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Laurence Abbott

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Larry Abbott is the William Bloor Professor of Theoretical Neuroscience at Columbia University.  He received his PhD in physics from Brandeis University in 1977, and worked in theoretical particle physics at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, CERN, the European center for particle physics, and Brandeis, where he became a professor of physics in 1988.  Abbott began his transition to neuroscience research in 1989, joined the Biology Department at Brandeis in 1993 and was the director of the Volen Center at Brandeis from 1997-2002. In 2005, he joined the faculty of Columbia University where he is currently a member of the Departments of Neuroscience and of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics and co-director of the Center for Theoretical Neuroscience.  Abbott is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a recipient of an NIH Directors Pioneer Award, and was awarded the Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience in 2010.