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3920 Publications

Showing 1981-1990 of 3920 results
Riddiford Lab
02/01/09 | Larval leg integrity is maintained by distal-less and is required for proper timing of metamorphosis in the flour beetle, tribolium castaneum.
Suzuki Y, Squires DC, Riddiford LM
Developmental Biology. 2009 Feb 1;326(1):60-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2008.10.022

The dramatic transformation from a larva to an adult must be accompanied by a coordinated activity of genes and hormones that enable an orchestrated transformation from larval to pupal/adult tissues. The maintenance of larval appendages and their subsequent transformation to appendages in holometabolous insects remains elusive at the developmental genetic level. Here the role of a key appendage patterning gene Distal-less (Dll) was examined in mid- to late-larval stages of the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum. During late larval development, Dll was expressed in appendages in a similar manner as previously reported for the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Removal of this late Dll expression resulted in disruption of adult appendage patterning. Intriguingly, earlier removal resulted in dramatic loss of structural integrity and identity of larval appendages. A large amount of variability in appendage morphology was observed following Dll dsRNA injection, unlike larvae injected with dachshund dsRNA. These Dll dsRNA-injected larvae underwent numerous supernumerary molts, which could be terminated with injection of either JH methyltransferase or Methoprene-tolerant dsRNA. Apparently, the partial dedifferentiation of the appendages in these larvae acts to maintain high JH and, hence, prevents metamorphosis.

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01/01/18 | larvalign: Aligning gene expression patterns from the larval brain of Drosophila melanogaster.
Muenzing SE, Strauch M, Truman JW, Bühler K, Thum AS, Merhof D
Neuroinformatics. 2018 Jan 1;16(1):65-80. doi: 10.1007/s12021-017-9349-6

The larval brain of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a small, tractable model system for neuroscience. Genes for fluorescent marker proteins can be expressed in defined, spatially restricted neuron populations. Here, we introduce the methods for 1) generating a standard template of the larval central nervous system (CNS), 2) spatial mapping of expression patterns from different larvae into a reference space defined by the standard template. We provide a manually annotated gold standard that serves for evaluation of the registration framework involved in template generation and mapping. A method for registration quality assessment enables the automatic detection of registration errors, and a semi-automatic registration method allows one to correct registrations, which is a prerequisite for a high-quality, curated database of expression patterns. All computational methods are available within the larvalign software package:

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08/01/06 | Latent blue and red fluorophores based on the trimethyl lock.
Lavis LD, Chao T, Raines RT
Chembiochem: A European Journal of Chemical Biology. 2006 Aug;7(8):1151-4. doi: 10.1002/cbic.200500559
12/22/20 | Latent Feature Representation via Unsupervised Learning for Pattern Discovery in Massive Electron Microscopy Image Volumes
Gary B Huang , Huei-Fang Yang , Shin-ya Takemura , Pat Rivlin , Stephen M Plaza
arXiv. 2020 Dec 22:. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2012.12175

We propose a method to facilitate exploration and analysis of new large data sets. In particular, we give an unsupervised deep learning approach to learning a latent representation that captures semantic similarity in the data set. The core idea is to use data augmentations that preserve semantic meaning to generate synthetic examples of elements whose feature representations should be close to one another.
We demonstrate the utility of our method applied to nano-scale electron microscopy data, where even relatively small portions of animal brains can require terabytes of image data. Although supervised methods can be used to predict and identify known patterns of interest, the scale of the data makes it difficult to mine and analyze patterns that are not known a priori. We show the ability of our learned representation to enable query by example, so that if a scientist notices an interesting pattern in the data, they can be presented with other locations with matching patterns. We also demonstrate that clustering of data in the learned space correlates with biologically-meaningful distinctions. Finally, we introduce a visualization tool and software ecosystem to facilitate user-friendly interactive analysis and uncover interesting biological patterns. In short, our work opens possible new avenues in understanding of and discovery in large data sets, arising in domains such as EM analysis.

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10/24/14 | Lattice light-sheet microscopy: imaging molecules to embryos at high spatiotemporal resolution.
Chen B, Legant WR, Wang K, Shao L, Milkie DE, Davidson MW, Janetopoulos C, Wu XS, Hammer JA, Liu Z, English BP, Mimori-Kiyosue Y, Romero DP, Ritter AT, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Fritz-Laylin L, Mullins RD, Mitchell DM, Bembenek JN, Reymann A, Böhme R, Grill SW, Wang JT, Seydoux G, Tulu US, Kiehart DP, Betzig E
Science. 2014 Oct 24;346(6208):1257998. doi: 10.1126/science.1257998

Although fluorescence microscopy provides a crucial window into the physiology of living specimens, many biological processes are too fragile, are too small, or occur too rapidly to see clearly with existing tools. We crafted ultrathin light sheets from two-dimensional optical lattices that allowed us to image three-dimensional (3D) dynamics for hundreds of volumes, often at subsecond intervals, at the diffraction limit and beyond. We applied this to systems spanning four orders of magnitude in space and time, including the diffusion of single transcription factor molecules in stem cell spheroids, the dynamic instability of mitotic microtubules, the immunological synapse, neutrophil motility in a 3D matrix, and embryogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. The results provide a visceral reminder of the beauty and the complexity of living systems.

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Svoboda Lab
10/17/16 | Layer 4 fast-spiking interneurons filter thalamocortical signals during active somatosensation.
Yu J, Gutnisky DA, Hires SA, Svoboda K
Nature Neuroscience. 2016 Oct 17;19(12):1647-57. doi: 10.1038/nn.4412

We rely on movement to explore the environment, for example, by palpating an object. In somatosensory cortex, activity related to movement of digits or whiskers is suppressed, which could facilitate detection of touch. Movement-related suppression is generally assumed to involve corollary discharges. Here we uncovered a thalamocortical mechanism in which cortical fast-spiking interneurons, driven by sensory input, suppress movement-related activity in layer 4 (L4) excitatory neurons. In mice locating objects with their whiskers, neurons in the ventral posteromedial nucleus (VPM) fired in response to touch and whisker movement. Cortical L4 fast-spiking interneurons inherited these responses from VPM. In contrast, L4 excitatory neurons responded mainly to touch. Optogenetic experiments revealed that fast-spiking interneurons reduced movement-related spiking in excitatory neurons, enhancing selectivity for touch-related information during active tactile sensation. These observations suggest a fundamental computation performed by the thalamocortical circuit to accentuate salient tactile information.

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03/10/20 | Layer 6b Is driven by intracortical long-range projection neurons.
Zolnik TA, Ledderose J, Toumazou M, Trimbuch T, Oram T, Rosenmund C, Eickholt BJ, Sachdev RN, Larkum ME
Cell Reports. 2020 Mar 10;30(10):3492 - 3505.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.02.044

Layer 6b (L6b), the deepest neocortical layer, projects to cortical targets and higher-order thalamus and is the only layer responsive to the wake-promoting neuropeptide orexin/hypocretin. These characteristics suggest that L6b can strongly modulate brain state, but projections to L6b and their influence remain unknown. Here, we examine the inputs to L6b ex vivo in the mouse primary somatosensory cortex with rabies-based retrograde tracing and channelrhodopsin-assisted circuit mapping in brain slices. We find that L6b receives its strongest excitatory input from intracortical long-range projection neurons, including those in the contralateral hemisphere. In contrast, local intracortical input and thalamocortical input were significantly weaker. Moreover, our data suggest that L6b receives far less thalamocortical input than other cortical layers. L6b was most strongly inhibited by PV and SST interneurons. This study shows that L6b integrates long-range intracortical information and is not part of the traditional thalamocortical loop.

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10/31/16 | Learning a metric for class-conditional KNN.
Im DJ, Taylor GW
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2016. 2016 Oct 31:. doi: 10.1109/IJCNN.2016.7727436

Naïve Bayes Nearest Neighbour (NBNN) is a simple and effective framework which addresses many of the pitfalls of K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) classification. It has yielded competitive results on several computer vision benchmarks. Its central tenet is that during NN search, a query is not compared to every example in a database, ignoring class information. Instead, NN searches are performed within each class, generating a score per class. A key problem with NN techniques, including NBNN, is that they fail when the data representation does not capture perceptual (e.g. class-based) similarity. NBNN circumvents this by using independent engineered descriptors (e.g. SIFT). To extend its applicability outside of image-based domains, we propose to learn a metric which captures perceptual similarity. Similar to how Neighbourhood Components Analysis optimizes a differentiable form of KNN classification, we propose 'Class Conditional' metric learning (CCML), which optimizes a soft form of the NBNN selection rule. Typical metric learning algorithms learn either a global or local metric. However, our proposed method can be adjusted to a particular level of locality by tuning a single parameter. An empirical evaluation on classification and retrieval tasks demonstrates that our proposed method clearly outperforms existing learned distance metrics across a variety of image and non-image datasets.

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11/01/12 | Learning animal social behavior from trajectory features.
Eyjolfsdottir E, Burgos-Artizzu XP, Branson S, Branson K, Anderson D, Perona P
Workshop on Visual Observation and Analysis of Animal and Insect Behavior. 2012 Nov:
06/17/15 | Learning enhances sensory and multiple non-sensory representations in primary visual cortex.
Poort J, Khan AG, Pachitariu M, Nemri A, Orsolic I, Krupic J, Bauza M, Sahani M, Keller GB, Mrsic-Flogel TD, Hofer SB
Neuron. 2015 Jun 17;86(6):1478-90. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2015.05.037

We determined how learning modifies neural representations in primary visual cortex (V1) during acquisition of a visually guided behavioral task. We imaged the activity of the same layer 2/3 neuronal populations as mice learned to discriminate two visual patterns while running through a virtual corridor, where one pattern was rewarded. Improvements in behavioral performance were closely associated with increasingly distinguishable population-level representations of task-relevant stimuli, as a result of stabilization of existing and recruitment of new neurons selective for these stimuli. These effects correlated with the appearance of multiple task-dependent signals during learning: those that increased neuronal selectivity across the population when expert animals engaged in the task, and those reflecting anticipation or behavioral choices specifically in neuronal subsets preferring the rewarded stimulus. Therefore, learning engages diverse mechanisms that modify sensory and non-sensory representations in V1 to adjust its processing to task requirements and the behavioral relevance of visual stimuli.

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