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The Expanding Roles of Mitochondria in Cell Biology and Disease

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The Expanding Roles of Mitochondria in Cell Biology and Disease

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May 9 - 12, 2011
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This meeting was a follow-up to "New frontiers in mitochondrial science: Integration into cell signaling," held in spring 2008. With the finding that ATP production is merely one part of mitochondrial function, comes the need to investigate their non-ATP related roles. Recent studies show mitochondrial involvement in major cellular metabolic pathways, including nucleic acid biosynthesis, hormone synthesis, and metabolism of cholesterol and neurotransmitters. Moreover, mitochondrial defects have been implicated in a wide spectrum of over 200 diseases, including Parkinson's disease, diabetes, heart disease, and likely many more that have yet to be discovered. This meeting brought together leaders in the field to discuss the most recent findings and best approaches to dissecting the expanding cellular roles of mitochondria.

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David Clayton, HHMI/Janelia
Gerald Shadel, Yale University
Susan Taylor, HHMI/University of California, San Diego

Invited Participants

Daniel Bogenhagen, State University of New York - Stony Brook
David Chan, HHMI/California Institute of Technology
Navdeep Chandel, Northwestern University
Nika Danial, Harvard Medical School
Andrew Dillin, HHMI/Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Jack Dixon, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Gerald Dorn, Washington University in St. Louis
Miguel Garcia-Diaz, Stony Brook University
Laurie Kaguni, Michigan State University
C. Ronald Kahn, Harvard Medical School
Brett Kaufmann, University of Pennsylvania
Carla Koehler, University of California, Los Angeles
Andrew Larner, Virginia Commonwealth University
Robert Lightowlers, Newcastle University
Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, National Institutes of Health
Stuart Lipton, University of California, San Diego
Giovanni Manfredi, Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Heidi McBride, University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Vamsi Mootha, Harvard Medical School
Carlos Moraes, University of Miami
Anne Murphy, University of California, San Diego
Jodi Nunnari, University of California, Davis
Erika Pearce, Trudeau Institute
Guy Perkins, University of California, San Diego
Tomas Prolla, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Janine Santos, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Eric Schon, Columbia University
Paul Schumacker, Northwestern University
Luca Scorrano, University of Geneva
Eric Shoubridge, HHMI/McGill University
Stefan Strack, University of Iowa
Eric Verdin, University of California, San Francisco
Richard Youle, National Institutes of Health