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3920 Publications

Showing 1571-1580 of 3920 results
Svoboda Lab
06/01/05 | Geometric and functional organization of cortical circuits.
Shepherd GM, Stepanyants A, Bureau I, Chklovskii D, Svoboda K
Nature Neuroscience. 2005 Jun;8(6):782-90. doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2005.05.006

Can neuronal morphology predict functional synaptic circuits? In the rat barrel cortex, ’barrels’ and ’septa’ delineate an orderly matrix of cortical columns. Using quantitative laser scanning photostimulation we measured the strength of excitatory projections from layer 4 (L4) and L5A to L2/3 pyramidal cells in barrel- and septum-related columns. From morphological reconstructions of excitatory neurons we computed the geometric circuit predicted by axodendritic overlap. Within most individual projections, functional inputs were predicted by geometry and a single scale factor, the synaptic strength per potential synapse. This factor, however, varied between projections and, in one case, even within a projection, up to 20-fold. Relationships between geometric overlap and synaptic strength thus depend on the laminar and columnar locations of both the pre- and postsynaptic neurons, even for neurons of the same type. A large plasticity potential appears to be incorporated into these circuits, allowing for functional ’tuning’ with fixed axonal and dendritic arbor geometry.

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04/11/02 | Geometry and structural plasticity of synaptic connectivity.
Stepanyants A, Hof PR, Chklovskii DB
Neuron. 2002 Apr 11;34(2):275-88. doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2005.05.006

Changes in synaptic connectivity patterns through the formation and elimination of dendritic spines may contribute to structural plasticity in the brain. We characterize this contribution quantitatively by estimating the number of different synaptic connectivity patterns attainable without major arbor remodeling. This number depends on the ratio of the synapses on a dendrite to the axons that pass within a spine length of that dendrite. We call this ratio the filling fraction and calculate it from geometrical analysis and anatomical data. The filling fraction is 0.26 in mouse neocortex, 0.22-0.34 in rat hippocampus. In the macaque visual cortex, the filling fraction increases by a factor of 1.6-1.8 from area V1 to areas V2, V4, and 7a. Since the filling fraction is much smaller than 1, spine remodeling can make a large contribution to structural plasticity.

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Fetter Lab
02/07/08 | GFP Reconstitution Across Synaptic Partners (GRASP) defines cell contacts and synapses in living nervous systems.
Feinberg EH, Vanhoven MK, Bendesky A, Wang G, Fetter RD, Shen K, Bargmann CI
Neuron. 2008 Feb 7;57(3):353-63. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2007.11.030

The identification of synaptic partners is challenging in dense nerve bundles, where many processes occupy regions beneath the resolution of conventional light microscopy. To address this difficulty, we have developed GRASP, a system to label membrane contacts and synapses between two cells in living animals. Two complementary fragments of GFP are expressed on different cells, tethered to extracellular domains of transmembrane carrier proteins. When the complementary GFP fragments are fused to ubiquitous transmembrane proteins, GFP fluorescence appears uniformly along membrane contacts between the two cells. When one or both GFP fragments are fused to synaptic transmembrane proteins, GFP fluorescence is tightly localized to synapses. GRASP marks known synaptic contacts in C. elegans, correctly identifies changes in mutants with altered synaptic specificity, and can uncover new information about synaptic locations as confirmed by electron microscopy. GRASP may prove particularly useful for defining connectivity in complex nervous systems.

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12/01/96 | GFP tagging of budding yeast chromosomes reveals that protein-protein interactions can mediate sister chromatid cohesion.
Straight AF, Belmont AS, Robinett CC, Murray AW
Current Biology. 1996 Dec 1;6(12):1599-608

Precise control of sister chromatid separation is essential for the accurate transmission of genetic information. Sister chromatids must remain linked to each other from the time of DNA replication until the onset of chromosome segregation, when the linkage must be promptly dissolved. Recent studies suggest that the machinery that is responsible for the destruction of mitotic cyclins also degrades proteins that play a role in maintaining sister chromatid linkage, and that this machinery is regulated by the spindle-assembly checkpoint. Studies on these problems in budding yeast are hampered by the inability to resolve its chromosomes by light or electron microscopy.

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Looger Lab
06/01/16 | GFP-aequorin protein sensor for ex vivo and in vivo imaging of Ca(2+) dynamics in high-Ca(2+) organelles.
Navas-Navarro P, Rojo-Ruiz J, Rodriguez-Prados M, Ganfornina MD, Looger LL, Alonso MT, García-Sancho J
Cell Chemical Biology. 2016 Jun 1:. doi: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2016.05.010

Proper functioning of organelles such as the ER or the Golgi apparatus requires luminal accumulation of Ca(2+) at high concentrations. Here we describe a ratiometric low-affinity Ca(2+) sensor of the GFP-aequorin protein (GAP) family optimized for measurements in high-Ca(2+) concentration environments. Transgenic animals expressing the ER-targeted sensor allowed monitoring of Ca(2+) signals inside the organelle. The use of the sensor was demonstrated under three experimental paradigms: (1) ER Ca(2+) oscillations in cultured astrocytes, (2) ex vivo functional mapping of cholinergic receptors triggering ER Ca(2+) release in acute hippocampal slices from transgenic mice, and (3) in vivo sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) dynamics in the muscle of transgenic flies. Our results provide proof of the suitability of the new biosensors to monitor Ca(2+) dynamics inside intracellular organelles under physiological conditions and open an avenue to explore complex Ca(2+) signaling in animal models of health and disease.

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Looger LabAhrens Lab
06/27/19 | Glia accumulate evidence that actions are futile and suppress unsuccessful behavior.
Mu Y, Bennett DV, Rubinov M, Narayan S, Yang C, Tanimoto M, Mensh BD, Looger LL, Ahrens MB
Cell. 2019 Jun 27;178(1):27-43. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.05.050

When a behavior repeatedly fails to achieve its goal, animals often give up and become passive, which can be strategic for preserving energy or regrouping between attempts. It is unknown how the brain identifies behavioral failures and mediates this behavioral-state switch. In larval zebrafish swimming in virtual reality, visual feedback can be withheld so that swim attempts fail to trigger expected visual flow. After tens of seconds of such motor futility, animals became passive for similar durations. Whole-brain calcium imaging revealed noradrenergic neurons that responded specifically to failed swim attempts and radial astrocytes whose calcium levels accumulated with increasing numbers of failed attempts. Using cell ablation and optogenetic or chemogenetic activation, we found that noradrenergic neurons progressively activated brainstem radial astrocytes, which then suppressed swimming. Thus, radial astrocytes perform a computation critical for behavior: they accumulate evidence that current actions are ineffective and consequently drive changes in behavioral states.

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06/19/11 | Glia instruct developmental neuronal remodeling through TGF-β signaling.
Awasaki T, Huang Y, O’Connor MB, Lee T
Nature Neuroscience. 2011 Jun 19;14(7):821-3. doi: 10.1038/nn.2833

We found that glia secrete myoglianin, a TGF-β ligand, to instruct developmental neural remodeling in Drosophila. Glial myoglianin upregulated neuronal expression of an ecdysone nuclear receptor that triggered neurite remodeling following the late-larval ecdysone peak. Thus glia orchestrate developmental neural remodeling not only by engulfment of unwanted neurites but also by enabling neuron remodeling.

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Fetter Lab
12/08/11 | Glial-derived prodegenerative signaling in the Drosophila neuromuscular system.
Keller LC, Cheng L, Locke CJ, Müller M, Fetter RD, Davis GW
Neuron. 2011 Dec 8;72(5):760-75. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2011.09.031

We provide evidence for a prodegenerative, glial-derived signaling framework in the Drosophila neuromuscular system that includes caspase and mitochondria-dependent signaling. We demonstrate that Drosophila TNF-α (eiger) is expressed in a subset of peripheral glia, and the TNF-α receptor (TNFR), Wengen, is expressed in motoneurons. NMJ degeneration caused by disruption of the spectrin/ankyrin skeleton is suppressed by an eiger mutation or by eiger knockdown within a subset of peripheral glia. Loss of wengen in motoneurons causes a similar suppression providing evidence for glial-derived prodegenerative TNF-α signaling. Neither JNK nor NFκβ is required for prodegenerative signaling. However, we provide evidence for the involvement of both an initiator and effector caspase, Dronc and Dcp-1, and mitochondrial-dependent signaling. Mutations that deplete the axon and nerve terminal of mitochondria suppress degeneration as do mutations in Drosophila Bcl-2 (debcl), a mitochondria-associated protein, and Apaf-1 (dark), which links mitochondrial signaling with caspase activity in other systems.

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01/01/07 | Global analyses of mRNA translational control during early Drosophila embryogenesis.
Qin X, Ahn S, Speed TP, Rubin GM
Genome Biology. 2007;8(4):R63. doi: 10.1186/gb-2007-8-4-r63

BACKGROUND: In many animals, the first few hours of life proceed with little or no transcription, and developmental regulation at these early stages is dependent on maternal cytoplasm rather than the zygotic nucleus. Translational control is critical for early Drosophila embryogenesis and is exerted mainly at the gene level. To understand post-transcriptional regulation during Drosophila early embryonic development, we used sucrose polysomal gradient analyses and GeneChip analysis to illustrate the translation profile of individual mRNAs. RESULTS: We determined ribosomal density and ribosomal occupancy of over 10,000 transcripts during the first ten hours after egg laying. CONCLUSION: We report the extent and general nature of gene regulation at the translational level during early Drosophila embryogenesis on a genome-wide basis. The diversity of the translation profiles indicates multiple mechanisms modulating transcript-specific translation. Cluster analyses suggest that the genes involved in some biological processes are co-regulated at the translational level at certain developmental stages.

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07/23/07 | Global analysis of patterns of gene expression during Drosophila embryogenesis.
Tomancak P, Berman BP, Beaton A, Weiszmann R, Kwan E, Hartenstein V, Celniker SE, Rubin GM
Genome Biology. 2007 July 23;8(7):R145. doi: 10.1186/gb-2007-8-7-r145

Cell and tissue specific gene expression is a defining feature of embryonic development in multi-cellular organisms. However, the range of gene expression patterns, the extent of the correlation of expression with function, and the classes of genes whose spatial expression are tightly regulated have been unclear due to the lack of an unbiased, genome-wide survey of gene expression patterns.

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