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Can New Tools Revolutionize Understanding of Hypothalamic Neural Circuits?

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Can New Tools Revolutionize Understanding of Hypothalamic Neural Circuits?

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October 25 - 28, 2009
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Hypothalamic neural circuits are important in physiology and for fundamental behavioral motivations associated with survival, defense, and reproduction. This meeting is planned to help understand the structure and function of these complex neural circuits. A further aim of the meeting is to bring together hypothalamic experts with innovative tool developers to consider the impact of new tools for manipulating and imaging neuron activity.


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Sydney Brenner, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Roian Egnor, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Tom Insel, National Institute of Mental Health
Scott Sternson, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI

Invited Participants

Bernard Balleine, University of California, Los Angeles
Antonello Bonci, University of California, San Francisco
Edward Brodkin, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Newton Canteras, University of Sao Paulo
Luis de Lecea, Stanford University
Catherine Dulac, HHMI/Harvard University
Joel Elmquist, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Jeffrey Friedman, Rockefeller University
Harold Gainer, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Valery Grinevich, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research
Tamas Horvath, Yale University
Menno Kruk, University of Leiden
Ed Lein, Allen Institute for Brain Science
Gareth Leng, University of Edinburgh
Susana Lima, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
Richard Palmiter, University of Washington
Clifford Saper, Harvard University
Paul Sawchenko, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Nirao Shah, University of California, San Francisco
Richard Simerly, University of Southern California
Cheryl Sisk, Michigan State University
Larry Swanson, University of Southern California
Joe Takahashi, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Jeffrey Tasker, Tulane University
Dionysia Theodosis, University Victor Segalen-Bordeaux II
Anthony van den Pol, Yale University School of Medicine
Larry Young, Emory University School of Medicine