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3920 Publications

Showing 1201-1210 of 3920 results
03/11/15 | Dual-channel circuit mapping reveals sensorimotor convergence in the primary motor cortex.
Hooks BM, Lin JY, Guo C, Svoboda K
The Journal of Neuroscience. 2015 Mar 11;35(10):4418-26. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3741-14.2015

Cortical cells integrate synaptic input from multiple sources, but how these different inputs are distributed across individual neurons is largely unknown. Differences in input might account for diverse responses in neighboring neurons during behavior. We present a strategy for comparing the strengths of multiple types of input onto the same neuron. We developed methods for independent dual-channel photostimulation of synaptic inputs using ChR2 together with ReaChR, a red-shifted channelrhodopsin. We used dual-channel photostimulation to probe convergence of sensory information in the mouse primary motor cortex. Input from somatosensory cortex and thalamus converges in individual neurons. Similarly, inputs from distinct somatotopic regions of the somatosensory cortex are integrated at the level of single motor cortex neurons. We next developed a ReaChR transgenic mouse under the control of both Flp- and Cre-recombinases that is an effective tool for circuit mapping. Our approach to dual-channel photostimulation enables quantitative comparison of the strengths of multiple pathways across all length scales of the brain.

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12/18/07 | Dual-color superresolution imaging of genetically expressed probes within individual adhesion complexes. (With commentary)
Shroff H, Galbraith CG, Galbraith JA, White H, Gillette J, Olenych S, Davidson MW, Betzig E
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2007 Dec 18;104:20308-13. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0710517105

Accurate determination of the relative positions of proteins within localized regions of the cell is essential for understanding their biological function. Although fluorescent fusion proteins are targeted with molecular precision, the position of these genetically expressed reporters is usually known only to the resolution of conventional optics ( approximately 200 nm). Here, we report the use of two-color photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) to determine the ultrastructural relationship between different proteins fused to spectrally distinct photoactivatable fluorescent proteins (PA-FPs). The nonperturbative incorporation of these endogenous tags facilitates an imaging resolution in whole, fixed cells of approximately 20-30 nm at acquisition times of 5-30 min. We apply the technique to image different pairs of proteins assembled in adhesion complexes, the central attachment points between the cytoskeleton and the substrate in migrating cells. For several pairs, we find that proteins that seem colocalized when viewed by conventional optics are resolved as distinct interlocking nano-aggregates when imaged via PALM. The simplicity, minimal invasiveness, resolution, and speed of the technique all suggest its potential to directly visualize molecular interactions within cellular structures at the nanometer scale.

Commentary: Identifies the photoactivatable fluorescent proteins (PA-FPs) Dronpa and PS-CFP2 as green partners to orange-red PA-FPs such as Kaede and Eos for dual color PALM imaging. Very low crosstalk is demonstrated between the two color channels. Furthermore, since the probes are genetically expressed, they are closely bound to their target proteins and exhibit zero non-specific background. All these properties are essential to unambiguously identify regions of co-localization or separate compartmentalization at the nanoscale, as demonstrated in the examples here.

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11/01/19 | Dual-plane 3-photon microscopy with remote focusing.
Takasaki KT, Tsyboulski D, Waters J
Biomedical Optics Express. 2019 Nov 1;10(11):5585-5599. doi: 10.1364/BOE.10.005585

3-photon excitation enables fluorescence microscopy deep in densely labeled and highly scattering samples. To date, 3-photon excitation has been restricted to scanning a single focus, limiting the speed of volume acquisition. Here, for the first time to our knowledge, we implemented and characterized dual-plane 3-photon microscopy with temporal multiplexing and remote focusing, and performed simultaneous calcium imaging of two planes beyond 600 µm deep in the cortex of a pan-excitatory GCaMP6s transgenic mouse with a per-plane framerate of 7 Hz and an effective 2 MHz laser repetition rate. This method is a straightforward and generalizable modification to single-focus 3PE systems, doubling the rate of volume (column) imaging with off-the-shelf components and minimal technical constraints.

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02/05/19 | DVID: Distributed versioned image-oriented dataservice.
Katz WT, Plaza SM
Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 2019 Feb 05;13(5):. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2019.00005

Open-source software development has skyrocketed in part due to community tools like, which allows publication of code as well as the ability to create branches and push accepted modifications back to the original repository. As the number and size of EM-based datasets increases, the connectomics community faces similar issues when we publish snapshot data corresponding to a publication. Ideally, there would be a mechanism where remote collaborators could modify branches of the data and then flexibly reintegrate results via moderated acceptance of changes. The DVID system provides a web-based connectomics API and the first steps toward such a distributed versioning approach to EM-based connectomics datasets. Through its use as the central data resource for Janelia's FlyEM team, we have integrated the concepts of distributed versioning into reconstruction workflows, allowing support for proofreader training and segmentation experiments through branched, versioned data. DVID also supports persistence to a variety of storage systems from high-speed local SSDs to cloud-based object stores, which allows its deployment on laptops as well as large servers. The tailoring of the backend storage to each type of connectomics data leads to efficient storage and fast queries. DVID is freely available as open-source software with an increasing number of supported storage options.

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03/18/24 | Dynamic 1D Search and Processive Nucleosome Translocations by RSC and ISW2 Chromatin Remodelers
Jee Min Kim , Claudia C. Carcamo , Sina Jazani , Zepei Xie , Xinyu A. Feng , Matthew Poyton , Katie L. Holland , Jonathan B. Grimm , Luke D. Lavis , Taekjip Ha , Carl Wu
eLife. 2024 Mar 18:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.91433

Eukaryotic gene expression is linked to chromatin structure and nucleosome positioning by ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers that establish and maintain nucleosome-depleted regions (NDRs) near transcription start sites. Conserved yeast RSC and ISW2 remodelers exert antagonistic effects on nucleosomes flanking NDRs, but the temporal dynamics of remodeler search, engagement, and directional nucleosome mobilization for promoter accessibility are unknown. Using optical tweezers and two-color single-particle imaging, we investigated the Brownian diffusion of RSC and ISW2 on free DNA and sparse nucleosome arrays. RSC and ISW2 rapidly scan DNA by one-dimensional hopping and sliding, respectively, with dynamic collisions between remodelers followed by recoil or apparent co-diffusion. Static nucleosomes block remodeler diffusion resulting in remodeler recoil or sequestration. Remarkably, both RSC and ISW2 use ATP hydrolysis to translocate mono-nucleosomes processively at ~30 bp/s on extended linear DNA under tension. Processivity and opposing push-pull directionalities of nucleosome translocation shown by RSC and ISW2 shape the distinctive landscape of promoter chromatin.

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06/02/24 | Dynamic assemblies of parvalbumin interneurons in brain oscillations.
Huang Y, Chen H, Lin Y, Lin S, Zheng Q, Abdelfattah AS, Lavis LD, Schreiter ER, Lin B, Chen T
Neuron. 2024 Jun 02:. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.05.015

Brain oscillations are crucial for perception, memory, and behavior. Parvalbumin-expressing (PV) interneurons are critical for these oscillations, but their population dynamics remain unclear. Using voltage imaging, we simultaneously recorded membrane potentials in up to 26 PV interneurons in vivo during hippocampal ripple oscillations in mice. We found that PV cells generate ripple-frequency rhythms by forming highly dynamic cell assemblies. These assemblies exhibit rapid and significant changes from cycle to cycle, varying greatly in both size and membership. Importantly, this variability is not just random spiking failures of individual neurons. Rather, the activities of other PV cells contain significant information about whether a PV cell spikes or not in a given cycle. This coordination persists without network oscillations, and it exists in subthreshold potentials even when the cells are not spiking. Dynamic assemblies of interneurons may provide a new mechanism to modulate postsynaptic dynamics and impact cognitive functions flexibly and rapidly.

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Menon Lab
10/11/13 | Dynamic Bayesian clustering.
Fowler A, Menon V, Heard NA
Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology. 2013 Oct;11(5):1342001. doi: 10.1142/S0219720013420018

Clusters of time series data may change location and memberships over time; in gene expression data, this occurs as groups of genes or samples respond differently to stimuli or experimental conditions at different times. In order to uncover this underlying temporal structure, we consider dynamic clusters with time-dependent parameters which split and merge over time, enabling cluster memberships to change. These interesting time-dependent structures are useful in understanding the development of organisms or complex organs, and could not be identified using traditional clustering methods. In cell cycle data, these time-dependent structure may provide links between genes and stages of the cell cycle, whilst in developmental data sets they may highlight key developmental transitions.

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Svoboda Lab
03/27/18 | Dynamic cues for whisker-based object localization: An analytical solution to vibration during active whisker touch.
Vaxenburg R, Wyche I, Svoboda K, Efros AL, Hires SA
PLoS Computational Biology. 2018 Mar 27;14(3):e1006032. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006032

Vibrations are important cues for tactile perception across species. Whisker-based sensation in mice is a powerful model system for investigating mechanisms of tactile perception. However, the role vibration plays in whisker-based sensation remains unsettled, in part due to difficulties in modeling the vibration of whiskers. Here, we develop an analytical approach to calculate the vibrations of whiskers striking objects. We use this approach to quantify vibration forces during active whisker touch at a range of locations along the whisker. The frequency and amplitude of vibrations evoked by contact are strongly dependent on the position of contact along the whisker. The magnitude of vibrational shear force and bending moment is comparable to quasi-static forces. The fundamental vibration frequencies are in a detectable range for mechanoreceptor properties and below the maximum spike rates of primary sensory afferents. These results suggest two dynamic cues exist that rodents can use for object localization: vibration frequency and comparison of vibrational to quasi-static force magnitude. These complement the use of quasi-static force angle as a distance cue, particularly for touches close to the follicle, where whiskers are stiff and force angles hardly change during touch. Our approach also provides a general solution to calculation of whisker vibrations in other sensing tasks.

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07/01/07 | Dynamic properties of large-field and small-field optomotor flight responses in Drosophila.
Duistermars BJ, Reiser MB, Zhu Y, Frye MA
Journal of Comparative Physiology. A, Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 2007 Jul;193:787-99. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.06.072

Optomotor flight control in houseflies shows bandwidth fractionation such that steering responses to an oscillating large-field rotating panorama peak at low frequency, whereas responses to small-field objects peak at high frequency. In fruit flies, steady-state large-field translation generates steering responses that are three times larger than large-field rotation. Here, we examine the optomotor steering reactions to dynamically oscillating visual stimuli consisting of large-field rotation, large-field expansion, and small-field motion. The results show that, like in larger flies, large-field optomotor steering responses peak at low frequency, whereas small-field responses persist under high frequency conditions. However, in fruit flies large-field expansion elicits higher magnitude and tighter phase-locked optomotor responses than rotation throughout the frequency spectrum, which may suggest a further segregation within the large-field pathway. An analysis of wing beat frequency and amplitude reveals that mechanical power output during flight varies according to the spatial organization and motion dynamics of the visual scene. These results suggest that, like in larger flies, the optomotor control system is organized into parallel large-field and small-field pathways, and extends previous analyses to quantify expansion-sensitivity for steering reflexes and flight power output across the frequency spectrum.

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04/26/19 | Dynamic super-resolution structured illumination imaging in the living brain.
Turcotte R, Liang Y, Tanimoto M, Zhang Q, Li Z, Koyama M, Betzig E, Ji N
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2019 Apr 26;116(19):9586-91. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1819965116

Cells in the brain act as components of extended networks. Therefore, to understand neurobiological processes in a physiological context, it is essential to study them in vivo. Super-resolution microscopy has spatial resolution beyond the diffraction limit, thus promising to provide structural and functional insights that are not accessible with conventional microscopy. However, to apply it to in vivo brain imaging, we must address the challenges of 3D imaging in an optically heterogeneous tissue that is constantly in motion. We optimized image acquisition and reconstruction to combat sample motion and applied adaptive optics to correcting sample-induced optical aberrations in super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (SIM) in vivo. We imaged the brains of live zebrafish larvae and mice and observed the dynamics of dendrites and dendritic spines at nanoscale resolution.

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