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Peddie CJ, Genoud C, Kreshuk A, Meechan K, Micheva KD, Narayan K, Pape C, Parton RG, Schieber NL, Schwab Y et al..  2022.  Volume electron microscopy.. Nature Reviews: Methods Primers. 2:51.
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Böhm UL, Kimura Y, Kawashima T, Ahrens MB, Higashijima S-I, Engert F, Cohen AE.  2022.  Voltage imaging identifies spinal circuits that modulate locomotor adaptation in zebrafish.. Neuron.
Böhm UL, Kimura Y, Kawashima T, Ahrens MB, Higashijima S-I, Engert F, Cohen AE.  2022.  Voltage imaging identifies spinal circuits that modulate locomotor adaptation in zebrafish.. Neuron. 110(7):1211-1222.e4.
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