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19 Publications

Showing 1-10 of 19 results
Kainmueller Lab
07/26/09 | 3D reconstruction of the human rib cage from 2D projection images using a statistical shape model.
Dworzak J, Lamecker H, von Berg J, Klinder T, Lorenz C, Kainmüller D, Seim H, Hege H, Zachow S
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery. 2010 Mar;5(2):111-24. doi: 10.1007/s11548-009-0390-2

PURPOSE: This paper describes an approach for the three-dimensional (3D) shape and pose reconstruction of the human rib cage from few segmented two-dimensional (2D) projection images. Our work is aimed at supporting temporal subtraction techniques of subsequently acquired radiographs by establishing a method for the assessment of pose differences in sequences of chest radiographs of the same patient.

METHODS: The reconstruction method is based on a 3D statistical shape model (SSM) of the rib cage, which is adapted to binary 2D projection images of an individual rib cage. To drive the adaptation we minimize a distance measure that quantifies the dissimilarities between 2D projections of the 3D SSM and the projection images of the individual rib cage. We propose different silhouette-based distance measures and evaluate their suitability for the adaptation of the SSM to the projection images.

RESULTS: An evaluation was performed on 29 sets of biplanar binary images (posterior-anterior and lateral). Depending on the chosen distance measure, our experiments on the combined reconstruction of shape and pose of the rib cages yield reconstruction errors from 2.2 to 4.7 mm average mean 3D surface distance. Given a geometry of an individual rib cage, the rotational errors for the pose reconstruction range from 0.1 degrees to 0.9 degrees.

CONCLUSIONS: The results show that our method is suitable for the estimation of pose differences of the human rib cage in binary projection images. Thus, it is able to provide crucial 3D information for registration during the generation of 2D subtraction images.

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Kainmueller Lab
11/01/14 | Active graph matching for automatic joint segmentation and annotation of C. elegans.
Kainmueller D, Jug F, Rother C, Myers G
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. 2014;17(Pt 1):81-8

In this work we present a novel technique we term active graph matching, which integrates the popular active shape model into a sparse graph matching problem. This way we are able to combine the benefits of a global, statistical deformation model with the benefits of a local deformation model in form of a second-order random field. We present a new iterative energy minimization technique which achieves empirically good results. This enables us to exceed state-of-the art results for the task of annotating nuclei in 3D microscopic images of C. elegans. Furthermore with the help of the generalized Hough transform we are able to jointly segment and annotate a large set of nuclei in a fully automatic fashion for the first time.

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Kainmueller Lab
09/01/09 | An articulated statistical shape model for accurate hip joint segmentation.
Kainmueller D, Lamecker H, Zachow S, Hege H
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2009;2009:6345-51. doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2009.5333269

In this paper we propose a framework for fully automatic, robust and accurate segmentation of the human pelvis and proximal femur in CT data. We propose a composite statistical shape model of femur and pelvis with a flexible hip joint, for which we extend the common definition of statistical shape models as well as the common strategy for their adaptation. We do not analyze the joint flexibility statistically, but model it explicitly by rotational parameters describing the bent in a ball-and-socket joint. A leave-one-out evaluation on 50 CT volumes shows that image driven adaptation of our composite shape model robustly produces accurate segmentations of both proximal femur and pelvis. As a second contribution, we evaluate a fine grain multi-object segmentation method based on graph optimization. It relies on accurate initializations of femur and pelvis, which our composite shape model can generate. Simultaneous optimization of both femur and pelvis yields more accurate results than separate optimizations of each structure. Shape model adaptation and graph based optimization are embedded in a fully automatic framework.

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Kainmueller Lab
02/01/16 | Automated detection and quantification of single RNAs at cellular resolution in zebrafish embryos.
Stapel LC, Lombardot B, Broaddus C, Kainmueller D, Jug F, Myers EW, Vastenhouw NL
Development (Cambridge, England). 2016 Feb 01;143(3):540-6. doi: 10.1242/dev.128918

Analysis of differential gene expression is crucial for the study of cell fate and behavior during embryonic development. However, automated methods for the sensitive detection and quantification of RNAs at cellular resolution in embryos are lacking. With the advent of single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH), gene expression can be analyzed at single-molecule resolution. However, the limited availability of protocols for smFISH in embryos and the lack of efficient image analysis pipelines have hampered quantification at the (sub)cellular level in complex samples such as tissues and embryos. Here, we present a protocol for smFISH on zebrafish embryo sections in combination with an image analysis pipeline for automated transcript detection and cell segmentation. We use this strategy to quantify gene expression differences between different cell types and identify differences in subcellular transcript localization between genes. The combination of our smFISH protocol and custom-made, freely available, analysis pipeline will enable researchers to fully exploit the benefits of quantitative transcript analysis at cellular and subcellular resolution in tissues and embryos.

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Kainmueller Lab
10/01/12 | Automatic detection and classification of teeth in CT data.
Duy NT, Lamecker H, Kainmueller D, Zachow S
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. 2012;15(Pt 1):609-16

We propose a fully automatic method for tooth detection and classification in CT or cone-beam CT image data. First we compute an accurate segmentation of the maxilla bone. Based on this segmentation, our method computes a complete and optimal separation of the row of teeth into 16 subregions and classifies the resulting regions as existing or missing teeth. This serves as a prerequisite for further individual tooth segmentation. We show the robustness of our approach by providing extensive validation on 43 clinical head CT scans.

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Kainmueller Lab
08/07/09 | Automatic Extraction of Anatomical Landmarks From Medical Image Data: An Evaluation of Different Methods
Kainmueller D, Hans-Christian Hege , Heiko Seim , Markus Heller , Stefan Zachow

This work presents three different methods for automatic detection of anatomical landmarks in CT data, namely for the left and right anterior superior iliac spines and the pubic symphysis. The methods exhibit different degrees of generality in terms of portability to other anatomical landmarks and require a different amount of training data. The ſrst method is problem-speciſc and is based on the convex hull of the pelvis. Method two is a more generic approach based on a statistical shape model including the landmarks of interest for every training shape. With our third method we present the most generic approach, where only a small set of training landmarks is required. Those landmarks are transferred to the patient speciſc geometry based on Mean Value Coordinates (MVCs). The methods work on surfaces of the pelvis that need to be extracted beforehand. We perform this geometry reconstruction with our previously introduced fully automatic segmentation framework for the pelvic bones. With a focus on the accuracy of our novel MVC-based approach, we evaluate and compare our methods on 100 clinical CT datasets, for which gold standard landmarks were deſned manually by multiple observers.

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Kainmueller Lab
08/19/11 | Automatic extraction of mandibular nerve and bone from cone-beam CT data.
Kainmueller D, Lamecker H, Seim H, Zinser M, Zachow S
Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. 2009;12(Pt 2):76-83

The exact localization of the mandibular nerve with respect to the bone is important for applications in dental implantology and maxillofacial surgery. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), often also called digital volume tomography (DVT), is increasingly utilized in maxillofacial or dental imaging. Compared to conventional CT, however, soft tissue discrimination is worse due to a reduced dose. Thus, small structures like the alveolar nerves are even harder recognizable within the image data. We show that it is nonetheless possible to accurately reconstruct the 3D bone surface and the course of the nerve in a fully automatic fashion, with a method that is based on a combined statistical shape model of the nerve and the bone and a Dijkstra-based optimization procedure. Our method has been validated on 106 clinical datasets: the average reconstruction error for the bone is 0.5 +/- 0.1 mm, and the nerve can be detected with an average error of 1.0 +/- 0.6 mm.

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Kainmueller Lab
12/01/17 | Cell dynamics underlying oriented growth of the Drosophila wing imaginal disc.
Dye NA, Popović M, Spannl S, Etournay R, Kainmüller D, Ghosh S, Myers EW, Jülicher F, Eaton S
Development (Cambridge, England). 2017 Dec 01;144(23):4406-4421. doi: 10.1242/dev.155069

Quantitative analysis of the dynamic cellular mechanisms shaping the Drosophila wing during its larval growth phase has been limited, impeding our ability to understand how morphogen patterns regulate tissue shape. Such analysis requires explants to be imaged under conditions that maintain both growth and patterning, as well as methods to quantify how much cellular behaviors change tissue shape. Here, we demonstrate a key requirement for the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) in the maintenance of numerous patterning systems in vivo and in explant culture. We find that low concentrations of 20E support prolonged proliferation in explanted wing discs in the absence of insulin, incidentally providing novel insight into the hormonal regulation of imaginal growth. We use 20E-containing media to observe growth directly and to apply recently developed methods for quantitatively decomposing tissue shape changes into cellular contributions. We discover that whereas cell divisions drive tissue expansion along one axis, their contribution to expansion along the orthogonal axis is cancelled by cell rearrangements and cell shape changes. This finding raises the possibility that anisotropic mechanical constraints contribute to growth orientation in the wing disc.

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Kainmueller Lab
08/28/09 | Comparison and evaluation of methods for liver segmentation from CT datasets.
Heimann T, van Ginneken B, Styner MA, Arzhaeva Y, Aurich V, Bauer C, Beck A, Becker C, Beichel R, Bekes G, Bello F, Binnig G, Bischof H, Bornik A, Cashman PM, Chi Y, Cordova A, Dawant BM, Fidrich M, Furst JD, Furukawa D, Grenacher L, Hornegger J, Kainmüller D, Kitney RI, Kobatake H, Lamecker H, Lange T, Lee J, Lennon B, Li R, Li S, Meinzer H, Nemeth G, Raicu DS, Rau A, van Rikxoort EM, Rousson M, Rusko L, Saddi KA, Schmidt G, Seghers D, Shimizu A, Slagmolen P, Sorantin E, Soza G, Susomboon R, Waite JM, Wimmer A, Wolf I
IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 2009 Aug;28(8):1251-65. doi: 10.1109/TMI.2009.2013851

This paper presents a comparison study between 10 automatic and six interactive methods for liver segmentation from contrast-enhanced CT images. It is based on results from the "MICCAI 2007 Grand Challenge" workshop, where 16 teams evaluated their algorithms on a common database. A collection of 20 clinical images with reference segmentations was provided to train and tune algorithms in advance. Participants were also allowed to use additional proprietary training data for that purpose. All teams then had to apply their methods to 10 test datasets and submit the obtained results. Employed algorithms include statistical shape models, atlas registration, level-sets, graph-cuts and rule-based systems. All results were compared to reference segmentations five error measures that highlight different aspects of segmentation accuracy. All measures were combined according to a specific scoring system relating the obtained values to human expert variability. In general, interactive methods reached higher average scores than automatic approaches and featured a better consistency of segmentation quality. However, the best automatic methods (mainly based on statistical shape models with some additional free deformation) could compete well on the majority of test images. The study provides an insight in performance of different segmentation approaches under real-world conditions and highlights achievements and limitations of current image analysis techniques.

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Kainmueller Lab
06/27/16 | Convexity shape constraints for image segmentation.
Royer LA, Richmond DL, Rother C, Andres B, Kainmueller D
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2016 Jun 27:. doi: 10.1109/CVPR.2016.50

Segmenting an image into multiple components is a central task in computer vision. In many practical scenarios, prior knowledge about plausible components is available. Incorporating such prior knowledge into models and algorithms for image segmentation is highly desirable, yet can be non-trivial. In this work, we introduce a new approach that allows, for the first time, to constrain some or all components of a segmentation to have convex shapes. Specifically, we extend the Minimum Cost Multicut Problem by a class of constraints that enforce convexity. To solve instances of this NP-hard integer linear program to optimality, we separate the proposed constraints in the branch-and-cut loop of a state-of-the-art ILP solver. Results on photographs and micrographs demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach as well as its advantages over the state-of-the-art heuristic.

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