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91 Publications

Showing 1-10 of 91 results
06/18/18 | A novel pyramidal cell type promotes sharp-wave synchronization in the hippocampus.
Hunt DL, Linaro D, Si B, Romani S, Spruston N
Nature Neuroscience. 2018 Jun 18;21(7):985-95. doi: 10.1038/s41593-018-0172-7

To support cognitive function, the CA3 region of the hippocampus performs computations involving attractor dynamics. Understanding how cellular and ensemble activities of CA3 neurons enable computation is critical for elucidating the neural correlates of cognition. Here we show that CA3 comprises not only classically described pyramid cells with thorny excrescences, but also includes previously unidentified 'athorny' pyramid cells that lack mossy-fiber input. Moreover, the two neuron types have distinct morphological and physiological phenotypes and are differentially modulated by acetylcholine. To understand the contribution of these athorny pyramid neurons to circuit function, we measured cell-type-specific firing patterns during sharp-wave synchronization events in vivo and recapitulated these dynamics with an attractor network model comprising two principal cell types. Our data and simulations reveal a key role for athorny cell bursting in the initiation of sharp waves: transient network attractor states that signify the execution of pattern completion computations vital to cognitive function.

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01/01/10 | A post-burst after depolarization is mediated by group i metabotropic glutamate receptor-dependent upregulation of Ca(v)2.3 R-type calcium channels in CA1 pyramidal neurons.
Park J, Remy S, Varela J, Cooper DC, Chung S, Kang H, Lee J, Spruston N
PLoS Biology. 2010;8(11):e1000534. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000534

Activation of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (subtypes mGluR1 and mGluR5) regulates neural activity in a variety of ways. In CA1 pyramidal neurons, activation of group I mGluRs eliminates the post-burst afterhyperpolarization (AHP) and produces an afterdepolarization (ADP) in its place. Here we show that upregulation of Ca(v)2.3 R-type calcium channels is responsible for a component of the ADP lasting several hundred milliseconds. This medium-duration ADP is rapidly and reversibly induced by activation of mGluR5 and requires activation of phospholipase C (PLC) and release of calcium from internal stores. Effects of mGluR activation on subthreshold membrane potential changes are negligible but are large following action potential firing. Furthermore, the medium ADP exhibits a biphasic activity dependence consisting of short-term facilitation and longer-term inhibition. These findings suggest that mGluRs may dramatically alter the firing of CA1 pyramidal neurons via a complex, activity-dependent modulation of Ca(v)2.3 R-type channels that are activated during spiking at physiologically relevant rates and patterns.

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04/28/20 | A Sparse, Spatially Biased Subtype of Mature Granule Cell Dominates Recruitment in Hippocampal-Associated Behaviors.
Erwin SR, Sun W, Copeland M, Lindo S, Spruston N, Cembrowski MS
Cell Reports. 2020 Apr 28;31(4):107551. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107551

Animals can store information about experiences by activating specific neuronal populations, and subsequent reactivation of these neural ensembles can lead to recall of salient experiences. In the hippocampus, granule cells of the dentate gyrus participate in such memory engrams; however, whether there is an underlying logic to granule cell participation has not been examined. Here, we find that a range of novel experiences preferentially activates granule cells of the suprapyramidal blade relative to the infrapyramidal blade. Motivated by this, we identify a suprapyramidal-blade-enriched population of granule cells with distinct spatial, morphological, physiological, and developmental properties. Via transcriptomics, we map these traits onto a sparse and discrete granule cell subtype that is recruited at a 10-fold greater frequency than expected by subtype prevalence, constituting the majority of all recruited granule cells. Thus, in behaviors known to involve hippocampal-dependent memory formation, a rare and spatially localized subtype dominates overall granule cell recruitment.

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Spruston LabMenon Lab
09/29/09 | A state-mutating genetic algorithm to design ion-channel models.
Menon V, Spruston N, Kath WL
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2009 Sep 29;106(39):16829-34. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0903766106

Realistic computational models of single neurons require component ion channels that reproduce experimental findings. Here, a topology-mutating genetic algorithm that searches for the best state diagram and transition-rate parameters to model macroscopic ion-channel behavior is described. Important features of the algorithm include a topology-altering strategy, automatic satisfaction of equilibrium constraints (microscopic reversibility), and multiple-protocol fitting using sequential goal programming rather than explicit weighting. Application of this genetic algorithm to design a sodium-channel model exhibiting both fast and prolonged inactivation yields a six-state model that produces realistic activity-dependent attenuation of action-potential backpropagation in current-clamp simulations of a CA1 pyramidal neuron.

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05/17/01 | Action potential bursting in subicular pyramidal neurons is driven by a calcium tail current.
Jung HY, Staff NP, Spruston N
J Neurosci. 2001 May 15;21(10):3312-21

Subiculum is the primary output area of the hippocampus and serves as a key relay center in the process of memory formation and retrieval. A majority of subicular pyramidal neurons communicate via bursts of action potentials, a mode of signaling that may enhance the fidelity of information transfer and synaptic plasticity or contribute to epilepsy when unchecked. In the present study, we show that a Ca(2+) tail current drives bursting in subicular pyramidal neurons. An action potential activates voltage-activated Ca(2+) channels, which deactivate slowly enough during action potential repolarization to produce an afterdepolarization that triggers subsequent action potentials in the burst. The Ca(2+) channels underlying bursting are located primarily near the soma, and the amplitude of Ca(2+) tail currents correlates with the strength of bursting across cells. Multiple channel subtypes contribute to Ca(2+) tail current, but the need for an action potential to produce the slow depolarization suggests a central role for high-voltage-activated Ca(2+) channels in subicular neuron bursting.

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03/20/97 | Action potential initiation and backpropagation in neurons of the mammalian CNS.
Stuart G, Spruston N, Sakmann B, Häusser M
Trends Neurosci. 1997 Mar;20(3):125-31

Most neurons in the mammalian CNS encode and transmit information via action potentials. Knowledge of where these electrical events are initiated and how they propagate within neurons is therefore fundamental to an understanding of neuronal function. While work from the 1950s suggested that action potentials are initiated in the axon, many subsequent investigations have suggested that action potentials can also be initiated in the dendrites. Recently, experiments using simultaneous patch-pipette recordings from different locations on the same neuron have been used to address this issue directly. These studies show that the site of action potential initiation is in the axon, even when synaptic activation is powerful enough to elicit dendritic electrogenesis. Furthermore, these and other studies also show that following initiation, action potentials actively backpropagate into the dendrites of many neuronal types, providing a retrograde signal of neuronal output to the dendritic tree.

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04/14/95 | Activity-dependent action potential invasion and calcium influx into hippocampal CA1 dendrites.
Spruston N, Schiller Y, Stuart G, Sakmann B
Science. 1995 Apr 14;268(5208):297-300

The temporal and spatial profile of activity-evoked changes in membrane potential and intracellular calcium concentration in the dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons was examined with simultaneous somatic and dendritic patch-pipette recording and calcium imaging experiments. Action potentials are initiated close to the soma of these neurons and backpropagate into the dendrites in an activity-dependent manner; those occurring early in a train propagate actively, whereas those occurring later fail to actively invade the distal dendrites. Consistent with this finding, dendritic calcium transients evoked by single action potentials do not significantly attenuate with distance from the soma, whereas those evoked by trains attenuate substantially. Failure of action potential propagation into the distal dendrites often occurs at branch points. Consequently, neighboring regions of the dendritic tree can experience different voltage and calcium signals during repetitive action potential firing. The influence of backpropagating action potentials on synaptic integration and plasticity will therefore depend on both the extent of dendritic branching and the pattern of neuronal activity.

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03/16/15 | Age-dependent changes in intrinsic neuronal excitability in subiculum after status epilepticus.
Chung S, Spruston N, Koh S
PLoS One. 2015 Mar 16;10(3):e0119411. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119411

Kainic acid-induced status epilepticus (KA-SE) in mature rats results in the development of spontaneous recurrent seizures and a pattern of cell death resembling hippocampal sclerosis in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. In contrast, KA-SE in young animals before postnatal day (P) 18 is less likely to cause cell death or epilepsy. To investigate whether changes in neuronal excitability occur in the subiculum after KA-SE, we examined the age-dependent effects of SE on the bursting neurons of subiculum, the major output region of the hippocampus. Patch-clamp recordings were used to monitor bursting in pyramidal neurons in the subiculum of rat hippocampal slices. Neurons were studied either one or 2-3 weeks following injection of KA or saline (control) in immature (P15) or more mature (P30) rats, which differ in their sensitivity to KA as well as the long-term sequelae of the KA-SE. A significantly greater proportion of subicular pyramidal neurons from P15 rats were strong-bursting neurons and showed increased frequency-dependent bursting compared to P30 animals. Frequency-dependent burst firing was enhanced in P30, but not in P15 rats following KA-SE. The enhancement of bursting induced by KA-SE in more mature rats suggests that the frequency-dependent limitation of repetitive burst firing, which normally occurs in the subiculum, is compromised following SE. These changes could facilitate the initiation of spontaneous recurrent seizures or their spread from the hippocampus to other parts of the brain.

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05/01/15 | Applying superresolution localization-based microscopy to neurons.
Zhong H
Synapse. 2015 May;69(5):283-94. doi: 10.1002/syn.21806

Proper brain function requires the precise localization of proteins and signaling molecules on a nanometer scale. The examination of molecular organization at this scale has been difficult in part because it is beyond the reach of conventional, diffraction-limited light microscopy. The recently developed method of superresolution, localization-based fluorescent microscopy (LBM), such as photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), has demonstrated a resolving power at a 10 nm scale and is poised to become a vital tool in modern neuroscience research. Indeed, LBM has revealed previously unknown cellular architectures and organizational principles in neurons. Here, we discuss the principles of LBM, its current applications in neuroscience, and the challenges that must be met before its full potential is achieved. We also present the unpublished results of our own experiments to establish a sample preparation procedure for applying LBM to study brain tissue. Synapse, 69:283-294, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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12/23/14 | Assembling cell ensembles.
Spruston N
Cell. 2014 Jun 19;157(7):1502-4. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.05.032

The way the hippocampus processes information and encodes memories in the form of "cell assemblies" is likely determined in part by how its circuits are wired up during development. In this issue, Xu et al. now provide new insight into how neurons arising from a single common precursor migrate to their final destination and form functionally synchronous ensembles.

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