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Eric Betzig and Karel Svoboda Elected to Membership in National Academy of Sciences

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05/01/15 | Eric Betzig and Karel Svoboda Elected to Membership in National Academy of Sciences

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Janelia group leaders Eric Betzg and Karel Svoboda are two of the fourteen Howard Hughes Medical Institute scientists who were elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences in April. They are among 84 new members and 21 foreign associates from 15 countries elected today in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. In addition to the newly elected members, 169 current HHMI scientists are members of the Academy.

The National Academy of Sciences is a private organization of scientists and engineers dedicated to the furtherance of science and its use for the general welfare. It was established in 1863 by a congressional act of incorporation signed by Abraham Lincoln that calls on the Academy to act as an official adviser to the federal government, upon request, in any matter of science or technology.

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