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Kopek BG, Perkins G, Miller DJ, Ellisman MH, Ahlquist P.  2007.  Three-dimensional analysis of a viral RNA replication complex reveals a virus-induced mini-organelle.. PLoS biology. 5(9):e220.
Kopek BG, Perkins G, Miller DJ, Ellisman MH, Ahlquist P.  2007.  Three-dimensional analysis of a viral RNA replication complex reveals a virus-induced mini-organelle.. PLoS Biology. 5(9):e220.
Ji N, Zhang K, Yang H, Shen Y-R.  2006.  Three-dimensional chiral imaging by sum-frequency generation.. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 128(11):3482-3.
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Keller PJ, Pampaloni F, Lattanzi G, Stelzer EHK.  2008.  Three-dimensional microtubule behavior in Xenopus egg extracts reveals four dynamic states and state-dependent elastic properties.. Biophysical Journal. 95:1474-86.
Vaziri A, Tang J, Shroff H, Shank CV.  2009.  Three-dimensional nanoscopy of biological samples.. 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS 2009), Vols. 1-5. 1-5:147-8.
Keller PJ, Pampaloni F, Stelzer EHK.  2007.  Three-dimensional preparation and imaging reveal intrinsic microtubule properties.. Nature Methods. 4(10):843-6.
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Gustafsson MGL, Shao L, Carlton PM, Wang CJRachel, Golubovskaya IN, W Cande Z, Agard DA, Sedat JW.  2008.  Three-dimensional resolution doubling in wide-field fluorescence microscopy by structured illumination.. Biophysical Journal. 94(12):4957-70.
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Vaziri A., Tang J., Shroff H., Shank C..  2009.  Three-dimensional super-resolution imaging of thick biological samples.. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 15:36-7.
Yamashita N, Morita M, Legant WR, Chen B-C, Betzig E, Yokota H, Mimori-Kiyosue Y.  2015.  Three-dimensional tracking of plus-tips by lattice light-sheet microscopy permits the quantification of microtubule growth trajectories within the mitotic apparatus.. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 20(10):101206.
Rodriguez C, Liang Y, Lu R, Ji N.  2018.  Three-photon fluorescence microscopy with an axially elongated Bessel focus.. Optics Letters. 43(8):1914-1917.
McKellar CE, Lillvis JL, Bath DE, Fitzgerald JE, Cannon JG, Simpson JH, Dickson BJ.  2019.  Threshold-based ordering of sequential actions during Drosophila courtship.. Current Biology : CB. 29(3):426-34.
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Hoffman DP, Betzig E.  2020.  Tiled reconstruction improves structured illumination microscopy.. bioRxiv.
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Zhang L-Q, Mao J, Aguirre GKarl, Stocker AA.  2024.  The tilt illusion arises from an efficient reallocation of neural coding resources at the contextual boundary. bioRxiv.
Henderson R, Chen S, Chen JZ, Grigorieff N, Passmore LA, Ciccarelli L, Rubinstein JL, R Crowther A, Stewart PL, Rosenthal PB.  2011.  Tilt-pair analysis of images from a range of different specimens in single-particle electron cryomicroscopy.. Journal of Molecular Biology. 413(5):1028-46.
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Wu B, Singer RH, Mueller JD.  2013.  Time-integrated fluorescence cumulant analysis and its application in living cells.. Methods in Enzymology. 518:99-119.
Fiolka R, Shao L, E Rego H, Davidson MW, Gustafsson MGL.  2012.  Time-lapse two-color 3D imaging of live cells with doubled resolution using structured illumination.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109(14):5311-5.