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3924 Publications

Showing 3641-3650 of 3924 results
03/22/06 | Three-dimensional chiral imaging by sum-frequency generation.
Ji N, Zhang K, Yang H, Shen Y
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2006 Mar 22;128(11):3482-3. doi: 10.1021/ja057775y

A sum-frequency generation (SFG) microscope that is sensitive toward molecular chirality was demonstrated for the first time. Optically active images of chiral 1,1’-bi-2-naphthol solutions were obtained with submicron spatial resolution. Three-dimensional sectioning capability of our microscope was also demonstrated. This optically active SFG microscopy can potentially become a powerful imaging technique for biological samples.

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Gonen Lab
11/19/13 | Three-dimensional electron crystallography of protein microcrystals.
Shi D, Nannenga BL, Iadanza MG, Gonen T
eLife. 2013 Nov 19;2:01345. doi: 10.7554/eLife.01345

We demonstrate that it is feasible to determine high-resolution protein structures by electron crystallography of three-dimensional crystals in an electron cryo-microscope (CryoEM). Lysozyme microcrystals were frozen on an electron microscopy grid, and electron diffraction data collected to 1.7 Å resolution. We developed a data collection protocol to collect a full-tilt series in electron diffraction to atomic resolution. A single tilt series contains up to 90 individual diffraction patterns collected from a single crystal with tilt angle increment of 0.1–1° and a total accumulated electron dose less than 10 electrons per angstrom squared. We indexed the data from three crystals and used them for structure determination of lysozyme by molecular replacement followed by crystallographic refinement to 2.9 Å resolution. This proof of principle paves the way for the implementation of a new technique, which we name ‘MicroED’, that may have wide applicability in structural biology.

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Cui Lab
09/01/13 | Three-dimensional live microscopy beyond the diffraction limit.
Fiolka R
Journal of Optics. 2013 Sep;15:094002. doi: 10.1088/2040-8978/15/9/094002

In fluorescence microscopy it has become possible to fundamentally overcome the diffraction limited resolution in all three spatial dimensions. However, to have the most impact in biological sciences, new optical microscopy techniques need to be compatible with live cell imaging: image acquisition has to be fast enough to capture cellular dynamics at the new resolution limit while light exposure needs to be minimized to prevent photo-toxic effects. With increasing spatial resolution, these requirements become more difficult to meet, even more so when volumetric imaging is performed. In this review, techniques that have been successfully applied to three-dimensional, super-resolution live microscopy are presented and their relative strengths and weaknesses are discussed.

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08/01/08 | Three-dimensional microtubule behavior in Xenopus egg extracts reveals four dynamic states and state-dependent elastic properties.
Keller PJ, Pampaloni F, Lattanzi G, Stelzer EH
Biophysical Journal. 2008 Aug;95:1474-86. doi: 10.1529/biophysj.107.128223

Although microtubules are key players in many cellular processes, very little is known about their dynamic and mechanical properties in physiological three-dimensional environments. The conventional model of microtubule dynamic instability postulates two dynamic microtubule states, growth and shrinkage. However, several studies have indicated that such a model does not provide a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative description of microtubule behavior. Using three-dimensional laser light-sheet fluorescence microscopy and a three-dimensional sample preparation in spacious Teflon cylinders, we measured microtubule dynamic instability and elasticity in interphase Xenopus laevis egg extracts. Our data are inconsistent with a two-state model of microtubule dynamic instability and favor an extended four-state model with two independent metastable pause states over a three-state model with a single pause state. Moreover, our data on kinetic state transitions rule out a simple GTP cap model as the driving force of microtubule stabilization in egg extracts on timescales of a few seconds or longer. We determined the three-dimensional elastic properties of microtubules as a function of both the contour length and the dynamic state. Our results indicate that pausing microtubules are less flexible than growing microtubules and suggest a growth-speed-dependent persistence length. These data might hint toward mechanisms that enable microtubules to efficiently perform multiple different tasks in the cell and suggest the development of a unified model of microtubule dynamics and microtubule mechanics.

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06/05/09 | Three-dimensional nanoscopy of biological samples.
Vaziri A, Tang J, Shroff H, Shank CV
2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS 2009), Vols. 1-5. 2009 Jun 5;1-5:147-8

We have demonstrated super-resolution imaging of protein distributions in cells at depth at multiple layers with a lateral localization precision better than 50 nm. The approach is based on combining photoactivated localization microscopy with temporal focusing.

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10/01/07 | Three-dimensional preparation and imaging reveal intrinsic microtubule properties.
Keller PJ, Pampaloni F, Stelzer EH
Nature Methods. 2007 Oct;4(10):843-6. doi: 10.1038/nmeth1087

We present an experimental investigation of microtubule dynamic instability in three dimensions, based on laser light-sheet fluorescence microscopy. We introduce three-dimensional (3D) preparation of Xenopus laevis egg extracts in Teflon-based cylinders and provide algorithms for 3D image processing. Our approach gives experimental access to the intrinsic dynamic properties of microtubules and to microtubule population statistics in single asters. We obtain evidence for a stochastic nature of microtubule pausing.

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10/18/23 | Three-dimensional reconstructions of mechanosensory end organs suggest a unifying mechanism underlying dynamic, light touch
Annie Handler , Qiyu Zhang , Song Pang , Tri M. Nguyen , Michael Iskols , Michael Nolan-Tamariz , Stuart Cattel , Rebecca Plumb , Brianna Sanchez , Karyl Ashjian , Aria Shotland , Bartianna Brown , Madiha Kabeer , Josef Turecek , Genelle Rankin , Wangchu Xiang , Elisa C. Pavarino , Nusrat Africawala , Celine Santiago , Wei-Chung Allen Lee , C. Shan Xu , David D. Ginty
Neuron. 2023 Oct 18:. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2023.08.023

Specialized mechanosensory end organs within mammalian skin—hair follicle-associated lanceolate complexes, Meissner corpuscles, and Pacinian corpuscles—enable our perception of light, dynamic touch1. In each of these end organs, fast-conducting mechanically sensitive neurons, called Aβ low-threshold mechanoreceptors (Aβ LTMRs), associate with resident glial cells, known as terminal Schwann cells (TSCs) or lamellar cells, to form complex axon ending structures. Lanceolate-forming and corpuscle-innervating Aβ LTMRs share a low threshold for mechanical activation, a rapidly adapting (RA) response to force indentation, and high sensitivity to dynamic stimuli16. How mechanical stimuli lead to activation of the requisite mechanotransduction channel Piezo2715 and Aβ RA-LTMR excitation across the morphologically dissimilar mechanosensory end organ structures is not understood. Here, we report the precise subcellular distribution of Piezo2 and high-resolution, isotropic 3D reconstructions of all three end organs formed by Aβ RA-LTMRs determined by large volume enhanced Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB-SEM) imaging. We found that within each end organ, Piezo2 is enriched along the sensory axon membrane and is minimally or not expressed in TSCs and lamellar cells. We also observed a large number of small cytoplasmic protrusions enriched along the Aβ RA-LTMR axon terminals associated with hair follicles, Meissner corpuscles, and Pacinian corpuscles. These axon protrusions reside within close proximity to axonal Piezo2, occasionally contain the channel, and often form adherens junctions with nearby non-neuronal cells. Our findings support a unified model for Aβ RA-LTMR activation in which axon protrusions anchor Aβ RA-LTMR axon terminals to specialized end organ cells, enabling mechanical stimuli to stretch the axon in hundreds to thousands of sites across an individual end organ and leading to activation of proximal Piezo2 channels and excitation of the neuron.

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06/01/08 | Three-dimensional resolution doubling in wide-field fluorescence microscopy by structured illumination.
Gustafsson MG, Shao L, Carlton PM, Wang CJ, Golubovskaya IN, Cande WZ, Agard DA, Sedat JW
Biophysical Journal. 2008 Jun;94(12):4957-70. doi: 10.1529/biophysj.107.120345

Structured illumination microscopy is a method that can increase the spatial resolution of wide-field fluorescence microscopy beyond its classical limit by using spatially structured illumination light. Here we describe how this method can be applied in three dimensions to double the axial as well as the lateral resolution, with true optical sectioning. A grating is used to generate three mutually coherent light beams, which interfere in the specimen to form an illumination pattern that varies both laterally and axially. The spatially structured excitation intensity causes normally unreachable high-resolution information to become encoded into the observed images through spatial frequency mixing. This new information is computationally extracted and used to generate a three-dimensional reconstruction with twice as high resolution, in all three dimensions, as is possible in a conventional wide-field microscope. The method has been demonstrated on both test objects and biological specimens, and has produced the first light microscopy images of the synaptonemal complex in which the lateral elements are clearly resolved.

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03/12/24 | Three-dimensional spatio-angular fluorescence microscopy with a polarized dual-view inverted selective-plane illumination microscope (pol-diSPIM)
Talon Chandler , Min Guo , Yijun Su , Jiji Chen , Yicong Wu , Junyu Liu , Atharva Agashe , Robert S. Fischer , Shalin B. Mehta , Abhishek Kumar , Tobias I. Baskin , Valentin Jamouille , Huafeng Liu , Vinay Swaminathan , Amrinder Nain , Rudolf Oldenbourg , Patrick La Riviere , Hari Shroff
bioRxiv. 2024 Mar 12:. doi: 10.1101/2024.03.09.584243

Polarized fluorescence microscopy is a valuable tool for measuring molecular orientations, but techniques for recovering three-dimensional orientations and positions of fluorescent ensembles are limited. We report a polarized dual-view light-sheet system for determining the three-dimensional orientations and diffraction-limited positions of ensembles of fluorescent dipoles that label biological structures, and we share a set of visualization, histogram, and profiling tools for interpreting these positions and orientations. We model our samples, their excitation, and their detection using coarse-grained representations we call orientation distribution functions (ODFs). We apply ODFs to create physics-informed models of image formation with spatio-angular point-spread and transfer functions. We use theory and experiment to conclude that light-sheet tilting is a necessary part of our design for recovering all three-dimensional orientations. We use our system to extend known two-dimensional results to three dimensions in FM1-43-labelled giant unilamellar vesicles, fast-scarlet-labelled cellulose in xylem cells, and phalloidin-labelled actin in U2OS cells. Additionally, we observe phalloidin-labelled actin in mouse fibroblasts grown on grids of labelled nanowires and identify correlations between local actin alignment and global cell-scale orientation, indicating cellular coordination across length scales.Competing Interest StatementH.S., A.K., S.M., P.L.R., R.O., Y.W., and T.C. hold US Patent #11428632.

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07/26/09 | Three-dimensional super-resolution imaging of thick biological samples.
Vaziri A, Tang J, Shroff H, Shank C
Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2009 Jul 26;15:36-7. doi: 10.1017/S1431927609092368