopy. Also, methods for analyzing structured illumination microscopy images to quantify post-traumatic neurite dystrophy are presented.

RESULTS: Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons exhibited actin organization typical of immature neurons. Neurite dystrophy increased after trauma but was not influenced by jasplakinolide treatment. The F-actin content of dystrophies varied greatly from one dystrophy to another.

COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHODS: In contrast to fixation dependent methods, these methods capture the evolution of the actin cytoskeleton over time in a living cell. In contrast to prior methods based on counting dystrophies, this quantification scheme parameterizes the severity of a given dystrophy as it evolves from a local swelling to an almost-perfect spheroid that threatens to transect the neurite.

CONCLUSIONS: These methods can be used to investigate genetic factors and therapeutic interventions that modulate the course of neurite dystrophy after trauma.

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03/01/20 | Characterization of the Genetic Architecture Underlying Eye Size Variation Within Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans.
Gaspar P, Arif S, Sumner-Rooney L, Kittelmann M, Bodey AJ, Stern DL, Nunes MD, McGregor AP
Genes|Genomes|Genetics. 2020 Mar 01;10(3):1005-18. doi: 10.1534/g3.119.400877
Sternson Lab
01/07/22 | Characterization of ultrapotent chemogenetic ligands for research applications in non-human primates
Jessica Raper , Mark A. G. Eldridge , Scott. M. Sternson , Jalene Y. Shim , Grace P. Fomani , Barry J. Richmond , Thomas Wichmann , Adriana Galvan
bioRxiv. 2022 Jan 07:. doi: 10.1101/2022.01.06.475241

Chemogenetics is a technique for obtaining selective pharmacological control over a cell population by expressing an engineered receptor that is selectively activated by an exogenously administered ligand. A promising approach for neuronal modulation involves the use of “Pharmacologically Selective Actuator Modules” (PSAMs); these chemogenetic receptors are selectively activated by ultrapotent “Pharmacologically Selective Effector Molecules” (uPSEMs). To extend the use of PSAM/PSEMs to studies in nonhuman primates it is necessary to thoroughly characterize the efficacy and safety of these tools. We describe the time course and brain penetrance in rhesus monkeys of two compounds with promising binding specificity and efficacy profiles in in vitro studies, uPSEM792 and uPSEM817, after systemic administration. Rhesus macaques received subcutaneous (s.c.) or intravenous (i.v.) administration of uPSEM817(0.064 mg/kg) or uPSEM792 (0.87 mg/kg) and plasma and CSF samples were collected over the course of 48 hours. Both compounds exhibited good brain penetrance, relatively slow washout and negligible conversion to potential metabolites - varenicline or hydroxyvarenicline. In addition, we found that neither of these uPSEMs significantly altered heart rate or sleep. Our results indicate that both compounds are suitable candidates for neuroscience studies using PSAMs in nonhuman primates.

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Sternson Lab
11/02/22 | Characterization of Ultrapotent Chemogenetic Ligands for Research Applications in Nonhuman Primates.
Raper J, Eldridge MA, Sternson SM, Shim JY, Fomani GP, Richmond BJ, Wichmann T, Galvan A
ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 2022 Nov 02;13(21):3118-3125. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.2c00525

Chemogenetics is a technique for obtaining selective pharmacological control over a cell population by expressing an engineered receptor that is selectively activated by an exogenously administered ligand. A promising approach for neuronal modulation involves the use of "Pharmacologically Selective Actuator Modules" (PSAMs); these chemogenetic receptors are selectively activated by ultrapotent "Pharmacologically Selective Effector Molecules" (uPSEMs). To extend the use of PSAM/PSEMs to studies in nonhuman primates, it is necessary to thoroughly characterize the efficacy and safety of these tools. We describe the time course and brain penetrance in rhesus monkeys of two compounds with promising binding specificity and efficacy profiles in studies, uPSEM792 and uPSEM817, after systemic administration. Rhesus monkeys received subcutaneous (s.c.) or intravenous (i.v.) administration of uPSEM817 (0.064 mg/kg) or uPSEM792 (0.87 mg/kg), and plasma and cerebrospinal fluid samples were collected over 48 h. Both compounds exhibited good brain penetrance, relatively slow washout, and negligible conversion to potential metabolites─varenicline or hydroxyvarenicline. In addition, we found that neither of these uPSEMs significantly altered the heart rate or sleep. Our results indicate that both compounds are suitable candidates for neuroscience studies using PSAMs in nonhuman primates.

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03/07/08 | Characterization of vibrational resonances of water-vapor interfaces by phase-sensitive sum-frequency spectroscopy.
Ji N, Ostroverkhov V, Tian CS, Shen YR
Physical Review Letters. 2008 Mar 7;100(9):096102

Phase-sensitive sum-frequency spectroscopy provides correct characterization of vibrational resonances of water-vapor interfaces and allows better identification of interfacial water species contributing to different parts of the spectra. Iodine ions emerging at an interface create a surface field that tends to reorient the more loosely bonded water molecules below the topmost layer.

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