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44 Janelia Publications

Showing 21-30 of 44 results
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    Cardona LabSaalfeld Lab
    06/02/10 | Identifying neuronal lineages of Drosophila by sequence analysis of axon tracts.
    Cardona A, Saalfeld S, Arganda I, Pereanu W, Schindelin J, Hartenstein V
    The Journal of Neuroscience. 2010 Jun 2;30(22):7538-53. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0186-10.2010

    The Drosophila brain is formed by an invariant set of lineages, each of which is derived from a unique neural stem cell (neuroblast) and forms a genetic and structural unit of the brain. The task of reconstructing brain circuitry at the level of individual neurons can be made significantly easier by assigning neurons to their respective lineages. In this article we address the automation of neuron and lineage identification. We focused on the Drosophila brain lineages at the larval stage when they form easily recognizable secondary axon tracts (SATs) that were previously partially characterized. We now generated an annotated digital database containing all lineage tracts reconstructed from five registered wild-type brains, at higher resolution and including some that were previously not characterized. We developed a method for SAT structural comparisons based on a dynamic programming approach akin to nucleotide sequence alignment and a machine learning classifier trained on the annotated database of reference SATs. We quantified the stereotypy of SATs by measuring the residual variability of aligned wild-type SATs. Next, we used our method for the identification of SATs within wild-type larval brains, and found it highly accurate (93-99%). The method proved highly robust for the identification of lineages in mutant brains and in brains that differed in developmental time or labeling. We describe for the first time an algorithm that quantifies neuronal projection stereotypy in the Drosophila brain and use the algorithm for automatic neuron and lineage recognition.

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    12/23/16 | Image-based correction of continuous and discontinuous non-planar axial distortion in serial section microscopy.
    Hanslovsky P, Bogovic JA, Saalfeld S
    Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 2016 Dec 23:. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw794

    MOTIVATION: Serial section microscopy is an established method for detailed anatomy reconstruction of biological specimen. During the last decade, high resolution electron microscopy (EM) of serial sections has become the de-facto standard for reconstruction of neural connectivity at ever increasing scales (EM connectomics). In serial section microscopy, the axial dimension of the volume is sampled by physically removing thin sections from the embedded specimen and subsequently imaging either the block-face or the section series. This process has limited precision leading to inhomogeneous non-planar sampling of the axial dimension of the volume which, in turn, results in distorted image volumes. This includes that section series may be collected and imaged in unknown order.

    RESULTS: We developed methods to identify and correct these distortions through image-based signal analysis without any additional physical apparatus or measurements. We demonstrate the efficacy of our methods in proof of principle experiments and application to real world problems.

    AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: We made our work available as libraries for the ImageJ distribution Fiji and for deployment in a high performance parallel computing environment. Our sources are open and available at, and CONTACT: : saalfelds@janelia.hhmi.orgSupplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

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    03/20/24 | Interactive simulation and visualization of point spread functions in single molecule imaging.
    Magdalena C. Schneider , Fabian Hinterer , Alexander Jesacher , Gerhard J. Schütz
    Optics Communications. 2024 Mar 20:. doi: 10.1016/j.optcom.2024.130463

    The point spread function (PSF) is fundamental to any type of microscopy, most importantly so for single-molecule localization techniques, where the exact PSF shape is crucial for precise molecule localization at the nanoscale. Optical aberrations and fixed fluorophore dipoles often result in non-isotropic and distorted PSFs, impairing and biasing conventional fitting approaches. Further, PSF shapes are deliberately modified in PSF engineering approaches for providing improved sensitivity, e.g., for 3D localization or determination of dipole orientation. As this can lead to highly complex PSF shapes, a tool for visualizing expected PSFs would facilitate the interpretation of obtained data and the design of experimental approaches. To this end, we introduce a comprehensive and accessible computer application that allows for the simulation of realistic PSFs based on the full vectorial PSF model. Our tool incorporates a wide range of microscope and fluorophore parameters, including orientationally constrained fluorophores, as well as custom aberrations, transmission and phase masks, thus enabling an accurate representation of various imaging conditions. An additional feature is the simulation of crowded molecular environments with overlapping PSFs. Further, our app directly provides the Cramér–Rao bound for assessing the best achievable localization precision under given conditions. Finally, our software allows for the fitting of custom aberrations directly from experimental data, as well as the generation of a large dataset with randomized simulation parameters, effectively bridging the gap between simulated and experimental scenarios, and enhancing experimental design and result validation.

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    04/26/18 | Joint deformable registration of large EM image volumes: a matrix solver approach.
    Khairy K, Denisov G, Saalfeld S
    arXiv. 2018 Apr 26:

    Large electron microscopy image datasets for connectomics are typically composed of thousands to millions of partially overlapping two-dimensional images (tiles), which must be registered into a coherent volume prior to further analysis. A common registration strategy is to find matching features between neighboring and overlapping image pairs, followed by a numerical estimation of optimal image deformation using a so-called solver program. 
    Existing solvers are inadequate for large data volumes, and inefficient for small-scale image registration. 
    In this work, an efficient and accurate matrix-based solver method is presented. A linear system is constructed that combines minimization of feature-pair square distances with explicit constraints in a regularization term. In absence of reliable priors for regularization, we show how to construct a rigid-model approximation to use as prior. The linear system is solved using available computer programs, whose performance on typical registration tasks we briefly compare, and to which future scale-up is delegated. Our method is applied to the joint alignment of 2.67 million images, with more than 200 million point-pairs and has been used for successfully aligning the first full adult fruit fly brain.

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    07/01/19 | Large scale image segmentation with structured loss based deep learning for connectome reconstruction.
    Funke J, Tschopp FD, Grisaitis W, Sheridan A, Singh C, Saalfeld S, Turaga SC
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2019 Jul 1;41(7):1669-80. doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2018.2835450

    We present a method combining affinity prediction with region agglomeration, which improves significantly upon the state of the art of neuron segmentation from electron microscopy (EM) in accuracy and scalability. Our method consists of a 3D U-net, trained to predict affinities between voxels, followed by iterative region agglomeration. We train using a structured loss based on MALIS, encouraging topologically correct segmentations obtained from affinity thresholding. Our extension consists of two parts: First, we present a quasi-linear method to compute the loss gradient, improving over the original quadratic algorithm. Second, we compute the gradient in two separate passes to avoid spurious gradient contributions in early training stages. Our predictions are accurate enough that simple learning-free percentile-based agglomeration outperforms more involved methods used earlier on inferior predictions. We present results on three diverse EM datasets, achieving relative improvements over previous results of 27%, 15%, and 250%. Our findings suggest that a single method can be applied to both nearly isotropic block-face EM data and anisotropic serial sectioned EM data. The runtime of our method scales linearly with the size of the volume and achieves a throughput of ~2.6 seconds per megavoxel, qualifying our method for the processing of very large datasets.

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    02/01/23 | Local shape descriptors for neuron segmentation.
    Sheridan A, Nguyen TM, Deb D, Lee WA, Saalfeld S, Turaga SC, Manor U, Funke J
    Nature Methods. 2023 Feb 01;20(2):295-303. doi: 10.1038/s41592-022-01711-z

    We present an auxiliary learning task for the problem of neuron segmentation in electron microscopy volumes. The auxiliary task consists of the prediction of local shape descriptors (LSDs), which we combine with conventional voxel-wise direct neighbor affinities for neuron boundary detection. The shape descriptors capture local statistics about the neuron to be segmented, such as diameter, elongation, and direction. On a study comparing several existing methods across various specimen, imaging techniques, and resolutions, auxiliary learning of LSDs consistently increases segmentation accuracy of affinity-based methods over a range of metrics. Furthermore, the addition of LSDs promotes affinity-based segmentation methods to be on par with the current state of the art for neuron segmentation (flood-filling networks), while being two orders of magnitudes more efficient-a critical requirement for the processing of future petabyte-sized datasets.

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    09/01/23 | OME-Zarr: a cloud-optimized bioimaging file format with international community support.
    Josh Moore , Daniela Basurto-Lozada , Sébastien Besson , John Bogovic , Eva M. Brown , Jean-Marie Burel , Gustavo de Medeiros , Erin E. Diel , David Gault , Satrajit S. Ghosh , Ilan Gold , Yaroslav O. Halchenko , Matthew Hartley , Dave Horsfall , Mark S. Keller , Mark Kittisopikul , Gabor Kovacs , Aybüke Küpcü Yoldaş , Albane le Tournoulx de la Villegeorges , Tong Li , Prisca Liberali , Melissa Linkert , Dominik Lindner , Joel Lüthi , Jeremy Maitin-Shepard , Trevor Manz , Matthew McCormick , Khaled Mohamed , William Moore , Bugra Özdemir , Constantin Pape , Lucas Pelkmans , Martin Prete , Tobias Pietzsch , Stephan Preibisch , Norman Rzepka , David R. Stirling , Jonathan Striebel , Christian Tischer , Daniel Toloudis , Petr Walczysko , Alan M. Watson , Frances Wong , Kevin A. Yamauchi , Omer Bayraktar , Muzlifah Haniffa , Stephan Saalfeld , Jason R. Swedlow
    Histochemistry and Cell Biology. 2023 Feb 25;160(3):223-251. doi: 10.1007/s00418-023-02209-1

    A growing community is constructing a next-generation file format (NGFF) for bioimaging to overcome problems of scalability and heterogeneity. Organized by the Open Microscopy Environment (OME), individuals and institutes across diverse modalities facing these problems have designed a format specification process (OME-NGFF) to address these needs. This paper brings together a wide range of those community members to describe the format itself – OME-Zarr – along with tools and data resources available today to increase FAIR access and remove barriers in the scientific process. The current momentum offers an opportunity to unify a key component of the bioimaging domain — the file format that underlies so many personal, institutional, and global data management and analysis tasks.

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    05/31/24 | Periodic ER-plasma membrane junctions support long-range Ca2+ signal integration in dendrites
    Benedetti L, Fan R, Weigel AV, Moore AS, Houlihan PR, Kittisopikul M, Park G, Petruncio A, Hubbard PM, Pang S, Xu CS, Hess HF, Saalfeld S, Rangaraju V, Clapham DE, De Camilli P, Ryan TA, Lippincott-Schwartz J
    bioRxiv. 2024 May 31:. doi: 10.1101/2024.05.27.596121

    Neuronal dendrites must relay synaptic inputs over long distances, but the mechanisms by which activity-evoked intracellular signals propagate over macroscopic distances remain unclear. Here, we discovered a system of periodically arranged endoplasmic reticulum-plasma membrane (ER-PM) junctions tiling the plasma membrane of dendrites at \~1 μm intervals, interlinked by a meshwork of ER tubules patterned in a ladder-like array. Populated with Junctophilin-linked plasma membrane voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and ER Ca2+-release channels (ryanodine receptors), ER-PM junctions are hubs for ER-PM crosstalk, fine-tuning of Ca2+ homeostasis, and local activation of the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Local spine stimulation activates the Ca2+ modulatory machinery facilitating voltage-independent signal transmission and ryanodine receptor-dependent Ca2+ release at ER-PM junctions over 20 μm away. Thus, interconnected ER-PM junctions support signal propagation and Ca2+ release from the spine-adjacent ER. The capacity of this subcellular architecture to modify both local and distant membrane-proximal biochemistry potentially contributes to dendritic computations.HighlightsPeriodic ER-PM junctions tile neuronal dendritic plasma membrane in rodent and fly.ER-PM junctions are populated by ER tethering and Ca2+ release and influx machinery.ER-PM junctions act as sites for local activation of CaMKII.Local spine activation drives Ca2+ release from RyRs at ER-PM junctions over 20 μm.

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    03/27/22 | Petascale pipeline for precise alignment of images from serial section electron microscopy.
    Sergiy Popovych , Thomas Macrina , Nico Kemnitz , Manuel Castro , Barak Nehoran , Zhen Jia , J. Alexander Bae , Eric Mitchell , Shang Mu , Eric T. Trautman , Stephan Saalfeld , Kai Li , Sebastian Seung
    bioRxiv. 2022 Mar 27:. doi: 10.1101/2022.03.25.485816

    The reconstruction of neural circuits from serial section electron microscopy (ssEM) images is being accelerated by automatic image segmentation methods. Segmentation accuracy is often limited by the preceding step of aligning 2D section images to create a 3D image stack. Precise and robust alignment in the presence of image artifacts is challenging, especially as datasets are attaining the petascale. We present a computational pipeline for aligning ssEM images with several key elements. Self-supervised convolutional nets are trained via metric learning to encode and align image pairs, and they are used to initialize iterative fine-tuning of alignment. A procedure called vector voting increases robustness to image artifacts or missing image data. For speedup the series is divided into blocks that are distributed to computational workers for alignment. The blocks are aligned to each other by composing transformations with decay, which achieves a global alignment without resorting to a time-consuming global optimization. We apply our pipeline to a whole fly brain dataset, and show improved accuracy relative to prior state of the art. We also demonstrate that our pipeline scales to a cubic millimeter of mouse visual cortex. Our pipeline is publicly available through two open source Python packages.

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    01/04/24 | Petascale pipeline for precise alignment of images from serial section electron microscopy.
    Popovych S, Macrina T, Kemnitz N, Castro M, Nehoran B, Jia Z, Bae JA, Mitchell E, Mu S, Trautman ET, Saalfeld S, Li K, Seung HS
    Nature Communications. 2024 Jan 04;15(1):289. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-44354-0

    The reconstruction of neural circuits from serial section electron microscopy (ssEM) images is being accelerated by automatic image segmentation methods. Segmentation accuracy is often limited by the preceding step of aligning 2D section images to create a 3D image stack. Precise and robust alignment in the presence of image artifacts is challenging, especially as datasets are attaining the petascale. We present a computational pipeline for aligning ssEM images with several key elements. Self-supervised convolutional nets are trained via metric learning to encode and align image pairs, and they are used to initialize iterative fine-tuning of alignment. A procedure called vector voting increases robustness to image artifacts or missing image data. For speedup the series is divided into blocks that are distributed to computational workers for alignment. The blocks are aligned to each other by composing transformations with decay, which achieves a global alignment without resorting to a time-consuming global optimization. We apply our pipeline to a whole fly brain dataset, and show improved accuracy relative to prior state of the art. We also demonstrate that our pipeline scales to a cubic millimeter of mouse visual cortex. Our pipeline is publicly available through two open source Python packages.

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