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3920 Publications

Showing 3781-3790 of 3920 results
12/11/08 | Unfolding warping for object recognition.
Xie J, Hu M, Shah M
19TH International Conference on Pattern Recognition. 2008 December 11:. doi: 10.1109/ICPR.2008.4761188

In practice, understanding the spatial relationships between the surfaces of an object, can significantly improve the performance of object recognition systems. In this paper we propose a novel framework to recognize objects in pictures taken from arbitrary viewpoints. The idea is to maintain the frontal views of the major faces of objects in a global flat map. Then an unfolding warping technique is used to change the pose of the query object in the test view so that all visible surfaces of the object can be observed from a frontal viewpoint, improving the handling of serious occlusions and large viewpoint changes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through analysis of recognition trials of complex objects with comparison to popular methods.

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10/15/14 | Unilateral whisker trimming in newborn rats alters neuronal coincident discharge among mature barrel cortex neurons.
Ghoshal A, Lustig B, Popescu M, Ebner F, Pouget P
Journal of neurophysiology. 2014 Oct 15;112(8):1925-35. doi: 10.1152/jn.00562.2013

It is known that sensory deprivation, including postnatal whisker trimming, can lead to severe deficits in the firing rate properties of cortical neurons. Recent results indicate that development of synchronous discharge among cortical neurons is also activity influenced, and that correlated discharge is significantly impaired following loss of bilateral sensory input in rats. Here we investigate whether unilateral whisker trimming (unilateral deprivation or UD) after birth interferes in the same way with the development of synchronous discharge in cortex. We measured the coincidence of spikes among pairs of neurons recorded under urethane anesthesia in one whisker barrel field deprived by trimming all contralateral whiskers for 60 days after birth (UD), and in untrimmed controls (CON). In the septal columns around barrels, UD significantly increased the coincident discharge among cortical neurons compared with CON, most notably in layers II/III. In contrast, synchronous discharge was normal between layer IV UD barrel neurons: i.e., not different from CON. Thus, while bilateral whisker deprivation (BD) produced a global deficit in the development of synchrony in layer IV, UD did not block the development of synchrony between neurons in layer IV barrels and increased synchrony within septal circuits. We conclude that changes in synchronous discharge after UD are unexpectedly different from those recorded after BD, and we speculate that this effect may be due to the driven activity from active commissural inputs arising from the contralateral hemisphere that received normal activity levels during postnatal development.

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01/02/08 | Universal memory mechanism for familiarity recognition and identification.
Yakovlev V, Amit DJ, Romani S, Hochstein S
The Journal of Neuroscience : The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2008 Jan 2;28(1):239-48. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4799-07.2008

Macaque monkeys were tested on a delayed-match-to-multiple-sample task, with either a limited set of well trained images (in randomized sequence) or with never-before-seen images. They performed much better with novel images. False positives were mostly limited to catch-trial image repetitions from the preceding trial. This result implies extremely effective one-shot learning, resembling Standing's finding that people detect familiarity for 10,000 once-seen pictures (with 80% accuracy) (Standing, 1973). Familiarity memory may differ essentially from identification, which embeds and generates contextual information. When encountering another person, we can say immediately whether his or her face is familiar. However, it may be difficult for us to identify the same person. To accompany the psychophysical findings, we present a generic neural network model reproducing these behaviors, based on the same conservative Hebbian synaptic plasticity that generates delay activity identification memory. Familiarity becomes the first step toward establishing identification. Adding an inter-trial reset mechanism limits false positives for previous-trial images. The model, unlike previous proposals, relates repetition-recognition with enhanced neural activity, as recently observed experimentally in 92% of differential cells in prefrontal cortex, an area directly involved in familiarity recognition. There may be an essential functional difference between enhanced responses to novel versus to familiar images: The maximal signal from temporal cortex is for novel stimuli, facilitating additional sensory processing of newly acquired stimuli. The maximal signal for familiar stimuli arising in prefrontal cortex facilitates the formation of selective delay activity, as well as additional consolidation of the memory of the image in an upstream cortical module.

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10/23/19 | Unlimited genetic switches for cell-type-specific manipulation.
Garcia-Marques J, Yang C, Isabel Espinosa Medina , Mok K, Koyama M, Lee T
Neuron. 2019 Oct 23;104(2):227-38. doi:

Gaining independent genetic access to discrete cell types is critical to interrogate their biological functions as well as to deliver precise gene therapy. Transcriptomics has allowed us to profile cell populations with extraordinary precision, revealing that cell types are typically defined by a unique combination of genetic markers. Given the lack of adequate tools to target cell types based on multiple markers, most cell types remain inaccessible to genetic manipulation. Here we present CaSSA, a platform to create unlimited genetic switches based on CRISPR/Cas9 (Ca) and the DNA repair mechanism known as single-strand annealing (SSA). CaSSA allows engineering of independent genetic switches, each responding to a specific gRNA. Expressing multiple gRNAs in specific patterns enables multiplex cell-type-specific manipulations and combinatorial genetic targeting. CaSSA is a new genetic tool that conceptually works as an unlimited number of recombinases and will facilitate genetic access to cell types in diverse organisms.

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04/01/18 | Unnecessary tension.
Cox JD, Seltzer MJ
Lab Animal. 2018 Apr;47(4):91. doi: 10.1038/s41684-018-0024-9
05/17/17 | Unraveling cell-to-cell signaling networks with chemical biology.
Gartner ZJ, Prescher JA, Lavis LD
Nature Chemical Biology. 2017 May 17;13(6):564-568. doi: 10.1038/nchembio.2391
12/11/21 | Unraveling Single-Particle Trajectories Confined in Tubular Networks
Yunhao Sun , Zexi Yu , Christopher Obara , Keshav Mittal , Jennifer Lippincott-Schwarz , Elena F Koslover
arXiv. 2021 Dec 11:

The analysis of single particle trajectories plays an important role in elucidating dynamics within complex environments such as those found in living cells. However, the characterization of intracellular particle motion is often confounded by confinement of the particles within non-trivial subcellular geometries. Here, we focus specifically on the case of particles undergoing Brownian motion within a tubular network, as found in some cellular organelles. An unraveling algorithm is developed to uncouple particle motion from the confining network structure, allowing for an accurate extraction of the diffusion coefficient, as well as differentiating between Brownian and fractional Brownian dynamics. We validate the algorithm with simulated trajectories and then highlight its application to an example system: analyzing the motion of membrane proteins confined in the tubules of the peripheral endoplasmic reticulum in mammalian cells. We show that these proteins undergo diffusive motion with a well-characterized diffusivity. Our algorithm provides a generally applicable approach for disentangling geometric morphology and particle dynamics in networked architectures.

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01/01/07 | Unsupervised discovery of action hierarchies in large collections of activity videos.
Ahammad P, Yeo C, Ramchandran K, Sastry S
IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing . 2007:

Given a large collection of videos containing activities, we investigate the problem of organizing it in an unsupervised fashion into a hierarchy based on the similarity of actions embedded in the videos. We use spatio-temporal volumes of filtered motion vectors to compute appearance-invariant action similarity measures efficiently - and use these similarity measures in hierarchical agglomerative clustering to organize videos into a hierarchy such that neighboring nodes contain similar actions. This naturally leads to a simple automatic scheme for selecting videos of representative actions (exemplars) from the database and for efficiently indexing the whole database. We compute a performance metric on the hierarchical structure to evaluate goodness of the estimated hierarchy, and show that this metric has potential for predicting the clustering performance of various joining criteria used in building hierarchies. Our results show that perceptually meaningful hierarchies can be constructed based on action similarities with minimal user supervision, while providing favorable clustering performance and retrieval performance.

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09/04/06 | Unsupervised learning of boosted tree classifier using graph cuts for hand pose recognition.
Parag T, Elgammal A
British Machine Vision Conference. 2006 Sep 4:
10/01/23 | Unsupervised Learning of Object-Centric Embeddings for Cell Instance Segmentation in Microscopy Images
Wolf S, Lalit M, McDole K, Funke J
2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). 2023 Oct 01:. doi: 10.1109/ICCV51070.2023.01944

Segmentation of objects in microscopy images is required for many biomedical applications. We introduce object-centric embeddings (OCEs), which embed image patches such that the spatial offsets between patches cropped from the same object are preserved. Those learnt embeddings can be used to delineate individual objects and thus obtain instance segmentations. Here, we show theoretically that, under assumptions commonly found in microscopy images, OCEs can be learnt through a self-supervised task that predicts the spatial offset between image patches. Together, this forms an unsupervised cell instance segmentation method which we evaluate on nine diverse large-scale microscopy datasets. Segmentations obtained with our method lead to substantially improved results, compared to state-of-the-art baselines on six out of nine datasets, and perform on par on the remaining three datasets. If ground-truth annotations are available, our method serves as an excellent starting point for supervised training, reducing the required amount of ground-truth needed by one order of magnitude, thus substantially increasing the practical applicability of our method. Source code is available at

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