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3920 Publications

Showing 2651-2660 of 3920 results
Zlatic Lab
04/19/17 | Pavlovian conditioning of larval Drosophila: an illustrated, multilingual, hands-on manual for odor-taste associative learning in maggots.
Michels B, Saumweber T, Biernacki R, Thur J, Glasgow RD, Schleyer M, Chen Y, Eschbach C, Stocker RF, Toshima N, Tanimura T, Louis M, Arias-Gil G, Marescotti M, Benfenati F, Gerber B
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2017 Apr 19;11:45. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2017.00045

Larval Drosophila offer a study case for behavioral neurogenetics that is simple enough to be experimentally tractable, yet complex enough to be worth the effort. We provide a detailed, hands-on manual for Pavlovian odor-reward learning in these animals. Given the versatility of Drosophila for genetic analyses, combined with the evolutionarily shared genetic heritage with humans, the paradigm has utility not only in behavioral neurogenetics and experimental psychology, but for translational biomedicine as well. Together with the upcoming total synaptic connectome of the Drosophila nervous system and the possibilities of single-cell-specific transgene expression, it offers enticing opportunities for research. Indeed, the paradigm has already been adopted by a number of labs and is robust enough to be used for teaching in classroom settings. This has given rise to a demand for a detailed, hands-on manual directed at newcomers and/or at laboratory novices, and this is what we here provide. The paradigm and the present manual have a unique set of features: • The paradigm is cheap, easy, and robust; • The manual is detailed enough for newcomers or laboratory novices; • It briefly covers the essential scientific context; • It includes sheets for scoring, data analysis, and display; • It is multilingual: in addition to an English version we provide German, French, Japanese, Spanish and Italian language versions as well. The present manual can thus foster science education at an earlier age and enable research by a broader community than has been the case to date.

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08/14/12 | Pediatric epilepsy surgery: long-term 5-year seizure remission and medication use
Hauptman JS, Pedram K, Sison CA, Sankar R, Salamon N, Vinters HV, Mathern GW
Neurosurgery. Feb-08-2013;71(5):985 - 993. doi: 10.1227/NEU.0b013e31826cdd5a

Background: It is unclear whether long-term seizure outcomes in children are similar to those in adult epilepsy surgery patients.

Objective: To determine 5-year outcomes and antiepilepsy drug (AED) use in pediatric epilepsy surgery patients from a single institution.

Methods: The cohort consisted of children younger than 18 years of age whose 5-year outcome data would have been available by 2010. Comparisons were made between patients with and without 5-year data (n = 338), patients with 5-year data for seizure outcome (n = 257), and seizure-free patients on and off AEDs (n = 137).

Results: Five-year data were available from 76% of patients. More seizure-free patients with focal resections for hippocampal sclerosis and tumors lacked 5-year data compared with other cases. Of those with 5-year data, 53% were continuously seizure free, 18% had late seizure recurrence, 3% became seizure free after initial failure, and 25% were never seizure free. Patients were more likely to be continuously seizure free if their surgery was performed during the period 2001 to 2005 (68%) compared with surgery performed from 1996 to 2000 (61%), 1991 to 1995 (36%), and 1986 to 1990 (46%). More patients had 1 or fewer seizures per month in the late seizure recurrence (47%) compared with the not seizure-free group (20%). Four late deaths occurred in the not seizure-free group compared with 1 in the seizure-free group. Of patients who were continuously seizure free, 55% were not taking AEDs, and more cortical dysplasia patients (74%) had stopped taking AEDs compared with hemimegalencephaly patients (18%).

Conclusion: In children, 5-year outcomes improved over 20 years of clinical experience. Our results are similar to those of adult epilepsy surgery patients despite mostly extratemporal and hemispheric operations for diverse developmental etiologies.

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04/25/23 | PEELing: an integrated and user-centric platform for cell-surface proteomics analysis
Xi Peng , Jody Clements , Zuzhi Jiang , Stephan Preibisch , Jiefu Li
bioRxiv. 2023 Apr 25:. doi: 10.1101/2023.04.21.537871

Proteins localized at the cellular interface mediate cell-cell communication and thus control many aspects of physiology in multicellular organisms. Cell-surface proteomics allows biologists to comprehensively identify proteins on the cell surface and survey their dynamics in physiological and pathological conditions. PEELing provides an integrated package and user-centric web service for analyzing cell-surface proteomics data. With a streamlined and automated workflow, PEELing evaluates data quality using curated references, performs cutoff analysis to remove contaminants, connects to databases for functional annotation, and generates data visualizations. Together with chemical and transgenic tools, PEELing completes a pipeline making cell-surface proteomics analysis handy for every lab.

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Grigorieff Lab
03/20/09 | Pentameric assembly of potassium channel tetramerization domain-containing protein 5.
Dementieva IS, Tereshko V, McCrossan ZA, Solomaha E, Araki D, Xu C, Grigorieff N, Goldstein SA
Journal of Molecular Biology. 2009 Mar 20;387(1):175-91. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2009.01.030

We report the X-ray crystal structure of human potassium channel tetramerization domain-containing protein 5 (KCTD5), the first member of the family to be so characterized. Four findings were unexpected. First, the structure reveals assemblies of five subunits while tetramers were anticipated; pentameric stoichiometry is observed also in solution by scanning transmission electron microscopy mass analysis and analytical ultracentrifugation. Second, the same BTB (bric-a-brac, tramtrack, broad complex) domain surface mediates the assembly of five KCTD5 and four voltage-gated K(+) (Kv) channel subunits; four amino acid differences appear crucial. Third, KCTD5 complexes have well-defined N- and C-terminal modules separated by a flexible linker that swivels by approximately 30 degrees; the C-module shows a new fold and is required to bind Golgi reassembly stacking protein 55 with approximately 1 microM affinity, as judged by surface plasmon resonance and ultracentrifugation. Fourth, despite the homology reflected in its name, KCTD5 does not impact the operation of Kv4.2, Kv3.4, Kv2.1, or Kv1.2 channels.

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Grigorieff Lab
09/22/15 | Peptide dimer structure in an Aβ(1-42) fibril visualized with cryo-EM.
Schmidt M, Rohou A, Lasker K, Yadav JK, Schiene-Fischer C, Fändrich M, Grigorieff N
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015 Sep 22;112(38):11858-63. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1503455112

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder in humans and the main cause of dementia in aging societies. The disease is characterized by the aberrant formation of β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide oligomers and fibrils. These structures may damage the brain and give rise to cerebral amyloid angiopathy, neuronal dysfunction, and cellular toxicity. Although the connection between AD and Aβ fibrillation is extensively documented, much is still unknown about the formation of these Aβ aggregates and their structures at the molecular level. Here, we combined electron cryomicroscopy, 3D reconstruction, and integrative structural modeling methods to determine the molecular architecture of a fibril formed by Aβ(1-42), a particularly pathogenic variant of Aβ peptide. Our model reveals that the individual layers of the Aβ fibril are formed by peptide dimers with face-to-face packing. The two peptides forming the dimer possess identical tilde-shaped conformations and interact with each other by packing of their hydrophobic C-terminal β-strands. The peptide C termini are located close to the main fibril axis, where they produce a hydrophobic core and are surrounded by the structurally more flexible and charged segments of the peptide N termini. The observed molecular architecture is compatible with the general chemical properties of Aβ peptide and provides a structural basis for various biological observations that illuminate the molecular underpinnings of AD. Moreover, the structure provides direct evidence for a steric zipper within a fibril formed by full-length Aβ peptide.

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10/12/11 | Perception of sniff phase in mouse olfaction.
Smear M, Shusterman R, O’Connor R, Bozza T, Rinberg D
Nature. 2011 Oct 12;14(7373):1039-44. doi: 10.1038/nature10521

Olfactory systems encode odours by which neurons respond and by when they respond. In mammals, every sniff evokes a precise, odour-specific sequence of activity across olfactory neurons. Likewise, in a variety of neural systems, ranging from sensory periphery to cognitive centres, neuronal activity is timed relative to sampling behaviour and/or internally generated oscillations. As in these neural systems, relative timing of activity may represent information in the olfactory system. However, there is no evidence that mammalian olfactory systems read such cues. To test whether mice perceive the timing of olfactory activation relative to the sniff cycle (’sniff phase’), we used optogenetics in gene-targeted mice to generate spatially constant, temporally controllable olfactory input. Here we show that mice can behaviourally report the sniff phase of optogenetically driven activation of olfactory sensory neurons. Furthermore, mice can discriminate between light-evoked inputs that are shifted in the sniff cycle by as little as 10 milliseconds, which is similar to the temporal precision of olfactory bulb odour responses. Electrophysiological recordings in the olfactory bulb of awake mice show that individual cells encode the timing of photoactivation in relation to the sniff in both the timing and the amplitude of their responses. Our work provides evidence that the mammalian olfactory system can read temporal patterns, and suggests that timing of activity relative to sampling behaviour is a potent cue that may enable accurate olfactory percepts to form quickly.

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05/24/22 | Perceptual decisions exhibit hallmarks of dynamic Bayesian inference
Julie A. Charlton , Wiktor F. Młynarski , Yoon H. Bai , Ann M. Hermundstad , Robbe L. T. Goris
bioRxiv. 2022 May 24:. doi: 10.1101/2022.05.23.493109

To interpret the sensory environment, the brain combines ambiguous sensory measurements with context-specific prior experience. But environmental contexts can change abruptly and unpredictably, resulting in uncertainty about the current context. Here we address two questions: how should context-specific prior knowledge optimally guide the interpretation of sensory stimuli in changing environments, and do human decision-making strategies resemble this optimum? We probe these questions with a task in which subjects report the orientation of ambiguous visual stimuli that were drawn from three dynamically switching distributions, representing different environmental contexts. We derive predictions for an ideal Bayesian observer that leverages the statistical structure of the task to maximize decision accuracy and show that its decisions are biased by task context. The magnitude of this decision bias is not a fixed property of the sensory measurement but depends on the observer's belief about the current context. The model therefore predicts that decision bias will grow with the reliability of the context cue, the stability of the environment, and with the number of trials since the last context switch. Analysis of human choice data validates all three predictions, providing evidence that the brain continuously updates probabilistic representations of the environment to best interpret an uncertain, ever-changing world.

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05/30/17 | Perceptually accurate display of two greyscale images as a single colour image.
Taylor AB, Ioannou MS, Watanabe T, Hahn K, Chew T
Journal of Microscopy. 2017 May 30:. doi: 10.1111/jmi.12588

Life scientists often desire to display the signal from two different molecular probes as a single colour image, so as to convey information about the probes' relative concentrations as well as their spatial corelationship. Traditionally, such colour images are created through a merge display, where each greyscale signal is assigned to different channels of an RGB colour image. However, human perception of colour and greyscale intensity is not equivalent. Thus, a merged image display conveys to the typical viewer only a subset of the absolute and relative intensity information present in and between two greyscale images. The Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage L*a*b* colour space (CIELAB) has been designed to specify colours according to the perceptually defined quantities of hue (perceived colour) and luminosity (perceived brightness). Here, we use the CIELAB colour space to encode two dimensions of information about two greyscale images within these two perceptual dimensions of a single colour image. We term our method a Perceptually Uniform Projection display and show using biological image examples how these displays convey more information about two greyscale signals than comparable RGB colour space-based techniques.

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03/06/92 | Perforated patch-clamp analysis of the passive membrane properties of three classes of hippocampal neurons.
Spruston N, Johnston D
J Neurophysiol. 1992 Mar;67(3):508-29

1. Perforated patch-clamp recordings were made from the three major classes of hippocampal neurons in conventional in vitro slices prepared from adult guinea pigs. This technique provided experimental estimates of passive membrane properties (input resistance, RN, and membrane time constant, tau m) determined in the absence of the leak conductance associated with microelectrode impalement or the washout of cytoplasmic constituents associated with conventional whole-cell recordings. 2. To facilitate comparison of our data with previous results and to determine the passive membrane properties under conditions as physiological as possible, recordings were made at the resting potential, in physiological saline, and without any added blockers of voltage-dependent conductances. 3. Membrane-potential responses to current steps were analyzed, and four criteria were used to identify voltage responses that were the least affected by activation of voltage-dependent conductances. tau m was estimated from the slowest component (tau 0) of multiexponential fits of responses deemed passive by these criteria. RN was estimated from the slope of the linear region in the hyperpolarizing direction of the voltage-current relation. 4. It was not possible to measure purely passive membrane properties that were completely independent of membrane potential in any of the three classes of hippocampal neurons. Changing the membrane potential by constant current injection resulted in changes in RN and tau 0; subthreshold depolarization produced an increase, and hyperpolarization a decrease, in both RN and tau 0 for all three classes of hippocampal neurons. 5. Each of the three classes of hippocampal neurons also displayed a depolarizing "sag" during larger hyperpolarizing voltage transients. To evaluate the effect of the conductances underlying this sag on passive membrane properties, 2-5 mM Cs+ was added to the physiological saline. Extracellular Cs+ effectively blocked the sag in all three classes of hippocampal neurons, but the effect of Cs+ on RN, tau 0, and the voltage dependence of these parameters was unique for each class of neurons. 6. CA1 pyramidal neurons had an RN of 104 +/- 10 (SE) M omega and tau 0 of 28 +/- 2 ms at a resting potential of -64 +/- 2 mV (n = 12). RN and tau 0 were larger at more depolarized potentials in these neurons, but the addition of Cs+ to the physiological saline reversed this voltage dependence. 7. CA3 pyramidal neurons had an RN of 135 +/- 8 M omega and tau 0 of 66 +/- 4 ms at a resting potential of -64 +/- 1 mV (n = 14).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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Card Lab
02/01/08 | Performance trade-offs in the flight initiation of Drosophila.
Card G, Dickinson M
The Journal of Experimental Biology. 2008 Feb;211(Pt 3):341-53. doi: 10.1242/jeb.012682

The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster performs at least two distinct types of flight initiation. One kind is a stereotyped escape response to a visual stimulus that is mediated by the hard-wired giant fiber neural pathway, and the other is a more variable ;voluntary’ response that can be performed without giant fiber activation. Because the simpler escape take-offs are apparently successful, it is unclear why the fly has multiple pathways to coordinate flight initiation. In this study we use high-speed videography to observe flight initiation in unrestrained wild-type flies and assess the flight performance of each of the two types of take-off. Three-dimensional kinematic analysis of take-off sequences indicates that wing use during the jumping phase of flight initiation is essential for stabilizing flight. During voluntary take-offs, early wing elevation leads to a slower and more stable take-off. In contrast, during visually elicited escapes, the wings are pulled down close to the body during take-off, resulting in tumbling flights in which the fly translates faster but also rotates rapidly about all three of its body axes. Additionally, we find evidence that the power delivered by the legs is substantially greater during visually elicited escapes than during voluntary take-offs. Thus, we find that the two types of Drosophila flight initiation result in different flight performances once the fly is airborne, and that these performances are distinguished by a trade-off between speed and stability.

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