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3920 Publications

Showing 1551-1560 of 3920 results
10/22/82 | Genetic transformation of Drosophila with transposable element vectors.
Rubin GM, Spradling AC
Science. 1982 Oct 22;218(4570):348-53. doi: 10.1186/gb-2007-8-7-r145

Exogenous DNA sequences were introduced into the Drosophila germ line. A rosy transposon (ry1), constructed by inserting a chromosomal DNA fragment containing the wild-type rosy gene into a P transposable element, transformed germ line cells in 20 to 50 percent of the injected rosy mutant embryos. Transformants contained one or two copies of chromosomally integrated, intact ry1 that were stably inherited in subsequent generations. These transformed flies had wild-type eye color indicating that the visible genetic defect in the host strain could be fully and permanently corrected by the transferred gene. To demonstrate the generality of this approach, a DNA segment that does not confer a recognizable phenotype on recipients was also transferred into germ line chromosomes.

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03/22/05 | Genetic variation for an aphid wing polyphenism is genetically linked to a naturally occurring wing polymorphism.
Braendle C, Friebe I, Caillaud MC, Stern DL
Proc Biol Sci. 2005 Mar 22;272(1563):657-64. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2004.2995

Many polyphenisms are examples of adaptive phenotypic plasticity where a single genotype produces distinct phenotypes in response to environmental cues. Such alternative phenotypes occur as winged and wingless parthenogenetic females in the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum). However, the proportion of winged females produced in response to a given environmental cue varies between clonal genotypes. Winged and wingless phenotypes also occur in males of the sexual generation. In contrast to parthenogenetic females, wing production in males is environmentally insensitive and controlled by the sex-linked, biallelic locus, aphicarus (api). Hence, environmental or genetic cues induce development of winged and wingless phenotypes at different stages of the pea aphid life cycle. We have tested whether allelic variation at the api locus explains genetic variation in the propensity to produce winged females. We assayed clones from an F2 cross that were heterozygous or homozygous for alternative api alleles for their propensity to produce winged offspring. We found that clones with different api genotypes differed in their propensity to produce winged offspring. The results indicate genetic linkage of factors controlling the female wing polyphenism and male wing polymorphism. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that genotype by environment interaction at the api locus explains genetic variation in the environmentally cued wing polyphenism.

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Looger LabSchreiter Lab
08/01/17 | Genetically encoded biosensors.
Marvin JS, Looger LL, Lee RT, Schreiter ER
USPTO. 2017 Aug 01;B2:

The present disclosure provides, inter alia, genetically encoded recombinant peptide biosensors comprising analyte-binding framework portions and signaling portions, wherein the signaling portions are present within the framework portions at sites or amino acid positions that undergo a conformational change upon interaction of the framework portion with an analyte.

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Looger Lab
06/01/13 | Genetically encoded calcium indicators and astrocyte calcium microdomains.
Tong X, Shigetomi E, Looger LL, Khakh BS
The Neuroscientist : A Review Journal Bringing Neurobiology, Neurology and Psychiatry. 2013 Jun;19(3):274-91. doi: 10.1177/1073858412468794

The discovery of intracellular Ca(2+) signals within astrocytes has changed our view of how these ubiquitous cells contribute to brain function. Classically thought merely to serve supportive functions, astrocytes are increasingly thought to respond to, and regulate, neurons. The use of organic Ca(2+) indicator dyes such as Fluo-4 and Fura-2 has proved instrumental in the study of astrocyte physiology. However, progress has recently been accelerated by the use of cytosolic and membrane targeted genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs). Herein, we review these recent findings, discuss why studying astrocyte Ca(2+) signals is important to understand brain function, and summarize work that led to the discovery of TRPA1 channel-mediated near-membrane Ca(2+) signals in astrocytes and their indirect neuromodulatory roles at inhibitory synapses in the CA1 stratum radiatum region of the hippocampus. We suggest that the use of membrane-targeted and cytosolic GECIs holds great promise to explore the diversity of Ca(2+) signals within single astrocytes and also to study diversity of function for astrocytes in different parts of the brain.

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03/04/13 | Genetically encoded calcium indicators for multi-color neural activity imaging and combination with optogenetics.
Akerboom J, Carreras Calderón N, Tian L, Wabnig S, Prigge M, Tolö J, Gordus A, Orger MB, Severi KE, Macklin JJ, Patel R, Pulver SR, Wardill TJ, Fischer E, Schüler C, Chen T, Sarkisyan KS, Marvin JS, Bargmann CI, Kim DS, Kügler S, Lagnado L, Hegemann P, Gottschalk A, Schreiter ER, Looger LL
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 2013 Mar 4;6:2. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2013.00002

Genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) are powerful tools for systems neuroscience. Here we describe red, single-wavelength GECIs, "RCaMPs," engineered from circular permutation of the thermostable red fluorescent protein mRuby. High-resolution crystal structures of mRuby, the red sensor RCaMP, and the recently published red GECI R-GECO1 give insight into the chromophore environments of the Ca(2+)-bound state of the sensors and the engineered protein domain interfaces of the different indicators. We characterized the biophysical properties and performance of RCaMP sensors in vitro and in vivo in Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila larvae, and larval zebrafish. Further, we demonstrate 2-color calcium imaging both within the same cell (registering mitochondrial and somatic [Ca(2+)]) and between two populations of cells: neurons and astrocytes. Finally, we perform integrated optogenetics experiments, wherein neural activation via channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) or a red-shifted variant, and activity imaging via RCaMP or GCaMP, are conducted simultaneously, with the ChR2/RCaMP pair providing independently addressable spectral channels. Using this paradigm, we measure calcium responses of naturalistic and ChR2-evoked muscle contractions in vivo in crawling C. elegans. We systematically compare the RCaMP sensors to R-GECO1, in terms of action potential-evoked fluorescence increases in neurons, photobleaching, and photoswitching. R-GECO1 displays higher Ca(2+) affinity and larger dynamic range than RCaMP, but exhibits significant photoactivation with blue and green light, suggesting that integrated channelrhodopsin-based optogenetics using R-GECO1 may be subject to artifact. Finally, we create and test blue, cyan, and yellow variants engineered from GCaMP by rational design. This engineered set of chromatic variants facilitates new experiments in functional imaging and optogenetics.

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Looger Lab
01/01/08 | Genetically encoded fluorescent sensors for studying healthy and diseased nervous systems.
Tian L, Looger LL
Drug Discovery Today. Disease Models. 2008;5(1):27-35. doi: 10.1016/j.ddmod.2008.07.003

Neurons and glia are functionally organized into circuits and higher-order structures via synaptic connectivity, well-orchestrated molecular signaling, and activity-dependent refinement. Such organization allows the precise information processing required for complex behaviors. Disruption of nervous systems by genetic deficiency or events such as trauma or environmental exposure may produce a diseased state in which certain aspects of inter-neuron signaling are impaired. Optical imaging techniques allow the direct visualization of individual neurons in a circuit environment. Imaging probes specific for given biomolecules may help elucidate their contribution to proper circuit function. Genetically encoded sensors can visualize trafficking of particular molecules in defined neuronal populations, non-invasively in intact brain or reduced preparations. Sensor analysis in healthy and diseased brains may reveal important differences and shed light on the development and progression of nervous system disorders. We review the field of genetically encoded sensors for molecules and cellular events, and their potential applicability to the study of nervous system disease.

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Looger Lab
02/01/12 | Genetically encoded neural activity indicators.
Looger LL, Griesbeck O
Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2012 Feb;22(1):18-23. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2011.10.024

Recording activity from identified populations of neurons is a central goal of neuroscience. Changes in membrane depolarization, particularly action potentials, are the most important features of neural physiology to extract, although ions, neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, second messengers, and the activation state of specific proteins are also crucial. Modern fluorescence microscopy provides the basis for such activity mapping, through multi-photon imaging and other optical schemes. Probes remain the rate-limiting step for progress in this field: they should be bright and photostable, and ideally come in multiple colors. Only protein-based reagents permit chronic imaging from genetically specified cells. Here we review recent progress in the design, optimization and deployment of genetically encoded indicators for calcium ions (a proxy for action potentials), membrane potential, and neurotransmitters. We highlight seminal experiments, and present an outlook for future progress.

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10/18/21 | Genetically identified amygdala-striatal circuits for valence-specific behaviors.
Zhang X, Guan W, Yang T, Furlan A, Xiao X, Yu K, An X, Galbavy W, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K, Ritola K, Hantman A, He M, Josh Huang Z, Li B
Nature Neuroscience. 2021 Oct 18;24(11):1586-1600. doi: 10.1038/s41593-021-00927-0

The basolateral amygdala (BLA) plays essential roles in behaviors motivated by stimuli with either positive or negative valence, but how it processes motivationally opposing information and participates in establishing valence-specific behaviors remains unclear. Here, by targeting Fezf2-expressing neurons in the BLA, we identify and characterize two functionally distinct classes in behaving mice, the negative-valence neurons and positive-valence neurons, which innately represent aversive and rewarding stimuli, respectively, and through learning acquire predictive responses that are essential for punishment avoidance or reward seeking. Notably, these two classes of neurons receive inputs from separate sets of sensory and limbic areas, and convey punishment and reward information through projections to the nucleus accumbens and olfactory tubercle, respectively, to drive negative and positive reinforcement. Thus, valence-specific BLA neurons are wired with distinctive input-output structures, forming a circuit framework that supports the roles of the BLA in encoding, learning and executing valence-specific motivated behaviors.

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01/04/18 | Genetics of intellectual disability in consanguineous families.
Hu H, Kahrizi K, Musante L, Fattahi Z, Herwig R, Hosseini M, Oppitz C, Abedini SS, Suckow V, Larti F, Beheshtian M, Lipkowitz B, Akhtarkhavari T, Mehvari S, Otto S, Mohseni M, Arzhangi S, Jamali P, Mojahedi F, Taghdiri M, Papari E, Soltani Banavandi MJ, Akbari S, Tonekaboni SH, Dehghani H, Ebrahimpour MR, Bader I, Davarnia B, Cohen M, Khodaei H, Albrecht B, Azimi S, Zirn B, Bastami M, Wieczorek D, Bahrami G, Keleman K, Vahid LN, Tzschach A, Gärtner J, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Varaghchi JR, Timmermann B, Pourfatemi F, Jankhah A, Chen W, Nikuei P, Kalscheuer VM, Oladnabi M, Wienker TF, Ropers H, Najmabadi H
Mol Psychiatry. 2018 Jan 04;24(7):1027-1039. doi: 10.1038/s41380-017-0012-2

Autosomal recessive (AR) gene defects are the leading genetic cause of intellectual disability (ID) in countries with frequent parental consanguinity, which account for about 1/7th of the world population. Yet, compared to autosomal dominant de novo mutations, which are the predominant cause of ID in Western countries, the identification of AR-ID genes has lagged behind. Here, we report on whole exome and whole genome sequencing in 404 consanguineous predominantly Iranian families with two or more affected offspring. In 219 of these, we found likely causative variants, involving 77 known and 77 novel AR-ID (candidate) genes, 21 X-linked genes, as well as 9 genes previously implicated in diseases other than ID. This study, the largest of its kind published to date, illustrates that high-throughput DNA sequencing in consanguineous families is a superior strategy for elucidating the thousands of hitherto unknown gene defects underlying AR-ID, and it sheds light on their prevalence.

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Menon Lab
05/26/15 | Genome engineering of isogenic human ES cells to model autism disorders.
Martinez RA, Stein JL, Krostag AF, Nelson AM, Marken JS, Menon V, May RC, Yao Z, Kaykas A, Geschwind DH, Grimley JS
Nucleic acids research. 2015 May 26;43(10):e65. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv164

Isogenic pluripotent stem cells are critical tools for studying human neurological diseases by allowing one to study the effects of a mutation in a fixed genetic background. Of particular interest are the spectrum of autism disorders, some of which are monogenic such as Timothy syndrome (TS); others are multigenic such as the microdeletion and microduplication syndromes of the 16p11.2 chromosomal locus. Here, we report engineered human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines for modeling these two disorders using locus-specific endonucleases to increase the efficiency of homology-directed repair (HDR). We developed a system to: (1) computationally identify unique transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN) binding sites in the genome using a new software program, TALENSeek, (2) assemble the TALEN genes by combining golden gate cloning with modified constructs from the FLASH protocol, and (3) test the TALEN pairs in an amplification-based HDR assay that is more sensitive than the typical non-homologous end joining assay. We applied these methods to identify, construct, and test TALENs that were used with HDR donors in hESCs to generate an isogenic TS cell line in a scarless manner and to model the 16p11.2 copy number disorder without modifying genomic loci with high sequence similarity.

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