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3920 Publications

Showing 1391-1400 of 3920 results
01/01/98 | Eye development in Drosophila: formation of the eye field and control of differentiation.
Treisman JE, Heberlein U
Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 1998;39:119-58
12/15/22 | Eye structure shapes neuron function in Drosophila motion vision
Arthur Zhao , Eyal Gruntman , Aljoscha Nern , Nirmala A. Iyer , Edward M. Rogers , Sanna Koskela , Igor Siwanowicz , Marisa Dreher , Miriam A. Flynn , Connor W. Laughland , Henrique D.F. Ludwig , Alex G. Thomson , Cullen P. Moran , Bruck Gezahegn , Davi D. Bock , Michael B. Reiser
bioRxiv. 2022 Dec 15:. doi: 10.1101/2022.12.14.520178

Many animals rely on vision to navigate through their environment. The pattern of changes in the visual scene induced by self-motion is the optic flow1, which is first estimated in local patches by directionally selective (DS) neurons24. But how should the arrays of DS neurons, each responsive to motion in a preferred direction at a specific retinal position, be organized to support robust decoding of optic flow by downstream circuits? Understanding this global organization is challenging because it requires mapping fine, local features of neurons across the animal’s field of view3. In Drosophila, the asymmetric dendrites of the T4 and T5 DS neurons establish their preferred direction, making it possible to predict DS responses from anatomy4,5. Here we report that the preferred directions of fly DS neurons vary at different retinal positions and show that this spatial variation is established by the anatomy of the compound eye. To estimate the preferred directions across the visual field, we reconstructed hundreds of T4 neurons in a full brain EM volume6 and discovered unexpectedly stereotypical dendritic arborizations that are independent of location. We then used whole-head μCT scans to map the viewing directions of all compound eye facets and found a non-uniform sampling of visual space that explains the spatial variation in preferred directions. Our findings show that the organization of preferred directions in the fly is largely determined by the compound eye, exposing an intimate and unexpected connection between the peripheral structure of the eye, functional properties of neurons deep in the brain, and the control of body movements.

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08/01/97 | eyelid antagonizes wingless signaling during Drosophila development and has homology to the Bright family of DNA-binding proteins.
Treisman JE, Luk A, Rubin GM, Heberlein U
Genes & Development. 1997 Aug 1;11(15):1949-62

In Drosophila, pattern formation at multiple stages of embryonic and imaginal development depends on the same intercellular signaling pathways. We have identified a novel gene, eyelid (eld), which is required for embryonic segmentation, development of the notum and wing margin, and photoreceptor differentiation. In these tissues, eld mutations have effects opposite to those caused by wingless (wg) mutations. eld encodes a widely expressed nuclear protein with a region homologous to a novel family of DNA-binding domains. Based on this homology and on the phenotypic analysis, we suggest that Eld could act as a transcription factor antagonistic to the Wg pathway.

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03/14/18 | Fabricating optical-quality glass surfaces to study macrophage fusion.
Faust JJ, Christenson W, Doudrick K, Heddleston J, Chew T, Lampe M, Balabiyev A, Ros R, Ugarova TP
Journal of Visualized Experiments : JoVE. 2018 Mar 14(133):. doi: 10.3791/56866

Visualizing the formation of multinucleated giant cells (MGCs) from living specimens has been challenging due to the fact that most live imaging techniques require propagation of light through glass, but on glass macrophage fusion is a rare event. This protocol presents the fabrication of several optical-quality glass surfaces where adsorption of compounds containing long-chain hydrocarbons transforms glass into a fusogenic surface. First, preparation of clean glass surfaces as starting material for surface modification is described. Second, a method is provided for the adsorption of compounds containing long-chain hydrocarbons to convert non-fusogenic glass into a fusogenic substrate. Third, this protocol describes fabrication of surface micropatterns that promote a high degree of spatiotemporal control over MGC formation. Finally, fabricating glass bottom dishes is described. Examples of use of this in vitro cell system as a model to study macrophage fusion and MGC formation are shown.

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11/20/23 | Facemap: a framework for modeling neural activity based on orofacial tracking
Atika Syeda , Lin Zhong , Renee Tung , Will Long , Marius Pachitariu , Carsen Stringer
Nature Neuroscience. 2023 Nov 20:. doi: 10.1038/s41593-023-01490-6

Recent studies in mice have shown that orofacial behaviors drive a large fraction of neural activity across the brain. To understand the nature and function of these signals, we need better computational models to characterize the behaviors and relate them to neural activity. Here we developed Facemap, a framework consisting of a keypoint tracking algorithm and a deep neural network encoder for predicting neural activity. We used the Facemap keypoints as input for the deep neural network to predict the activity of ∼50,000 simultaneously-recorded neurons and in visual cortex we doubled the amount of explained variance compared to previous methods. Our keypoint tracking algorithm was more accurate than existing pose estimation tools, while the inference speed was several times faster, making it a powerful tool for closed-loop behavioral experiments. The Facemap tracker was easy to adapt to data from new labs, requiring as few as 10 annotated frames for near-optimal performance. We used Facemap to find that the neuronal activity clusters which were highly driven by behaviors were more spatially spread-out across cortex. We also found that the deep keypoint features inferred by the model had time-asymmetrical state dynamics that were not apparent in the raw keypoint data. In summary, Facemap provides a stepping stone towards understanding the function of the brainwide neural signals and their relation to behavior.

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11/18/11 | Facile and general synthesis of photoactivatable xanthene dyes.
Wysocki LM, Grimm JB, Tkachuk AN, Brown TA, Betzig E, Lavis LD
Angewandte Chemie. 2011 Nov 18;50:11206-9. doi: 10.1002/anie.201104571

Despite the apparent simplicity of the xanthene fluorophores, the preparation of caged derivatives with free carboxy groups remains a synthetic challenge. A straightforward and flexible strategy for preparing rhodamine and fluorescein derivatives was developed using reduced, “leuco” intermediates.

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Zlatic Lab
03/31/17 | Facilitating neuron-specific genetic manipulations in Drosophila using a split GAL4 repressor.
Dolan M, Luan H, Shropshire WC, Sutcliffe B, Cocanougher B, Scott RL, Frechter S, Zlatic M, Jefferis GS, White BH
Genetics. 2017 Mar 31;206(2):775-84. doi: 10.1534/genetics.116.199687

Efforts to map neural circuits have been galvanized by the development of genetic technologies that permit the manipulation of targeted sets of neurons in the brains of freely behaving animals. The success of these efforts relies on the experimenter's ability to target arbitrarily small subsets of neurons for manipulation, but such specificity of targeting cannot routinely be achieved using existing methods. In Drosophila melanogaster, a widely used technique for refined cell-type specific manipulation is the Split GAL4 system, which augments the targeting specificity of the binary GAL4-UAS system by making GAL4 transcriptional activity contingent upon two enhancers, rather than one. To permit more refined targeting, we introduce here the "Killer Zipper" (KZip(+)), a suppressor that makes Split GAL4 targeting contingent upon a third enhancer. KZip(+) acts by disrupting both the formation and activity of Split GAL4 heterodimers, and we show how this added layer of control can be used to selectively remove unwanted cells from a Split GAL4 expression pattern or to subtract neurons of interest from a pattern to determine their requirement in generating a given phenotype. To facilitate application of the KZip(+) technology, we have developed a versatile set of LexAop-KZip(+) fly lines that can be used directly with the large number of LexA driver lines with known expression patterns. The Killer Zipper significantly sharpens the precision of neuronal genetic control available in Drosophila and may be extended to other organisms where Split GAL4-like systems are used.

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10/01/05 | Factors mediating powerful voltage attenuation along CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites.
Golding NL, Mickus TJ, Katz Y, Kath WL, Spruston N
J Physiol. 2005 Oct 1;568(Pt 1):69-82. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2005.086793

We performed simultaneous patch-electrode recordings from the soma and apical dendrite of CA1 pyramidal neurons in hippocampal slices, in order to determine the degree of voltage attenuation along CA1 dendrites. Fifty per cent attenuation of steady-state somatic voltage changes occurred at a distance of 238 microm from the soma in control and 409 microm after blocking the hyperpolarization-activated (H) conductance. The morphology of three neurons was reconstructed and used to generate computer models, which were adjusted to fit the somatic and dendritic voltage responses. These models identify several factors contributing to the voltage attenuation along CA1 dendrites, including high axial cytoplasmic resistivity, low membrane resistivity, and large H conductance. In most cells the resting membrane conductances, including the H conductances, were larger in the dendrites than the soma. Simulations suggest that synaptic potentials attenuate enormously as they propagate from the dendrite to the soma, with greater than 100-fold attenuation for synapses on many small, distal dendrites. A prediction of this powerful EPSP attenuation is that distal synaptic inputs are likely only to be effective in the presence of conductance scaling, dendritic excitability, or both.

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01/18/24 | Failure to mate enhances investment in behaviors that may promote mating reward and impairs the ability to cope with stressors via a subpopulation of Neuropeptide F receptor neurons.
Ryvkin J, Omesi L, Kim Y, Levi M, Pozeilov H, Barak-Buchris L, Agranovich B, Abramovich I, Gottlieb E, Jacob A, Nässel DR, Heberlein U, Shohat-Ophir G
PLoS Genetics. 2024 Jan 18;20(1):e1011054. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011054

Living in dynamic environments such as the social domain, where interaction with others determines the reproductive success of individuals, requires the ability to recognize opportunities to obtain natural rewards and cope with challenges that are associated with achieving them. As such, actions that promote survival and reproduction are reinforced by the brain reward system, whereas coping with the challenges associated with obtaining these rewards is mediated by stress-response pathways, the activation of which can impair health and shorten lifespan. While much research has been devoted to understanding mechanisms underlying the way by which natural rewards are processed by the reward system, less attention has been given to the consequences of failure to obtain a desirable reward. As a model system to study the impact of failure to obtain a natural reward, we used the well-established courtship suppression paradigm in Drosophila melanogaster as means to induce repeated failures to obtain sexual reward in male flies. We discovered that beyond the known reduction in courtship actions caused by interaction with non-receptive females, repeated failures to mate induce a stress response characterized by persistent motivation to obtain the sexual reward, reduced male-male social interaction, and enhanced aggression. This frustrative-like state caused by the conflict between high motivation to obtain sexual reward and the inability to fulfill their mating drive impairs the capacity of rejected males to tolerate stressors such as starvation and oxidative stress. We further show that sensitivity to starvation and enhanced social arousal is mediated by the disinhibition of a small population of neurons that express receptors for the fly homologue of neuropeptide Y. Our findings demonstrate for the first time the existence of social stress in flies and offers a framework to study mechanisms underlying the crosstalk between reward, stress, and reproduction in a simple nervous system that is highly amenable to genetic manipulation.

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Looger Lab
06/27/16 | Falling apart.
Marvin JS, Looger LL
eLife. 2016;5:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.18203

Destabilized nanobodies can be used to deliver fluorescent proteins and enzymes to specific targets inside cells.

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