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3920 Publications

Showing 3711-3720 of 3920 results
Tjian Lab
11/15/07 | Transcription of histone gene cluster by differential core-promoter factors.
Isogai Y, Keles S, Prestel M, Hochheimer A, Tjian R
Genes & Development. 2007 Nov 15;21(22):2936-49. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1100640108

The 100 copies of tandemly arrayed Drosophila linker (H1) and core (H2A/B and H3/H4) histone gene cluster are coordinately regulated during the cell cycle. However, the molecular mechanisms that must allow differential transcription of linker versus core histones prevalent during development remain elusive. Here, we used fluorescence imaging, biochemistry, and genetics to show that TBP (TATA-box-binding protein)-related factor 2 (TRF2) selectively regulates the TATA-less Histone H1 gene promoter, while TBP/TFIID targets core histone transcription. Importantly, TRF2-depleted polytene chromosomes display severe chromosomal structural defects. This selective usage of TRF2 and TBP provides a novel mechanism to differentially direct transcription within the histone cluster. Moreover, genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-on-chip analyses coupled with RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated functional studies revealed that TRF2 targets several classes of TATA-less promoters of >1000 genes including those driving transcription of essential chromatin organization and protein synthesis genes. Our studies establish that TRF2 promoter recognition complexes play a significantly more central role in governing metazoan transcription than previously appreciated.

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Tjian Lab
07/10/03 | Transcription regulation and animal diversity.
Levine M, Tjian R
Nature. 2003 Jul 10;424:147-51. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1100640108

Whole-genome sequence assemblies are now available for seven different animals, including nematode worms, mice and humans. Comparative genome analyses reveal a surprising constancy in genetic content: vertebrate genomes have only about twice the number of genes that invertebrate genomes have, and the increase is primarily due to the duplication of existing genes rather than the invention of new ones. How, then, has evolutionary diversity arisen? Emerging evidence suggests that organismal complexity arises from progressively more elaborate regulation of gene expression.

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02/18/20 | Transcriptional co-repressor Sin3a regulates hippocampal synaptic plasticity via Homer1/mGluR5.
Bridi MS, Schoch H, Florian C, Poplawski SG, Banerjee A, Hawk JD, Banks GS, Lejards C, Hahn C, Giese KP, Havekes R, Spruston N, Abel T
JCI Insight. 2020 Feb 18:. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.92385

Long-term memory depends on the control of activity-dependent neuronal gene expression, which is regulated by epigenetic modifications. The epigenetic modification of histones is orchestrated by the opposing activities of two classes of regulatory complexes: permissive co-activators and silencing co-repressors. Much work has focused on co-activator complexes, but little is known about the co-repressor complexes that suppress the expression of plasticity-related genes. Here, we define a critical role for the co-repressor SIN3A in memory and synaptic plasticity, showing that postnatal neuronal deletion of Sin3a enhances hippocampal long-term potentiation and long-term contextual fear memory. SIN3A regulates the expression of genes encoding proteins in the post-synaptic density. Loss of SIN3A increases expression of the synaptic scaffold Homer1, alters the mGluR1α- and mGluR5-dependence of long-term potentiation, and increases activation of extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) in the hippocampus after learning. Our studies define a critical role for co-repressors in modulating neural plasticity and memory consolidation and reveal that Homer1/mGluR signaling pathways may be central molecular mechanisms for memory enhancement.

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01/01/12 | Transcriptional control of cell fate specification: lessons from the fly retina.
Quan X, Ramaekers A, Hassan BA
Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 2012;98:259-76. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-386499-4.00010-0

It is now widely recognized that as cells of developing tissues transition through successive states of decreasing pluripotency into a state of terminal differentiation, they undergo significant changes in their gene expression profiles. Interestingly, these successive states of increasing differentiation are marked by the spatially and temporally restricted expression of sets of transcription factors. Each wave of transcription factors not only signals the arrival of a given stage in cellular differentiation, but it is also necessary for the activation of the next set of transcription factors, creating the appearance of a smooth, directed, and deterministic genetic program of cellular differentiation. Until recently, however, it was largely unknown which genes, besides each other, these transcription factors were activating. Thus, the molecular definition of any given step of differentiation, and how it gave rise to the following step remained unclear. Recent advances in transcriptomics, bioinformatics, and molecular genetics resulted in the identification of numerous transcription factor target genes (TGs). These advances have opened the door to using similar approaches in developmental biology to understand what the transcriptional cascades of cellular differentiation might be. Using the development of the Drosophila eye as a model system, we discuss the role of transcription factors and their TGs in cell fate specification and terminal differentiation.

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Tjian Lab
10/15/05 | Transcriptional feedback control of insulin receptor by dFOXO/FOXO1.
Puig O, Tjian R
Genes & Development. 2005 Oct 15;19(20):2435-46. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1100640108

The insulin signaling pathway, which is conserved in evolution from flies to humans, evolved to allow a fast response to changes in nutrient availability while keeping glucose concentration constant in serum. Here we show that, both in Drosophila and mammals, insulin receptor (InR) represses its own synthesis by a feedback mechanism directed by the transcription factor dFOXO/FOXO1. In Drosophila, dFOXO is responsible for activating transcription of dInR, and nutritional conditions can modulate this effect. Starvation up-regulates mRNA of dInR in wild-type but not dFOXO-deficient flies. Importantly, FOXO1 acts in mammalian cells like its Drosophila counterpart, up-regulating the InR mRNA level upon fasting. Mammalian cells up-regulate the InR mRNA in the absence of serum, conditions that induce the dephosphorylation and activation of FOXO1. Interestingly, insulin is able to reverse this effect. Therefore, dFOXO/FOXO1 acts as an insulin sensor to activate insulin signaling, allowing a fast response to the hormone after each meal. Our results reveal a key feedback control mechanism for dFOXO/FOXO1 in regulating metabolism and insulin signaling.

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01/24/12 | Transcriptional signature of accessory cells in the lateral line, using the Tnk1bp1:EGFP transgenic zebrafish line
Behra M, Gallardo V, Bradsher J, Torrado A, Elkahloun A, Idol J, Sheehy J, Zonies S, Xu L, Shaw K, Satou C, Higashijima S, Weinstein B, Burgess S
BMC developmental biology. 01/2012;12:6. doi: 10.1186/1471-213X-12-6

Background: Because of the structural and molecular similarities between the two systems, the lateral line, a fish and amphibian specific sensory organ, has been widely used in zebrafish as a model to study the development/biology of neuroepithelia of the inner ear. Both organs have hair cells, which are the mechanoreceptor cells, and supporting cells providing other functions to the epithelium. In most vertebrates (excluding mammals), supporting cells comprise a pool of progenitors that replace damaged or dead hair cells. However, the lack of regenerative capacity in mammals is the single leading cause for acquired hearing disorders in humans.

Results: In an effort to understand the regenerative process of hair cells in fish, we characterized and cloned an egfp transgenic stable fish line that trapped tnks1bp1, a highly conserved gene that has been implicated in the maintenance of telomeres' length. We then used this Tg(tnks1bp1:EGFP) line in a FACsorting strategy combined with microarrays to identify new molecular markers for supporting cells.

Conclusions: We present a Tg(tnks1bp1:EGFP) stable transgenic line, which we used to establish a transcriptional profile of supporting cells in the zebrafish lateral line. Therefore we are providing a new set of markers specific for supporting cells as well as candidates for functional analysis of this important cell type. This will prove to be a valuable tool for the study of regeneration in the lateral line of zebrafish in particular and for regeneration of neuroepithelia in general.

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05/24/06 | Transcriptional signatures of cellular plasticity in mice lacking the alpha1 subunit of GABAA receptors.
Ponomarev I, Maiya R, Harnett MT, Schafer GL, Ryabinin AE, Blednov YA, Morikawa H, Boehm SL, Homanics GE, Berman AE, Berman A, Lodowski KH, Bergeson SE, Harris RA
The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2006 May 24;26(21):5673-83. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0860-06.2006

GABAA receptors mediate the majority of inhibitory neurotransmission in the CNS. Genetic deletion of the alpha1 subunit of GABAA receptors results in a loss of alpha1-mediated fast inhibitory currents and a marked reduction in density of GABAA receptors. A grossly normal phenotype of alpha1-deficient mice suggests the presence of neuronal adaptation to these drastic changes at the GABA synapse. We used cDNA microarrays to identify transcriptional fingerprints of cellular plasticity in response to altered GABAergic inhibition in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum of alpha1 mutants. In silico analysis of 982 mutation-regulated transcripts highlighted genes and functional groups involved in regulation of neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission, suggesting an adaptive response of the brain to an altered inhibitory tone. Public gene expression databases permitted identification of subsets of transcripts enriched in excitatory and inhibitory neurons as well as some glial cells, providing evidence for cellular plasticity in individual cell types. Additional analysis linked some transcriptional changes to cellular phenotypes observed in the knock-out mice and suggested several genes, such as the early growth response 1 (Egr1), small GTP binding protein Rac1 (Rac1), neurogranin (Nrgn), sodium channel beta4 subunit (Scn4b), and potassium voltage-gated Kv4.2 channel (Kcnd2) as cell type-specific markers of neuronal plasticity. Furthermore, transcriptional activation of genes enriched in Bergman glia suggests an active role of these astrocytes in synaptic plasticity. Overall, our results suggest that the loss of alpha1-mediated fast inhibition produces diverse transcriptional responses that act to regulate neuronal excitability of individual neurons and stabilize neuronal networks, which may account for the lack of severe abnormalities in alpha1 null mutants.

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02/01/16 | Transcriptomes of lineage-specific Drosophila neuroblasts profiled by genetic targeting and robotic sorting.
Yang C, Fu C, Sugino K, Liu Z, Ren Q, Liu L, Yao X, Lee LP, Lee T
Development (Cambridge, England). 2016 Feb 1;143(3):411-21. doi: 10.1242/dev.129163

A brain consists of numerous distinct neurons arising from a limited number of progenitors, called neuroblasts in Drosophila. Each neuroblast produces a specific neuronal lineage. To unravel the transcriptional networks that underlie the development of distinct neuroblast lineages, we marked and isolated lineage-specific neuroblasts for RNA sequencing. We labeled particular neuroblasts throughout neurogenesis by activating a conditional neuroblast driver in specific lineages using various intersection strategies. The targeted neuroblasts were efficiently recovered using a custom-built device for robotic single-cell picking. Transcriptome analysis of mushroom body, antennal lobe and type II neuroblasts compared with non-selective neuroblasts, neurons and glia revealed a rich repertoire of transcription factors expressed among neuroblasts in diverse patterns. Besides transcription factors that are likely to be pan-neuroblast, many transcription factors exist that are selectively enriched or repressed in certain neuroblasts. The unique combinations of transcription factors present in different neuroblasts may govern the diverse lineage-specific neuron fates.

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01/16/04 | Transformation of olfactory representations in the Drosophila antennal lobe.
Wilson RI, Turner GC, Laurent G
Science (New York, N.Y.). 2004 Jan 16;303(5656):366-70. doi: 10.1126/science.1090782

Molecular genetics has revealed a precise stereotypy in the projection of primary olfactory sensory neurons onto secondary neurons. A major challenge is to understand how this mapping translates into odor responses in these second-order neurons. We investigated this question in Drosophila using whole-cell recordings in vivo. We observe that monomolecular odors generally elicit responses in large ensembles of antennal lobe neurons. Comparison of odor-evoked activity from afferents and postsynaptic neurons in the same glomerulus revealed that second-order neurons display broader tuning and more complex responses than their primary afferents. This indicates a major transformation of odor representations, implicating lateral interactions within the antennal lobe.

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04/07/24 | Transformers do not outperform Cellpose
Carsen Stringer , Marius Pachitariu
bioRxiv. 2024 Apr 7:. doi: 10.1101/2024.04.06.587952

In a recent publication, Ma et al [1] claim that a transformer-based cellular segmentation method called Mediar [2] — which won a Neurips challenge — outperforms Cellpose [3] (0.897 vs 0.543 median F1 score). Here we show that this result was obtained by artificially impairing Cellpose in multiple ways. When we removed these impairments, Cellpose outperformed Mediar (0.861 vs 0.826 median F1 score on the updated test set). To further investigate the performance of transformers for cellular segmentation, we replaced the Cellpose backbone with a transformer. The transformer-Cellpose model also did not outperform the standard Cellpose (0.848 median F1 test score). Our results suggest that transformers do not advance the state-of-the-art in cellular segmentation.

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