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3924 Publications

Showing 2751-2760 of 3924 results
11/08/23 | Preserved neural dynamics across animals performing similar behaviour.
Safaie M, Chang JC, Park J, Miller LE, Dudman JT, Perich MG, Gallego JA
Nature. 2023 Nov 08:. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06714-0

Animals of the same species exhibit similar behaviours that are advantageously adapted to their body and environment. These behaviours are shaped at the species level by selection pressures over evolutionary timescales. Yet, it remains unclear how these common behavioural adaptations emerge from the idiosyncratic neural circuitry of each individual. The overall organization of neural circuits is preserved across individuals because of their common evolutionarily specified developmental programme. Such organization at the circuit level may constrain neural activity, leading to low-dimensional latent dynamics across the neural population. Accordingly, here we suggested that the shared circuit-level constraints within a species would lead to suitably preserved latent dynamics across individuals. We analysed recordings of neural populations from monkey and mouse motor cortex to demonstrate that neural dynamics in individuals from the same species are surprisingly preserved when they perform similar behaviour. Neural population dynamics were also preserved when animals consciously planned future movements without overt behaviour and enabled the decoding of planned and ongoing movement across different individuals. Furthermore, we found that preserved neural dynamics extend beyond cortical regions to the dorsal striatum, an evolutionarily older structure. Finally, we used neural network models to demonstrate that behavioural similarity is necessary but not sufficient for this preservation. We posit that these emergent dynamics result from evolutionary constraints on brain development and thus reflect fundamental properties of the neural basis of behaviour.

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Zuker Lab
03/20/08 | Preserving cell shape under environmental stress.
Cook B, Hardy RW, McConnaughey WB, Zuker CS
Nature. 2008 Mar 20;452(7185):361-4. doi: 10.1038/nature06603

Maintaining cell shape and tone is crucial for the function and survival of cells and tissues. Mechanotransduction relies on the transformation of minuscule mechanical forces into high-fidelity electrical responses. When mechanoreceptors are stimulated, mechanically sensitive cation channels open and produce an inward transduction current that depolarizes the cell. For this process to operate effectively, the transduction machinery has to retain integrity and remain unfailingly independent of environmental changes. This is particularly challenging for poikilothermic organisms, where changes in temperature in the environment may impact the function of mechanoreceptor neurons. Thus, we wondered how insects whose habitat might quickly vary over several tens of degrees of temperature manage to maintain highly effective mechanical senses. We screened for Drosophila mutants with defective mechanical responses at elevated ambient temperatures, and identified a gene, spam, whose role is to protect the mechanosensory organ from massive cellular deformation caused by heat-induced osmotic imbalance. Here we show that Spam protein forms an extracellular shield that guards mechanosensory neurons from environmental insult. Remarkably, heterologously expressed Spam protein also endowed other cells with superb defence against physically and chemically induced deformation. We studied the mechanical impact of Spam coating and show that spam-coated cells are up to ten times stiffer than uncoated controls. Together, these results help explain how poikilothermic organisms preserve the architecture of critical cells during environmental stress, and illustrate an elegant and simple solution to such challenge.

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Murphy Lab

Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels (CNGCs) on the dendritic cilia of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) are critical for sensory transduction in the olfactory system. Do CNGCs also play a role in the axons and/or nerve terminals of ORNs? We find that the cyclic nucleotides cAMP and cGMP can both facilitate and depress synaptic transmission between olfactory nerve fibers and their targets in olfactory bulb glomeruli. Cyclic nucleotides increase intracellular Ca(2+) in ORN terminals and enhance spontaneous transmitter release; at higher concentrations, cyclic nucleotides depress evoked transmission by altering olfactory nerve excitability. Cyclic nucleotides have no effect on transmission or nerve excitability, however, in mice lacking olfactory CNGCs. Taken together, our results identify a novel role for presynaptic CNGCs in modulating neurotransmission.

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07/01/20 | Preventing cytokine storm syndrome in COVID-19 using α-1 adrenergic receptor antagonists.
Konig MF, Powell M, Staedtke V, Bai R, Thomas DL, Fischer N, Huq S, Khalafallah AM, Koenecke A, Xiong R, Mensh B, Papadopoulos N, Kinzler KW, Vogelstein B, Vogelstein JT, Athey S, Zhou S, Bettegowda C
The Journal of Clinical Investigatio. 2020 Jul 01;130(7):3345-47. doi: 10.1172/JCI139642
06/12/18 | Primed Conversion: The New Kid on the Block for Photoconversion.
Mohr MA, Pantazis P
Chemistry. 2018 Jun 12;24(33):8268-8274. doi: 10.1002/chem.201705651

In 2015, a novel way to convert photoconvertible fluorescent proteins was reported that uses the intercept of blue and far-red light instead of traditional violet or near-UV light illumination. This Minireview describes and contrasts this distinct two-step mechanism termed primed conversion with traditional photoconversion. We provide a comprehensive overview of what is known to date about primed conversion and focus on the molecular requirements for it to take place. We provide examples of its application to axially confined photoconversion in complex tissues as well as super-resolution microscopy. Further, we describe why and when it is useful, including its advantages and disadvantages, and give an insight into potential future development in the field.

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02/15/11 | Principles and current strategies for targeting autophagy for cancer treatment.
Amaravadi RK, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Yin X, Weiss WA, Takebe N, Timmer W, DiPaola RS, Lotze MT, White E
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. 2011 Feb 15;17(4):654-66. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-10-2634

Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved, intracellular self-defense mechanism in which organelles and proteins are sequestered into autophagic vesicles that are subsequently degraded through fusion with lysosomes. Cells, thereby, prevent the toxic accumulation of damaged or unnecessary components, but also recycle these components to sustain metabolic homoeostasis. Heightened autophagy is a mechanism of resistance for cancer cells faced with metabolic and therapeutic stress, revealing opportunities for exploitation as a therapeutic target in cancer. We summarize recent developments in the field of autophagy and cancer and build upon the results presented at the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) Early Drug Development meeting in March 2010. Herein, we describe our current understanding of the core components of the autophagy machinery and the functional relevance of autophagy within the tumor microenvironment, and we outline how this knowledge has informed preclinical investigations combining the autophagy inhibitor hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. Finally, we describe ongoing clinical trials involving HCQ as a first generation autophagy inhibitor, as well as strategies for the development of novel, more potent, and specific inhibitors of autophagy.

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Svoboda Lab
02/21/19 | Principles governing the dynamics of GABAergic interneurons in the barrel cortex.
Yu J, Hu H, Agmon A, Svoboda K
bioRxiv. 2019 Feb 21:. doi: 10.1101/554949

Information processing in the neocortex is performed by GABAergic interneurons that are integrated with excitatory neurons into precisely structured circuits. To reveal how each neuron type shapes sensory representations, we measured spikes and membrane potential of specific types of neurons in the barrel cortex while mice performed an active, whisker-dependent object localization task. Whiskers were tracked with millisecond precision. Fast-spiking (FS) neurons were activated by touch with short latency and by whisking. FS neurons track thalamic input and provide feedforward inhibition. Somatostatin (SOM)-expressing neurons were also excited by touch, but with a delay (5 ms) compared to excitatory (E) and FS neurons. SOM neurons monitor local excitation and provide feedback inhibition. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-expressing neurons were not driven by touch but elevated their spike rate during whisking, disinhibiting E and FS neurons. Our data reveal rules of recruitment for specific interneuron types, providing foundations for understanding cortical computations.

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09/02/21 | Principles of signaling pathway modulation for enhancing human naive pluripotency induction.
Bayerl J, Ayyash M, Shani T, Manor YS, Gafni O, Massarwa R, Kalma Y, Aguilera-Castrejon A, Zerbib M, Amir H, Sheban D, Geula S, Mor N, Weinberger L, Naveh Tassa S, Krupalnik V, Oldak B, Livnat N, Tarazi S, Tawil S, Wildschutz E, Ashouokhi S, Lasman L, Rotter V, Hanna S, Ben-Yosef D, Novershtern N, Viukov S, Hanna JH
Cell Stem Cell. 09/2021;28(9):1549-1565.e12. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2021.04.001

Isolating human MEK/ERK signaling-independent pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) with naive pluripotency characteristics while maintaining differentiation competence and (epi)genetic integrity remains challenging. Here, we engineer reporter systems that allow the screening for defined conditions that induce molecular and functional features of human naive pluripotency. Synergistic inhibition of WNT/β-CATENIN, protein kinase C (PKC), and SRC signaling consolidates the induction of teratoma-competent naive human PSCs, with the capacity to differentiate into trophoblast stem cells (TSCs) and extraembryonic naive endodermal (nEND) cells in vitro. Divergent signaling and transcriptional requirements for boosting naive pluripotency were found between mouse and human. P53 depletion in naive hPSCs increased their contribution to mouse-human cross-species chimeric embryos upon priming and differentiation. Finally, MEK/ERK inhibition can be substituted with the inhibition of NOTCH/RBPj, which induces alternative naive-like hPSCs with a diminished risk for deleterious global DNA hypomethylation. Our findings set a framework for defining the signaling foundations of human naive pluripotency.

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01/06/20 | Probabilistic Models of Larval Zebrafish Behavior Reveal Structure on Many Scales
Robert Evan Johnson , Scott Linderman , Thomas Panier , Caroline Lei Wee , Erin Song , Kristian Joseph Herrera , Andrew Miller , Florian Engert
Current Biology. 01/2020;30:70 - 82.e4. doi:

Nervous systems have evolved to combine environmental information with internal state to select and generate adaptive behavioral sequences. To better understand these computations and their implementation in neural circuits, natural behavior must be carefully measured and quantified. Here, we collect high spatial resolution video of single zebrafish larvae swimming in a naturalistic environment and develop models of their action selection across exploration and hunting. Zebrafish larvae swim in punctuated bouts separated by longer periods of rest called interbout intervals. We take advantage of this structure by categorizing bouts into discrete types and representing their behavior as labeled sequences of bout types emitted over time. We then construct probabilistic models—specifically, marked renewal processes—to evaluate how bout types and interbout intervals are selected by the fish as a function of its internal hunger state, behavioral history, and the locations and properties of nearby prey. Finally, we evaluate the models by their predictive likelihood and their ability to generate realistic trajectories of virtual fish swimming through simulated environments. Our simulations capture multiple timescales of structure in larval zebrafish behavior and expose many ways in which hunger state influences their action selection to promote food seeking during hunger and safety during satiety.

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Eddy/Rivas Lab
09/19/08 | Probabilistic phylogenetic inference with insertions and deletions.
Rivas E, Sean R. Eddy
PLoS Computational Biology. 2008 Sep 19;4(9):e1000172. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000172

A fundamental task in sequence analysis is to calculate the probability of a multiple alignment given a phylogenetic tree relating the sequences and an evolutionary model describing how sequences change over time. However, the most widely used phylogenetic models only account for residue substitution events. We describe a probabilistic model of a multiple sequence alignment that accounts for insertion and deletion events in addition to substitutions, given a phylogenetic tree, using a rate matrix augmented by the gap character. Starting from a continuous Markov process, we construct a non-reversible generative (birth-death) evolutionary model for insertions and deletions. The model assumes that insertion and deletion events occur one residue at a time. We apply this model to phylogenetic tree inference by extending the program dnaml in phylip. Using standard benchmarking methods on simulated data and a new "concordance test" benchmark on real ribosomal RNA alignments, we show that the extended program dnamlepsilon improves accuracy relative to the usual approach of ignoring gaps, while retaining the computational efficiency of the Felsenstein peeling algorithm.

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