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35 Publications

Showing 21-30 of 35 results
08/25/09 | Olfactory information processing in Drosophila.
Masse NY, Turner GC, Jeffers GS
Current Biology : CB. 2009 Aug 25;19(16):R700-13. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2009.06.026

In both insect and vertebrate olfactory systems only two synapses separate the sensory periphery from brain areas required for memory formation and the organisation of behaviour. In the Drosophila olfactory system, which is anatomically very similar to its vertebrate counterpart, there has been substantial recent progress in understanding the flow of information from experiments using molecular genetic, electrophysiological and optical imaging techniques. In this review, we shall focus on how olfactory information is processed and transformed in order to extract behaviourally relevant information. We follow the progress from olfactory receptor neurons, through the first processing area, the antennal lobe, to higher olfactory centres. We address both the underlying anatomy and mechanisms that govern the transformation of neural activity. We emphasise our emerging understanding of how different elementary computations, including signal averaging, gain control, decorrelation and integration, may be mapped onto different circuit elements.

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02/01/08 | Olfactory representations by Drosophila mushroom body neurons.
Turner GC, Bazhenov M, Laurent G
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2008 Feb;99(2):734-46. doi: 10.1152/jn.01283.2007

Learning and memory has been studied extensively in Drosophila using behavioral, molecular, and genetic approaches. These studies have identified the mushroom body as essential for the formation and retrieval of olfactory memories. We investigated odor responses of the principal neurons of the mushroom body, the Kenyon cells (KCs), in Drosophila using whole cell recordings in vivo. KC responses to odors were highly selective and, thus sparse, compared with those of their direct inputs, the antennal lobe projection neurons (PNs). We examined the mechanisms that might underlie this transformation and identified at least three contributing factors: excitatory synaptic potentials (from PNs) decay rapidly, curtailing temporal integration, PN convergence onto individual KCs is low ( approximately 10 PNs per KC on average), and KC firing thresholds are high. Sparse activity is thought to be useful in structures involved in memory in part because sparseness tends to reduce representation overlaps. By comparing activity patterns evoked by the same odors across olfactory receptor neurons and across KCs, we show that representations of different odors do indeed become less correlated as they progress through the olfactory system.

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05/26/22 | One engram two readouts: stimulus dynamics switch a learned behavior in Drosophila
Mehrab N Modi , Adithya Rajagopalan , Hervé Rouault , Yoshinori Aso , Glenn C Turner
bioRxiv. 2022 May 26:. doi: 10.1101/2022.05.24.492551

Memory guides the choices an animal makes across widely varying conditions in dynamic environments. Consequently, the most adaptive choice depends on the options available. How can a single memory support optimal behavior across different sets of choice options? We address this using olfactory learning in Drosophila. Even when we restrict an odor-punishment association to a single set of synapses using optogenetics, we find that flies still show choice behavior that depends on the options it encounters. Here we show that how the odor choices are presented to the animal influences memory recall itself. Presenting two similar odors in sequence enabled flies to not only discriminate them behaviorally but also at the level of neural activity. However, when the same odors were encountered as solitary stimuli, no such differences were detectable. These results show that memory recall is not simply a comparison to a static learned template, but can be adaptively modulated by stimulus dynamics.

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02/26/14 | OpenStage: a low-cost motorized microscope stage with sub-micron positioning accuracy.
Campbell RA, Eifert RW, Turner GC
PloS One. 2014 Feb 26;9(2):e88977. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088977

Recent progress in intracellular calcium sensors and other fluorophores has promoted the widespread adoption of functional optical imaging in the life sciences. Home-built multiphoton microscopes are easy to build, highly customizable, and cost effective. For many imaging applications a 3-axis motorized stage is critical, but commercially available motorization hardware (motorized translators, controller boxes, etc) are often very expensive. Furthermore, the firmware on commercial motor controllers cannot easily be altered and is not usually designed with a microscope stage in mind. Here we describe an open-source motorization solution that is simple to construct, yet far cheaper and more customizable than commercial offerings. The cost of the controller and motorization hardware are under $1000. Hardware costs are kept low by replacing linear actuators with high quality stepper motors. Electronics are assembled from commonly available hobby components, which are easy to work with. Here we describe assembly of the system and quantify the positioning accuracy of all three axes. We obtain positioning repeatability of the order of 1 μm in X/Y and 0.1 μm in Z. A hand-held control-pad allows the user to direct stage motion precisely over a wide range of speeds (10(-1) to 10(2) μm·s(-1)), rapidly store and return to different locations, and execute "jumps" of a fixed size. In addition, the system can be controlled from a PC serial port. Our "OpenStage" controller is sufficiently flexible that it could be used to drive other devices, such as micro-manipulators, with minimal modifications.

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07/19/02 | Oscillations and sparsening of odor representations in the mushroom body.
Perez-Orive J, Mazor O, Turner GC, Cassenaer S, Wilson RI, Laurent G
Science (New York, N.Y.). 2002 Jul 19;297(5580):359-65. doi: 10.1126/science.1070502

In the insect olfactory system, oscillatory synchronization is functionally relevant and reflects the coherent activation of dynamic neural assemblies. We examined the role of such oscillatory synchronization in information transfer between networks in this system. The antennal lobe is the obligatory relay for olfactory afferent signals and generates oscillatory output. The mushroom body is responsible for formation and retrieval of olfactory and other memories. The format of odor representations differs significantly across these structures. Whereas representations are dense, dynamic, and seemingly redundant in the antennal lobe, they are sparse and carried by more selective neurons in the mushroom body. This transformation relies on a combination of oscillatory dynamics and intrinsic and circuit properties that act together to selectively filter and synthesize the output from the antennal lobe. These results provide direct support for the functional relevance of correlation codes and shed some light on the role of oscillatory synchronization in sensory networks.

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10/08/15 | Plasticity-driven individualization of olfactory coding in mushroom body output neurons.
Hige T, Aso Y, Rubin GM, Turner GC
Nature. 2015 Oct 8;526(7572):258-62. doi: 10.1038/nature15396

Although all sensory circuits ascend to higher brain areas where stimuli are represented in sparse, stimulus-specific activity patterns, relatively little is known about sensory coding on the descending side of neural circuits, as a network converges. In insects, mushroom bodies have been an important model system for studying sparse coding in the olfactory system, where this format is important for accurate memory formation. In Drosophila, it has recently been shown that the 2,000 Kenyon cells of the mushroom body converge onto a population of only 34 mushroom body output neurons (MBONs), which fall into 21 anatomically distinct cell types. Here we provide the first, to our knowledge, comprehensive view of olfactory representations at the fourth layer of the circuit, where we find a clear transition in the principles of sensory coding. We show that MBON tuning curves are highly correlated with one another. This is in sharp contrast to the process of progressive decorrelation of tuning in the earlier layers of the circuit. Instead, at the population level, odour representations are reformatted so that positive and negative correlations arise between representations of different odours. At the single-cell level, we show that uniquely identifiable MBONs display profoundly different tuning across different animals, but that tuning of the same neuron across the two hemispheres of an individual fly was nearly identical. Thus, individualized coordination of tuning arises at this level of the olfactory circuit. Furthermore, we find that this individualization is an active process that requires a learning-related gene, rutabaga. Ultimately, neural circuits have to flexibly map highly stimulus-specific information in sparse layers onto a limited number of different motor outputs. The reformatting of sensory representations we observe here may mark the beginning of this sensory-motor transition in the olfactory system.

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09/26/23 | Reward expectations direct learning and drive operant matching in Drosophila
Adithya E. Rajagopalan , Ran Darshan , Karen L. Hibbard , James E. Fitzgerald , Glenn C. Turner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A.. 2023 Sep 26;120(39):e2221415120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2221415120

Foraging animals must use decision-making strategies that dynamically adapt to the changing availability of rewards in the environment. A wide diversity of animals do this by distributing their choices in proportion to the rewards received from each option, Herrnstein’s operant matching law. Theoretical work suggests an elegant mechanistic explanation for this ubiquitous behavior, as operant matching follows automatically from simple synaptic plasticity rules acting within behaviorally relevant neural circuits. However, no past work has mapped operant matching onto plasticity mechanisms in the brain, leaving the biological relevance of the theory unclear. Here we discovered operant matching in Drosophila and showed that it requires synaptic plasticity that acts in the mushroom body and incorporates the expectation of reward. We began by developing a novel behavioral paradigm to measure choices from individual flies as they learn to associate odor cues with probabilistic rewards. We then built a model of the fly mushroom body to explain each fly’s sequential choice behavior using a family of biologically-realistic synaptic plasticity rules. As predicted by past theoretical work, we found that synaptic plasticity rules could explain fly matching behavior by incorporating stimulus expectations, reward expectations, or both. However, by optogenetically bypassing the representation of reward expectation, we abolished matching behavior and showed that the plasticity rule must specifically incorporate reward expectations. Altogether, these results reveal the first synaptic level mechanisms of operant matching and provide compelling evidence for the role of reward expectation signals in the fly brain.

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05/17/23 | Sensitivity optimization of a rhodopsin-based fluorescent voltage indicator
Abdelfattah AS, Zheng J, Singh A, Huang Y, Reep D, Tsegaye G, Tsang A, Arthur BJ, Rehorova M, Olson CV, Shuai Y, Zhang L, Fu T, Milkie DE, Moya MV, Weber TD, Lemire AL, Baker CA, Falco N, Zheng Q, Grimm JB, Yip MC, Walpita D, Chase M, Campagnola L, Murphy GJ, Wong AM, Forest CR, Mertz J, Economo MN, Turner GC, Koyama M, Lin B, Betzig E, Novak O, Lavis LD, Svoboda K, Korff W, Chen T, Schreiter ER, Hasseman JP, Kolb I
Neuron. 2023 May 17;111(10):1547-1563. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2023.03.009

The ability to optically image cellular transmembrane voltages at millisecond-timescale resolutions can offer unprecedented insight into the function of living brains in behaving animals. Here, we present a point mutation that increases the sensitivity of Ace2 opsin-based voltage indicators. We use the mutation to develop Voltron2, an improved chemigeneic voltage indicator that has a 65% higher sensitivity to single APs and 3-fold higher sensitivity to subthreshold potentials than Voltron. Voltron2 retained the sub-millisecond kinetics and photostability of its predecessor, although with lower baseline fluorescence. In multiple in vitro and in vivo comparisons with its predecessor across multiple species, we found Voltron2 to be more sensitive to APs and subthreshold fluctuations. Finally, we used Voltron2 to study and evaluate the possible mechanisms of interneuron synchronization in the mouse hippocampus. Overall, we have discovered a generalizable mutation that significantly increases the sensitivity of Ace2 rhodopsin-based sensors, improving their voltage reporting capability.

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06/29/23 | Stochastic coding: a conserved feature of odor representations and its implications for odor discrimination
Shyam Srinivasan , Simon Daste , Mehrab Modi , Glenn Turner , Alexander Fleischmann , Saket Navlakha
bioRxiv. 2023 Jun 29:. doi: 10.1101/2023.06.27.546757

Sparse coding is thought to improve discrimination of sensory stimuli by reducing overlap between their representations. Two factors, however, can offset sparse coding's advantages. Similar sensory stimuli have significant overlap, and responses vary across trials. To elucidate the effect of these two factors, we analyzed odor responses in the fly and mouse olfactory regions implicated in learning and discrimination --- the Mushroom Body (MB) and the Piriform Cortex (PCx). In both species, we show that neuronal responses fall along a continuum from extremely reliable across trials to extremely variable or stochastic. Computationally, we show that the range of observed variability arises from probabilistic synapses in inhibitory feedback connections within central circuits rather than sensory noise, as is traditionally assumed. We propose this coding scheme to be advantageous for coarse- and fine-odor discrimination. More reliable cells enable quick discrimination between dissimilar odors. For similar odors, however, these cells overlap, and do not provide distinguishing information. By contrast, more unreliable cells are decorrelated for similar odors, providing distinguishing information, though this requires extended training with more trials. Overall, we have uncovered a stochastic coding scheme that is conserved in vertebrates and invertebrates, and we identify a candidate mechanism, based on variability in a winner-take-all inhibitory circuit, that improves discrimination with training.

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04/13/20 | The Mushroom Body: From Architecture to Algorithm in a Learning Circuit.
Modi MN, Shuai Y, Turner GC
Annual Review of Neuroscience. 2020 Apr 13:. doi: 10.1146/annurev-neuro-080317-0621333

The brain contains a relatively simple circuit for forming Pavlovian associations, yet it achieves many operations common across memory systems. Recent advances have established a clear framework for learning and revealed the following key operations: ) pattern separation, whereby dense combinatorial representations of odors are preprocessed to generate highly specific, nonoverlapping odor patterns used for learning; ) convergence, in which sensory information is funneled to a small set of output neurons that guide behavioral actions; ) plasticity, where changing the mapping of sensory input to behavioral output requires a strong reinforcement signal, which is also modulated by internal state and environmental context; and ) modularization, in which a memory consists of multiple parallel traces, which are distinct in stability and flexibility and exist in anatomically well-defined modules within the network. Cross-module interactions allow for higher-order effects where past experience influences future learning. Many of these operations have parallels with processes of memory formation and action selection in more complex brains. Expected final online publication date for the , Volume 43 is July 8, 2020. Please see for revised estimates.

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