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Ahrens MB, Khakh BS, Poskanzer KE.  2024.  Astrocyte Calcium Signaling. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol.
Ahrens MB, Orger MB, Robson DN, Li JM, Keller PJ.  2013.  Whole-brain functional imaging at cellular resolution using light-sheet microscopy.. Nature Methods. 10(5):413-20.
Ahrens MB, Sahani M.  2011.  Observers exploit stochastic models of sensory change to help judge the passage of time.. Current Biology. 21(3):200-6.
Ahrens MB, Engert F.  2015.  Large-scale imaging in small brains.. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 32C:78-86.
Ahrens MB, Li JM, Orger MB, Robson DN, Schier AF, Engert F, Portugues R.  2012.  Brain-wide neuronal dynamics during motor adaptation in zebrafish.. Nature. 485(7399):471-7.
Ahrens MB, Linden JF, Sahani M.  2008.  Nonlinearities and contextual influences in auditory cortical responses modeled with multilinear spectrotemporal methods.. The Journal of Neuroscience. 28(8):1929-42.
Ahrens MB*, Huang KHua*, Narayan S, Mensh BD, Engert F.  2013.  Two-photon calcium imaging during fictive navigation in virtual environments.. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 7:104.
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Aitchison L, Adam V, Turaga SC.  2018.  Discrete flow posteriors for variational inference in discrete dynamical systems.. arXiv. :1805.10958.
Aitchison L, Russell L, Packer AM, Yan J, Castonguaye P, Häusser M, Turaga SC.  2017.  Model-based Bayesian inference of neural activity and connectivity from all-optical interrogation of a neural circuit.. 31st Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2017).
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