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3920 Publications

Showing 3571-3580 of 3920 results
Zuker Lab
11/16/06 | The receptors and cells for mammalian taste.
Chandrashekar J, Hoon MA, Ryba NJ, Zuker CS
Nature. 2006 Nov 16;444(7117):288-94. doi: 10.1038/nature05401

The emerging picture of taste coding at the periphery is one of elegant simplicity. Contrary to what was generally believed, it is now clear that distinct cell types expressing unique receptors are tuned to detect each of the five basic tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami. Importantly, receptor cells for each taste quality function as dedicated sensors wired to elicit stereotypic responses.

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Zuker Lab
03/10/05 | The receptors and coding logic for bitter taste.
Mueller KL, Hoon MA, Erlenbach I, Chandrashekar J, Zuker CS, Ryba NJ
Nature. 2005 Mar 10;434(7030):225-9. doi: 10.1038/nature03352

The sense of taste provides animals with valuable information about the nature and quality of food. Bitter taste detection functions as an important sensory input to warn against the ingestion of toxic and noxious substances. T2Rs are a family of approximately 30 highly divergent G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that are selectively expressed in the tongue and palate epithelium and are implicated in bitter taste sensing. Here we demonstrate, using a combination of genetic, behavioural and physiological studies, that T2R receptors are necessary and sufficient for the detection and perception of bitter compounds, and show that differences in T2Rs between species (human and mouse) can determine the selectivity of bitter taste responses. In addition, we show that mice engineered to express a bitter taste receptor in ’sweet cells’ become strongly attracted to its cognate bitter tastants, whereas expression of the same receptor (or even a novel GPCR) in T2R-expressing cells resulted in mice that are averse to the respective compounds. Together these results illustrate the fundamental principle of bitter taste coding at the periphery: dedicated cells act as broadly tuned bitter sensors that are wired to mediate behavioural aversion.

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Zuker Lab
10/31/03 | The receptors for mammalian sweet and umami taste.
Zhao GQ, Zhang Y, Hoon MA, Chandrashekar J, Erlenbach I, Ryba NJ, Zuker CS
Cell. 2003 Oct 31;115(3):255-66

Sweet and umami (the taste of monosodium glutamate) are the main attractive taste modalities in humans. T1Rs are candidate mammalian taste receptors that combine to assemble two heteromeric G-protein-coupled receptor complexes: T1R1+3, an umami sensor, and T1R2+3, a sweet receptor. We now report the behavioral and physiological characterization of T1R1, T1R2, and T1R3 knockout mice. We demonstrate that sweet and umami taste are strictly dependent on T1R-receptors, and show that selective elimination of T1R-subunits differentially abolishes detection and perception of these two taste modalities. To examine the basis of sweet tastant recognition and coding, we engineered animals expressing either the human T1R2-receptor (hT1R2), or a modified opioid-receptor (RASSL) in sweet cells. Expression of hT1R2 in mice generates animals with humanized sweet taste preferences, while expression of RASSL drives strong attraction to a synthetic opiate, demonstrating that sweet cells trigger dedicated behavioral outputs, but their tastant selectivity is determined by the nature of the receptors.

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Baker Lab

In Drosophila, dosage compensation occurs by increasing the transcription of the single male X chromosome. Four trans-acting factors encoded by the male-specific lethal genes are required for this process. Dosage compensation is restricted to males by the splicing regulator Sex-lethal, which functions to prevent the production of the MSL-2 protein in females by an unknown mechanism. In this report, we provide evidence that Sex-lethal acts synergistically through sequences in both the 5' and 3' untranslated regions of MSL-2 to mediate repression. We also provide evidence that the repression of MSL-2 is directly regulated by Sex-lethal at the level of translation.

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07/01/91 | The regulation of transmitter expression in postembryonic lineages in the moth Manduca sexta. II. Role of cell lineage and birth order.
Witten JL, Truman JW
The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 1991 Jul;11(7):1990-7

The expression of GABA is restricted to the progeny of only six of the 24 identified postembryonic lineages in the thoracic ganglia of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (Witten and Truman, 1991). It is colocalized with a peptide similar to molluscan small cardioactive peptide B (SCPB) in some of the neurons in two of the six lineages. By combining chemical ablation of the neuroblasts at specific larval stages with birth dating of the progeny, we tested whether the expression of GABA and the SCPB-like peptide was determined strictly by cell lineage or involved cellular interactions among the members of individual clonal groups. Chemical ablation of the six specific neuroblasts that produced the GABA-positive neurons (E, K, M, N, T, and X) or of the two that produced the GABA + SCPB-like-immunoreactive neurons (K, M) prior to the generation of their lineages resulted in the loss of these immunoreactivities. These results suggest that regulation between lineages did not occur. Ablation of the K and M neuroblasts after they had produced a small portion of their lineages had no effect on the expression of GABA, but did affect the pattern of the SCPB-like immunoreactivity. Combining birth-dating techniques with transmitter immunocytochemistry revealed that it was the position in the birth order and not interactions among the clonally related neurons that influenced the peptidergic phenotype. These results suggest that cell lineage is involved in establishing the GABAergic phenotype and that both cell lineage and birth order influence the determination of the peptidergic phenotype.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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03/01/15 | The Release 6 reference sequence of the Drosophila melanogaster genome.
Hoskins RA, Carlson JW, Wan KH, Park S, Mendez I, Galle SE, Booth BW, Pfeiffer BD, George RA, Svirskas R, Krzywinski M, Schein J, Accardo MC, Damia E, Messina G, Mendez-Lago M, de Pablos B, Demakova OV, Andreyeva EN, Boldyreva LV, Marra M, Carvalho AB, Dimitri P, Villasante A, Zhimulev IF, Rubin GM, Karpen GH, Celniker SE
Genome Research. 2015 Mar;25(3):445-58. doi: 10.1101/gr.185579.114

Drosophila melanogaster plays an important role in molecular, genetic, and genomic studies of heredity, development, metabolism, behavior, and human disease. The initial reference genome sequence reported more than a decade ago had a profound impact on progress in Drosophila research, and improving the accuracy and completeness of this sequence continues to be important to further progress. We previously described improvement of the 117-Mb sequence in the euchromatic portion of the genome and 21 Mb in the heterochromatic portion, using a whole-genome shotgun assembly, BAC physical mapping, and clone-based finishing. Here, we report an improved reference sequence of the single-copy and middle-repetitive regions of the genome, produced using cytogenetic mapping to mitotic and polytene chromosomes, clone-based finishing and BAC fingerprint verification, ordering of scaffolds by alignment to cDNA sequences, incorporation of other map and sequence data, and validation by whole-genome optical restriction mapping. These data substantially improve the accuracy and completeness of the reference sequence and the order and orientation of sequence scaffolds into chromosome arm assemblies. Representation of the Y chromosome and other heterochromatic regions is particularly improved. The new 143.9-Mb reference sequence, designated Release 6, effectively exhausts clone-based technologies for mapping and sequencing. Highly repeat-rich regions, including large satellite blocks and functional elements such as the ribosomal RNA genes and the centromeres, are largely inaccessible to current sequencing and assembly methods and remain poorly represented. Further significant improvements will require sequencing technologies that do not depend on molecular cloning and that produce very long reads.

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05/01/97 | The repeat organizer, a specialized insulator element within the intergenic spacer of the Xenopus rRNA genes.
Robinett CC, O’Connor A, Dunaway M
Molecular and Cellular Biology. 1997 May;17(5):2866-75

We have identified a novel activity for the region of the intergenic spacer of the Xenopus laevis rRNA genes that contains the 35- and 100-bp repeats. We devised a new assay for this region by constructing DNA plasmids containing a tandem repeat of rRNA reporter genes that were separated by the 35- and 100-bp repeat region and a rRNA gene enhancer. When the 35- and 100-bp repeat region is present in its normal position and orientation at the 3’ end of the rRNA reporter genes, the enhancer activates the adjacent downstream promoter but not the upstream rRNA promoter on the same plasmid. Because this element can restrict the range of an enhancer’s activity in the context of tandem genes, we have named it the repeat organizer (RO). The ability to restrict enhancer action is a feature of insulator elements, but unlike previously described insulator elements the RO does not block enhancer action in a simple enhancer-blocking assay. Instead, the activity of the RO requires that it be in its normal position and orientation with respect to the other sequence elements of the rRNA genes. The enhancer-binding transcription factor xUBF also binds to the repetitive sequences of the RO in vitro, but these sequences do not activate transcription in vivo. We propose that the RO is a specialized insulator element that organizes the tandem array of rRNA genes into single-gene expression units by promoting activation of a promoter by its proximal enhancers.

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Truman LabRiddiford Lab
02/01/08 | The role of Broad in the development of Tribolium castaneum: implications for the evolution of the holometabolous insect pupa.
Suzuki Y, Truman JW, Riddiford LM
Development (Cambridge, England). 2008 Feb;135(3):569-77. doi: 10.1242/dev.015263

The evolution of complete metamorphosis in insects is a key innovation that has led to the successful diversification of holometabolous insects, yet the origin of the pupa remains an enigma. Here, we analyzed the expression of the pupal specifier gene broad (br), and the effect on br of isoform-specific, double-stranded RNA-mediated silencing, in a basal holometabolous insect, the beetle Tribolium castaneum. All five isoforms are weakly expressed during the penultimate instar and highly expressed during the prepupal period of the final instar. Application of hydroprene, a juvenile hormone analog, during the penultimate instar caused a repeat of the penultimate br expression patterns, and the formation of supernumerary larvae. Use of dsRNA against the br core region, or against a pair of either the br-Z2 or br-Z3 isoform with the br-Z1 or br-Z4 isoform, produced mobile animals with well-differentiated adult-like appendages, but which retained larval-like urogomphi and epidermis. Disruption of either the br-Z2 or the br-Z3 isoform caused the formation of shorter wings. Disruption of both br-Z1 and br-Z4 caused the appearance of pupal traits in the adults, but disruption of br-Z5 had no morphological effect. Our findings show that the br isoform functions are broadly conserved within the Holometabola and suggest that evolution of br isoform expression may have played an important role in the evolution of the pupa in holometabolous insects.

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Gonen Lab
09/07/17 | The role of disulfide bond replacements in analogues of the tarantula toxin ProTx-II and their effects on inhibition of the voltage-gated sodium ion channel Nav1.7.
Wright ZV, McCarthy S, Dickman R, Reyes FE, Sanchez-Martinez S, Cryar A, Kilford I, Hall A, Takle AK, Topf M, Gonen T, Thalassinos K, Tabor AB
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2017 Sep 07;139(37):13063-75. doi: 10.1021/jacs.7b06506

Spider venom toxins, such as Protoxin-II (ProTx-II), have recently received much attention as selective Nav1.7 channel blockers, with potential to be developed as leads for the treatment of chronic nocioceptive pain. ProTx-II is a 30-amino acid peptide with three disulfide bonds that has been reported to adopt a well-defined inhibitory cystine knot (ICK) scaffold structure. Potential drawbacks with such peptides include poor pharmacodynamics and potential scrambling of the disulfide bonds in vivo. In order to address these issues, in the present study we report the solid-phase synthesis of lanthionine-bridged analogues of ProTx-II, in which one of the three disulfide bridges is replaced with a thioether linkage, and evaluate the biological properties of these analogues. We have also investigated the folding and disulfide bridging patterns arising from different methods of oxidation of the linear peptide precursor. Finally, we report the X-ray crystal structure of ProTx-II to atomic resolution; to our knowledge this is the first crystal structure of an ICK spider venom peptide not bound to a substrate.

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Riddiford Lab
12/22/14 | The role of juvenile hormone in dominance behavior, reproduction and cuticular pheromone signaling in the caste-flexible epiponine wasp, Synoeca surinama.
Kelstrup HC, Hartfelder K, Nascimento FS, Riddiford LM
Frontiers in Zoology. 2014;11(1):78. doi: 10.1186/s12983-014-0078-5

BACKGROUND: The popular view on insect sociality is that of a harmonious division of labor among two morphologically distinct and functionally non-overlapping castes. But this is a highly derived state and not a prerequisite for a functional society. Rather, caste-flexibility is a central feature in many eusocial wasps, where adult females have the potential to become queens or workers, depending on the social environment. In non-swarming paper wasps (e.g., Polistes), prospective queens fight one another to assert their dominance, with losers becoming workers if they remain on the nest. This aggression is fueled by juvenile hormone (JH) and ecdysteroids, major factors involved in caste differentiation in most eusocial insects. We tested whether these hormones have conserved aggression-promoting functions in Synoeca surinama, a caste-flexible swarm-founding wasp (Epiponini) where reproductive competition is high and aggressive displays are common.

RESULTS: We observed the behavioral interactions of S. surinama females in field nests before and after we had removed the egg-laying queen(s). We measured the ovarian reproductive status, hemolymph JH and ecdysteroid titers, ovarian ecdysteroid content, and analyzed the cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) composition of females engaged in competitive interactions in both queenright and queenless contexts. These data, in combination with hormone manipulation experiments, revealed that neither JH nor ecdysteroids are necessary for the expression of dominance behaviors in S. surinama. Instead, we show that JH likely functions as a gonadotropin and directly modifies the cuticular hydrocarbon blend of young workers to match that of a reproductive. Hemolymph ecdysteroids, in contrast, are not different between queens and workers despite great differences in ovarian ecdysteroid content.

CONCLUSIONS: The endocrine profile of S. surinama shows surprising differences from those of other caste-flexible wasps, although a rise in JH titers in replacement queens is a common theme. Extensive remodeling of hormone functions is also evident in the highly eusocial bees, which has been attributed to the evolution of morphologically defined castes. Our results show that hormones which regulate caste-plasticity can lose these roles even while caste-plasticity is preserved.

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