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3920 Publications

Showing 461-470 of 3920 results
Gonen Lab
04/18/18 | Analysis of global and site-specific radiation damage in cryo-EM.
Hattne J, Shi D, Glynn C, Zee C, Gallagher-Jones M, Martynowycz MW, Rodriguez JA, Gonen T
Structure (London, England : 1993). 2018 Apr 18;26(5):759-66. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2018.03.021

Micro-crystal electron diffraction (MicroED) combines the efficiency of electron scattering with diffraction to allow structure determination from nano-sized crystalline samples in cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM). It has been used to solve structures of a diverse set of biomolecules and materials, in some cases to sub-atomic resolution. However, little is known about the damaging effects of the electron beam on samples during such measurements. We assess global and site-specific damage from electron radiation on nanocrystals of proteinase K and of a prion hepta-peptide and find that the dynamics of electron-induced damage follow well-established trends observed in X-ray crystallography. Metal ions are perturbed, disulfide bonds are broken, and acidic side chains are decarboxylated while the diffracted intensities decay exponentially with increasing exposure. A better understanding of radiation damage in MicroED improves our assessment and processing of all types of cryo-EM data.

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10/31/18 | Analysis of image similarity and relationship.
Aaron JS, Chew T
Basic Confocal Microscopy:309-33. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-97454-5_11

The ability of fluorescence microscopy to simultaneously image multiple specific molecules of interest has allowed biologists to infer macromolecular organization and colocalization in fixed and live samples. However, a number of factors could affect these analyses, and colocalization is a misnomer. We propose that image similarity coefficient as a better and more descriptive term. In this chapter we will discuss many of the factors involved with determining image similarity including our perception of color in images. In addition, the correct use of several commonly accepted methods such as Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Manders’ overlap coefficient, and Spearman’s ranked correlation coefficient is discussed.

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05/19/24 | Analysis of meiotic recombination in Drosophila simulans shows heterozygous inversions do not cause an interchromosomal effect
Bowen Man , Elizabeth Kim , Alekhya Vadlakonda , David L Stern , Nicole Crown
Genetics. 2024 May 19:. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyae084

Chromosome inversions are of unique importance in the evolution of genomes and species because when heterozygous with a standard arrangement chromosome, they suppress meiotic crossovers within the inversion. In Drosophila species, heterozygous inversions also cause the interchromosomal effect, whereby the presence of a heterozygous inversion induces a dramatic increase in crossover frequencies in the remainder of the genome within a single meiosis. To date, the interchromosomal effect has been studied exclusively in species that also have high frequencies of inversions in wild populations. We took advantage of a recently developed approach for generating inversions in Drosophila simulans, a species that does not have inversions in wild populations, to ask if there is an interchromosomal effect. We used the existing chromosome 3R balancer and generated a new chromosome 2L balancer to assay for the interchromosomal effect genetically and cytologically. We found no evidence of an interchromosomal effect in D. simulans. To gain insight into the underlying mechanistic reasons, we qualitatively analyzed the relationship between meiotic double-strand break formation and synaptonemal complex assembly. We find that the synaptonemal complex is assembled prior to double-strand break formation as in D. melanogaster; however, we show that the synaptonemal complex is assembled prior to localization of the oocyte determination factor Orb, whereas in D. melanogaster, synaptonemal complex formation does not begin until Orb is localized. Together, our data show heterozygous inversions in D. simulans do not induce an interchromosomal effect and that there are differences in the developmental programming of the early stages of meiosis.

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01/01/10 | Analysis of mitochondrial dynamics and functions using imaging approaches.
Mitra K, Lippincott-Schwartz J
Current protocols in cell biology / editorial board, Juan S. Bonifacino ... [et al.]. 2010 Mar;Chapter 4:Unit 4.25.1-21. doi: 10.1002/0471143030.cb0425s46

Mitochondria are organelles that have been primarily known as the powerhouse of the cell. However, recent advances in the field have revealed that mitochondria are also involved in many other cellular activities like lipid modifications, redox balance, calcium balance, and even controlled cell death. These multifunctional organelles are motile and highly dynamic in shapes and forms; the dynamism is brought about by the mitochondria's ability to undergo fission and fusion with each other. Therefore, it is very important to be able to image mitochondrial shape changes to relate to the variety of cellular functions these organelles have to accomplish. The protocols described here will enable researchers to perform steady-state and time-lapse imaging of mitochondria in live cells by using confocal microscopy. High-resolution three-dimensional imaging of mitochondria will not only be helpful in understanding mitochondrial structure in detail but it also could be used to analyze their structural relationships with other organelles in the cell. FRAP (fluorescence recovery after photobleaching) studies can be performed to understand mitochondrial dynamics or dynamics of any mitochondrial molecule within the organelle. The microirradiation assay can be performed to study functional continuity between mitochondria. A protocol for measuring mitochondrial potential has also been included in this unit. In conclusion, the protocols described here will aid the understanding of mitochondrial structure-function relationship.

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08/01/84 | Analysis of P transposable element functions in Drosophila.
Karess RE, Rubin GM
Cell. 1984 Aug;38(1):135-46. doi: 10.1186/gb-2007-8-7-r145

We have made a P-element derivative called Pc[ry], which carries the selectable marker gene rosy, but which acts like a nondefective, intact P element. It transposes autonomously into the germline chromosomes of an M-strain Drosophila embryo and it mobilizes in trans the defective P elements of the singed-weak allele. Frameshift mutations introduced into any of the four major open reading frames of the P sequence were each sufficient to eliminate the transposase activity, but none affected signals required in cis for transposition of the element. Complementation tests between pairs of mutant elements suggest that a single polypeptide comprises the transposase. We have examined transcripts of P elements both from natural P strains and from lines containing only nondefective Pc[ry] elements, and have identified two RNA species that appear to be specific for autonomous elements.

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02/23/19 | Analysis of phosphatidylinositol transfer at ER-PM junctions in receptor-stimulated live cells.
Chang C, Liou J
Methods in Molecular Biology. 2019 Feb 23;1949:1-11. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9136-5_1

Phosphatidylinositol (PI) is an inositol-containing phospholipid synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). PI is a precursor lipid for PI 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P) in the plasma membrane (PM) important for Ca signaling in response to extracellular stimuli. Thus, ER-to-PM PI transfer becomes essential for cells to maintain PI(4,5)P homeostasis during receptor stimulation. In this chapter, we discuss two live-cell imaging protocols to analyze ER-to-PM PI transfer at ER-PM junctions, where the two membrane compartments make close appositions accommodating PI transfer. First, we describe how to monitor PI(4,5)P replenishment following receptor stimulation, as a readout of PI transfer, using a PI(4,5)P biosensor and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. The second protocol directly visualizes PI transfer proteins that accumulate at ER-PM junctions and mediate PI(4,5)P replenishment with PI in the ER in stimulated cells. These methods provide spatial and temporal analysis of ER-to-PM PI transfer during receptor stimulation and can be adapted to other research questions related to this topic.

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11/01/10 | Analysis of the intact surface layer of Caulobacter crescentus by cryo-electron tomography.
Amat F, Comolli LR, Nomellini JF, Moussavi F, Downing KH, Smit J, Horowitz M
Journal of Bacteriology. 2010 Nov;192(22):5855-65. doi: 10.1128/JB.00747-10

The surface layers (S layers) of those bacteria and archaea that elaborate these crystalline structures have been studied for 40 years. However, most structural analysis has been based on electron microscopy of negatively stained S-layer fragments separated from cells, which can introduce staining artifacts and allow rearrangement of structures prone to self-assemble. We present a quantitative analysis of the structure and organization of the S layer on intact growing cells of the Gram-negative bacterium Caulobacter crescentus using cryo-electron tomography (CET) and statistical image processing. Instead of the expected long-range order, we observed different regions with hexagonally organized subunits exhibiting short-range order and a broad distribution of periodicities. Also, areas of stacked double layers were found, and these increased in extent when the S-layer protein (RsaA) expression level was elevated by addition of multiple rsaA copies. Finally, we combined high-resolution amino acid residue-specific Nanogold labeling and subtomogram averaging of CET volumes to improve our understanding of the correlation between the linear protein sequence and the structure at the 2-nm level of resolution that is presently available. The results support the view that the U-shaped RsaA monomer predicted from negative-stain tomography proceeds from the N terminus at one vertex, corresponding to the axis of 3-fold symmetry, to the C terminus at the opposite vertex, which forms the prominent 6-fold symmetry axis. Such information will help future efforts to analyze subunit interactions and guide selection of internal sites for display of heterologous protein segments.

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10/15/18 | Analysis tools for large connectomes.
Scheffer LK
Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 2018;12:85. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2018.00085

New reconstruction techniques are generating connectomes of unprecedented size. These must be analyzed to generate human comprehensible results. The analyses being used fall into three general categories. The first is interactive tools used during reconstruction, to help guide the effort, look for possible errors, identify potential cell classes, and answer other preliminary questions. The second type of analysis is support for formal documents such as papers and theses. Scientific norms here require that the data be archived and accessible, and the analysis reproducible. In contrast to some other "omic" fields such as genomics, where a few specific analyses dominate usage, connectomics is rapidly evolving and the analyses used are often specific to the connectome being analyzed. These analyses are typically performed in a variety of conventional programming language, such as Matlab, R, Python, or C++, and read the connectomic data either from a file or through database queries, neither of which are standardized. In the short term we see no alternative to the use of specific analyses, so the best that can be done is to publish the analysis code, and the interface by which it reads connectomic data. A similar situation exists for archiving connectome data. Each group independently makes their data available, but there is no standardized format and long-term accessibility is neither enforced nor funded. In the long term, as connectomics becomes more common, a natural evolution would be a central facility for storing and querying connectomic data, playing a role similar to the National Center for Biotechnology Information for genomes. The final form of analysis is the import of connectome data into downstream tools such as neural simulation or machine learning. In this process, there are two main problems that need to be addressed. First, the reconstructed circuits contain huge amounts of detail, which must be intelligently reduced to a form the downstream tools can use. Second, much of the data needed for these downstream operations must be obtained by other methods (such as genetic or optical) and must be merged with the extracted connectome.

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11/13/18 | Analyzing image segmentation for connectomics.
Plaza SM, Funke J
Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 2018;12:102. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2018.00102

Automatic image segmentation is critical to scale up electron microscope (EM) connectome reconstruction. To this end, segmentation competitions, such as CREMI and SNEMI, exist to help researchers evaluate segmentation algorithms with the goal of improving them. Because generating ground truth is time-consuming, these competitions often fail to capture the challenges in segmenting larger datasets required in connectomics. More generally, the common metrics for EM image segmentation do not emphasize impact on downstream analysis and are often not very useful for isolating problem areas in the segmentation. For example, they do not capture connectivity information and often over-rate the quality of a segmentation as we demonstrate later. To address these issues, we introduce a novel strategy to enable evaluation of segmentation at large scales both in a supervised setting, where ground truth is available, or an unsupervised setting. To achieve this, we first introduce new metrics more closely aligned with the use of segmentation in downstream analysis and reconstruction. In particular, these include synapse connectivity and completeness metrics that provide both meaningful and intuitive interpretations of segmentation quality as it relates to the preservation of neuron connectivity. Also, we propose measures of segmentation correctness and completeness with respect to the percentage of "orphan" fragments and the concentrations of self-loops formed by segmentation failures, which are helpful in analysis and can be computed without ground truth. The introduction of new metrics intended to be used for practical applications involving large datasets necessitates a scalable software ecosystem, which is a critical contribution of this paper. To this end, we introduce a scalable, flexible software framework that enables integration of several different metrics and provides mechanisms to evaluate and debug differences between segmentations. We also introduce visualization software to help users to consume the various metrics collected. We evaluate our framework on two relatively large public groundtruth datasets providing novel insights on example segmentations.

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01/01/10 | Anatomic analysis of Gal4 expression patterns of the Rubin line collection: the central complex.
Jenett A, Wolff T, Nern A, Pfeiffer BD, Ngo T, Murphy C, Long F, Peng H, Rubin GM
Journal of Neurogenetics. 2010;24:71-2