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3924 Publications

Showing 3621-3630 of 3924 results
05/23/18 | The world of the identified or digital neuron.
Meinertzhagen IA
Journal of Neurogenetics. 2018 May 23:1-6. doi: 10.1080/01677063.2018.1474214

In general, neurons in insects and many other invertebrate groups are individually recognizable, enabling us to assign an index number to specific neurons in a manner which is rarely possible in a vertebrate brain. This endows many studies on insect nervous systems with the opportunity to document neurons with great precision, so that in favourable cases we can return to the same neuron or neuron type repeatedly so as to recognize many separate morphological classes. The visual system of the fly's compound eye particularly provides clear examples of the accuracy of neuron wiring, allowing numerical comparisons between representatives of the same cell type, and estimates of the accuracy of their wiring.

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10/15/19 | The yellow gene influences Drosophila male mating success through sex comb melanization.
Massey JH, Chung D, Siwanowicz I, Stern DL, Wittkopp PJ
eLife. 2019 Oct 15;8:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.49388

males perform a series of courtship behaviors that, when successful, result in copulation with a female. For over a century, mutations in the gene, named for its effects on pigmentation, have been known to reduce male mating success. Prior work has suggested that influences mating behavior through effects on wing extension, song, and/or courtship vigor. Here, we rule out these explanations, as well as effects on the nervous system more generally, and find instead that the effects of on male mating success are mediated by its effects on pigmentation of male-specific leg structures called sex combs. Loss of expression in these modified bristles reduces their melanization, which changes their structure and causes difficulty grasping females prior to copulation. These data illustrate why the mechanical properties of anatomy, not just neural circuitry, must be considered to fully understand the development and evolution of behavior.

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04/14/19 | Theoretical modeling on CRISPR-coded cell lineages: efficient encoding and optimal reconstruction
Sugino K, Garcia-Marques J, Espinosa-Medina I, Lee T
bioRxiv. 04/2019:. doi: 10.1101/538488

Delineating cell lineages is a prerequisite for interrogating the genesis of cell types. CRISPR/Cas9 can edit genomic sequence during development which enables to trace cell lineages. Recent studies have demonstrated the feasibility of this idea. However, the optimality of the encoding or reconstruction processes has not been adequately addressed. Here, we surveyed a multitude of reconstruction algorithms and found hierarchical clustering, with a metric based on the number of shared Cas9 edits, delivers the best reconstruction. However, the trackable depth is ultimately limited by the number of available coding units that typically decrease exponentially across cell generations. To overcome this limit, we established two strategies that better sustain the coding capacity. One involves controlling target availability via use of parallel gRNA cascades, whereas the other strategy exploits adjustable Cas9/gRNA editing rates. In summary, we provide a theoretical basis in understanding, designing, and analyzing robust CRISPR barcodes for dense reconstruction of protracted cell lineages.

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06/13/02 | Theoretical neuroscience: state of the art.
Chklovskii DB
Neuron. 2002 Jun 13;34:863-4
Fitzgerald Lab
11/25/20 | Theoretical principles for illuminating sensorimotor processing with brain-wide neuronal recordings.
Biswas T, Bishop WE, Fitzgerald JE
Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2020 Nov 25;65:138-145. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2020.10.021

Modern recording techniques now permit brain-wide sensorimotor circuits to be observed at single neuron resolution in small animals. Extracting theoretical understanding from these recordings requires principles that organize findings and guide future experiments. Here we review theoretical principles that shed light onto brain-wide sensorimotor processing. We begin with an analogy that conceptualizes principles as streetlamps that illuminate the empirical terrain, and we illustrate the analogy by showing how two familiar principles apply in new ways to brain-wide phenomena. We then focus the bulk of the review on describing three more principles that have wide utility for mapping brain-wide neural activity, making testable predictions from highly parameterized mechanistic models, and investigating the computational determinants of neuronal response patterns across the brain.

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07/01/07 | Thermoelectric manipulation of aqueous droplets in microfluidic devices.
Sgro AE, Allen PB, Chiu DT
Anal Chem. 07/2007;79(13):4845-51. doi: 10.1021/ac062458a

This article describes a method for manipulating the temperature inside aqueous droplets, utilizing a thermoelectric cooler to control the temperature of select portions of a microfluidic chip. To illustrate the adaptability of this approach, we have generated an "ice valve" to stop fluid flow in a microchannel. By taking advantage of the vastly different freezing points for aqueous solutions and immiscible oils, we froze a stream of aqueous droplets that were formed on-chip. By integrating this technique with cell encapsulation into aqueous droplets, we were also able to freeze single cells encased in flowing droplets. Using a live-dead stain, we confirmed the viability of cells was not adversely affected by the process of freezing in aqueous droplets provided cryoprotectants were utilized. When combined with current droplet methodologies, this technology has the potential to both selectively heat and cool portions of a chip for a variety of droplet-related applications, such as freezing, temperature cycling, sample archiving, and controlling reaction kinetics.

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08/24/23 | Theta oscillations as a substrate for medial prefrontal-hippocampal assembly interactions.
Nardin M, Kaefer K, Stella F, Csicsvari J
Cell Reports. 2023 Aug 24;42(9):113015. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113015

The execution of cognitive functions requires coordinated circuit activity across different brain areas that involves the associated firing of neuronal assemblies. Here, we tested the circuit mechanism behind assembly interactions between the hippocampus and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of adult rats by recording neuronal populations during a rule-switching task. We identified functionally coupled CA1-mPFC cells that synchronized their activity beyond that expected from common spatial coding or oscillatory firing. When such cell pairs fired together, the mPFC cell strongly phase locked to CA1 theta oscillations and maintained consistent theta firing phases, independent of the theta timing of their CA1 counterpart. These functionally connected CA1-mPFC cells formed interconnected assemblies. While firing together with their CA1 assembly partners, mPFC cells fired along specific theta sequences. Our results suggest that upregulated theta oscillatory firing of mPFC cells can signal transient interactions with specific CA1 assemblies, thus enabling distributed computations.

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Pastalkova Lab
10/29/09 | Theta oscillations provide temporal windows for local circuit computation in the entorhinal-hippocampal loop.
Mizuseki K, Sirota A, Pastalkova E, Buzsáki G
Neuron. 2009 Oct 29;64(2):267-80. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3773-10.2011

Theta oscillations are believed to play an important role in the coordination of neuronal firing in the entorhinal (EC)-hippocampal system but the underlying mechanisms are not known. We simultaneously recorded from neurons in multiple regions of the EC-hippocampal loop and examined their temporal relationships. Theta-coordinated synchronous spiking of EC neuronal populations predicted the timing of current sinks in target layers in the hippocampus. However, the temporal delays between population activities in successive anatomical stages were longer (typically by a half theta cycle) than expected from axon conduction velocities and passive synaptic integration of feed-forward excitatory inputs. We hypothesize that the temporal windows set by the theta cycles allow for local circuit interactions and thus a considerable degree of computational independence in subdivisions of the EC-hippocampal loop.

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02/01/15 | Theta sequences are essential for internally generated hippocampal firing fields.
Wang Y, Romani S, Lustig B, Leonardo A, Pastalkova E
Nature Neuroscience. 2015 Feb;18(2):282-8. doi: 10.1038/nn.3904

Sensory cue inputs and memory-related internal brain activities govern the firing of hippocampal neurons, but which specific firing patterns are induced by either of the two processes remains unclear. We found that sensory cues guided the firing of neurons in rats on a timescale of seconds and supported the formation of spatial firing fields. Independently of the sensory inputs, the memory-related network activity coordinated the firing of neurons not only on a second-long timescale, but also on a millisecond-long timescale, and was dependent on medial septum inputs. We propose a network mechanism that might coordinate this internally generated firing. Overall, we suggest that two independent mechanisms support the formation of spatial firing fields in hippocampus, but only the internally organized system supports short-timescale sequential firing and episodic memory.

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Pastalkova Lab
06/04/08 | Theta-mediated dynamics of spatial information in hippocampus.
Itskov V, Pastalkova E, Mizuseki K, Buzsáki G, Harris KD
The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2008 Jun 4;28(23):5959-64. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3773-10.2011

In rodent hippocampus, neuronal activity is organized by a 6-10 Hz theta oscillation. The spike timing of hippocampal pyramidal cells with respect to the theta rhythm correlates with an animal’s position in space. This correlation has been suggested to indicate an explicit temporal code for position. Alternatively, it may be interpreted as a byproduct of theta-dependent dynamics of spatial information flow in hippocampus. Here we show that place cell activity on different phases of theta reflects positions shifted into the future or past along the animal’s trajectory in a two-dimensional environment. The phases encoding future and past positions are consistent across recorded CA1 place cells, indicating a coherent representation at the network level. Consistent theta-dependent time offsets are not simply a consequence of phase-position correlation (phase precession), because they are no longer seen after data randomization that preserves the phase-position relationship. The scale of these time offsets, 100-300 ms, is similar to the latencies of hippocampal activity after sensory input and before motor output, suggesting that offset activity may maintain coherent brain activity in the face of information processing delays.

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