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3920 Publications

Showing 2741-2750 of 3920 results
12/29/09 | Preferential ethanol consumption in Drosophila models features of addiction.
Devineni AV, Heberlein U
Current Biology. 2009 Dec 29;19(24):2126-32. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2009.10.070

Alcohol addiction is a common affliction with a strong genetic component [1]. Although mammalian studies have provided significant insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying ethanol consumption [2], other organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster are better suited for unbiased, forward genetic approaches to identify novel genes. Behavioral responses to ethanol, such as hyperactivity, sedation, and tolerance, are conserved between flies and mammals [3, 4], as are the underlying molecular pathways [5-9]. However, few studies have investigated ethanol self-administration in flies [10]. Here we characterize ethanol consumption and preference in Drosophila. Flies prefer to consume ethanol-containing food over regular food, and this preference increases over time. Flies are attracted to the smell of ethanol, which partially mediates ethanol preference, but are averse to its taste. Preference for consuming ethanol is not entirely explained by attraction to either its sensory or caloric properties. We demonstrate that flies can exhibit features of alcohol addiction. First, flies self-administer ethanol to pharmacologically relevant concentrations. Second, flies will overcome an aversive stimulus in order to consume ethanol. Third, flies rapidly return to high levels of ethanol consumption after a period of imposed abstinence. Thus, ethanol preference in Drosophila provides a new model for studying aspects of addiction.

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04/05/17 | PreMosa: Extracting 2D surfaces from 3D microscopy mosaics.
Blasse C, Saalfeld S, Etournay R, Sagner A, Eaton S, Myers EW
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 2017 Apr 05;33(16):2563-9. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx195

Motivation: A significant focus of biological research is to understand the development, organization and function of tissues. A particularly productive area of study is on single layer epithelial tissues in which the adherence junctions of cells form a 2D manifold that is fluorescently labeled. Given the size of the tissue, a microscope must collect a mosaic of overlapping 3D stacks encompassing the stained surface. Downstream interpretation is greatly simplified by preprocessing such a dataset as follows: (a) extracting and mapping the stained manifold in each stack into a single 2D projection plane, (b) correcting uneven illumination artifacts, (c) stitching the mosaic planes into a single, large 2D image, and (d) adjusting the contrast.

Results: We have developed PreMosa, an efficient, fully automatic pipeline to perform the four preprocessing tasks above resulting in a single 2D image of the stained manifold across which contrast is optimized and illumination is even. Notable features are as follows. First, the 2D projection step employs a specially developed algorithm that actually finds the manifold in the stack based on maximizing contrast, intensity and smoothness. Second, the projection step comes first, implying all subsequent tasks are more rapidly solved in 2D. And last, the mosaic melding employs an algorithm that globally adjusts contrasts amongst the 2D tiles so as to produce a seamless, high-contrast image. We conclude with an evaluation using ground-truth datasets and present results on datasets from Drosophila melanogaster wings and Schmidtae mediterranea ciliary components.

Availability: PreMosa is available under


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12/04/19 | Preparation and co-culture of iPSC-derived dopaminergic neurons and astrocytes.
de Rus Jacquet A
Current Protocols in Cell Biology. 2019 Dec 04;85(1):e98. doi: 10.1002/cpcb.98

Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based models are powerful tools to study neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease. The differentiation of patient-derived neurons and astrocytes allows investigation of the molecular mechanisms responsible for disease onset and development. In particular, these two cell types can be mono- or co-cultured to study the influence of cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous contributors to neurodegenerative diseases. We developed a streamlined procedure to produce high-quality/high-purity cultures of dopaminergic neurons and astrocytes that originate from the same population of midbrain floor-plate progenitors. This unit describes differentiation, quality control, culture parameters, and troubleshooting tips to ensure the highest quality and reproducibility of research results. © 2019 The Authors. Basic Protocol 1: Differentiation of iPSCs into midbrain-patterned neural progenitor cells Support Protocol: Quality control of neural progenitor cells Basic Protocol 2: Differentiation of neural progenitor cells into astrocytes Basic Protocol 3: Differentiation of neural progenitor cells into dopaminergic neurons Basic Protocol 4: Co-culture of iPSC-derived neurons and astrocytes.

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03/01/12 | Preparation and mounting of adult Drosophila structures in Canada balsam.
Stern DL, Sucena E
Cold Spring Harb Protoc. 2012 Mar;2012(3):373-5. doi: 10.1101/pdb.prot067389

The Drosophila cuticle carries a rich array of morphological details. Thus, cuticle examination has had a central role in the history of genetics. To prepare fine "museum-quality," permanent slides, it is best to mount specimens in Canada Balsam. It is difficult to give precise recipes for Canada Balsam, because every user seems to prefer a slightly different viscosity. Dilute solutions spread easily and do not dry too rapidly while mounting specimens. The disadvantage is that there is actually less Balsam in a "drop" of the solution, and when dried, it can contract from the sides of the coverslip, sometimes disturbing the specimen. Unfortunately, there is no substitute for experience when using Canada Balsam. This protocol describes a procedure for mounting adult cuticles in Canada Balsam.

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11/01/11 | Preparation of cuticles from feeding Drosophila larvae.
Stern DL, Sucena E
Cold Spring Harb Protoc. 2011 Nov;2011(11):1394-8. doi: 10.1101/pdb.prot066498

The Drosophila cuticle carries a rich array of morphological details. Thus, cuticle examination has had a central role in the history of genetics. Studies of the Drosophila cuticle have focused mainly on first-instar larvae and adult cuticular morphology. Although the cuticles of second- and third-instar larvae are strikingly different from those of the first instar, these differences have been poorly studied. This protocol describes three methods for preparing cuticles from fed larvae. One commonly used procedure involves manually pricking the larvae. A simpler method for preparing larval cuticles is to burst the larvae once they have been mounted. This method is used for first- and second-instar larvae and does not require pricking; it removes the gut contents by "popping" the rear of the embryo using pressure from the coverslip. If just the right amount of medium is used, the coverslip will be pulled toward the slide, applying pressure on the samples. The larvae usually burst from their posterior ends. Also presented is an alternative procedure designed specifically for the use with third-instar larvae, although the "pricking" method can be used at this stage.

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09/01/11 | Preparation of cuticles from unhatched first-instar Drosophila larvae.
Stern DL, Sucena E
Cold Spring Harb Protoc. 2011 Sep;2011(9):. doi: 10.1101/pdb.prot065532

The finely sculpted cuticle of Drosophila carries a rich array of morphological details. Thus, cuticle examination has had a central role in the history of genetics. Studies of the Drosophila cuticle have focused mainly on first-instar larvae and adult cuticular morphology. This protocol describes the preparation of cuticles from larvae that have not yet hatched from the egg. It is designed for sampling all eggs laid by one or more females. This can be particularly useful, for example, when a mutation produces embryos that are unable to hatch from the egg.

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11/08/23 | Preserved neural dynamics across animals performing similar behaviour.
Safaie M, Chang JC, Park J, Miller LE, Dudman JT, Perich MG, Gallego JA
Nature. 2023 Nov 08:. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06714-0

Animals of the same species exhibit similar behaviours that are advantageously adapted to their body and environment. These behaviours are shaped at the species level by selection pressures over evolutionary timescales. Yet, it remains unclear how these common behavioural adaptations emerge from the idiosyncratic neural circuitry of each individual. The overall organization of neural circuits is preserved across individuals because of their common evolutionarily specified developmental programme. Such organization at the circuit level may constrain neural activity, leading to low-dimensional latent dynamics across the neural population. Accordingly, here we suggested that the shared circuit-level constraints within a species would lead to suitably preserved latent dynamics across individuals. We analysed recordings of neural populations from monkey and mouse motor cortex to demonstrate that neural dynamics in individuals from the same species are surprisingly preserved when they perform similar behaviour. Neural population dynamics were also preserved when animals consciously planned future movements without overt behaviour and enabled the decoding of planned and ongoing movement across different individuals. Furthermore, we found that preserved neural dynamics extend beyond cortical regions to the dorsal striatum, an evolutionarily older structure. Finally, we used neural network models to demonstrate that behavioural similarity is necessary but not sufficient for this preservation. We posit that these emergent dynamics result from evolutionary constraints on brain development and thus reflect fundamental properties of the neural basis of behaviour.

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Zuker Lab
03/20/08 | Preserving cell shape under environmental stress.
Cook B, Hardy RW, McConnaughey WB, Zuker CS
Nature. 2008 Mar 20;452(7185):361-4. doi: 10.1038/nature06603

Maintaining cell shape and tone is crucial for the function and survival of cells and tissues. Mechanotransduction relies on the transformation of minuscule mechanical forces into high-fidelity electrical responses. When mechanoreceptors are stimulated, mechanically sensitive cation channels open and produce an inward transduction current that depolarizes the cell. For this process to operate effectively, the transduction machinery has to retain integrity and remain unfailingly independent of environmental changes. This is particularly challenging for poikilothermic organisms, where changes in temperature in the environment may impact the function of mechanoreceptor neurons. Thus, we wondered how insects whose habitat might quickly vary over several tens of degrees of temperature manage to maintain highly effective mechanical senses. We screened for Drosophila mutants with defective mechanical responses at elevated ambient temperatures, and identified a gene, spam, whose role is to protect the mechanosensory organ from massive cellular deformation caused by heat-induced osmotic imbalance. Here we show that Spam protein forms an extracellular shield that guards mechanosensory neurons from environmental insult. Remarkably, heterologously expressed Spam protein also endowed other cells with superb defence against physically and chemically induced deformation. We studied the mechanical impact of Spam coating and show that spam-coated cells are up to ten times stiffer than uncoated controls. Together, these results help explain how poikilothermic organisms preserve the architecture of critical cells during environmental stress, and illustrate an elegant and simple solution to such challenge.

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Murphy Lab

Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels (CNGCs) on the dendritic cilia of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) are critical for sensory transduction in the olfactory system. Do CNGCs also play a role in the axons and/or nerve terminals of ORNs? We find that the cyclic nucleotides cAMP and cGMP can both facilitate and depress synaptic transmission between olfactory nerve fibers and their targets in olfactory bulb glomeruli. Cyclic nucleotides increase intracellular Ca(2+) in ORN terminals and enhance spontaneous transmitter release; at higher concentrations, cyclic nucleotides depress evoked transmission by altering olfactory nerve excitability. Cyclic nucleotides have no effect on transmission or nerve excitability, however, in mice lacking olfactory CNGCs. Taken together, our results identify a novel role for presynaptic CNGCs in modulating neurotransmission.

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07/01/20 | Preventing cytokine storm syndrome in COVID-19 using α-1 adrenergic receptor antagonists.
Konig MF, Powell M, Staedtke V, Bai R, Thomas DL, Fischer N, Huq S, Khalafallah AM, Koenecke A, Xiong R, Mensh B, Papadopoulos N, Kinzler KW, Vogelstein B, Vogelstein JT, Athey S, Zhou S, Bettegowda C
The Journal of Clinical Investigatio. 2020 Jul 01;130(7):3345-47. doi: 10.1172/JCI139642