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3924 Publications

Showing 3271-3280 of 3924 results
Gonen Lab
11/20/17 | Structure-based inhibitors of tau aggregation.
Seidler PM, Boyer DR, Rodriguez JA, Sawaya MR, Cascio D, Murray K, Gonen T, Eisenberg DS
Nature Chemistry. 2017 Nov 20:. doi: 10.1038/nchem.2889

Aggregated tau protein is associated with over 20 neurological disorders, which include Alzheimer's disease. Previous work has shown that tau's sequence segments VQIINK and VQIVYK drive its aggregation, but inhibitors based on the structure of the VQIVYK segment only partially inhibit full-length tau aggregation and are ineffective at inhibiting seeding by full-length fibrils. Here we show that the VQIINK segment is the more powerful driver of tau aggregation. Two structures of this segment determined by the cryo-electron microscopy method micro-electron diffraction explain its dominant influence on tau aggregation. Of practical significance, the structures lead to the design of inhibitors that not only inhibit tau aggregation but also inhibit the ability of exogenous full-length tau fibrils to seed intracellular tau in HEK293 biosensor cells into amyloid. We also raise the possibility that the two VQIINK structures represent amyloid polymorphs of tau that may account for a subset of prion-like strains of tau.

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Gonen Lab
02/01/18 | Structure-based inhibitors of tau aggregation.
Seidler PM, Boyer DR, Rodriguez JA, Sawaya MR, Cascio D, Murray K, Gonen T, Eisenberg DS
Nature Chemistry. 2018 Feb;10(2):170-176. doi: 10.1038/nchem.2889

Aggregated tau protein is associated with over 20 neurological disorders, which include Alzheimer's disease. Previous work has shown that tau's sequence segments VQIINK and VQIVYK drive its aggregation, but inhibitors based on the structure of the VQIVYK segment only partially inhibit full-length tau aggregation and are ineffective at inhibiting seeding by full-length fibrils. Here we show that the VQIINK segment is the more powerful driver of tau aggregation. Two structures of this segment determined by the cryo-electron microscopy method micro-electron diffraction explain its dominant influence on tau aggregation. Of practical significance, the structures lead to the design of inhibitors that not only inhibit tau aggregation but also inhibit the ability of exogenous full-length tau fibrils to seed intracellular tau in HEK293 biosensor cells into amyloid. We also raise the possibility that the two VQIINK structures represent amyloid polymorphs of tau that may account for a subset of prion-like strains of tau.

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01/21/14 | Structure-based neuron retrieval across Drosophila brains.
Ganglberger F, Schulze F, Tirian L, Novikov A, Dickson B, Bühler K, Langs G
Neuroinformatics. 2014 Jan 21;12(3):423-34. doi: 10.1007/s12021-014-9219-4

Comparing local neural structures across large sets of examples is crucial when studying gene functions, and their effect in the Drosophila brain. The current practice of aligning brain volume data to a joint reference frame is based on the neuropil. However, even after alignment neurons exhibit residual location and shape variability that, together with image noise, hamper direct quantitative comparison and retrieval of similar structures on an intensity basis. In this paper, we propose and evaluate an image-based retrieval method for neurons, relying on local appearance, which can cope with spatial variability across the population. For an object of interest marked in a query case, the method ranks cases drawn from a large data set based on local neuron appearance in confocal microscopy data. The approach is based on capturing the orientation of neurons based on structure tensors and expanding this field via Gradient Vector Flow. During retrieval, the algorithm compares fields across cases, and calculates a corresponding ranking of most similar cases with regard to the local structure of interest. Experimental results demonstrate that the similarity measure and ranking mechanisms yield high precision and recall in realistic search scenarios.

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02/04/21 | Structure-Function Dataset Reveals Environment Effects within a Fluorescent Protein Model System.
De Zitter E, Hugelier S, Duwé S, Vandenberg W, Tebo AG, Van Meervelt L, Dedecker P
Angew Chemie (International Edition English). 2021 Feb 04:. doi: 10.1002/anie.202015201

Anisotropic environments can drastically alter the spectroscopy and photochemistry of molecules, leading to complex structure-function relationships. We examined this using fluorescent proteins as easy-to-modify model systems. Starting from a single scaffold, we have developed a range of 27 photochromic fluorescent proteins that cover a broad range of spectroscopic properties, including the determination of 43 crystal structures. Correlation and principal component analysis confirmed the complex relationship between structure and spectroscopy, but also allowed us to identify consistent trends and to relate these to the spatial organization. We find that changes in spectroscopic properties can come about through multiple underlying mechanisms, of which polarity, hydrogen bonding and presence of water molecules are key modulators. We anticipate that our findings and rich structure/spectroscopy dataset can open opportunities for the development and evaluation of new and existing protein engineering methods.

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01/01/23 | Structured cerebellar connectivity supports resilient pattern separation.
Nguyen TM, Thomas LA, Rhoades JL, Ricchi I, Yuan XC, Sheridan A, Hildebrand DG, Funke J, Regehr WG, Lee WA
Nature. 2023 Jan 01;613(7944):543-549. doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05471-w

The cerebellum is thought to help detect and correct errors between intended and executed commands and is critical for social behaviours, cognition and emotion. Computations for motor control must be performed quickly to correct errors in real time and should be sensitive to small differences between patterns for fine error correction while being resilient to noise. Influential theories of cerebellar information processing have largely assumed random network connectivity, which increases the encoding capacity of the network's first layer. However, maximizing encoding capacity reduces the resilience to noise. To understand how neuronal circuits address this fundamental trade-off, we mapped the feedforward connectivity in the mouse cerebellar cortex using automated large-scale transmission electron microscopy and convolutional neural network-based image segmentation. We found that both the input and output layers of the circuit exhibit redundant and selective connectivity motifs, which contrast with prevailing models. Numerical simulations suggest that these redundant, non-random connectivity motifs increase the resilience to noise at a negligible cost to the overall encoding capacity. This work reveals how neuronal network structure can support a trade-off between encoding capacity and redundancy, unveiling principles of biological network architecture with implications for the design of artificial neural networks.

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02/18/16 | Structured dendritic inhibition supports branch-selective integration in CA1 pyramidal cells.
Bloss EB, Cembrowski MS, Karsh B, Colonell J, Fetter RD, Spruston N
Neuron. 2016 Feb 18:. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.01.029

Neuronal circuit function is governed by precise patterns of connectivity between specialized groups of neurons. The diversity of GABAergic interneurons is a hallmark of cortical circuits, yet little is known about their targeting to individual postsynaptic dendrites. We examined synaptic connectivity between molecularly defined inhibitory interneurons and CA1 pyramidal cell dendrites using correlative light-electron microscopy and large-volume array tomography. We show that interneurons can be highly selective in their connectivity to specific dendritic branch types and, furthermore, exhibit precisely targeted connectivity to the origin or end of individual branches. Computational simulations indicate that the observed subcellular targeting enables control over the nonlinear integration of synaptic input or the initiation and backpropagation of action potentials in a branch-selective manner. Our results demonstrate that connectivity between interneurons and pyramidal cell dendrites is more precise and spatially segregated than previously appreciated, which may be a critical determinant of how inhibition shapes dendritic computation.

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07/15/08 | Structured illumination in total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy using a spatial light modulator.
Fiolka R, Beck M, Stemmer A
Optics Letters. 2008 Jul 15;33(14):1629-31

In wide-field fluorescence microscopy, illuminating the specimen with evanescent standing waves increases lateral resolution more than twofold. We report a versatile setup for standing-wave illumination in total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. An adjustable diffraction grating written on a phase-only spatial light modulator controls the illumination field. Selecting appropriate diffraction orders and displaying a sheared (tilted) diffraction grating allows one to tune the penetration depth in very fine steps. The setup achieves 91 nm lateral resolution for green emission.

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03/06/14 | Structured illumination microscopy (Chapter 15.)
Shao L, Rego EH
Fluorescence Microscopy: Super-resolution and other novel techniques:213–225. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409513-7.00015-4
Cardona LabFunke Lab
04/13/16 | Structured learning of assignment models for neuron reconstruction to minimize topological errors.
Funke J, Klein J, Moreno-Noguer F, Cardona A, Cook M
IEEE 13th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). 2016 Ap 13:607-11. doi: 10.1109/ ISBI.2016.7493341

Structured learning provides a powerful framework for empirical risk minimization on the predictions of structured models. It allows end-to-end learning of model parameters to minimize an application specific loss function. This framework is particularly well suited for discrete optimization models that are used for neuron reconstruction from anisotropic electron microscopy (EM) volumes. However, current methods are still learning unary potentials by training a classifier that is agnostic about the model it is used in. We believe the reason for that lies in the difficulties of (1) finding a representative training sample, and (2) designing an application specific loss function that captures the quality of a proposed solution. In this paper, we show how to find a representative training sample from human generated ground truth, and propose a loss function that is suitable to minimize topological errors in the reconstruction. We compare different training methods on two challenging EM-datasets. Our structured learning approach shows consistently higher reconstruction accuracy than other current learning methods.

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08/11/21 | Structured patterns of activity in pulse-coupled oscillator networks with varied connectivity.
Kadhim KL, Hermundstad AM, Brown KS
PLoS One. 2021 Aug 11;16(8):e0256034. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256034

Identifying coordinated activity within complex systems is essential to linking their structure and function. We study collective activity in networks of pulse-coupled oscillators that have variable network connectivity and integrate-and-fire dynamics. Starting from random initial conditions, we see the emergence of three broad classes of behaviors that differ in their collective spiking statistics. In the first class ("temporally-irregular"), all nodes have variable inter-spike intervals, and the resulting firing patterns are irregular. In the second ("temporally-regular"), the network generates a coherent, repeating pattern of activity in which all nodes fire with the same constant inter-spike interval. In the third ("chimeric"), subgroups of coherently-firing nodes coexist with temporally-irregular nodes. Chimera states have previously been observed in networks of oscillators; here, we find that the notions of temporally-regular and chimeric states encompass a much richer set of dynamical patterns than has yet been described. We also find that degree heterogeneity and connection density have a strong effect on the resulting state: in binomial random networks, high degree variance and intermediate connection density tend to produce temporally-irregular dynamics, while low degree variance and high connection density tend to produce temporally-regular dynamics. Chimera states arise with more frequency in networks with intermediate degree variance and either high or low connection densities. Finally, we demonstrate that a normalized compression distance, computed via the Lempel-Ziv complexity of nodal spike trains, can be used to distinguish these three classes of behavior even when the phase relationship between nodes is arbitrary.

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