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3920 Publications

Showing 1061-1070 of 3920 results
10/15/19 | Developmental organization of central neurons in the adult Drosophila ventral nervous system.
Shepherd D, Sahota V, Court R, Williams DW, Truman JW
Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2019 Oct 15;527(15):2573-2598. doi: 10.1002/cne.24690

We have used MARCM to reveal the adult morphology of the post embryonically produced neurons in the thoracic neuromeres of the Drosophila VNS. The work builds on previous studies of the origins of the adult VNS neurons to describe the clonal organization of the adult VNS. We present data for 58 of 66 postembryonic thoracic lineages, excluding the motor neuron producing lineages (15 and 24) which have been described elsewhere. MARCM labels entire lineages but where both A and B hemilineages survive (e.g., lineages 19, 12, 13, 6, 1, 3, 8, and 11), the two hemilineages can be discriminated and we have described each hemilineage separately. Hemilineage morphology is described in relation to the known functional domains of the VNS neuropil and based on the anatomy we are able to assign broad functional roles for each hemilineage. The data show that in a thoracic hemineuromere, 16 hemilineages are primarily involved in controlling leg movements and walking, 9 are involved in the control of wing movements, and 10 interface between both leg and wing control. The data provide a baseline of understanding of the functional organization of the adult Drosophila VNS. By understanding the morphological organization of these neurons, we can begin to define and test the rules by which neuronal circuits are assembled during development and understand the functional logic and evolution of neuronal networks.

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10/01/03 | Developmental origin and evolution of bacteriocytes in the aphid-Buchnera symbiosis.
Braendle C, Miura T, Bickel R, Shingleton AW, Kambhampati S, Stern DL
PLoS Biol. 2003 Oct;1(1):E21. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0000021

Symbiotic relationships between bacteria and insect hosts are common. Although the bacterial endosymbionts have been subjected to intense investigation, little is known of the host cells in which they reside, the bacteriocytes. We have studied the development and evolution of aphid bacteriocytes, the host cells that contain the endosymbiotic bacteria Buchnera aphidicola. We show that bacteriocytes of Acyrthosiphon pisum express several gene products (or their paralogues): Distal-less, Ultrabithorax/Abdominal-A, and Engrailed. Using these markers, we find that a subpopulation of the bacteriocytes is specified prior to the transmission of maternal bacteria to the embryo. In addition, we discovered that a second population of cells is recruited to the bacteriocyte fate later in development. We experimentally demonstrate that bacteriocyte induction and proliferation occur independently of B. aphidicola. Major features of bacteriocyte development, including the two-step recruitment of bacteriocytes, have been conserved in aphids for 80-150 million years. Furthermore, we have investigated two cases of evolutionary loss of bacterial symbionts: in one case, where novel extracellular, eukaryotic symbionts replaced the bacteria, the bacteriocyte is maintained; in another case, where symbionts are absent, the bacteriocytes are initiated but not maintained. The bacteriocyte represents an evolutionarily novel cell fate, which is developmentally determined independently of the bacteria. Three of five transcription factors we examined show novel expression patterns in bacteriocytes, suggesting that bacteriocytes may have evolved to express many additional transcription factors. The evolutionary transition to a symbiosis in which bacteria and an aphid cell form a functional unit, similar to the origin of plastids, has apparently involved extensive molecular adaptations on the part of the host cell.

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12/03/18 | Developmental pattern and structural factors of dendritic survival in cerebellar granule cells in vivo.
Dhar M, Hantman AW, Nishiyama H
Scientific Reports. 2018 Dec 03;8(1):17561. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-35829-y

Granule cells (GCs) in the cerebellar cortex are important for sparse encoding of afferent sensorimotor information. Modeling studies show that GCs can perform their function most effectively when they have four dendrites. Indeed, mature GCs have four short dendrites on average, each terminating in a claw-like ending that receives both excitatory and inhibitory inputs. Immature GCs, however, have significantly more dendrites-all without claws. How these redundant dendrites are refined during development is largely unclear. Here, we used in vivo time-lapse imaging and immunohistochemistry to study developmental refinement of GC dendritic arbors and its relation to synapse formation. We found that while the formation of dendritic claws stabilized the dendrites, the selection of surviving dendrites was made before claw formation, and longer immature dendrites had a significantly higher chance of survival than shorter dendrites. Using immunohistochemistry, we show that glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses are transiently formed on immature GC dendrites, and the number of GABAergic, but not glutamatergic, synapses correlates with the length of immature dendrites. Together, these results suggest a potential role of transient GABAergic synapses on dendritic selection and show that preselected dendrites are stabilized by the formation of dendritic claws-the site of mature synapses.

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Cardona Lab
01/15/19 | Developmentally arrested precursors of pontine neurons establish an embryonic blueprint of the Drosophila central complex.
Andrade IV, Riebli N, Nguyen BM, Omoto JJ, Cardona A, Hartenstein V
Current Biology : CB. 2019 Jan 15;29(3):412-25. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.12.012

Serial electron microscopic analysis shows that the Drosophila brain at hatching possesses a large fraction of developmentally arrested neurons with a small soma, heterochromatin-rich nucleus, and unbranched axon lacking synapses. We digitally reconstructed all 802 "small undifferentiated" (SU) neurons and assigned them to the known brain lineages. By establishing the coordinates and reconstructing trajectories of the SU neuron tracts, we provide a framework of landmarks for the ongoing analyses of the L1 brain circuitry. To address the later fate of SU neurons, we focused on the 54 SU neurons belonging to the DM1-DM4 lineages, which generate all columnar neurons of the central complex. Regarding their topologically ordered projection pattern, these neurons form an embryonic nucleus of the fan-shaped body ("FB pioneers"). Fan-shaped body pioneers survive into the adult stage, where they develop into a specific class of bi-columnar elements, the pontine neurons. Later born, unicolumnar DM1-DM4 neurons fasciculate with the fan-shaped body pioneers. Selective ablation of the fan-shaped body pioneers altered the architecture of the larval fan-shaped body primordium but did not result in gross abnormalities of the trajectories of unicolumnar neurons, indicating that axonal pathfinding of the two systems may be controlled independently. Our comprehensive spatial and developmental analysis of the SU neurons adds to our understanding of the establishment of neuronal circuitry.

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12/18/16 | Developmentally programmed germ cell remodelling by endodermal cell cannibalism.
Abdu Y, Maniscalco C, Heddleston JM, Chew T, Nance J
Nature Cell Biology. 2016 Dec;18(12):1302-10. doi: 10.1038/ncb3439

Primordial germ cells (PGCs) in many species associate intimately with endodermal cells, but the significance of such interactions is largely unexplored. Here, we show that Caenorhabditis elegans PGCs form lobes that are removed and digested by endodermal cells, dramatically altering PGC size and mitochondrial content. We demonstrate that endodermal cells do not scavenge lobes PGCs shed, but rather, actively remove lobes from the cell body. CED-10 (Rac)-induced actin, DYN-1 (dynamin) and LST-4 (SNX9) transiently surround lobe necks and are required within endodermal cells for lobe scission, suggesting that scission occurs through a mechanism resembling vesicle endocytosis. These findings reveal an unexpected role for endoderm in altering the contents of embryonic PGCs, and define a form of developmentally programmed cell remodelling involving intercellular cannibalism. Active roles for engulfing cells have been proposed in several neuronal remodelling events, suggesting that intercellular cannibalism may be a more widespread method used to shape cells than previously thought.

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Eddy/Rivas Lab
01/01/13 | Dfam: a database of repetitive DNA based on profile hidden Markov models.
Wheeler TJ, Clements J, Eddy SR, Hubley R, Jones TA, Jurka J, Smit AF, Finn RD
Nucleic Acids Research. 2013 Jan;41:D70-82. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks1265

We present a database of repetitive DNA elements, called Dfam ( Many genomes contain a large fraction of repetitive DNA, much of which is made up of remnants of transposable elements (TEs). Accurate annotation of TEs enables research into their biology and can shed light on the evolutionary processes that shape genomes. Identification and masking of TEs can also greatly simplify many downstream genome annotation and sequence analysis tasks. The commonly used TE annotation tools RepeatMasker and Censor depend on sequence homology search tools such as cross_match and BLAST variants, as well as Repbase, a collection of known TE families each represented by a single consensus sequence. Dfam contains entries corresponding to all Repbase TE entries for which instances have been found in the human genome. Each Dfam entry is represented by a profile hidden Markov model, built from alignments generated using RepeatMasker and Repbase. When used in conjunction with the hidden Markov model search tool nhmmer, Dfam produces a 2.9% increase in coverage over consensus sequence search methods on a large human benchmark, while maintaining low false discovery rates, and coverage of the full human genome is 54.5%. The website provides a collection of tools and data views to support improved TE curation and annotation efforts. Dfam is also available for download in flat file format or in the form of MySQL table dumps.

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Svoboda Lab
09/01/11 | a compendium of resources fostering the continuous development of automated neuronal reconstruction.
Gillette TA, Brown KM, Svoboda K, Liu Y, Ascoli GA
Neuroinformatics. 2011 Sep;9(2-3):303-4. doi: 10.1007/s12021-011-9104-3

Concomitant with the publication of this Special Issue of Neuroinformatics, a substantially updated version of the DIADEM web site has been released at This web site was originally designed to host the challenge for automating the digital reconstruction of axonal and dendritic morphology (hence the DIADEM acronym). This post-competition version features additional content for continued use as the access point for DIADEM-related material. From the very beginning, one of the spirits of DIADEM has been to share data and resources with the neuroscience research community at large. The resources available from or linked to the DIADEM website constitute a substantial scientific legacy of the 2009/2010 competition. The new content includes finalist algorithms, image stack data, gold standard reconstructions, an updated DIADEM metric, and a retrospective on the competition in text and images.

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08/08/03 | Diapause in the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) is a slowing but not a cessation of development.
Shingleton AW, Sisk GC, Stern DL
BMC Dev Biol. 2003 Aug 8;3:7. doi: 10.1186/1471-213X-3-7

BACKGROUND: Many insects undergo a period of arrested development, called diapause, to avoid seasonally recurring adverse conditions. Whilst the phenology and endocrinology of insect diapause have been well studied, there has been comparatively little research into the developmental details of diapause. We investigated developmental aspects of diapause in sexually-produced embryos of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum.

RESULTS: We found that early stages of embryogenesis progressed at a temperature-independent rate, characteristic of diapause, whereas later stages of embryogenesis progressed at a temperature-dependent rate. However, embryos maintained at very high temperatures during the temperature-independent stage showed severe developmental abnormalities. Under no temperature regime did embryos display a distinct resting stage. Rather, morphological development progressed slowly but continuously throughout embryogenesis.

CONCLUSION: Diapause in the pea aphid, and perhaps in many other insects, is a temperature-independent slowing but not a cessation of morphological development. This suggests that the mechanisms limiting developmental rate during diapause may be the same as those controlling developmental rate at other stages of growth.

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12/08/01 | Dichotomy of action-potential backpropagation in CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites.
Golding NL, Kath WL, Spruston N
J Neurophysiol. 2001 Dec;86(6):2998-3010

In hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons, action potentials are typically initiated in the axon and backpropagate into the dendrites, shaping the integration of synaptic activity and influencing the induction of synaptic plasticity. Despite previous reports describing action-potential propagation in the proximal apical dendrites, the extent to which action potentials invade the distal dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons remains controversial. Using paired somatic and dendritic whole cell recordings, we find that in the dendrites proximal to 280 microm from the soma, single backpropagating action potentials exhibit <50% attenuation from their amplitude in the soma. However, in dendritic recordings distal to 300 microm from the soma, action potentials in most cells backpropagated either strongly (26-42% attenuation; n = 9/20) or weakly (71-87% attenuation; n = 10/20) with only one cell exhibiting an intermediate value (45% attenuation). In experiments combining dual somatic and dendritic whole cell recordings with calcium imaging, the amount of calcium influx triggered by backpropagating action potentials was correlated with the extent of action-potential invasion of the distal dendrites. Quantitative morphometric analyses revealed that the dichotomy in action-potential backpropagation occurred in the presence of only subtle differences in either the diameter of the primary apical dendrite or branching pattern. In addition, action-potential backpropagation was not dependent on a number of electrophysiological parameters (input resistance, resting potential, voltage sensitivity of dendritic spike amplitude). There was, however, a striking correlation of the shape of the action potential at the soma with its amplitude in the dendrite; larger, faster-rising, and narrower somatic action potentials exhibited more attenuation in the distal dendrites (300-410 microm from the soma). Simple compartmental models of CA1 pyramidal neurons revealed that a dichotomy in action-potential backpropagation could be generated in response to subtle manipulations of the distribution of either sodium or potassium channels in the dendrites. Backpropagation efficacy could also be influenced by local alterations in dendritic side branches, but these effects were highly sensitive to model parameters. Based on these findings, we hypothesize that the observed dichotomy in dendritic action-potential amplitude is conferred primarily by differences in the distribution, density, or modulatory state of voltage-gated channels along the somatodendritic axis.

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07/01/20 | Dielectric confinement and excitonic effects in two-dimensional nanoplatelets.
Ji B, Rabani E, Efros AL, Vaxenburg R, Ashkenazi O, Azulay D, Banin U, Millo O
ACS Nano. 2020 Jul 01:. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.0c01950

Quasi-two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor nanoplatelets manifest strong quantum confinement with exceptional optical characteristics of narrow photoluminescence peaks with energies tunable by thickness with monolayer precision. We employed scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) in conjunction with optical measurements to probe the thickness-dependent band gap and density of excited states in a series of CdSe nanoplatelets. The tunneling spectra, measured in the double-barrier tunnel junction configuration, reveal the effect of quantum confinement on the band gap taking place mainly through a blue-shift of the conduction band edge, along with a signature of 2D electronic structure intermixed with finite lateral-size and/or defects effects. The STS fundamental band gaps are larger than the optical gaps as expected from the contributions of exciton binding in the absorption, as confirmed by theoretical calculations. The calculations also point to strong valence band mixing between the light- and split-off hole levels. Strikingly, the energy difference between the heavy-hole and light-hole levels in the tunneling spectra are significantly larger than the corresponding values extracted from the absorption spectra. Possible explanations for this, including an interplay of nanoplatelet charging, dielectric confinement, and difference in exciton binding energy for light and heavy holes, are analyzed and discussed.

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