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3924 Publications

Showing 3401-3410 of 3924 results
Pastalkova Lab
03/02/05 | Tetrodotoxin infusions into the dorsal hippocampus block non-locomotor place recognition.
Klement D, Pastalkova E, Fenton AA
Hippocampus. 2005 Mar 2;15(4):460-71. doi: 10.1002/hipo.20072

The hippocampus is critical for navigation in an open field. One component of this navigation requires the subject to recognize the target place using distal cues. The experiments presented in this report tested whether blocking hippocampal function would impair open field place recognition. Hungry rats were trained to press a lever on a feeder for food. In Experiment 1, they were passively transported with the feeder along a circular trajectory. Lever pressing was reinforced only if the feeder was passing through a 60 degrees -wide sector. Thus, rats preferentially lever pressed in the vicinity of the reward sector indicating that they recognized its location. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) infusions aimed at the dorsal hippocampi caused rats to substantially increase lever pressing with no preference for any region. The aim of Experiment 2 was to determine whether the TTX injections caused a loss of place recognition or a general increase of lever pressing. A separate group of rats was conditioned in a stationary apparatus to press the lever in response to a light. The TTX injections did not abolish preferential lever pressing in response to light. Lever pressing increased less than half as much as the TTX-induced increase in Experiment 1. When these animals with functional hippocampi could not determine the rewarded period because the light was always off, lever pressing increased much more and was similar to the TTX-induced increase in Experiment 1. We conclude that the TTX inactivation of the hippocampi impaired the ability to recognize the reward place.

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02/07/03 | TGF-beta signaling activates steroid hormone receptor expression during neuronal remodeling in the Drosophila brain.
Zheng X, Wang J, Haerry TE, Wu AY, Martin J, O’Connor MB, Lee CJ, Lee T
Cell. 2003 Feb 7;112(3):303-15

Metamorphosis of the Drosophila brain involves pruning of many larval-specific dendrites and axons followed by outgrowth of adult-specific processes. From a genetic mosaic screen, we recovered two independent mutations that block neuronal remodeling in the mushroom bodies (MBs). These phenotypically indistinguishable mutations affect Baboon function, a Drosophila TGF-beta/activin type I receptor, and dSmad2, its downstream transcriptional effector. We also show that Punt and Wit, two type II receptors, act redundantly in this process. In addition, knocking out dActivin around the mid-third instar stage interferes with remodeling. Binding of the insect steroid hormone ecdysone to distinct ecdysone receptor isoforms induces different metamorphic responses in various larval tissues. Interestingly, expression of the ecdysone receptor B1 isoform (EcR-B1) is reduced in activin pathway mutants, and restoring EcR-B1 expression significantly rescues remodeling defects. We conclude that the Drosophila Activin signaling pathway mediates neuronal remodeling in part by regulating EcR-B1 expression.

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Svoboda LabHarris LabFetter Lab
11/12/13 | Thalamocortical input onto layer 5 pyramidal neurons measured using quantitative large-scale array tomography.
Rah J, Bas E, Colonell J, Mishchenko Y, Karsh B, Fetter RD, Myers EW, Chklovskii DB, Svoboda K, Harris TD, Isaac JT
Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 2013;7:177. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2013.00177

The subcellular locations of synapses on pyramidal neurons strongly influences dendritic integration and synaptic plasticity. Despite this, there is little quantitative data on spatial distributions of specific types of synaptic input. Here we use array tomography (AT), a high-resolution optical microscopy method, to examine thalamocortical (TC) input onto layer 5 pyramidal neurons. We first verified the ability of AT to identify synapses using parallel electron microscopic analysis of TC synapses in layer 4. We then use large-scale array tomography (LSAT) to measure TC synapse distribution on L5 pyramidal neurons in a 1.00 × 0.83 × 0.21 mm(3) volume of mouse somatosensory cortex. We found that TC synapses primarily target basal dendrites in layer 5, but also make a considerable input to proximal apical dendrites in L4, consistent with previous work. Our analysis further suggests that TC inputs are biased toward certain branches and, within branches, synapses show significant clustering with an excess of TC synapse nearest neighbors within 5-15 μm compared to a random distribution. Thus, we show that AT is a sensitive and quantitative method to map specific types of synaptic input on the dendrites of entire neurons. We anticipate that this technique will be of wide utility for mapping functionally-relevant anatomical connectivity in neural circuits.

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Ji Lab
02/01/16 | Thalamus provides layer 4 of primary visual cortex with orientation- and direction-tuned inputs.
Sun W, Tan Z, Mensh BD, Ji N
Nature Neuroscience. 2016 Feb;19(2):308-15. doi: 10.1038/nn.4196

Understanding the functions of a brain region requires knowing the neural representations of its myriad inputs, local neurons and outputs. Primary visual cortex (V1) has long been thought to compute visual orientation from untuned thalamic inputs, but very few thalamic inputs have been measured in any mammal. We determined the response properties of ~28,000 thalamic boutons and ~4,000 cortical neurons in layers 1–5 of awake mouse V1. Using adaptive optics that allows accurate measurement of bouton activity deep in cortex, we found that around half of the boutons in the main thalamorecipient L4 carried orientation-tuned information and that their orientation and direction biases were also dominant in the L4 neuron population, suggesting that these neurons may inherit their selectivity from tuned thalamic inputs. Cortical neurons in all layers exhibited sharper tuning than thalamic boutons and a greater diversity of preferred orientations. Our results provide data-rich constraints for refining mechanistic models of cortical computation.

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04/13/20 | The Mushroom Body: From Architecture to Algorithm in a Learning Circuit.
Modi MN, Shuai Y, Turner GC
Annual Review of Neuroscience. 2020 Apr 13:. doi: 10.1146/annurev-neuro-080317-0621333

The brain contains a relatively simple circuit for forming Pavlovian associations, yet it achieves many operations common across memory systems. Recent advances have established a clear framework for learning and revealed the following key operations: ) pattern separation, whereby dense combinatorial representations of odors are preprocessed to generate highly specific, nonoverlapping odor patterns used for learning; ) convergence, in which sensory information is funneled to a small set of output neurons that guide behavioral actions; ) plasticity, where changing the mapping of sensory input to behavioral output requires a strong reinforcement signal, which is also modulated by internal state and environmental context; and ) modularization, in which a memory consists of multiple parallel traces, which are distinct in stability and flexibility and exist in anatomically well-defined modules within the network. Cross-module interactions allow for higher-order effects where past experience influences future learning. Many of these operations have parallels with processes of memory formation and action selection in more complex brains. Expected final online publication date for the , Volume 43 is July 8, 2020. Please see for revised estimates.

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02/28/18 | The "sacral parasympathetic": ontogeny and anatomy of a myth.
Espinosa-Medina I, Saha O, Boismoreau F, Brunet J
Clin Auton Res. 2018 02;28(1):13-21. doi: 10.1007/s10286-017-0478-7

We recently defined genetic traits that distinguish sympathetic from parasympathetic neurons, both preganglionic and ganglionic (Espinosa-Medina et al., Science 354:893-897, 2016). By this set of criteria, we found that the sacral autonomic outflow is sympathetic, not parasympathetic as has been thought for more than a century. Proposing such a belated shift in perspective begs the question why the new criterion (cell types defined by their genetic make-up and dependencies) should be favored over the anatomical, physiological and pharmacological considerations of long ago that inspired the "parasympathetic" classification. After a brief reminder of the former, we expound the weaknesses of the latter and argue that the novel genetic definition helps integrating neglected anatomical and physiological observations and clearing the path for future research.

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10/14/15 | The 2015 super-resolution microscopy roadmap.
Hell SW, Sahl SJ, Bates M, Zhuang X, Heintzmann R, Booth MJ, Bewersdorf J, Shtengel G, Hess HF, Tinnefeld P
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2015 Oct 14;48:443001. doi: 10.1088/0022-3727/48/44/443001

Far-field optical microscopy using focused light is an important tool in a number of scientific disciplines including chemical, (bio)physical and biomedical research, particularly with respect to the study of living cells and organisms. Unfortunately, the applicability of the optical microscope is limited, since the diffraction of light imposes limitations on the spatial resolution of the image. Consequently the details of, for example, cellular protein distributions, can be visualized only to a certain extent. Fortunately, recent years have witnessed the development of 'super-resolution' far-field optical microscopy (nanoscopy) techniques such as stimulated emission depletion (STED), ground state depletion (GSD), reversible saturated optical (fluorescence) transitions (RESOLFT), photoactivation localization microscopy (PALM), stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), structured illumination microscopy (SIM) or saturated structured illumination microscopy (SSIM), all in one way or another addressing the problem of the limited spatial resolution of far-field optical microscopy. While SIM achieves a two-fold improvement in spatial resolution compared to conventional optical microscopy, STED, RESOLFT, PALM/STORM, or SSIM have all gone beyond, pushing the limits of optical image resolution to the nanometer scale. Consequently, all super-resolution techniques open new avenues of biomedical research. Because the field is so young, the potential capabilities of different super-resolution microscopy approaches have yet to be fully explored, and uncertainties remain when considering the best choice of methodology. Thus, even for experts, the road to the future is sometimes shrouded in mist. The super-resolution optical microscopy roadmap of Journal of Physics D: Applied Physicsaddresses this need for clarity. It provides guidance to the outstanding questions through a collection of short review articles from experts in the field, giving a thorough discussion on the concepts underlying super-resolution optical microscopy, the potential of different approaches, the importance of label optimization (such as reversible photoswitchable proteins) and applications in which these methods will have a significant impact.

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11/23/22 | The 3D ultrastructure of the chordotonal organs in the antenna of a microwasp remains complex although simplified.
Diakova AV, Makarova AA, Pang S, Xu CS, Hess H, Polilov AA
Scientific Reports. 2022 Nov 23;12(1):20172. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-24390-4

Insect antennae are astonishingly versatile and have multiple sensory modalities. Audition, detection of airflow, and graviception are combined in the antennal chordotonal organs. The miniaturization of these complex multisensory organs has never been investigated. Here we present a comprehensive study of the structure and scaling of the antennal chordotonal organs of the extremely miniaturized parasitoid wasp Megaphragma viggianii based on 3D electron microscopy. Johnston's organ of M. viggianii consists of 19 amphinematic scolopidia (95 cells); the central organ consists of five scolopidia (20 cells). Plesiomorphic composition includes one accessory cell per scolopidium, but in M. viggianii this ratio is only 0.3. Scolopale rods in Johnston's organ have a unique structure. Allometric analyses demonstrate the effects of scaling on the antennal chordotonal organs in insects. Our results not only shed light on the universal principles of miniaturization of sense organs, but also provide context for future interpretation of the M. viggianii connectome.

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07/30/18 | The actin cytoskeletal architecture of estrogen receptor positive breast cancer cells suppresses invasion.
Padilla-Rodriguez M, Parker SS, Adams DG, Westerling T, Puleo JI, Watson AW, Hill SM, Noon M, Gaudin R, Aaron J, Tong D, Roe DJ, Knudsen B, Mouneimne G
Nature Communications. 2018 Jul 30;9(1):2980. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-05367-2

Estrogen promotes growth of estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast tumors. However, epidemiological studies examining the prognostic characteristics of breast cancer in postmenopausal women receiving hormone replacement therapy reveal a significant decrease in tumor dissemination, suggesting that estrogen has potential protective effects against cancer cell invasion. Here, we show that estrogen suppresses invasion of ER+ breast cancer cells by increasing transcription of the Ena/VASP protein, EVL, which promotes the generation of suppressive cortical actin bundles that inhibit motility dynamics, and is crucial for the ER-mediated suppression of invasion in vitro and in vivo. Interestingly, despite its benefits in suppressing tumor growth, anti-estrogenic endocrine therapy decreases EVL expression and increases local invasion in patients. Our results highlight the dichotomous effects of estrogen on tumor progression and suggest that, in contrast to its established role in promoting growth of ER+ tumors, estrogen has a significant role in suppressing invasion through actin cytoskeletal remodeling.

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Tjian LabRubin Lab
07/15/94 | The activities of two Ets-related transcription factors required for Drosophila eye development are modulated by the Ras/MAPK pathway.
O’Neill EM, Rebay I, Tjian R, Rubin GM
Cell. 1994 Jul 15;78(1):137-47. doi: 10.1186/gb-2007-8-7-r145

We show that the activities of two Ets-related transcription factors required for normal eye development in Drosophila, pointed and yan, are regulated by the Ras1/MAPK pathway. The pointed gene codes for two related proteins, and we show that one form is a constitutive activator of transcription, while the activity of the other form is stimulated by the Ras1/MAPK pathway. Mutation of the single consensus MAPK phosphorylation site in the second form abrogates this responsiveness. yan is a negative regulator of photoreceptor determination, and genetic data suggest that it acts as an antagonist of Ras1. We demonstrate that yan can repress transcription and that this repression activity is negatively regulated by the Ras1/MAPK signal, most likely through direct phosphorylation of yan by MAPK.

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