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3924 Publications

Showing 2661-2670 of 3924 results
05/24/22 | Perceptual decisions exhibit hallmarks of dynamic Bayesian inference
Julie A. Charlton , Wiktor F. Młynarski , Yoon H. Bai , Ann M. Hermundstad , Robbe L. T. Goris
bioRxiv. 2022 May 24:. doi: 10.1101/2022.05.23.493109

To interpret the sensory environment, the brain combines ambiguous sensory measurements with context-specific prior experience. But environmental contexts can change abruptly and unpredictably, resulting in uncertainty about the current context. Here we address two questions: how should context-specific prior knowledge optimally guide the interpretation of sensory stimuli in changing environments, and do human decision-making strategies resemble this optimum? We probe these questions with a task in which subjects report the orientation of ambiguous visual stimuli that were drawn from three dynamically switching distributions, representing different environmental contexts. We derive predictions for an ideal Bayesian observer that leverages the statistical structure of the task to maximize decision accuracy and show that its decisions are biased by task context. The magnitude of this decision bias is not a fixed property of the sensory measurement but depends on the observer's belief about the current context. The model therefore predicts that decision bias will grow with the reliability of the context cue, the stability of the environment, and with the number of trials since the last context switch. Analysis of human choice data validates all three predictions, providing evidence that the brain continuously updates probabilistic representations of the environment to best interpret an uncertain, ever-changing world.

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05/30/17 | Perceptually accurate display of two greyscale images as a single colour image.
Taylor AB, Ioannou MS, Watanabe T, Hahn K, Chew T
Journal of Microscopy. 2017 May 30:. doi: 10.1111/jmi.12588

Life scientists often desire to display the signal from two different molecular probes as a single colour image, so as to convey information about the probes' relative concentrations as well as their spatial corelationship. Traditionally, such colour images are created through a merge display, where each greyscale signal is assigned to different channels of an RGB colour image. However, human perception of colour and greyscale intensity is not equivalent. Thus, a merged image display conveys to the typical viewer only a subset of the absolute and relative intensity information present in and between two greyscale images. The Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage L*a*b* colour space (CIELAB) has been designed to specify colours according to the perceptually defined quantities of hue (perceived colour) and luminosity (perceived brightness). Here, we use the CIELAB colour space to encode two dimensions of information about two greyscale images within these two perceptual dimensions of a single colour image. We term our method a Perceptually Uniform Projection display and show using biological image examples how these displays convey more information about two greyscale signals than comparable RGB colour space-based techniques.

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03/06/92 | Perforated patch-clamp analysis of the passive membrane properties of three classes of hippocampal neurons.
Spruston N, Johnston D
J Neurophysiol. 1992 Mar;67(3):508-29

1. Perforated patch-clamp recordings were made from the three major classes of hippocampal neurons in conventional in vitro slices prepared from adult guinea pigs. This technique provided experimental estimates of passive membrane properties (input resistance, RN, and membrane time constant, tau m) determined in the absence of the leak conductance associated with microelectrode impalement or the washout of cytoplasmic constituents associated with conventional whole-cell recordings. 2. To facilitate comparison of our data with previous results and to determine the passive membrane properties under conditions as physiological as possible, recordings were made at the resting potential, in physiological saline, and without any added blockers of voltage-dependent conductances. 3. Membrane-potential responses to current steps were analyzed, and four criteria were used to identify voltage responses that were the least affected by activation of voltage-dependent conductances. tau m was estimated from the slowest component (tau 0) of multiexponential fits of responses deemed passive by these criteria. RN was estimated from the slope of the linear region in the hyperpolarizing direction of the voltage-current relation. 4. It was not possible to measure purely passive membrane properties that were completely independent of membrane potential in any of the three classes of hippocampal neurons. Changing the membrane potential by constant current injection resulted in changes in RN and tau 0; subthreshold depolarization produced an increase, and hyperpolarization a decrease, in both RN and tau 0 for all three classes of hippocampal neurons. 5. Each of the three classes of hippocampal neurons also displayed a depolarizing "sag" during larger hyperpolarizing voltage transients. To evaluate the effect of the conductances underlying this sag on passive membrane properties, 2-5 mM Cs+ was added to the physiological saline. Extracellular Cs+ effectively blocked the sag in all three classes of hippocampal neurons, but the effect of Cs+ on RN, tau 0, and the voltage dependence of these parameters was unique for each class of neurons. 6. CA1 pyramidal neurons had an RN of 104 +/- 10 (SE) M omega and tau 0 of 28 +/- 2 ms at a resting potential of -64 +/- 2 mV (n = 12). RN and tau 0 were larger at more depolarized potentials in these neurons, but the addition of Cs+ to the physiological saline reversed this voltage dependence. 7. CA3 pyramidal neurons had an RN of 135 +/- 8 M omega and tau 0 of 66 +/- 4 ms at a resting potential of -64 +/- 1 mV (n = 14).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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Card Lab
02/01/08 | Performance trade-offs in the flight initiation of Drosophila.
Card G, Dickinson M
The Journal of Experimental Biology. 2008 Feb;211(Pt 3):341-53. doi: 10.1242/jeb.012682

The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster performs at least two distinct types of flight initiation. One kind is a stereotyped escape response to a visual stimulus that is mediated by the hard-wired giant fiber neural pathway, and the other is a more variable ;voluntary’ response that can be performed without giant fiber activation. Because the simpler escape take-offs are apparently successful, it is unclear why the fly has multiple pathways to coordinate flight initiation. In this study we use high-speed videography to observe flight initiation in unrestrained wild-type flies and assess the flight performance of each of the two types of take-off. Three-dimensional kinematic analysis of take-off sequences indicates that wing use during the jumping phase of flight initiation is essential for stabilizing flight. During voluntary take-offs, early wing elevation leads to a slower and more stable take-off. In contrast, during visually elicited escapes, the wings are pulled down close to the body during take-off, resulting in tumbling flights in which the fly translates faster but also rotates rapidly about all three of its body axes. Additionally, we find evidence that the power delivered by the legs is substantially greater during visually elicited escapes than during voluntary take-offs. Thus, we find that the two types of Drosophila flight initiation result in different flight performances once the fly is airborne, and that these performances are distinguished by a trade-off between speed and stability.

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05/31/24 | Periodic ER-plasma membrane junctions support long-range Ca2+ signal integration in dendrites
Benedetti L, Fan R, Weigel AV, Moore AS, Houlihan PR, Kittisopikul M, Park G, Petruncio A, Hubbard PM, Pang S, Xu CS, Hess HF, Saalfeld S, Rangaraju V, Clapham DE, De Camilli P, Ryan TA, Lippincott-Schwartz J
bioRxiv. 2024 May 31:. doi: 10.1101/2024.05.27.596121

Neuronal dendrites must relay synaptic inputs over long distances, but the mechanisms by which activity-evoked intracellular signals propagate over macroscopic distances remain unclear. Here, we discovered a system of periodically arranged endoplasmic reticulum-plasma membrane (ER-PM) junctions tiling the plasma membrane of dendrites at \~1 μm intervals, interlinked by a meshwork of ER tubules patterned in a ladder-like array. Populated with Junctophilin-linked plasma membrane voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and ER Ca2+-release channels (ryanodine receptors), ER-PM junctions are hubs for ER-PM crosstalk, fine-tuning of Ca2+ homeostasis, and local activation of the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Local spine stimulation activates the Ca2+ modulatory machinery facilitating voltage-independent signal transmission and ryanodine receptor-dependent Ca2+ release at ER-PM junctions over 20 μm away. Thus, interconnected ER-PM junctions support signal propagation and Ca2+ release from the spine-adjacent ER. The capacity of this subcellular architecture to modify both local and distant membrane-proximal biochemistry potentially contributes to dendritic computations.HighlightsPeriodic ER-PM junctions tile neuronal dendritic plasma membrane in rodent and fly.ER-PM junctions are populated by ER tethering and Ca2+ release and influx machinery.ER-PM junctions act as sites for local activation of CaMKII.Local spine activation drives Ca2+ release from RyRs at ER-PM junctions over 20 μm.

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12/08/23 | Permanent deconstruction of intracellular primary cilia in differentiating granule cell neurons.
Ott CM, Constable S, Nguyen TM, White K, Lee WA, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Mukhopadhyay S
bioRxiv. 2023 Dec 08:. doi: 10.1101/2023.12.07.565988

Primary cilia on granule cell neuron progenitors in the developing cerebellum detect sonic hedgehog to facilitate proliferation. Following differentiation, cerebellar granule cells become the most abundant neuronal cell type in the brain. While essential during early developmental stages, the fate of granule cell cilia is unknown. Here, we provide nanoscopic resolution of ciliary dynamics by studying developmental changes in granule cell cilia using large-scale electron microscopy volumes and immunostaining of mouse cerebella. We found that many granule cell primary cilia were intracellular and concealed from the external environment. Cilia were disassembed in differentiating granule cell neurons in a process we call cilia deconstruction that was distinct from pre-mitotic cilia resorption in proliferating progenitors. In differentiating granule cells, ciliary loss involved unique disassembly intermediates, and, as maturation progressed, mother centriolar docking at the plasma membrane. Cilia did not reform from the docked centrioles, rather, in adult mice granule cell neurons remained unciliated. Many neurons in other brain regions require cilia to regulate function and connectivity. In contrast, our results show that granule cell progenitors had concealed cilia that underwent deconstruction potentially to prevent mitogenic hedgehog responsiveness. The ciliary deconstruction mechanism we describe could be paradigmatic of cilia removal during differentiation in other tissues.

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02/09/15 | Persistence of coordinated long-term potentiation and dendritic spine enlargement at mature hippocampal CA1 synapses requires N-cadherin.
Bozdagi O, Wang X, Nikitczuk JS, Anderson TR, Bloss EB, Radice GL, Zhou Q, Benson DL, Huntley GW
Journal of Neuroscience. 2010 Jul 28;30(30):9984-9. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1223-10.2010

Persistent changes in spine shape are coupled to long-lasting synaptic plasticity in hippocampus. The molecules that coordinate such persistent structural and functional plasticity are unknown. Here, we generated mice in which the cell adhesion molecule N-cadherin was conditionally ablated from postnatal, excitatory synapses in hippocampus. We applied to adult mice of either sex a combination of whole-cell recording, two-photon microscopy, and spine morphometric analysis to show that postnatal ablation of N-cadherin has profound effects on the stability of coordinated spine enlargement and long-term potentiation (LTP) at mature CA1 synapses, with no effects on baseline spine density or morphology, baseline properties of synaptic neurotransmission, or long-term depression. Thus, N-cadherin couples persistent spine structural modifications with long-lasting synaptic functional modifications associated selectively with LTP, revealing unexpectedly distinct roles at mature synapses in comparison with earlier, broader functions in synapse and spine development.

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01/11/18 | Persistent activity in a recurrent circuit underlies courtship memory in Drosophila.
Zhao X, Lenek D, Dag U, Dickson B, Keleman K
eLife. 2018 Jan 11;7:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.31425

Recurrent connections are thought to be a common feature of the neural circuits that encode memories, but how memories are laid down in such circuits is not fully understood. Here we present evidence that courtship memory in Drosophila relies on the recurrent circuit between mushroom body gamma (MBg), M6 output, and aSP13 dopaminergic neurons. We demonstrate persistent neuronal activity of aSP13 neurons and show that it transiently potentiates synaptic transmission from MBγ>M6 neurons. M6 neurons in turn provide input to aSP13 neurons, prolonging potentiation of MBγ>M6 synapses over time periods that match short-term memory. These data support a model in which persistent aSP13 activity within a recurrent circuit lays the foundation for a short-term memory.

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06/05/18 | Persistent sodium current mediates the steep voltage dependence of spatial coding in hippocampal pyramidal neurons.
Hsu C, Zhao X, Milstein AD, Spruston N
Neuron. 2018 Jun 05:. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.05.025

The mammalian hippocampus forms a cognitive map using neurons that fire according to an animal's position ("place cells") and many other behavioral and cognitive variables. The responses of these neurons are shaped by their presynaptic inputs and the nature of their postsynaptic integration. In CA1 pyramidal neurons, spatial responses in vivo exhibit a strikingly supralinear dependence on baseline membrane potential. The biophysical mechanisms underlying this nonlinear cellular computation are unknown. Here, through a combination of in vitro, in vivo, and in silico approaches, we show that persistent sodium current mediates the strong membrane potential dependence of place cell activity. This current operates at membrane potentials below the action potential threshold and over seconds-long timescales, mediating a powerful and rapidly reversible amplification of synaptic responses, which drives place cell firing. Thus, we identify a biophysical mechanism that shapes the coding properties of neurons composing the hippocampal cognitive map.

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Egnor Lab
09/01/06 | Perturbation of auditory feedback causes systematic perturbation in vocal structure in adult cotton-top tamarins.
Egnor SE, Iguina CG, Hauser MD
The Journal of Experimental Biology. 2006 Sep;209(Pt 18):3652-63. doi: 10.1242/jeb.02420

Auditory feedback is critical for the development and maintenance of speech in humans. In contrast, studies of nonhuman primate vocal production generally report that subjects show little reliance on auditory input. We examined the extent to which cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) vocal production is sensitive to perturbation of auditory feedback by manipulating the predictability of presentation of a 1 s burst of white noise during the production of the species-specific contact call, the combination long call (CLC). We used three experimental conditions: the Begin condition, in which white noise was presented only during the first half of a recording session, the End condition, in which white noise was presented only in the last half, and the Random condition, in which each call had a 50% probability of receiving white noise playback throughout the recording session, making the auditory feedback unpredictable. In addition we recorded calls before and after the experimental series (Baseline condition) to determine whether any changes induced by modification of auditory feedback persisted. Results showed that playback of white noise during the production of the CLC produced changes in the temporal structure of the CLC: calls were shorter and had fewer pulses, indicating that modification of auditory feedback can interrupt vocal production. In addition, calls that received modified feedback were louder and had longer inter-pulse intervals than those that did not, consistent with an adaptive response to the masking effect of white noise playback. The magnitude of this compensatory effect and the interruption rate were both sensitive to whether the feedback modification occurred at the beginning or end of the experimental session: early feedback produced less interruption and more compensation. Finally, when auditory feedback modification was unpredictable, adaptive changes were observed in both calls that received modified feedback and those that received normal feedback, suggesting that tamarins can generate an expectation of noise playback and increase vocal amplitude in anticipation of masking.

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