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3920 Publications

Showing 771-780 of 3920 results
08/15/14 | ChIP for hox proteins from Drosophila imaginal discs.
Agrawal P, Shashidhara LS
Methods in Molecular Biology. 2014 August 15;1196:241-53. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-1242-1_15

Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a technique that reveals in vivo location of a protein bound to DNA. ChIP coupled with DNA microarrays (ChIP-chip) or next-generation sequencing (ChIP-seq) allows for identification of binding sites of transcription factors on a global scale. Here we describe a protocol for ChIP to identify binding of the Ultrabithorax (Ubx) Hox transcription factors from imaginal discs of Drosophila larvae. The protocol can be extended to other model organisms and transcription factors.

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06/02/20 | Chloroplast Sec14-like 1 (CPSFL1) is essential for normal chloroplast development and affects carotenoid accumulation in Chlamydomonas.
García-Cerdán JG, Schmid EM, Takeuchi T, McRae I, McDonald KL, Yordduangjun N, Hassan AM, Grob P, Xu CS, Hess HF, Fletcher DA, Nogales E, Niyogi KK
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U S A. 2020 Jun 2;117(22):1-12. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1916948117

Plastid isoprenoid-derived carotenoids serve essential roles in chloroplast development and photosynthesis. Although nearly all enzymes that participate in the biosynthesis of carotenoids in plants have been identified, the complement of auxiliary proteins that regulate synthesis, transport, sequestration, and degradation of these molecules and their isoprenoid precursors have not been fully described. To identify such proteins that are necessary for the optimal functioning of oxygenic photosynthesis, we screened a large collection of nonphotosynthetic (acetate-requiring) DNA insertional mutants of and isolated The mutant is extremely light-sensitive and susceptible to photoinhibition and photobleaching. The gene encodes a CRAL-TRIO hydrophobic ligand-binding (Sec14) domain protein. Proteins containing this domain are limited to eukaryotes, but some may have been retargeted to function in organelles of endosymbiotic origin. The mutant showed decreased accumulation of plastidial isoprenoid-derived pigments, especially carotenoids, and whole-cell focused ion-beam scanning-electron microscopy revealed a deficiency of carotenoid-rich chloroplast structures (e.g., eyespot and plastoglobules). The low carotenoid content resulted from impaired biosynthesis at a step prior to phytoene, the committed precursor to carotenoids. The CPSFL1 protein bound phytoene and β-carotene when expressed in and phosphatidic acid in vitro. We suggest that CPSFL1 is involved in the regulation of phytoene synthesis and carotenoid transport and thereby modulates carotenoid accumulation in the chloroplast.

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04/04/19 | CHP1 regulates compartmentalized glycerolipid synthesis by activating GPAT4.
Zhu XG, Nicholson Puthenveedu S, Shen Y, La K, Ozlu C, Wang T, Klompstra D, Gultekin Y, Chi J, Fidelin J, Peng T, Molina H, Hang HC, Min W, Birsoy K
Molecular Cell. 2019 Apr 4;74(1):45-58.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2019.01.037

Cells require a constant supply of fatty acids to survive and proliferate. Fatty acids incorporate into membrane and storage glycerolipids through a series of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) enzymes, but how these enzymes are regulated is not well understood. Here, using a combination of CRISPR-based genetic screens and unbiased lipidomics, we identified calcineurin B homologous protein 1 (CHP1) as a major regulator of ER glycerolipid synthesis. Loss of CHP1 severely reduces fatty acid incorporation and storage in mammalian cells and invertebrates. Mechanistically, CHP1 binds and activates GPAT4, which catalyzes the initial rate-limiting step in glycerolipid synthesis. GPAT4 activity requires CHP1 to be N-myristoylated, forming a key molecular interface between the two proteins. Interestingly, upon CHP1 loss, the peroxisomal enzyme, GNPAT, partially compensates for the loss of ER lipid synthesis, enabling cell proliferation. Thus, our work identifies a conserved regulator of glycerolipid metabolism and reveals plasticity in lipid synthesis of proliferating cells.

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09/23/20 | Chromatin arranges in chains of mesoscale domains with nanoscale functional topography independent of cohesin.
Miron E, Oldenkamp R, Brown JM, Pinto DM, Xu CS, Faria AR, Shaban HA, Rhodes JD, Innocent C, de Ornellas S, Hess HF, Buckle V, Schermelleh L
Science Advances. 2020 Sep 23;6(39):. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aba8811

Three-dimensional (3D) chromatin organization plays a key role in regulating mammalian genome function; however, many of its physical features at the single-cell level remain underexplored. Here, we use live- and fixed-cell 3D super-resolution and scanning electron microscopy to analyze structural and functional nuclear organization in somatic cells. We identify chains of interlinked ~200- to 300-nm-wide chromatin domains (CDs) composed of aggregated nucleosomes that can overlap with individual topologically associating domains and are distinct from a surrounding RNA-populated interchromatin compartment. High-content mapping uncovers confinement of cohesin and active histone modifications to surfaces and enrichment of repressive modifications toward the core of CDs in both hetero- and euchromatic regions. This nanoscale functional topography is temporarily relaxed in postreplicative chromatin but remarkably persists after ablation of cohesin. Our findings establish CDs as physical and functional modules of mesoscale genome organization.

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02/25/19 | Chronology-based architecture of descending circuits that underlie the development of locomotor repertoire after birth.
Pujala A, Koyama M
eLife. 2019 Feb 25;8:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.42135

The emergence of new and increasingly sophisticated behaviors after birth is accompanied by dramatic increase of newly established synaptic connections in the nervous system. Little is known, however, of how nascent connections are organized to support such new behaviors alongside existing ones. To understand this, in the larval zebrafish we examined the development of spinal pathways from hindbrain V2a neurons and the role of these pathways in the development of locomotion. We found that new projections are continually layered laterally to existing neuropil, and give rise to distinct pathways that function in parallel to existing pathways. Across these chronologically layered pathways, the connectivity patterns and biophysical properties vary systematically to support a behavioral repertoire with a wide range of kinematics and dynamics. Such layering of new parallel circuits equipped with systematically changing properties may be central to the postnatal diversification and increasing sophistication of an animal's behavioral repertoire.

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02/08/17 | Cilia-mediated Hedgehog signaling controls form and function in the mammalian larynx.
Tabler JM, Rigney MM, Berman GJ, Gopalakrishnan S, Heude E, Al-Lami HA, Yannakoudakis BZ, Fitch RD, Carter CM, Vokes SA, Liu KJ, Tajbakhsh S, Egnor SR, Wallingford JB
eLife. 2017 Feb 08;6:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.19153

Acoustic communication is fundamental to social interactions among animals, including humans. In fact, deficits in voice impair the quality of life for a large and diverse population of patients. Understanding the molecular genetic mechanisms of development and function in the vocal apparatus is thus an important challenge with relevance both to the basic biology of animal communication and to biomedicine. However, surprisingly little is known about the developmental biology of the mammalian larynx. Here, we used genetic fate mapping to chart the embryological origins of the tissues in the mouse larynx, and we describe the developmental etiology of laryngeal defects in mice with disruptions in cilia-mediated Hedgehog signaling. In addition, we show that mild laryngeal defects correlate with changes in the acoustic structure of vocalizations. Together, these data provide key new insights in the molecular genetics of form and function in the mammalian vocal apparatus.

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10/16/23 | Ciliary localization of a light-activated neuronal GPCR shapes behavior.
Winans AM, Friedmann D, Stanley C, Xiao T, Liu T, Chang CJ, Isacoff EY
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 2023 Oct 16;120(43):e2311131120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2311131120

Many neurons in the central nervous system produce a single primary cilium that serves as a specialized signaling organelle. Several neuromodulatory G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) localize to primary cilia in neurons, although it is not understood how GPCR signaling from the cilium impacts circuit function and behavior. We find that the vertebrate ancient long opsin A (VALopA), a G-coupled GPCR extraretinal opsin, targets to cilia of zebrafish spinal neurons. In the developing 1-d-old zebrafish, brief light activation of VALopA in neurons of the central pattern generator circuit for locomotion leads to sustained inhibition of coiling, the earliest form of locomotion. We find that a related extraretinal opsin, VALopB, is also G-coupled, but is not targeted to cilia. Light-induced activation of VALopB also suppresses coiling, but with faster kinetics. We identify the ciliary targeting domains of VALopA. Retargeting of both opsins shows that the locomotory response is prolonged and amplified when signaling occurs in the cilium. We propose that ciliary localization provides a mechanism for enhancing GPCR signaling in central neurons.

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10/05/20 | Circuit and behavioral mechanisms of sexual rejection by drosophila females.
Wang F, Wang K, Forknall N, Parekh R, Dickson BJ
Current Biology. 2020 Oct 05;30(19):. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.07.083

The mating decisions of Drosophila melanogaster females are primarily revealed through either of two discrete actions: opening of the vaginal plates to allow copulation, or extrusion of the ovipositor to reject the male. Both actions are triggered by the male courtship song, and both are dependent upon the female's mating status. Virgin females are more likely to open their vaginal plates in response to song; mated females are more likely to extrude their ovipositor. Here, we examine the neural cause and behavioral consequence of ovipositor extrusion. We show that the DNp13 descending neurons act as command-type neurons for ovipositor extrusion, and that ovipositor extrusion is an effective deterrent only when performed by females that have previously mated. The DNp13 neurons respond to male song via direct synaptic input from the pC2l auditory neurons. Mating status does not modulate the song responses of DNp13 neurons, but rather how effectively they can engage the motor circuits for ovipositor extrusion. We present evidence that mating status information is mediated by ppk sensory neurons in the uterus, which are activated upon ovulation. Vaginal plate opening and ovipositor extrusion are thus controlled by anatomically and functionally distinct circuits, highlighting the diversity of neural decision-making circuits even in the context of closely related behaviors with shared exteroceptive and interoceptive inputs.

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01/01/09 | Circuit dynamics and neural coding in the locust olfactory system.
Jayaraman V, Laurent G
The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience:
03/16/21 | Circuit reorganization in the Drosophila mushroom body calyx accompanies memory consolidation.
Baltruschat L, Prisco L, Ranft P, Lauritzen JS, Fiala A, Bock DD, Tavosanis G
Cell Reports. 2021 Mar 16;34(11):108871. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108871

The formation and consolidation of memories are complex phenomena involving synaptic plasticity, microcircuit reorganization, and the formation of multiple representations within distinct circuits. To gain insight into the structural aspects of memory consolidation, we focus on the calyx of the Drosophila mushroom body. In this essential center, essential for olfactory learning, second- and third-order neurons connect through large synaptic microglomeruli, which we dissect at the electron microscopy level. Focusing on microglomeruli that respond to a specific odor, we reveal that appetitive long-term memory results in increased numbers of precisely those functional microglomeruli responding to the conditioned odor. Hindering memory consolidation by non-coincident presentation of odor and reward, by blocking protein synthesis, or by including memory mutants suppress these structural changes, revealing their tight correlation with the process of memory consolidation. Thus, olfactory long-term memory is associated with input-specific structural modifications in a high-order center of the fly brain.

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