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Whole-embryo Mechanics Modeling

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Whole-embryo Mechanics Modeling

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A Spherical Harmonics Framework

We provide the following computer code and programs:

  1. Matlab classes and utility functions for calculating spherical harmonics basis functions and their derivatives and generating, mapping, manipulating, and viewing surface meshes and SPHARM objects.
  2. C/C++ classes and utility functions for calculating spherical harmonics basis functions and their derivatives and generating and representing SPHARM objects and the SPHARM-MECH shell object.
  3. SHAPE (Spherical HArmonics Parameterization Explorer): PC application with VTK/QT GUI for manipulating and viewing surfaces and testing the accuracy of C/C++ classes.
  4. SPHARM-MECH (a generalization of the SPHARM approach for mechanics): PC application with VTK/QT GUI for performing mechanics simulations. Note: Please see README.TXT in the root folder of the SPHARM-MECH archive for information on SPHARM-MECH memory requirements and typical start-up performance.​
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Michael Perham
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