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3924 Publications

Showing 3311-3320 of 3924 results
05/01/09 | Super-resolution video microscopy of live cells by structured illumination.
Kner P, Chhun BB, Griffis ER, Winoto L, Gustafsson MG
Nature Methods. 2009 May;6(5):339-42. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.1324

Structured-illumination microscopy can double the resolution of the widefield fluorescence microscope but has previously been too slow for dynamic live imaging. Here we demonstrate a high-speed structured-illumination microscope that is capable of 100-nm resolution at frame rates up to 11 Hz for several hundred time points. We demonstrate the microscope by video imaging of tubulin and kinesin dynamics in living Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells in the total internal reflection mode.

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05/20/22 | Super-resolution visualization of chromatin loop folding in human lymphoblastoid cells using interferometric photoactivated localization microscopy.
Parteka-Tojek Z, Zhu JJ, Lee B, Jodkowska K, Wang P, Aaron J, Chew T, Banecki K, Plewczyński D, Ruan Y
Scientific Reports. 2022 May 20;12(1):8582. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-12568-9

The three-dimensional (3D) genome structure plays a fundamental role in gene regulation and cellular functions. Recent studies in 3D genomics inferred the very basic functional chromatin folding structures known as chromatin loops, the long-range chromatin interactions that are mediated by protein factors and dynamically extruded by cohesin. We combined the use of FISH staining of a very short (33 kb) chromatin fragment, interferometric photoactivated localization microscopy (iPALM), and traveling salesman problem-based heuristic loop reconstruction algorithm from an image of the one of the strongest CTCF-mediated chromatin loops in human lymphoblastoid cells. In total, we have generated thirteen good quality images of the target chromatin region with 2-22 nm oligo probe localization precision. We visualized the shape of the single chromatin loops with unprecedented genomic resolution which allowed us to study the structural heterogeneity of chromatin looping. We were able to compare the physical distance maps from all reconstructed image-driven computational models with contact frequencies observed by ChIA-PET and Hi-C genomic-driven methods to examine the concordance between single cell imaging and population based genomic data.

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Cui Lab
05/29/12 | Superpenetration optical microscopy by iterative multiphoton adaptive compensation technique.
Tang J, Germain RN, Cui M
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012 May 29;109(22):8434-9. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1119590109

Biological tissues are rarely transparent, presenting major challenges for deep tissue optical microscopy. The achievable imaging depth is fundamentally limited by wavefront distortions caused by aberration and random scattering. Here, we report an iterative wavefront compensation technique that takes advantage of the nonlinearity of multiphoton signals to determine and compensate for these distortions and to focus light inside deep tissues. Different from conventional adaptive optics methods, this technique can rapidly measure highly complicated wavefront distortions encountered in deep tissue imaging and provide compensations for not only aberration but random scattering. The technique is tested with a variety of highly heterogeneous biological samples including mouse brain tissue, skull, and lymph nodes. We show that high quality three-dimensional imaging can be realized at depths beyond the reach of conventional multiphoton microscopy and adaptive optics methods, albeit over restricted distances for a given correction. Moreover, the required laser excitation power can be greatly reduced in deep tissues, deviating from the power requirement of ballistic light excitation and thus significantly reducing photo damage to the biological tissue.

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10/18/19 | Superresolution architecture of cornerstone focal adhesions in human pluripotent stem cells.
Stubb A, Guzmán C, Närvä E, Aaron J, Chew T, Saari M, Miihkinen M, Jacquemet G, Ivaska J
Nature Communications. 2019 Oct 18;10(1):4756. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-12611-w

While it is clear that key transcriptional programmes are important for maintaining pluripotency, the requirement for cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix remains poorly defined. Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) form colonies encircled by an actin ring and large stable cornerstone focal adhesions (FA). Using superresolution two-colour interferometric photo-activated localisation microscopy, we examine the three-dimensional architecture of cornerstone adhesions and report vertical lamination of FA proteins with three main structural features distinct from previously studied focal adhesions: 1) integrin β5 and talin are present at high density, at the edges of cornerstone FA, adjacent to a vertical kank-rich protein wall, 2) vinculin localises higher than previously reported, displaying a head-above-tail orientation, and 3) surprisingly, actin and α-actinin are present in two discrete z-layers. Finally, we report that depletion of kanks diminishes FA patterning, and actin organisation within the colony, indicating a role for kanks in hPSC colony architecture.

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09/19/18 | Superresolution architecture of pluripotency guarding adhesions.
Aki Stubb , Camilo Guzmán , Elisa Närvä , Jesse Aaron , Teng-Leong Chew , Markku Saari , Mitro Miihkinen , Guillaume Jacquemet , Johanna Ivaska
bioRxiv. 2018 Sep 19:. doi: 10.1101/402305

Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC) can generate almost all adult cell lineages. While it is clear that key transcriptional programmes are important elements for maintaining pluripotency, the equally essential requirement for cell adhesion to specific extracellular matrix components remains poorly defined. Our recent observation that hPSC colonies form unusually large “cornerstone” focal adhesions (FA), distinct from parental somatic cells, that are lost following differentiation, emphasises the potential of these atypical FA as gatekeepers of pluripotency. Here, using nanopatterns, we further demonstrate that physical restriction of adhesion size, in hPSC colonies, is sufficient to trigger differentiation. Using superresolution two-colour interfero-metric photo-activated localization microscopy (iPALM), we examined the three-dimensional architecture of these cornerstone adhesions and report vertical lamination of FA proteins with three main structural peculiarities: 1) integrin β5 and talin are present at high density, at the edges of cornerstone FA, adjacent to a vertical kank-rich protein wall. 2) Vinculin localises higher than expected with respect to the substrata and displays a head-above-tail orientation, and 3) surprisingly, actin and α-actinin are present in two discrete layers, a previously undescribed localisation for these proteins. Finally, we report that depletion of kanks diminishes FA patterning, and actin organisation within the colony, indicating a key role for kanks in hPSC colony architecture.

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12/01/11 | Superresolution fluorescence imaging of mitochondrial nucleoids reveals their spatial range, limits, and membrane interaction.
Brown TA, Tkachuk AN, Shtengel G, Kopek BG, Bogenhagen DF, Hess HF, Clayton DA
Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2011 Dec;31:4994-5010. doi: 10.1128/MCB.05694-11

A fundamental objective in molecular biology is to understand how DNA is organized in concert with various proteins, RNA, and biological membranes. Mitochondria maintain and express their own DNA (mtDNA), which is arranged within structures called nucleoids. Their functions, dimensions, composition, and precise locations relative to other mitochondrial structures are poorly defined. Superresolution fluorescence microscopy techniques that exceed the previous limits of imaging within the small and highly compartmentalized mitochondria have been recently developed. We have improved and employed both two- and three-dimensional applications of photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM and iPALM, respectively) to visualize the core dimensions and relative locations of mitochondrial nucleoids at an unprecedented resolution. PALM reveals that nucleoids differ greatly in size and shape. Three-dimensional volumetric analysis indicates that, on average, the mtDNA within ellipsoidal nucleoids is extraordinarily condensed. Two-color PALM shows that the freely diffusible mitochondrial matrix protein is largely excluded from the nucleoid. In contrast, nucleoids are closely associated with the inner membrane and often appear to be wrapped around cristae or crista-like inner membrane invaginations. Determinations revealing high packing density, separation from the matrix, and tight association with the inner membrane underscore the role of mechanisms that regulate access to mtDNA and that remain largely unknown.

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01/13/14 | Superresolution imaging of biological systems using photoactivated localization microscopy.
Sengupta P, Van Engelenburg SB, Lippincott-Schwartz J
Chemical reviews. 2014 Mar 26;114(6):3189-202. doi: 10.1021/cr400614m
12/15/14 | Superresolution imaging reveals structural features of EB1 in microtubule plus-end tracking.
Xia P, Liu X, Wu B, Zhang S, Song X, Yao PY, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Yao X
Molecular biology of the cell. 2014 Dec 15;25(25):4166-73. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E14-06-1133

Visualization of specific molecules and their interactions in real time and space is essential to delineate how cellular dynamics and the signaling circuit are orchestrated. Spatial regulation of conformational dynamics and structural plasticity of protein interactions is required to rewire signaling circuitry in response to extracellular cues. We introduce a method for optically imaging intracellular protein interactions at nanometer spatial resolution in live cells, using photoactivatable complementary fluorescent (PACF) proteins. Subsets of complementary fluorescent protein molecules were activated, localized, and then bleached; this was followed by the assembly of superresolution images from aggregate position of sum interactive molecules. Using PACF, we obtained precise localization of dynamic microtubule plus-end hub protein EB1 dimers and their distinct distributions at the leading edges and in the cell bodies of migrating cells. We further delineated the structure-function relationship of EB1 by generating EB1-PACF dimers (EB1(wt):EB1(wt), EB1(wt):EB1(mt), and EB1(mt):EB1(mt)) and imaging their precise localizations in culture cells. Surprisingly, our analyses revealed critical role of a previously uncharacterized EB1 linker region in tracking microtubule plus ends in live cells. Thus PACF provides a unique approach to delineating spatial dynamics of homo- or heterodimerized proteins at the nanometer scale and establishes a platform to report the precise regulation of protein interactions in space and time in live cells.

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01/01/10 | Superresolution imaging using single-molecule localization.
Patterson G, Davidson M, Manley S, Lippincott-Schwartz J
Annual review of physical chemistry. 2010;61:345-67. doi: 10.1146/annurev.physchem.012809.103444

Superresolution imaging is a rapidly emerging new field of microscopy that dramatically improves the spatial resolution of light microscopy by over an order of magnitude (approximately 10-20-nm resolution), allowing biological processes to be described at the molecular scale. Here, we discuss a form of superresolution microscopy based on the controlled activation and sampling of sparse subsets of photoconvertible fluorescent molecules. In this single-molecule-based imaging approach, a wide variety of probes have proved valuable, ranging from genetically encodable photoactivatable fluorescent proteins to photoswitchable cyanine dyes. These have been used in diverse applications of superresolution imaging: from three-dimensional, multicolor molecule localization to tracking of nanometric structures and molecules in living cells. Single-molecule-based superresolution imaging thus offers exciting possibilities for obtaining molecular-scale information on biological events occurring at variable timescales.

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09/24/13 | Superresolution imaging with standard fluorescent probes.
Millis BA, Burnette DT, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Kachar B
Current protocols in cell biology / editorial board, Juan S. Bonifacino ... [et al.]. 2013;60:Unit 21.8.. doi: 10.1002/0471143030.cb2108s60

For more than 100 years, the ultimate resolution of a light microscope (∼ 200 nm) has been constrained by the fundamental physical phenomenon of diffraction, as described by Ernst Abbe in 1873. While this limitation is just as applicable to today's light microscopes, it is the combination of high-end optics, clever methods of sample illumination, and computational techniques that has enabled researchers to access information at an order of magnitude greater resolution than once thought possible. This combination, broadly termed superresolution microscopy, has been increasingly practical for many labs to implement from both a hardware and software standpoint, but, as with many cutting-edge techniques, it also comes with limitations. One of the current drawbacks to superresolution microscopy is the limited number of probes and conditions that have been suitable for imaging. Here, a technique termed bleaching/blinking-assisted localization microscopy (BaLM) makes use of the inherent blinking and bleaching properties of almost all fluorophores as a means to generate superresolution images.

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