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3920 Publications

Showing 1971-1980 of 3920 results
08/15/14 | Large environments reveal the statistical structure governing hippocampal representations.
Rich PD, Liaw H, Lee AK
Science. 2014 Aug 15;345(6198):814-7. doi: 10.1126/science.1255635

The rules governing the formation of spatial maps in the hippocampus have not been determined. We investigated the large-scale structure of place field activity by recording hippocampal neurons in rats exploring a previously unencountered 48-meter-long track. Single-cell and population activities were well described by a two-parameter stochastic model. Individual neurons had their own characteristic propensity for forming fields randomly along the track, with some cells expressing many fields and many exhibiting few or none. Because of the particular distribution of propensities across cells, the number of neurons with fields scaled logarithmically with track length over a wide, ethological range. These features constrain hippocampal memory mechanisms, may allow efficient encoding of environments and experiences of vastly different extents and durations, and could reflect general principles of population coding.

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07/01/19 | Large scale image segmentation with structured loss based deep learning for connectome reconstruction.
Funke J, Tschopp FD, Grisaitis W, Sheridan A, Singh C, Saalfeld S, Turaga SC
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2019 Jul 1;41(7):1669-80. doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2018.2835450

We present a method combining affinity prediction with region agglomeration, which improves significantly upon the state of the art of neuron segmentation from electron microscopy (EM) in accuracy and scalability. Our method consists of a 3D U-net, trained to predict affinities between voxels, followed by iterative region agglomeration. We train using a structured loss based on MALIS, encouraging topologically correct segmentations obtained from affinity thresholding. Our extension consists of two parts: First, we present a quasi-linear method to compute the loss gradient, improving over the original quadratic algorithm. Second, we compute the gradient in two separate passes to avoid spurious gradient contributions in early training stages. Our predictions are accurate enough that simple learning-free percentile-based agglomeration outperforms more involved methods used earlier on inferior predictions. We present results on three diverse EM datasets, achieving relative improvements over previous results of 27%, 15%, and 250%. Our findings suggest that a single method can be applied to both nearly isotropic block-face EM data and anisotropic serial sectioned EM data. The runtime of our method scales linearly with the size of the volume and achieves a throughput of ~2.6 seconds per megavoxel, qualifying our method for the processing of very large datasets.

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04/12/13 | Large scale structural rearrangement of a serine hydrolase from Francisella tularensis facilitates catalysis.
Filippova EV, Weston LA, Kuhn ML, Geissler B, Gehring AM, Armoush N, Adkins CT, Minasov G, Dubrovska I, Shuvalova L, Winsor JR, Lavis LD, Satchell KJ, Becker DP, Anderson WF, Johnson RJ
J Biol Chem. 2013 Apr 12;288(15):10522-35. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.446625

Tularemia is a deadly, febrile disease caused by infection by the gram-negative bacterium, Francisella tularensis. Members of the ubiquitous serine hydrolase protein family are among current targets to treat diverse bacterial infections. Herein we present a structural and functional study of a novel bacterial carboxylesterase (FTT258) from F. tularensis, a homologue of human acyl protein thioesterase (hAPT1). The structure of FTT258 has been determined in multiple forms, and unexpectedly large conformational changes of a peripheral flexible loop occur in the presence of a mechanistic cyclobutanone ligand. The concomitant changes in this hydrophobic loop and the newly exposed hydrophobic substrate binding pocket suggest that the observed structural changes are essential to the biological function and catalytic activity of FTT258. Using diverse substrate libraries, site-directed mutagenesis, and liposome binding assays, we determined the importance of these structural changes to the catalytic activity and membrane binding activity of FTT258. Residues within the newly exposed hydrophobic binding pocket and within the peripheral flexible loop proved essential to the hydrolytic activity of FTT258, indicating that structural rearrangement is required for catalytic activity. Both FTT258 and hAPT1 also showed significant association with liposomes designed to mimic bacterial or human membranes, respectively, even though similar structural rearrangements for hAPT1 have not been reported. The necessity for acyl protein thioesterases to have maximal catalytic activity near the membrane surface suggests that these conformational changes in the protein may dually regulate catalytic activity and membrane association in bacterial and human homologues.

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Bock Lab
11/09/11 | Large-scale automated histology in the pursuit of connectomes.
Kleinfeld D, Bharioke A, Blinder P, Bock DD, Briggman KL, Chklovskii DB, Denk W, Helmstaedter M, Kaufhold JP, Lee WA, Meyer HS, Micheva KD, Oberlaender M, Prohaska S, Reid RC, Smith SJ, Takemura S, Tsai PS, Sakmann B
The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2011 Nov 9;31(45):16125-38. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4077-11.2011

How does the brain compute? Answering this question necessitates neuronal connectomes, annotated graphs of all synaptic connections within defined brain areas. Further, understanding the energetics of the brain’s computations requires vascular graphs. The assembly of a connectome requires sensitive hardware tools to measure neuronal and neurovascular features in all three dimensions, as well as software and machine learning for data analysis and visualization. We present the state of the art on the reconstruction of circuits and vasculature that link brain anatomy and function. Analysis at the scale of tens of nanometers yields connections between identified neurons, while analysis at the micrometer scale yields probabilistic rules of connection between neurons and exact vascular connectivity.

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01/01/06 | Large-scale biophysical parameter estimation in single neurons via constrained linear regression.
Ahrens M, Huys Q, Paninski L
Neural Information Processing Systems. 2006;18:

Our understanding of the input-output function of single cells has been substantially advanced by biophysically accurate multi-compartmental models. The large number of parameters needing hand tuning in these models has, however, somewhat hampered their applicability and interpretability. Here we propose a simple and well-founded method for automatic estimation of many of these key parameters: 1) the spatial distribution of channel densities on the cell’s membrane; 2) the spatiotemporal pattern of synaptic input; 3) the channels’ reversal potentials; 4) the intercompartmental conductances; and 5) the noise level in each compartment. We assume experimental access to: a) the spatiotemporal voltage signal in the dendrite (or some contiguous subpart thereof, e.g. via voltage sensitive imaging techniques), b) an approximate kinetic description of the channels and synapses present in each compartment, and c) the morphology of the part of the neuron under investigation. The key observation is that, given data a)-c), all of the parameters 1)-4) may be simultaneously inferred by a version of constrained linear regression; this regression, in turn, is efficiently solved using standard algorithms, without any “local minima” problems despite the large number of parameters and complex dynamics. The noise level 5) may also be estimated by standard techniques. We demonstrate the method’s accuracy on several model datasets, and describe techniques for quantifying the uncertainty in our estimates.

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02/04/23 | Large-scale brain-wide neural recording in nonhuman primates
Eric M. Trautmann , Janis K. Hesse , Gabriel M. Stine , Ruobing Xia , Shude Zhu , Daniel J. O’Shea , Bill Karsh , Jennifer Colonell , Frank F. Lanfranchi , Saurabh Vyas , Andrew Zimnik , Natalie A. Steinmann , Daniel A. Wagenaar , Alexandru Andrei , Carolina Mora Lopez , John O’Callaghan , Jan Putzeys , Bogdan C. Raducanu , Marleen Welkenhuysen , Mark Churchland , Tirin Moore , Michael Shadlen , Krishna Shenoy , Doris Tsao , Barundeb Dutta , Timothy Harris
bioRxiv. 2023 Feb 04:. doi: 10.1101/2023.02.01.526664

High-density, integrated silicon electrodes have begun to transform systems neuroscience, by enabling large-scale neural population recordings with single cell resolution. Existing technologies, however, have provided limited functionality in nonhuman primate species such as macaques, which offer close models of human cognition and behavior. Here, we report the design, fabrication, and performance of Neuropixels 1.0-NHP, a high channel count linear electrode array designed to enable large-scale simultaneous recording in superficial and deep structures within the macaque or other large animal brain. These devices were fabricated in two versions: 4416 electrodes along a 45 mm shank, and 2496 along a 25 mm shank. For both versions, users can programmably select 384 channels, enabling simultaneous multi-area recording with a single probe. We demonstrate recording from over 3000 single neurons within a session, and simultaneous recordings from over 1000 neurons using multiple probes. This technology represents a significant increase in recording access and scalability relative to existing technologies, and enables new classes of experiments involving fine-grained electrophysiological characterization of brain areas, functional connectivity between cells, and simultaneous brain-wide recording at scale.

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04/01/16 | Large-scale electron microscopy image segmentation in spark.
Plaza SM, Berg SE
arXiv. 1 April 2016:arXiv:1604.00385

The emerging field of connectomics aims to unlock the mysteries of the brain by understanding the connectivity between neurons. To map this connectivity, we acquire thousands of electron microscopy (EM) images with nanometer-scale resolution. After aligning these images, the resulting dataset has the potential to reveal the shapes of neurons and the synaptic connections between them. However, imaging the brain of even a tiny organism like the fruit fly yields terabytes of data. It can take years of manual effort to examine such image volumes and trace their neuronal connections. One solution is to apply image segmentation algorithms to help automate the tracing tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy to apply such segmentation on very large datasets that exceed the capacity of a single machine. Our solution is robust to potential segmentation errors which could otherwise severely compromise the quality of the overall segmentation, for example those due to poor classifier generalizability or anomalies in the image dataset. We implement our algorithms in a Spark application which minimizes disk I/O, and apply them to a few large EM datasets, revealing both their effectiveness and scalability. We hope this work will encourage external contributions to EM segmentation by providing 1) a flexible plugin architecture that deploys easily on different cluster environments and 2) an in-memory representation of segmentation that could be conducive to new advances.

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03/10/06 | Large-scale gene discovery in the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera).
Sabater-Muñoz B, Legeai F, Rispe C, Bonhomme J, Dearden P, Dossat C, Duclert A, Gauthier J, Ducray DG, Hunter W, Dang P, Kambhampati S, Martinez-Torres D, Cortes T, Moya A, Nakabachi A, Philippe C, Prunier-Leterme N, Rahbé Y, Simon J, Stern DL, Wincker P, Tagu D
Genome Biol. 2006;7(3):R21. doi: 10.1186/gb-2006-7-3-r21

Aphids are the leading pests in agricultural crops. A large-scale sequencing of 40,904 ESTs from the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum was carried out to define a catalog of 12,082 unique transcripts. A strong AT bias was found, indicating a compositional shift between Drosophila melanogaster and A. pisum. An in silico profiling analysis characterized 135 transcripts specific to pea-aphid tissues (relating to bacteriocytes and parthenogenetic embryos). This project is the first to address the genetics of the Hemiptera and of a hemimetabolous insect.

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06/01/15 | Large-scale imaging in small brains.
Ahrens MB, Engert F
Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2015 Jun 1;32C:78-86. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2015.01.007

The dense connectivity in the brain means that one neuron's activity can influence many others. To observe this interconnected system comprehensively, an aspiration within neuroscience is to record from as many neurons as possible at the same time. There are two useful routes toward this goal: one is to expand the spatial extent of functional imaging techniques, and the second is to use animals with small brains. Here we review recent progress toward imaging many neurons and complete populations of identified neurons in small vertebrates and invertebrates.

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03/01/14 | Large-scale, high-density (up to 512 channels) recording of local circuits in behaving animals.
Berenyi A, Somogyvári Z, Nagy AJ, Roux L, Long JD, Fujisawa S, Stark E, Leonardo A, Harris TD, Buzsáki G
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2014 Mar;111(5):1132-49. doi: 10.1152/jn.00785.2013

Monitoring representative fractions of neurons from multiple brain circuits in behaving animals is necessary for understanding neuronal computation. Here, we describe a system that allows high-channel-count recordings from a small volume of neuronal tissue using a lightweight signal multiplexing headstage that permits free behavior of small rodents. The system integrates multishank, high-density recording silicon probes, ultraflexible interconnects, and a miniaturized microdrive. These improvements allowed for simultaneous recordings of local field potentials and unit activity from hundreds of sites without confining free movements of the animal. The advantages of large-scale recordings are illustrated by determining the electroanatomic boundaries of layers and regions in the hippocampus and neocortex and constructing a circuit diagram of functional connections among neurons in real anatomic space. These methods will allow the investigation of circuit operations and behavior-dependent interregional interactions for testing hypotheses of neural networks and brain function.

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